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The skeletal remains of an adult female have been exhumed in an 11th century tomb in the mediaeval Jewish cemetery of Ronda Sur, in the city of Lucena (Córdoba, Spain). Examination of the skull and mandible revealed evidences of bilateral condylar fracture and dislocation. Lesions were observed macroscopically and radiology was used as a complementary method of scrutiny, especially in cases of unclear observation. Irregular morphology of the condyles and coronoid processes, shallow glenoid fossa, altered and abnormal joint surfaces anterior to the glenoid fossa, and reduced height of both ascending rami were observed. Ante‐mortem tooth loss, slight wear of occlusal surface and asymmetrical occlusal deposit of dental calculus were found. Radiologically, degenerative changes in the condyles and reparative bone in both coronoid processes have been identified. Dislocation of the condyles and lack of adequate treatment probably led to disruption of masticatory patterns and related structures, such as muscle attachments, articular disc and ligaments. Bilateral remodelled fracture and the altered appearance of the joint structures could probably mean that the individual survived the injury by several years. This type of fracture could be the consequence of direct blow to the mental or submental region that was transmitted in a direction that raised the mandible, causing the condylar head to collide directly with the mandibular fossa. Very few mandibular fractures in ancient skulls have been described in Spain, and this case is the first example found in a Spanish archaeological skeletal assemblage. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field work observations, and questionnaires returned by members of three voluntary organizations for rural women in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, are used to explore the links between place-based communities, voluntary organizations, and the development of personal identity. The selected organizations have now been in existence for several generations. They offer individuals the opportunity to make a commitment of time, money, and skills to their local community. A loyalty to the organization may develop that is a vehicle for loyalty to place. Comments from participants in this survey indicate that many feel that they have grown as individuals through these commitments.
Les observations faites sur le terrain et les questionnaires renvoye's par les rnembres de trois organisations bénévoles pour la population féminine rurale en Australie, à la Nouvelle Zélande et au Canada sont utilisés pour expliquer les liens entre les communautés locales, les organisations bénévoles et le développement de l'identité personnelle. Les organisations sélectionnées existent depuis plusieurs générations. Elles offrent aux personnes la possibilité de s'engager en donnant de leur temps, de leur argent et de leurs aptitudes à leur communauté locale. Une loyauté envers l'organisation peut se développer, ce qui devient un véhicule pour développer une loyauté envers l'endroit. Les commentaires faits par les participants à cette enquête indiquent que beaucoup pensent qu'ils ont grandi en tant qu'individus à cause de ces engagements.  相似文献   

<正>新年,一个新的开篇,从这一刻起,一场新的旅行又开始了。记得有位旅行作家说过,你最爱的地方就是你曾经到过的地方。因为走过了这些地方,你便与它们有了关联,分享了那里的生活,那里的喜怒哀乐,并且从此对那个地方生出了一份关爱。当习惯了熟悉的地方,你会自然而然对这里有了依赖,依赖熟悉的场景,依赖每一个亲近的人。  相似文献   

实证主义地理学是通过"认识论翻转"确定均质化空间而保证其有效性的,这在根本上规定了实证主义方法论中人文世界的隐没。人类科学理性的缔造经过"认识论翻转",确保了其割裂人文世界的普世价值观,并随着实证主义在近现代的成功和学科建制化而得到制度保障。这一历程在显示实证主义对地理学神圣指导作用的同时,暗含了其对地理学分工的不适。在"认识论翻转"层面上,人文主义地理学对地理学研究传统进行了"否思":①重新评估了地理学的本体论问题,使人文世界定位于地理学研究领域之内;②发展了针对人文世界的整体主义方法论,但并非对实证主义的反判;③人文主义地理学的立足点伦理和价值是内在的而非实证主义外在的;④人文主义地理学讨论的知识论要求"本体论-认识论与方法论-价值论"的联通以获得具有人性的世界图景。  相似文献   

万里长城的地理界线意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长城,不仅是中华民族古老文化的象征,而且是一条实际存在的重要地理界线。历代长城的布设都是以自然地理环境为基础,其走向与我国半湿润与干旱气候分界线基本一致。因此,长城也就成为我国农区和牧区分界线的标志。长城的延伸或回退,基本上反映了农区与牧区的扩张或收缩。从政治地理的角度来考察长城。可以认为,它是我国历史上各民族政治力量相互对峙、较量形成的"力"的平衡带,长城,一方面发挥了分隔两个政治单元的功能,它们延伸或收缩在一定程度上反映了两种力量对比的变化;另一方面,在先进与落后两种势力的对撞中.客观上却促进了相互间经济和文化的交流,促进了不同民族的融合。今日长城作为领土扩张和防御的军事设施作用已不复存在。但是长城在地理上的许多界限指标意义仍然存在,它依然是许多地理事物的敏感地区。  相似文献   

“地方”概念对人文地理学各分支意义的辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方是文化地理学的核心概念之一.当文化地理学与其他人文地理学分支交叉时, “地方”则为其他人文地理学分支提供了分析的基础.本文结合英美地理学刊物中若干涉及“地方”研究的文章,挖掘了地方的概念和内涵,以期对人文地理学诸分支提供学术支撑.本文的结论是:地方研究可支撑经济地理学文化转向和制度转向的研究;支撑区域地理学地方营销和旅游地理学旅游目的地营销的研究;支撑城市地理学公众参与式城市规划方案的制定;支撑政治地理学的选区策略制定.因此, “地方”作为文化地理学的核心概念,其存在意义是为其他学科提供学术营养,同时,文化地理学对地方的研究也可以使得文化地理学的社会应用能力更强.  相似文献   

Von Thünen's classical model of agricultural location was published in the Soviet Union in Russian translation in 1926, a hundred years after its original publication in Germany, but was soon denounced as a bourgeois theory seeking to optimize location from the point of view of minimizing production costs or maximizing the profit of the entrepreneur. The view that the von Thünen model was not applicable to Soviet conditions was stated as late as 1966 in Vol. V of the Kratkaya geograficheskaya entsiklopediya [Short Geographical Encyclopedia], pp. 196, 525. A Moscow University agricultural geographer, in reassessing the von Thünen model, now points out that its objective of determining optimal production systems for a given set of physical (land quality) and economic (market) conditions is shared by anyone who seeks the most highly cost-effective form of agriculture in a particular setting.  相似文献   

The new system was introduced on the basis of the traditional way of studying the sutras of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a brand-new Geshi award system,which fully respects and carries forward the traditional system in terms of sutra studies and Geshi title promotion. In terms of content, the way to study them and the way the tests are given, the new system basically follows the traditional practice of various sects of Tibetan Buddhism. Hence it is well received among the eminent monks of Tibeta…  相似文献   

Summary.   Unlike other components of the Bell Beaker assemblage, Beaker pottery itself lacks an intrinsic value since fabric analyses have demonstrated that it was locally produced. It is thought, therefore, that it was the contents, rather than the container, which were valuable. Traditionally, Bell Beakers have been said to contain alcoholic beverages which were consumed in the course of male feasting ceremonies. However, whilst beer and mead have been identified from certain examples, not all Beakers were drinking cups. Some were used as reduction pots to smelt copper ores, others have some organic residues associated with food, and still others were employed as funerary urns. It is suggested here that a symbolic connection can, however, be observed, since these activities all imply some kind of transformation.  相似文献   

From a hermeneutic point of view, understanding is always conditioned by one's own horizon and perspective. as the great poet Su Shi remarks, we do not know the “true face of Mount Lu” because what we see constantly changes as we move high or low, far off or up close. But the point of the “hermeneutic circle” is not to legitimize the circularity or subjectivity of one's understanding, but to make us conscious of the challenge. How do we understand China, its history and culture? What should be the appropriate paradigm or perspective for China studies? More than twenty years ago, Paul Cohen argued for a “China‐centered” approach to understanding Chinese history, but to assume an insider's perspective does not guarantee adequate understanding any more than does an outsider's position guarantee emancipation from an insider's myopia or blindness. By discussing several exemplary cases in China studies, this essay argues that neither insiders nor outsiders have monopolistic or privileged access to knowledge, and that integration of different perspectives and their dynamic interaction beyond the isolation of native Chinese scholarship and Western Sinology may lead us to a better understanding of China and its history.  相似文献   

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