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沈旻 《旅游纵览》2010,(3):66-69
<正>读了一本《中国最美的100风情小镇》,便初识了苏州吴江的震泽与黎里古镇。近来偶遇吴江市文物局的好友,闲谈中得知她2004年主持了震泽江南传统商贾名宅"师俭堂"的文物修缮工程,作为一位资深的古建专家,谈到师俭堂时她总是不能抑  相似文献   

The routine measurement of tungsten concentrations in pottery sampled with tungsten-carbide drill bits has enabled the measured concentrations of cobalt, tantalum, and lutetium to be corrected for drill-bit contamination. The corrected data, for cobalt at least, are sufficiently accurate that they regain their value as chemical indicators of pottery provenance.  相似文献   

雷蕾 《人文地理》2012,27(5):94-97
中国的古村镇保护利用工作经过了30多年的发展取得了积极的进步,但是也出现了因保护而破坏的严重问题。本文尝试从对古村镇定义的修订切入,将古村镇作为一种文化综合体和文化生态系统进行分析,强调古村镇是由器物、行为、制度、精神四个层面构成的文化综合体,是具有自组织性的文化生态系统,对系统中任意环节的破坏都会造成保护利用的悖论现象。在此基础上,本文总结出保护环境与破坏环境、重现建筑特色与消解建筑特色等四重"中国式悖论",并进一步从社会文化环境、理念认知、管理机制以及开发模式等层面分析了中国式悖论产生的原因。  相似文献   

从建构主义视角提出"新建古镇"的概念,在经济效益的基础上强调文化价值与社会效益.总结四种本真化模式,对接空间生产三元组,搭建"本真化—空间生产"分析框架,以古北水镇为例,分析新建古镇的文化活态呈现,结论如下:①被感知空间由决定型物质构建模式主导,从感官层面凸显物质空间的历史感;②概念化空间是历史文化呈现的结果,体现话语...  相似文献   

王勇  朱雅琴 《人文地理》2020,35(6):76-84
江南水乡古镇是江南地域社会经济活动的高度聚合体,而空间作为功能的载体,是古镇保护与发展中的关键一环。本文以周庄古镇为例,从行动者网络理论视角切入,解析不同旅游发展阶段古镇空间演化的行动者作用路径。研究发现,关键行动者意图、行动者网络结构的变化,推动了周庄古镇空间重构和演化。在观光旅游发展阶段,周庄镇政府为关键行动者,通过行政征召、专家带头征召等方式促成行动者网络的形成和发展,使古镇商业空间沿河街生长,文化体验空间呈团块状散布;在休闲度假转型阶段,市场力量开始发挥更大作用,行动者网络重新调整,进一步推动古镇商业空间网状渗透,文化体验空间条块衍生。本文认为古镇空间的实践建构应高度重视原住民这一行动者的作用。  相似文献   

山西古村镇类型及社会记忆符号系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会记忆是依附于社会群体产生的一种趋同性的社会文化符号。本研究利用结构主义符号学的分析方法,通过“要素体-因子层-属性脉”的三维层次构建社会记忆的符号系统,基于中国传统社会生产、生活方式的视角,从地脉、人脉、文脉的“三脉”属性对古村镇的类型及特征进行解读,发现:①“农”型古村镇社会记忆的宜农宜居、望族乡贤、天人合一的三脉属性符号特征明显;②“商”型古村镇具有对外通达的地脉记忆,精致讲究的文脉记忆和名商名士的人脉记忆;③“军”型古村镇的社会记忆在据险扼要、防御之上、将军传奇的三脉属性特征更加突出;④“工”型古村镇具有矿藏丰富、炉旺风顺、匠人传奇的特色社会记忆的符号特征。  相似文献   

Summary.   There is a tension between the understanding of the term 'workshop' in art historical scholarship and the actual locations of production unearthed by archaeology. Yet countless ancient works of art bear traces of their own production, and many working sites have produced unfinished products. The differing approaches can be combined, to a greater extent than they have been, to attain a more comprehensive understanding of ancient art production. A first step is an exhaustive analysis of the interactions between the provenance, processing, inherent quality, logistics, presentation and preservation of any material used in art production. But the products themselves also have much to reveal about their conditions of production.  相似文献   

ThemarriageofSongtsanGamboandNepalesePrincessKhridzunduringthemid-7thcenturymarkedabigeventbetweentheTuboKingdomandtheNepalese.Accordingtoancientrecords,KingSongtsanGambosentMinisterTonmiSambhotatoNepalforthisverypurpose.TheMinsterarrivedwithhugeamountsofgoldcoins,goldpowderandotherpricelessgifts.Tobeginwith,theNepaleseKingrefusedthemarriageonthegroundthatTubowasadesolateplaceanddidnotbelieveinBuddhism.UndertheorderofSongtsanGambo,theTuboMinisterthreatenedtoinvadeNepalifthemarriagewa…  相似文献   

<正>即使不知道日惹,你也一定听说过爪哇国;即使不知道有个伟大的建筑叫做婆罗浮屠,你也一定早已熟悉与它同为东方四大奇迹的金字塔、吴哥窟和长城。爪哇国并不是一个莫须有的国度,它实际上就是千岛之国印尼所属的爪哇岛。爪哇岛是印尼第四大岛,也是印尼的政治经济文化中心,印尼首都雅加达也位于此。爪哇岛曾是经声佛号不断、黄袍耀日的佛国,著名的婆罗浮屠佛塔虎踞在爪哇岛的高原上。中国古代的僧人法显和义净曾漂洋过海来到爪哇国,为了信仰九死一生。  相似文献   

古代波斯可分为三个主要时期。第一时期为居鲁士大帝建立的阿黑门尼德王朝( 550BC— 330BC) ,定都苏萨。史界常称为波斯帝国 ;第二时期是帕提亚王朝 ( 2 4 7BC—AD2 2 6 ) ,我国史称“安息”。帕提亚亦算是波斯裔民族 ,但钱币界常把前 1 80年左右兴起的位于两河流域南端 ,和埃兰相近的一个不大的波西斯王朝(PERSIS ,即波斯。为区别起见 ,作“波西斯”)作为波斯的延续。实际上它仅是帕提亚的附庸之一。这个小国到公元 2世纪后 ,逐渐壮大发展成萨桑王朝。所以承前启后 ,从钱币角度来说 ,有相当重要性 ;萨桑王朝(AD2 2 6—AD6 51 )是波…  相似文献   

In Tibetan,the name for a seal is Thangka.According to records,the word originates from Turkish,initially borrowing from Mongolian and finally absorbed into Tibetan.Various names were given to seals in Tibetan.Official seals are generally named Thangka,or Kathang in honorific dialect;personal seals referred to as Gyithang;general seals are called Dathang or Sethang.  相似文献   

In Tibetan,the name for a seal is Thangka.According to records,the word originates from Turkish,initially borrowing from Mongolian and finally absorbed into Tibetan.Various names were given to seals in Tibetan.Official seals are generally named Thangka,or Kathang in honorific dialect;personal seals referred to as Gyithang;general seals are called Dathang or Sethang.  相似文献   

Summary. Romano-British urban origins have all too frequently been seen in terms of simple monocausal explanations, emphasising the role of purely military factors at the expense of the importance now attached to pre-Roman settlement nucleation. This article seeks to explore the question of small town origins and early development in the light of this wider perspective. It attempts to demonstrate that the period after AD 43 saw two overlapping and competing systems, one focused on pre-existing sites, the other on the new communications network, each with their own requirements and each with varying regional application and importance. Incorporation within the prevailing new order is shown to be more vital to urban development than pre-Roman or fort origins in isolation.  相似文献   

Summary. The extent to which archaeological evidence can be used to identify and account for an urban hierarchy in England between the eighth and eleventh centuries AD is assessed in this article. Using the later medieval evidence as a control, it is suggested that the archaeological data could be used not only to compare the relative condition of towns but also to reconstruct the general economic trends which may have been responsible for emphasising differences between towns. Despite the apparently rudimentary character of the urban network in the eighth and early ninth centuries, the strength of the economy may have been underestimated. In contrast, the development of a three-tier hierarchy coupled with ubiquitous urban growth in the tenth century may have been overemphasised. Town planning programmes in the south and midlands may not have been accompanied by rapid urban development whereas there is plentiful evidence for town growth in the north. This differential development may be explained by a greater economic vitality in the north which was not experienced in the south until the later tenth century. The later tenth and early eleventh centuries may have marked a period of pronounced and rapid urban growth and differentiation in the south.  相似文献   

古代中国的钱币   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《对钱币学的一点认识》(《中国钱币》2002年第3期)发表以后,尚觉意犹未尽,于是不厌其烦,再啰嗦几句。钱币学的前身——古钱学的研究对象,包括有正用品和非正用品。所谓正用品,指的是在历史上曾经正式流通使用过的货币,或者可以扩大理解为:泛指作为流通货币而铸造的“钱”。所谓非正用品,古钱学家统称之为“压胜  相似文献   

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