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This article examines Martin McDonagh's most recent play, A Behanding in Spokane (2010), through the lens of Théâtre du Grand-Guignol, deploying the scholarship of Richard J. Hand and Michael Wilson on this specific theatrical style. The article links discussions of Grand-Guignol with the amputation suffered by the drama's main character, Carmichael, played by Christopher Walken in the play's first production, and with the case of hands he brings with him on his journey around America. I draw on V.S. Ramachandran's work on consciousness, phantom limbs, and apotemnophilia in order to consider Carmichael's amputation in relation to self-defining narratives, loss, lack, excess and difference, with particular emphasis given to issues of race.  相似文献   

二里头,本是一个地处中原腹地洛阳平原的普通村庄的名字。和中国千千万万个村落名一样,它朴素得不能再朴素。但就在它的身后,在绿油油的麦田下,却隐藏着3000多年前华夏民族的一段辉煌的历史,直到50年前它进入了考古工作者的视野,才从此跻身于中华文明史乃至世界文明史的殿堂。  相似文献   

Aaron Martin's (2012) recent article is the first to use survey data to compare the political participation of young people with that of older age groups in Australia. As such, it adds to our empirical knowledge of political participation, particularly by emphasising the changing focus of young people's engagement. Yet, like most mainstream, and especially quantitative, political participation researchers, Martin does not engage adequately with the growing, more critical literature). This response raises some of the issues emphasised in this literature, relating them directly to Martin's contribution. It has four sections: firstly, a brief consideration of Martin's main conclusions; secondly, a discussion of putative reasons for the change in forms of participation; thirdly, a consideration of broader forms of political participation; and finally, a consideration of the relationship between identity and political participation, which is at the core of most broader discussions of the latter.

阿隆·马丁(2012)在最近的文章中首先使用调查资料对澳大利亚年轻人和更年长者的政治参与做了比较。他的研究,特别是关于年轻人参与焦点的转移那部分,丰富了关于政治参与的实证知识。但与从事政治参与的主流尤其是定量研究的学者一样,马丁对于正在出现的、批判性的文献缺乏足够的关注。本文根据这些文献提出跟马丁研究相关的问题。本文包括四个部分:1)简要评述马丁的主要结论;2)讨论参与形式变化的推定原因;3)思考更为宽广的政治参与形式;4)思考身份与政治参与之间的关系,那是在更大范围内讨论政治参与的核心问题。  相似文献   

AManDiesforTibetansYEIXIGYACOThefirsthalfofthelastdecadeofthiscenturydrewtoaclosewithacommontopicofconversationmanoftheHannat...  相似文献   

E. E. Sikes 《Folklore》2013,124(4):421-431
SOCIAL ORIGINS.—Andrew Lang. PRIMAL LAW.—J. J. Atkinson.—Londres, Longmans, Green et Cie., 1903; p. xviii., 311. Reviewed by Emile Durkheim.

L'ANNÉE SOCIOLOGIQUE, publée sous la direction de Émile Durkheim, Professeur de Sociologie à l'Université de Bordeaux. Sixième Année (1901–1902). Paris : Félix Alcan. 1903. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

THE SILENT TRADE. A Contribution to the Early History of Human Intercourse. By P. J. HAMILTON GRIERSON. Edinburgh : W. Green and Sons. 1903. Pp. 1–112. Reviewed by A. C. Haddon.

STUDIES IN THE FAIRY MYTHOLOGY OF ARTHURIAN ROMANCE. By LUCY A. PATON, Ph.D. (Radcliffe), Boston, 1903. Reviewed by Jessie L. Weston.

CHINAMWANGA STORIES. Compiled and translated by EMMELINE H. DEWAR. Livingstonia Mission Press. 1900. Reviewed by A. Werner.

CUNNIE RABBIT, MR. SPIDER, AND THE OTHER BEEF. West African Folktales. By FLORENCE M. CRONISE and HENRY W. WARD. London and New York. 1903. Reviewed by A. Werner.

MACEDONIAN FOLKLORE. By G. F. ABBOTT, B.A., Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 10s. 6d. Reviewed by W. H. D. R.

VESENNEYAH OBREEDOVAYAH PAYSNYAH NA ZAPADAY I SLAVAYN. (VERNAL CEREMONIAL SONGS IN THE WEST AND AMONG THE SLAVONIANS.) By E. V. ANITCH KOFF. PartI. (Ceremonial Songs.) Pp. xxix., 392. 8vo. St. Petersburg. 1903. Reviewed by W. F. Kirby.  相似文献   

AManWhoDespisesBigTalkHANSHULIThenameofLuChangthepresidentoftheMacaoFineArtsAssociation,hadlongheldaprominentplaceinmythought...  相似文献   

由北京社会科学院满学研究所江桥撰著的《康熙〈御制清文鉴〉研究》一书 ,北京燕山出版社已于 2 0 0 1年 7月出版。该专著正文有“背景、过程并体例”、“分类格局”、“选词原则”、“解词方法”、“延伸并影响”五章 ,此外前有“引言”,后有“附录”。全书共计 17万余字。这是近年来我国满学研究的一项重要成果 ,可谓拓荒之作。清代编印的词书不少 ,其中康熙朝《御制清文鉴》就是影响很大的一部 ,至今仍为学者经常使用 ,但对它进行专门探索研究的学术著述甚微。可以说 ,江桥的专门性研究 ,开拓了满学研究的新领域。研究康熙朝《御制清文鉴…  相似文献   

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