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The sparse archaeological remains attributed to pastoralists in north-central Kenya include quantities of smelting debris. A preliminary investigation suggests that smelting sites occur in two distinct locations: a majority in the lowlands at mountain bases or plains oases, and a minority on low mountain ridges. Mountain-base sites would offer direct access to the natural and human resources required for smelting ores, forging iron, and exchanging finished implements. At ridge-top sites, however, these resources would be inaccessible. Descendants of the last Maa-speaking smelters suggest that pre-colonial blacksmiths may periodically have resettled in mountains to continue their craft in the face of intense interethnic conflict. The conflict hypothesis is evaluated against oral traditions and archaeological evidence.
Résumé Les vestiges archéologiques attribués aux pastoralistes de la région nord-centrale du Kenya comprennent des quantités de débris de fonte. Une investigation préliminaire suggère que des gisements de fondeurs se trouvent dans deux situations différentes: la plupart sont dans la plaine au pied des montagnes ou dans des oasis, tandis qu'une minorité de gisements se trouve sur de basses crêtes de montagnes. Les gisements au pied des montagnes offriraient un acces direct aux ressources naturelles et humaines necessaires pour fondre les minérais, forger le fer, et échanger des outils achevés. Par contre, dans les gisements de crête, ces ressources seraient inaccessibles. Les descendants des derniers fondeurs de langue Maa suggèrent que des forgerons précoloniaux ont peut-être ré-occupé les montagnes périodiquement et poursuivi leur métier face aux conflits intenses entre différents groupes ethniques. L'hypothèse du conflit est evaluée par rapport aux traditions orales et aux vestiges archéologiques.

The remains of a complex stone- walled encampment at //Khauxa!nas in Namibia provide new insights into the social consequences of European contact with the pastoral Khoi. The Namibian evidence contradicts the general view that the eighteenth- century Khoi were little more than a colonial underclass. Details of layout and construction from //Khauxa!nas point to the rise of a hierarchical organization uniting autonomous households within a pastoral alliance. This development reflects the evolutionary potential of Khoi society at a crucial moment in its history, immediately prior to the rise of armed resistance against colonial rule.
Résumé Les vestiges d'un campement complexe ceinturé d'un mur de pierre à //Khauxa!nas en Namibie donnent des nouveaux aperçus des conséquences sociales du contact européen avec les Khoi pastoraux. L'évidence namibienne dément les vues générales que les Khoi du 18ème siècle n'étaient plus qu'une sous- classe coloniale. Les détails du plan et de la construction du campement de //Khauxa!nas mettent en évidence l'essor d'une organisation hiérarchique unifiant des ménages autonomes dans l'alliance pastorale. Ce développement reflète le potentiel évolutionniste social de la société Khoi d'un instant crucial de son histoire, immédiatement avant le soulèvement de la résistance armée contre l'autorité coloniale.

One aspect of an ethno-archaeological study of the pottery system of the Luo people of Kenya is examined. It was discovered that ceramic micro-styles, distinctive combinations of decorative, formal and technological features characteristic of the different potter communities in a 3000 km2 region of western Kenya, are the product of local traditions of manufacture perpetuated by women potters recruited from outside the communities as a result of a patrilocal post-marital residence system. An analysis of the interplay of a mother-in-law/daughter-in-law learning pattern, strong pressures for post-marital resocialization, and processes of potter interaction in the generation of ceramic styles is undertaken and some implications for archaeological attempts to use ceramic patterning to uncover prehistoric social organization are discussed.
Résumé L'article examine un aspect d'une étude ethno-archéologique du système céramique du peuple Luo de Kenya. On a trouvé que des micro-styles céramiques, des combinaisons distinctives de traits décoratifs, formels et technologiques qui caractérisent les différentes communautés de potières dans une région de 3000 kilomètres carrés au Kenya occidental, sont le produit de traditions locales de fabrication. Ces traditions sont perpétuées par des potières recrutées hors des communautés à cause d'un système de résidence patrilocale après le mariage. L'auteur entreprend une analyse de l'interaction entre trois éléments dans la formation des styles céramiques: une tendance d'enseignement des méthodes de fabrication à belle-fille par belle-mère, des pressions intensives vers une resocialisation après le mariage, et des processus d'interaction entre potières. Elle discute quelques implications pour les archéologues qui essaient d'utiliser la structuration de la céramique afin de découvrir l'organisation sociale préhistorique.

In recent decades the Uruk and Jemdet Nasr periods of the fourth millennium B. C. in Mesopotamia have been the subject of considerable research by scholars of the ancient Near East. Interests in and interpretations of these periods have focused on their credentials as early states, urban societies, and the immediate antecedents of Sumerian civilization. In this overview, I first present a brief historical background on the study of these periods, followed by a critical review of recent approaches that have had significant impacts on current directions of research and understanding of the fourth millennium. Finally, I suggest some research avenues currently being tentatively explored that may be especially appropriate for developing further our understandings of these periods.  相似文献   

Native 'land claims', Russian style   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Russia, as in Canada, Native peoples are attempting to gain greater control over their homelands. In the last decade, legislation at both the federal and sub-federal (provincial, republican, etc.) level has sanctioned the transfer of land to Native 'possession', though not ownership, for the pursuit of traditional activities. This paper surveys the legislative basis that authorizes the creation of Native 'communes' (obshchinas) and their territorialization. After examining how the process works in theory, it examines the paths taken, and obstacles met, in establishing obshchinas in three Native communities in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).  相似文献   

东北现代文学的主体是东北流亡作家的创作.由于日寇的入侵,东北现代文学表现出相同的题材内容和对民族觉醒抗争意识的叙写;失去家园,被迫流亡,使东北作家遭遇了一般作家所没有的亡国之痛、思乡之苦,东北现代文学在叙述方式上表现出"凄美的回忆式";东北特殊的历史地理原因,产生了多民族语言的套用和鲜活的地域方言土语,东北现代文学表现出别具一格的语言风格;满族文化的影响、多民族文化的交融,东北现代文学表现出独特的民俗民风.  相似文献   


The recent dramatic changes in the Italian political scene have been related to the expanding role of the judiciary. The judicialization of politics is a process at work in many other democracies, but in Italy the judicial revolution has been supported by an institutional setting of increasing independence and by the strong powers entrusted to public prosecutors. However, until 1992 judicial power was somewhat balanced by the strength of the political class. But the political crisis that came to a head in 1992 has opened a political vacuum that the judiciary has been able to fill.

The 1996 elections have brought to power a new and stronger political alliance, the Ulivo. A new political stability could lead to a containment of judicial power but it is unlikely that the Italian judiciary will be brought back to its traditional passive role. Judicialization has to be considered a permanent trait of the Italian political system.  相似文献   

The recent literature on ceramic analysis, which has grown dramatically over the last 8 years, is reviewed in two articles. In this first article attention focuses on studies of function and use, stylistic analyses, and pottery origins. Functional analysis has been the most rapidly expanding segment of the field, particularly experimental, ethnoarchaeological, and residue analysis approaches. Stylistic analyses seem to be in a lull, following increasing dissatisfaction with information theory approaches. Questions of pottery origins are enjoying renewed interest and are briefly surveyed here. The second of the two articles will survey compositional investigations, pottery production, and approaches to ceramic theory. Both reviews close with observations on current directions in ceramic studies.  相似文献   

When politicians use the new tools of social media to talk directly to voters, how strategic are these communications? Do lawmakers change how they present themselves in different situations, tweeting differently during campaigns and when their party is out of power, or tailoring their ‘tweet style’ to the preferences of constituents? I explore these questions by categorising 291,091 tweets by politicians in Australia, a nation that features variation in electoral systems in its two legislative houses and which held an election after widespread adoption of social media. When their party controls government, politicians tweet about their personal characteristics and events more often, avoiding clear ideological positions. When an election is called, politicians both in government and in the opposition rally their bases by tweeting toward their own sides of the ideological spectrum.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is proposed that there is a behavioral basis for much, but not all, of the formal variation in material culture that has been called style by archaeologists. This aspect of stylistic behavior is founded on the basic human cognitive process of identification via comparison. Such stylistic behavior is argued to be one means by which people negotiate their personal and social identities relative to that of surrounding others. Thus, the process of social, and corresponding stylistic, comparison is proposed as the mechanism underlying stylistic development and change. This behavioral basis for style is explicated in a case study among the Kalahari San, in which the role of style in beaded headbands in regional, areal, and personal identity relations, as well as exchange, is investigated. Finally, the proposed behavioral basis for style is discussed in terms of what it can contribute to interpretation of variability in material culture, current approaches to style, and its implications for the development of a theory of style.  相似文献   

Autocrats have been shown to exert influence over their populations and dissidents abroad through strategies such as ‘transnational repression’ or ‘diaspora engagement’ policies, demonstrating that authoritarian power carries across borders. But existing work on extra-territorial authoritarian power has tended to view state power as a stand-alone variable that endows regimes with a relatively free hand to make their own diaspora policies. This is despite that studies of authoritarianism inside states, including those observing the ‘dynamics of contention,’ have consistently highlighted the relational and contingent nature of authoritarian power. This paper asks whether the iterative dynamics of contention that describe regime-opposition relations within state boundaries endure between authoritarian regimes and their exiles? It brings together the literatures on extra-territorial authoritarian power and the topology of power with that on contentious politics in authoritarian regimes to undertake a case study on the relationship between the Syrian government and the exiled Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. It finds that extra-territorial authoritarian is relational and contingent on the political context and its recipients, and shares many of the characteristics of authoritarian power inside state boundaries.  相似文献   

This article explores the historical commemoration, the Alarde of the Spanish-Basque town of Hondarribia, re-enacted for almost 400 years. It is a social account of the past portrayed through a history of local militarism and a history of commemorative performance. Since 1996, controversy has divided local inhabitants concerning wider female-inclusion in the male-dominated event, separating the town into factions, traditionalists (asserting traditions remain the same) and feminists (advocating broader female involvement). Theoretical concerns include examining traditions and their gradual transformations over time, rather than as episodic change; that interpreting the past can be competitive over rights of belonging; that history may be influenced by different agencies of gender, kin ties, memory, politics, and social experience; that people do not purposefully ignore the passage of time but may be protecting communal harmony; that commemorative rites are more than embodied performances; and that history can be a multiple, contested, and lived experience.  相似文献   

Martin Haug's Essays on the sacred language, writings and religion of the Parsis (Bombay, 1862) seems to be the monument that founds modern Zoroastrian studies, both because it is grounded in the discovery and the study of the Gathas and because it proposes an evolutionist view of the history of Zoroastrianism. If Haug's philological work is the consequence of his belonging to the German school of indo‐iranian and indo‐european studies (Benfey), his methodology was deeply influenced by Ewald, a well‐known historian of the Hebrews, while he retained the Hegelian notions of the acme and of internal evolution drawn from his contacts with the Tübingen school of historical theology.

Actually, this modern conceptual apparatus did not lead Haug to break with the conclusions of the 17th and 18th century scholars. Since he was faced with the demands of the Parsis, eager to disprove the accusations of dualism and polytheism, Haug continued to make use of the conceptions of Hyde (1700), Beausobre (1734) and Anquetil (1769): Zoroaster is the great prophet of ancient Iran, he is an author — and the Gathas are his work —, he preached a monotheism, while his dualism is philosophical in nature and the post‐zoroastrian polytheism is the product of decadence.

It is this mixture of the ancient and the modem, structured within the dialectic model of evolution that satisfied all at once both the Parsi Reformists and the tradition of Western Zoroastrian studies and that has inspired the most recent research (Gnoli, 1980).  相似文献   

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