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以通史的眼光撰写和阅读近代史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑兵 《近代史研究》2007,1(5):21-23
中国社会科学院近代史研究所组织编撰的《中国近代通史》近期已由江苏人民出版社出版。全书共10卷,约550万字,各卷名称如下:第1卷《近代中国历史进程概说》,第2卷《近代中国的开端(1840—1864)》,第3卷《早期现代化的尝试(1865—1895)》,第4卷《从戊戌维新到义和团(1895—1900)》,第5卷《新政、立宪与辛亥革命(1901—1912)》,第6卷《民国的初建(1912—1923)》,第7卷《国共合作与国民革命(1924—1927)》,第8卷《内战与危机(1927—1937)》,第9卷《抗日战争(1937—1945)》,第10卷《中国命运的决战(1945—1949)》。本书的出版,完成了近代史研究所几代人的夙愿。对于1840—1949年完整的中国近代史来说,本书的撰写还是一个尝试。本刊特别约请我国近代史学界几位著名学者通过笔谈的形式发表看法,以期引起关注和讨论。  相似文献   

Secularisation is a concept with many meanings making it difficult to analyse historically. Yet it is the default master narrative in much Australian historiography. Secular historians typically criticise the role of religion in history as being either too unengaged or, if engaged, too intrusive and negative in its impact. This article challenges both assumptions, taking five “nodal points” in Australian history and arguing that they are better given a “Christian” than a secular interpretation. Australia's first European settlement was a high‐minded reform experiment, based partly on a humanitarian Christian vision. The Church Acts gave the population ready access to Christian influence, resulting in a highly “Christianised” nation. When federated, that nation refused to give ascendancy to any one Christian denomination, but largely assumed that its polity was that of a “Christian commonwealth.” Out of its Christian commitment, in the middle of the twentieth century, it withstood control by atheistic communists of its industrial and political life. In the first decade of the present century, a surprising number of politicians have sought to define its national identity largely in terms of its Christian heritage rooted in the Classical/Christian tradition.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the impact of gender in the writing of history by considering the reception of Creating A Nation, the first gendered history of Australia. It argues that while there has emerged an impressive volume of feminist history and with it has come an important acceptance of women's historical experience, the reception of ‘gender’ within the historical profession has paradoxically been ambivalent and ambiguous. This is the case because of an unease about feminist theory and its relevance to history. There also remains a prevailing belief that a gendered neutral historical place exists, to which historians can retreat.  相似文献   

This article examines the first forty years of religious broadcasting on commercial radio in Australia, a subject largely neglected by historians of Australian religion and the media. It reveals the diversity of religious broadcasting on Australian commercial radio, the ambiguities of the regulatory framework within which it operated, the influence of American religious broadcasting in Australia, and the challenges confronting religious broadcasters, particularly in the decade between the introduction of television and the emergence of talkback radio. The article concludes in the second half of the 1960s, when religious programming faced mounting commercial pressures, as well as a new opportunity in the shape of “talkback” radio.  相似文献   

As religious engagement in the Australian population continues to decline, the apparent increased prominence of religion in Australian politics is puzzling. This article examines the characteristics of 2422 speeches given by prominent Australian federal politicians between 2000 and 2006 to assess whether religion has become more prominent in early twenty-first century Australian politics, and whether or not the explanations provided to explain the increase are compelling. It is argued that the framing of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the subsequent ‘war on terror’ as a religious conflict weakened adherence to Rawls' (2005 Rawls, J. 2005. Political Liberalism, New York: Columbia University Press.  [Google Scholar]) liberal consensus (exclusion of religious beliefs from the public forum) and normalised the use of Christian terminology and ideas in Australian political discourse.  相似文献   

Joanna Bourke, Husbandry to Housewifery: Women, Economic Change, and Housework in Ireland 1890-1914 Margaret Ward (ed.) In Their Own Voice: Women and Irish Nationalism Mary O'Dowd and Sabine Wichert (eds) Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women's Status in Church, State and Society Joan Hoff and Moureen Coulter (eds) Irish Women's Voices Past and Present  相似文献   

中国通史写作的两次高潮及其原因试析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李萍 《安徽史学》2000,(3):93-96
和各个断代史、专题史的研究与著述相比,百年来中国通史著述的特点是很突出的,从大的方面至少可以指出以下三点。一是通史著述成果丰硕,初步统计已在130部以上,这还不包……  相似文献   

Current debates on Australian citizenship overlook its partisan dimension. Until very recently, the term citizenship fitted more comfortably into nonlabour's discourse than into Labor's. Nonlabour's understanding of citizenship is embedded in Australia's constitutional framework. As well, in the first half of the century the term was as much moral as political, concerned not so much with the rights and entitlements which dominate contemporary understandings but with individuals' duties and obligations to their fellow citizens. For nonlabour, citizenship was linked to ideas of service and the national interest, and explicitly opposed to Labor's commitment to sectional, class-based interests. This conception of citizenship was realised in the meeting procedures of voluntary associations in which there was a clear line of implication from the government of the self through the government of the community to the government of the nation. The working man is not merely a working man, nor can all his interests be subsumed (classed) under the term Labour. The working man is and knows himself to be, the citizen of a great State. ( The Liberal 2 December 1912, 114)  相似文献   

文章认为概述体裁的形成经历了六个阶段;首轮志书概述体武名称五花八门,应当庄重统一;概述的文风不同于记、志、传,可以使用述而有作的“快笔”和述而有论的“论笔”,注重文采,注重叙事,适当运用赋比兴等修辞手法;同时概述写法上要继承叙故事的史家法度。  相似文献   

论通史   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在中国 ,“通史”是一个常用且易解的词。中国学者写的关于中国史、世界史的书常题名为“中国通史”、“世界通史”。而英国人写关于世界史或英国史的书就叫“世界史”或“英国史” ,其中并无一个“通”字。西方语言里有好几个看来与“通史”相近的词 ,但其真实含义并非“通史”。西方的普世史传统来自古希腊 ,据柯林武德分析 ,这种传统与“实质主义”思想有关。中国的通史传统来自先秦诸子的富有历史倾向的思想 ,这种思想恰好是反实质主义的。中国的“通史”精神就在于通古今之变  相似文献   

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