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Book reviewed in this article: Iran Between Two Revolutions , By Ervand Abrahamian Mollā Sadrā Sh?rāz?: Le Livre des pénétrations métaphysiques (Kitāb al-Mashāir). Translated from the Arabic, with an Introduction and Notes, by Henry Corbin Le livre du licite et de l'illicite (Kitāb al-halāl wa-l-harām , Book XIV of Al-Gazāl?'s Ihyā Ulūm ad-D?n). Introduction, translation and notes by Régis Morelon Society, State, and Urbanism: Ibn Khaldun's Sociological Thought. By Fuad Baali Shari'at and Ambiguity in South Asian Islam. Edited by Katherine P. Ewing The Making of the Last Prophet: A Reconstruction of the Earliest Biography of Muhammad. By Gordon Darnell Newby Muslim Hausa Women in Nigeria: Tradition and Change. by Barbara J. Callaway Neopatriarchy: A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society. By Hisham Sharabi The Islamic Impulse. Edited by Barbara Freyer Stowasser Christians and Muslims Together: An Exploration by Presbyterians. Edited by Byron L Ägypten unter Mubarak: Identität und nationales Interesse. by Gudrun Krämer Towards Understanding the Qur)ān. Vol. 1, Sura 1–3. English version of Sayyid Abul A(la Mawdudi's Tafhim al-Qur(ān, translated and edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari Middle East Contemporary Survey. Vol. IX. Edited by Itamar Rabinovich and Haim Shaked. The Sufi Path of Knowledge : Ibn al-(Arab?'s Metaphysics of Imagination. By William C. Chittick Colonising Egypt. By Timothy Mitchell Past-Revolutionary Iran. Edited by Hooshang Amirahmadi and Manouchehr Parvin Sacred Performances: Islam, Sexuality, and Sacrifice. By M. E. Combs-Schilling Islam: The Straight Path. By John L. Esposito Islam, Politics, and Social Movements. Edited by Edmund Burke, III, and Ira M. Lapidus Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society. By Lila Abu-Lughod  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Muhammad and the Christian: A Question of Response. By Kenneth Cragg Orientations pour un dialogue entre Chretiens et Musulmans. By Maurice Bowrrmans Recherches sur la pensée chrétienne et I'lslam dans les temps modernes et à l'époque contemporaine. By Youakim Moubarac Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship . By al-Ghazāl?. Translated from Jhyā' by Muhtar Holland The Multiple States of Being. By René Guénon Mikhail Naimy: Some Aspects of His Thought as Revealed in His Writings. By Hussein Dabbagh Muslim Women and Higher Education: a case for separate institutions and a work plan for women's university. By Anis Ahmad and Muslim Sajjad We Shall Return: Women of Palestine. By Ingela Bendt and James Downing Bargaining for Reality: The Construction of Social Relations in a Muslim Community. By Lawrence Rosen The Islamic Conception of Justice. By Majid Khadduri. Foreword by R. K. Ramazani Islam in the Political Process. Edited by James P. Piscatori Religion and Politics [Political Anthropology, Vol. 3], Edited by Myron J. Aronoff From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam. Edited by Said Amir Arjomand Iran's Islamic Revolution: Popular Liberation or Religious Dictatorship? by Suroosh Irfani Religion, Society and the State in Arabia: the Hijaz under Ottoman Control, 1840–1908. By William Ochsenwald Islam and the Politics of Meaning in Palestinian Nationalism. Nels Johnson Deutsche Interessen in Syrien und Palästina 1841–1898: Aktivitäten religïoser Institutionen, wirtschaft-liche und politische Einflüsse. By Abdel-Raouf Sinno Islam and the Search for Social Order in Modern Egypt: a Biography of Muhammad Husayn Haykal. By Charles D. Smith Muslim Law Courts and the French Colonial State in Algeria. By Allan Christelow Elements d'histoire culturelle al?erienne. By Abdelkader Djeghloul Nationalism and Socialism in the Armenian Revolutionary Movement (1887–1912). By Anaide Ter Minassian The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia (slightly revised reprint). By B. J. Boland  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Palestinian Rights: Affirmation and Denial. Edited by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Community of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza , Volume 4: Daily Life. By S. D. Goitein The Arabic Book. By Johannes Pedersen The Early Islamic Conquests. By Fred McGraw Donner The Islamic Impact. Edited by Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Byron Haines and Ellison Findly Persian Miniature Painting: and its Influence on the art of Turkey and India [The British Library Collections]. By Norah M. Titley Essays in Islamic Art and Architecture [Islamic Art and Architecture, Vol. I]. Edited by Abbas Daneshvari Architecture and Community: Building in the Islamic World Today. [The Aga Khan Award for Architecture.] Edited by Renata Holod with Darl Rastorfer Islam and Ownership. By Seyyed Mahmood Taleqani Society and Economics in Islam: Writings and Declarations of Ayatullah Sayyid Mahmud Taleghani. Translated from the Persian by R. Campbell Equality, Efficiency, and Property Ownership in the Islamic Economic System. By Akhtar A. Awan. Lanham Crime and Corrections: An Al-Islamic Perspective. By Sidney R. Sharif The Qur'ān and Its Interpreters. Vol. I. By Mahmoud M. Ayoub 'Ulum al-Qur'ān: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'ān. By Ahmad von Denffer Ibn Taymiyyah's Ethics—The Social Factor. By Victor E. Makari Shāh Wal?-Allāh And His Times. By Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Studies in Honor of George F. Hourani. Edited by Michael E. Marmura Religion, My Own. The Literary Works of Naj?b Ma fūz. By Mattityahu Peled L'Orient dèchirè entre I'Est et L'Ouest (1955–1982). By Simon Jargy The Reflowering of Malaysian Islam: Modern Religious Radicals and Their Roots. By Judith Nagata Muslim Sects and Divisions. The section on Muslim sects in Kitāb al-Milal wa'I-Ni al by Mu ammad b. 'Abd al-Kar?m Shahrastān? (d. 1153) . By A. K. Kazi and J. G. Flynn Muslim Intellectual Responses to “New Order” Modernization in Indonesia. By Muhammad Kamal Hassan Social history of Timbuktu: the role of Muslim scholars and notables 1400–1900. By Elias N. Saad Religion and Politics in Muslim Society : Order and Conflict in Pakistan. By Akbar S. Ahmed Baba of Karo: A Woman of the Muslim Hausa. By Mary F. Smith  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Logos Islamikos: Studia Islamica in Honorem Georgii Michaelis Wickens. Edited by Roger M. Savory and Dionisius A. Aguis. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1984. vii plus 351 pp. Bibliography. Index. $32.00. Actes du premier congrès international d'études arabes chrétiennes. Edited by Khalil Samir. [Orientalia Christiana Analecta 218]. Rome; Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1982. 312 pp. 21.000 Lire it. Palast, Moschee und Wüstenschloss Das Werden der islamischen Kunst 7.-9. Jahrhundert. By Heinrich Gerhard Franz. Graz, Austria: Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, 1984. 166 pp. 72 Text Figures. 166 Photographs in 64 Plates. DM 54.-. A Wife For My Son. By Ali Ghalem. Chicago: Banner Press, 1984 (orig. ed., 1979, in French). 211 pp. $5.95. Islam, Christianity, and African Identity. By Sulayman S. Nyang. Brattleboro, Vermont: Amana Books, 1984. 106 pp. $6.95. The Economic Functions of the Early Islamic State. By S.M. Hasan-uz-Zaman. Karachi, Pakistan: International Islamic Publishers, 1981. xvi plus 370 pp. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Paperback, n.p. Man Is a Cause: Political Consciousness and the Fiction of Ghassan Kanafani. By Muhammad Siddiq. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1984. 108 pp. Chronology. Bibliography. $9.95, paperback. Islam and Revolution in Africa. By Aziz A. Batran. Brattleboro, VT: Amana Books, 1984. 51 pp. $4.95. A Clarification of Questions: An Unabridged Translation of Risaleh Tawzih al-Masael. By Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini. Translated by J. Borujerdi with a foreword by Michael M.J. Fischer and Mehdi Abedi. Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1984. xxxiv plus 432 pp. Indices. Appendices, n.p. The State and Revolution in Iran. By Hossein Bashiriyeh. London: Croom Helm and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 203 pp. Bibliography, Index. $27.50. Oceidentosis: A Plague From the West. By Jalal Al-I Ahmad. Translated by R. Campbell. Annotations and Introduction by Hamid Algar. Berkeley: Mizan Press, 1984. 137 pp. Notes and Index. $5.95. A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations (1500-1750) [Volumes I & II]. By Riazul Islam. Karachi: Iranian Culture Foundation, Tehran, and Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, Karachi, 1979, 1982. Vol. I, xxviii plus 511 pp. Vol. II, xxv plus 489 pp. $30.00 for each volume. The Bahr Ul-Asrār, Travelogue of South Asia. By Mahmūd b. Am?r Wal? Balkh?. Edited by Riazul Islam. Karachi: Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, University of Karachi, 1980. 55 plus 106 pp. $5.00. The Majma' Al-Shur'arā' I-Jahāng?r Shāh?. By Mullā Qāti?- Heraw?. Edited by Muhammad Saleem Akhtar. Karachi: Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, University of Karachi, 1979. xvii & 42 plus 402 pp. $12.00. Islamic Thought and Culture. Edited by Ismā'?l R. al-Fārūq?. Washington, D.C.: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1402/1982. 121 pp. n.p. Essays in Islamic and Comparative Studies. Edited by Ismā'?l R. al-Fārūq?. Washington, D.C.: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1402/1982. 120 pp. n.p. Muslims in the West, the Message and Mission. By Syed Abdul Hassan Ali Nadwi. London: The Islamic Foundation, 1983. 191 pp. n.p. The Middle East Political Dictionary. By Lawrence Ziring. Santa Barbara, California and Oxford, England: ABC-CLIO Information Services, 1984. xviii plus 452 pp. Maps. Tables. Bibliography. Index, n.p. The Writing of History in Nineteenth-Century Egypt: A Study in National Transformation. By Jack A. Crabbs, Jr. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, and Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 1984. 227 pp. $22.50, paper.  相似文献   

Studies in a Masque (1883, 1893). By S. Lane-Poole. Reprint, Beirut: Khayats, 1966. Sad b. MansāTgr ibn KammāTna's Examination of (the Inquiries into the Three Faitha Edited by Moshe Perlmann. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1967. pp. xii plus 119. $ 4.00. Islamic Shiite Encyclopedia, Volume I. By Hassan Al-Amin. London: Luzac & Co., Ltd, 1967. 271 pp. 3.00. L'Egypte Moderne, by Nada Tomiche. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1966 (No. 569 in Series entitled, “Que Sais-Je?” Le Point des Connaissances ActuelleS). The Mgarian Insurrection: 1954–1962. By Edgar O'Ballance. Hamden, Conn, Archon Books, 1967. pp. 231. $ 7.00. English-Arabic Dictionary of Political, Diplomatic and Conference Terms. By M. Mansoor. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1961. pp. 352. Al-LisāTn al-CArabi: Majallah dawryah lil-abhāTth al-lughawiyah wa-nashāTt al-tarjamah wa-al-ta rib al-alam al-carabi. Published by Al-Maktab al-dāTim li-tansq al-taCrib, al-tāTbiC li-jāTmicat al-duwal alcarabiyah. Rabat, Morocco, Vol. iv, for Rabic al-thāTn, 1386 (August, 1966). pp. 389. The Contribution of Arabic Language to Ancient Civilization. By Abdul-Hak Fadil (CAbd al-Haqq FāTdil). Rabat: The Permanent Bureau of Arabisation in the Arab Counties, n.d. pp. 13.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Islam: A Survey of the Muslim Faith. By C. George Fry and James R. King. Islam and the West: The Moriscos. A Cultural and Social History. By Anwar G. Chejne. The Muslim Community in North America. Edited by Earle H. Waugh, Baha Abu-Laban, and Regula B. Qureshi. Islam in India: Studies and Commentaries. Edited by Christian W. Troll. The Afghan Connection: The Extraordinary Adventures of Major Eldred Pottinger. By George Pottinger. Modern Arab Thought: Channels of the French Revolution to the Arab East. By Ra'?f Khūr?, translated by I?sān 'Abbās, edited by Charles Issawi. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power and Politics. By Helena Cobban. The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? By Alfred M. Lilienthal. Faith and Power: The Politics of Islam. By Edward Mortimer. Sex and Society in Islam: Birth Control Before the Nineteenth Century. By B. F. Musallam. Studies on Byzantium, Seljuks, and Ottomans: Reprinted Studies. Byzantina kai Metabyzantina, Vol. 2. By Speros Vryonis, Jr. Malibu Society and Religion in Early Ottoman Egypt: Studies in the Writings of 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha'ran?. By Michael Winter. Chants Musulmans en Peul. By J. Haafkens. Love, Madness, and Poetry: An Interpretation of the Maǧnūn Legend. By As'ad E. Khairallah. The Churches and Islam in Europe (II). By Jan Slomp and others. The Republic of Lebanon: Nation in Jeopardy. By David C. Gordon. I Speak for Lebanon. Kamal Joumblatt. Translated by Michael Pallis. Issues in Islamic Banking: Selected Papers. By Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi. The Memoirs of a Syrian Prince: Abu'l-Fidā', Sultan of Hamāh (672–732/1273–1331). Translated with an introduction by P. M. Holt. Une Herméneutique de la Tradition Islamique: Le Commentaire des Arba'ūn al-Nawaw?ya de Mu?y? al-D?n Ya?y? al-Nawaw? (m. 676/1277): Introduction, texte arabe, traduction, notes et index du vocabulaire. By Louis Pouzet.  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this article: al-Masih fi‘l-Qur'ān wa‘l-Tawrāt wa‘l-Injil. By ‘Abd al-Karim al-Kha?ib. 1 Cairo: Dār al-Kutub al-?adltha, 1966. 584 pp., L. E. 1,000. Islamic History of the Middle East. By Wilson B. Bishai. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Inc., 1968. pp. 399. The Arab Cold War, 1958–1967 (Second Edition). By Malcolm Kerr. London: Oxford University Press, 1967. 169 pp. The Origins of Communism in Turkey. By George S. Harris. Stanford, California: Stanford University, The Hoover Institution, 1967. 215 pp. 12 photographs, map, end notes, appendices, bibliography, index. The Middle East: A Social Geography. By Stephen H. Longrigg. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company. First published 1963; paperback issued 1967. 288 pp. 4 maps. 69 photographs.  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this article: Mishkāt al-Masāb?h, English Translation with Explanatory Notes , by James Robson, Sh. Muh. Ashraf, Lahore, 1963–1965. Pp. 1453. Jesus in the Qurān. By Geoffrey Parrinder. Faber and Faber, London, 1965. Pp. 187. 32s 6d. Bukhara: The Medieval Achievement. By Richard N. Frye. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1965. Pp. xiii + 210. $2.75. A Reader's Guide to the Great Religions. Edited by Charles J. Adams. The Free Press, New York, 1965. Pp. xv + 364. The Arab Cold War, 1958–1964: A Study of Ideology in Politics , by Malcolm Kerr. Oxford University Press (Chatham House Series), London, 1965; pp. VIII, 139. Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A. R. Gibb. Edited by G. Makdisi. E. J. Brill, Leiden, and Harvard University Press, 1965. Pp. xviii +688. Gld. 120. A History of Islamic Spain. By Montgomery Watt, with sections on literature by Pierre Cachia. Edinburgh University Press, 1965. Pp. x + 210, illustrations, maps. 25s. $6. History of Eastern Arabia 1750–1800: The Rise and Development of Bahrain and Kuwait , By Ahmad Abu Hakima, pp. xix, 213, Beirut, Khayat's. 1965. Saudi Arabia in the Nineteenth Century , By R. Bayly Winder, pp. xiv, 312, London, Macmillan, and New York, St. Martin's Press, 1965. The Origins of the Islamic State. Translation by Philip K. Hitti, Beirut, Kha. yat's Oriental Reprints, No. 11, 1960. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science , University of Chicago, March, 1966, Vol. 1, No. 1. The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman Dominion. By Avedis K. Sanjian. Harvard University Press, Mass, 1965, pp. 390. Bibliography. $8.95. Towards Pakistan. By Waheed-uz-Zaman, Publishers United, Lahore, 1964, 252 p. Rs. 12.50. History, Archaeology and Christian Humanism. By William Foxwell Albright. Adam & Charles Black, London 1965. pp. x, 342. 35s. net. Egyptian Guilds in Modern Times. By Gabriel Baer, pp. xiii and 192. The Israel Oriental Society (Oriental Notes and Studies, No. 8) (Jerusalem, 1964). $4.50.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths. Edited by Isma'il R. Al-Faruqi. The Tarjuman al-Qur'an: a critical analysis of Maulana Abu'l-Kalam Azad's approach to the understanding of the Qur'an. By I. H. Azad Faruqi. Major Themes of the Qur'ān. By Fazlur Rahman. Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period. Edited by A. F. L. Beeston, T. M. Johnstone, R. B. Serjeant and G. R. Smith. Man's Religious Quest: Units 20–21: Islam and the Muslim. By Kenneth Cragg. Muhammad and the Jews. By Barakat Ahmad. Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society. Vol. I: The Central Lands; Vol. II: The Arabic-Speaking Lands. Edited by Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis. Minderheit, Millet, Nation?: Die Juden in Ägypten 1914–1952. (Studien zum Minderheiten-problem im Islam). By Gudrun Krämer. Reislamisierung und Entwicklungspolitik [Forschungsberichte des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, Band 30]. By D. Khalid. The Middle East Annual: Issues and Events [Volume 1–1981]. Edited by David H.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles Alfarabi's Book of Reliaon and Related Texts. Arabic Texts, edited with introduction and notes by Muhsin Mahdi. The Arabic Language: Its Role in History. By Anwar G. Chejne. The Shadow of the Crescent: The Renaissance Image of the Turk (1453–1517). By Robert Schwoebel. Islam, Europe and Empire. By Norman Daniel. Madkhal ilã '1–Hiwãr al-Islãm? al-Masihi By al-Ustãdh al-Haddãd. The Monsoon lands of Asia. By R. R. Rawsa Tha Histories ol Nishpur. Edited by Richard N. Frye. The Ancient Near East: Supplementary Texts and Pictures Relating to the Old Testament. Edited by James B. Pritchard.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles Creative Imagination in the Sūfism of Ibn 'Arabi By Henry Corbin Translated from the French by Ralph Manheim. The Theology of Unity. By Muhammad cAbduh, translated from the Arabic by Ishãq MusaCad and Kenneth Cragg. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd, 1966. 164 pp. Arabic Literature. By I. M. Filshtinsky La littérature arabe. By André Miquel. Qaid-E-Azam Jinnah as I Knew Him. By M. A. H. Ispahani Karachi The Youth of Haouch el Harimi, a Lebanese Village. By Judith R Williams The United States and the Arab World By William R Pok The British in the Middle East. By Sarah Searight A Middle East Reader. Edited by Irene L. Gendzier. Middle East: Past and Present. By Yahya Armajani. The Formation of the Soviet Central Asian Republics. By R. Vaidyanath. Iranian-American Diplomacy. By Mehdi Heravi. A Bibliography of A.U.B. Faculty Publications 1866–1966. Compiled and edited by Suha Tamim. L'arabe classique: Esquisse d'une structure linguistique. By Henri Fleisch S. J. Beyrouth Political Systems of the Middle East in the 30th Century. By W. F. Ab-boushi. Etudes Arabes: Feuilles de Travail. Rome: Institut Pontifical d'Etudes Arak.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: AN ASPECT OF MAGHRIBI STUDIES: SOME STUDENT PAPERS Gabriel Esquer, Histoire de l'Algérie 1830–1960. Vincent Confer, France and Algeria: The Problem of Civil and Political Reform, 1870–1920. R. V. C. Bodley, Wind in the Sahara. The Autobiography of Malcolm X: with the Assistance of Alex Haley. The Arab Moslems in the United States: Religion and Assimilation, by Abdo Elkholy. Islamic Reform, by Malcolm H. Kerr. The Gift addressed to the spirit of the Prophet, by Dr. A. H. Johns. A Short History of the Near East, by Philip K. Hitti. Russell Pasha, by Ronald Seth. The Kurds by Thomas Bois, trans. (from the French) Malcolm Welland. Ethiopians speak: Studies in Cultural Background, by Wolf Leslau. Islam in Tropical Africa [Studies Presented and Discussed at the Fifth International African Seminar, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, January 1964], ed. with an introduction by I. M. Lewis [Foreword by Daryll Forde]. Al-Haqq by Basilyōs Ishāq. Alexandria, 1964; Hadha Huwa'l-Haqq, by Muh. cAbd al-Lat?f Ibn al-Khat?b.  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this article: al-Isbtiqāq. By Fu’ād Hannā Tarazi. No. 50 of Silsilat al-‘Ulūm al-Sharqiyya, in the Publications of the College of Arts and Sciences at the American University of Beirut. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub Press, 1968. xii + 390 pp. The La?ā'if al-Ma‘ārif of Tha ‘lib?. Translated with introduction and notes by C. E. Bosworth. Edinburgh: The University Press, 1968. xiii + 164 pp. £310s. The Kitāb al-Maghāz? of al-Wāqid?. Edited by Marsden Jones. London: Oxford University Press, 1966. Printed by Dar al-Maaref, Cairo, 1964 and 1966. Three Vols., xiii + 46 + 1130 PP. + Indexes. $20.20. History of Egypt. An Extract from Abu L-Mahasin b. Taghri Birdi's Chronicle entitled Hawadith ad-Duhur fi Madi l-Ayyam Wash-Shuhur (845–854 A.H., A.D. 1441–1450). Translated by William Popper and edited by Walter J. Fischel. New Haven: American Oriental Society, Essay No. 5. 1967. 60 pp. Political and Social Change in Modern Egypt. Edited by P. M. Holt. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. xx plus 400 pp.£3.10s. Educational Problems in Turkey: 1920–1940. By Ilhan Basgöz and Howard E. Wilson. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Publications, 1968. (Uralic and Altaic Series, Vol. 86), pp. 268, bibliography, index. $7. Turkey and Greece: Closer Unity-Now ! By Reverend Campbell McKinnon. New York: Vantage Press, 1968. 64 pp. $2.95. Women of Algeria; An Essay on Change. By David C. Gordon. Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs XIX. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Massachusetts, 1968. 98 pp. Britain and the Persian Gulf, 1894–1914. By Briton Cooper Busch. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1967. pp. xiv plus 432. $8.75. The Middle East Conflict. By Malcolm H. Kerr. New York: The Foreign Policy Association, Headline Series No. 191, October 1968. 63 pp. $0.85. Poetry of Resistance in Occupied Palestine. Translated by Sulāfa Hijjāw?. Baghdad: Directorate of General Culture, Ministry of Culture and Guidance. 1968. 47 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Regards chrétiens sur Pislam . By Louis Gardet. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1986. 219 pp. Indices. 96 F. Traditional Islam in the Modern World . By Seyyed Hossein Nasr. London and New York: KPI Ltd., 1987. x plus 335 pp. n.p. Knowing One Another: Shaping an Islamic Anthropology. By Merryl Wyn Davies. London and New York: Mansell Publishing Limited, 1988. x plus 189 pp. Index. $52.50, hardcover. Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religion. William A. Graham. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 306 pp. Bibliography. Indices. $32.50. Medieval Persian Court Poetry . By Julie Scott Meisami. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987. xiii plus 345 pp. $45.00. Textual Sources for the Study of Islam. Edited and translated by Andrew Rippin and Jan Knappert. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986. xii plus 209 pp. Map. Glossary. Index. £6.75. In Quest of an Islamic Humanism: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Memory of Mohamed al-Nowaihi. Edited by A. H. Green. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1984. xxiv plus 217 pp. n.p. Philosophy of Islam. Ayatullah Dr. Muhammad Hosayni Behishti and Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Javad Bahonar. Salt Lake City: Islamic Publications, n.d. 580 pp. n.p. Knowing the Unknowable God: Ibn-Sina, Maimonides, Aquinas. By David B. Burrell. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986. x plus 130 pp. $15.95, hardcover; $8.95, paper. Averroes’ De Substantia Orbis: Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text with English Translation and Commentary. By Arthur Hyman. [Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi: Averroes Hebraicus, Medieval Academy Books No. 96.] Cambridge, Massachusetts and Jerusalem: Medieval Academy of America, 1986. 156 plus 74 pp. in Hebrew numerals. Two Critical Apparatus. Hebrew-Latin Glossary. Bibliography. Two Indices. $30.00. Eighteenth-Century Renewal And Reform In Islam. Edited by Nehemiah Levtzion and John O. Voll. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1987. Preface plus 200 pp. Glossary. Index. $24.95, Cloth. Zwischen Faktum and Fiktion: Eine Studie zum Umayyadenkalifen Sulaiman b. Abdalmalik and seinem Bild in den Quellen. By Reinhard Eisener. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1987. ix plus 296 pp. Appendix. Index. DM 68. Studies on the First Century of Islamic Society. Edited by G.H.A. Juynboll. [Papers on Islamic History; v.5.] Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. ix plus 292 pp. $20.00. Islam Assembled: The Advent of the Muslim Congresses. By Martin Kramer. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986. xi plus 250 pps. Index. $30.00. Philosophy and Science in the Islamic World. By C.A. Qadir. North Ryde, New South Wales: Croom Helm, 1988. viii plus 218 pages. Index. $67.50, cloth; Canada $94.50. Urdu Letters of irz Asadu'llh n lib. Translated and annotated by Daud Rahbar. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1987. xlv plus 628 pp. n.p. Imam Ali: Source of Light, Wisdom and Might. By Sulaymn Kattn, translated by I. K. Howard. London: Muhammadi Trust and New York: Methuen, 1986. x plus 148 pp. $25.00. Egypt, Islam, and the Arabs: The Search for Egyptian Nationhood, 1900–1930. By Israel Gershoni and James P. Jankowski. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. xviii plus 346 pp. $39.95. Tchad 1900-1902, une guerre franco-libyenne oublie? Une confrrie musulmane, la Sansiyya, face la France. By Jean-Louis Triaud. [Racines du présent series.] Paris: L'Harmattan, 1988. 203 plus xxxii pp. Photoreproductions of 38 archival letters in handwritten Arabic (with 105 pp. French translation). 3 maps. Bibliography. Index. n.p. Amal and the Shia: Struggle for the Soul of Lebanon. By Augustus Richard Norton. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987. xxii plus 238 pp. $25.00, hardcover; $10.95, paperback. Passeé Turco-Tatar, Présent Sovietique: Études offertes Alexandre Bennigsen/Turco-Tatar Past Soviet Present: Studies presented to Alexandre Bennigsen. Edited by Ch. Lemercier-Quelquejay, G. Veinstein, and S.E. Wimbush. [Éditions Peeters, Louvain-Paris, la Collection TLrcica, VI: Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, la collection Civilisations et Sociétés, 74.] Louvain-Paris: Éditions Peeters and Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 1986. ix plus 563 pp. Photograph. n.p. Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan. By Olivier Roy. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. vi plus 253 pp. $24.95. Khoumani, Islamic Fundamentalists and the Contributions of Islamic Sciences to Modern Civilization. By Antoine J. Abraham. [Anthroscience Monograph Series.] Notre Dame, Indiana: Foundations Press of Notre Dame, 1983. 39 pp. n.p. The Gulf Cooperation Council: Moderation and Stability in an Interdependent World. Edited by John A. Sandwick. Foreword by George McGovern. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press and Washington, D.C.: American-Arab Affairs Council, 1987. x plus 289 pp. Tables. Charts. Texts of documents. Bibliography. $15.95. The Powers in the Middle East: The Ultimate Strategic Arena. Edited by Bernard Reich. New York: Praeger, 1987. 351 pp. $45.00.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an effort within Islamic Studies to reassess the common belief that the so‐called ‘post‐classical’ era of Islamic history was characterized by intellectual stagnation and decline. The Mamluk era is one such period that has suffered from a dearth of scholarly attention resulting from outdated stereotypes. This article contributes to scholarship on this era through examining some poems by a late Mamluk poet, ?ā?isha al‐Bā?ūniyya (d. 1517). While much scholarship on al‐Bā?ūniyya focuses on her lyrical mystical verse, the poems studied here incorporate selective allusions to key Islamic sources in order to narrate a history of divine favor as the speaker imagines it. This innovative history expresses a poetics of devotion that focalizes Mu?ammad and the poet's own peers. The poems intertextually anchor this narrative in key Islamic sources, reflecting al‐Bā?ūniyya's extensive scholarly training. They constitute an unusual example of a female poet writing beyond the genres with which women's premodern poetry is conventionally associated. This poetry also represents a post‐classical contribution to Islamic literary and religious history. However, the criterion of originality should ultimately be reconsidered in evaluations of scholarly merit, and scholarship should pay more attention to continuities and intertextuality in texts.  相似文献   

Arabic and Islamic Themes: Historical, Educational and Literary Studies. By A. L. Tibawi.
Kahlil Gibran: His Life and World. By Jean Gibran and Kahlil Gibran.
The Classical Heritage In Islam. By Franz Rosenthal.
Islamic Historiography: The Histories of Mas'ūdi. By Tarif Khalidi.
Islamic History A. D. 600–750 (A. H. 132): A New Interpretation. By M. A. Shaban.
The 'Abbāsid Revolution. By M. A. Shaban.
A History of Islamic Sicily. By Aziz Ahmad.
The Zirids of Granada. By Andrew Handler.
The Arabs and Mediaeval Europe. By Norman Daniel.
A History of the Ottoman Empire to 1730. Edited by M. A. Cook.
Gurtaf Raquette and Qasim Akhun's Letters to Kamil Effendi. Ethnological and Folkloristic Materials from Southern Sinkiang. Edited and translated with explanatory notse by Gunner Jarring.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles al-Kltab al-Muquaddas: al-'Ahd al-Jadid. Beilry: Manshurāt al-Matba'a al-Kathulikityya, 1969. La poéise populaire traditionanlle chantee au Proche-Orient arabe, l: Les Textes. By Simon Jargy. In Aleppo Once. By Taqui Altounyan. Edessa, ‘The Blesed City.’ By J. B. Segal.  相似文献   

This article takes the reader on a journey into the historical writing of the ninth century Muslim historian al‐Dīnawarī (d. 895) and examines the motives behind composing his al‐Akhbār al‐?iwāl. The themes and narrative arrangements of this work give insight into al‐Dīnawarī's historical agenda that demonstrates his interest in royal histories that exemplify the rise and fall of nations, dynasties, and powerful rulers. Al‐Dīnawarī's emphasis on specific episodes and events demonstrates that only certain ethnic groups whose political legitimacy derives from a respectable and prominent origin can bring about political and social stability. By dealing with these sociopolitical concerns, this article also sheds new light on the intellectual discourses and political crises that dominated Islamic society during the eighth and ninth centuries and the way al‐Dīnawarī reacted to these challenges.  相似文献   

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