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中国特色文物保护理论体系内容丰富,本文就中国特色的“文物”概念,中国的文物三大价值观、中国的文物功用观、中国的保护同时代文物观,中国的文物保护单位系列理论等十个方面特色理论,构架中国特色文物保护理论体系,并述其概要。  相似文献   

刘保刚 《史学月刊》2022,(4):92-102
天下观是中国文化的核心理念。中国天下观如何形成?内在理念是什么?对中国自身有何影响?作为中国文化的辩白者,钱穆先生对此有系统的阐述。钱穆认为中国天下观不是地理、政治、文化等意义上的中国中心观。中国天下观是一种心胸,一种道义,它以人文关怀为本。它追求的是人与人相处的大通之道,而不是消灭差异的大同标准。中国人所说的大同是大处同,而非处处同。由人总是人,人性善这个大同,求人与人能够心灵、情感相通。中国天下观是由中国的地理环境,以及中国历史发展过程所造成。中国天下观对中国疆域、民族、文化的形成都有深远影响。  相似文献   

1981年,《中国地方志》创刊。为了重温《中国地方志》创刊30年来,特别是创刊之初的艰辛岁月,总结《中国地方志》期刊工作的宝贵经验,2012年9月18日,《中国地方志》编辑部在北京召开《中国地方志》创刊始末采访座谈会。特别采访《中国地方志》原编委、中国地方志协会原学术委员傅能华,《中国地方志》原编委、中国地方志协会原副秘书长、  相似文献   

论中部地区在中国可持续发展中的独特功能   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
魏晓 《人文地理》2005,20(1):126-128
中国是一个幅员辽阔、环境多样、人口分布、社会经济水平区域差异大的国家。促进区域协调发展,是中国现代化建设中的一个重大战略问题。本文分析了中部地区的优势,论述了中部地区在中国可持续发展中的独特功能,指出中部地区是:①中国可持续发展的主要食品供应基地;②中国可持续发展的主要水源地、③中国可持续发展的主要能源地,④中国经济区域协调发展的中枢地带。为中国区域协调发展和可持续发展提供科学依据。中国的崛起必须是全领域发展,在开发西部地区的同时,必须把中部地区的开发提高到中国发展战略的高度来认识,充分发挥中部地区在中国可持续发展中的独特功能,进而推动中国的可持续发展。  相似文献   

史念海先生是我国著名历史学家和历史地理学家,不仅在历史地理学、中国古代史、地名学、方志学等学科领域中作出了杰出贡献,还是中国古都学的创始人,为中国古都学的创立和发展作出了不可磨灭的开创性贡献。概括起来,史念海先生对中国古都学研究的开创性贡献主要表现在以下6个方面:1、发起和创立了中国古都学会,形成了一支稳定的学术队伍;2、创建了中国古都学,奠定了中国古都学研究的理论基础;3、坚持“为世所用”的治学理念,指明了中国古都学研究的目的和方向;4、总结和勾划出了中国古都发展的基本面貌和规律,推动了中国古都学研究的发展;5、不断开拓中国古都学研究的新领域,开辟了中国古都学研究的广阔前途;6、对古都西安进行了综合研究,取得了一系列重大学术成果。  相似文献   

张勇 《神州》2011,(9X):17-18
在国际化趋势日益增强的今天,民族传统文化的保存、继承与发展便显得尤为重要了。中国传统绘画是中国五千年文化的积淀,它不仅拥有着自己独特的审美思想和表现形式、是中华民族人文精神发展的必然选择,还是中国人文化艺术审美方式发展的重要体现。本文主要从中国传统绘画与中国传统文化、中国传统绘画的笔墨精神、中国传统绘画的艺术精神、中国传统绘画的民族精神以及中国传统绘画的古典精神等方面展开论述。  相似文献   

吴原元 《黑龙江史志》2008,(16):134-135
韩国的中国研究历史悠久,但当代韩国的中国学肇始于朝鲜战争。自20世纪50年代至今,韩国的中国学经历初创期、发展期、勃发期三个阶段。当代韩国中国学的发展,与中韩关系、国际形势以及中国社会政治经济等因素息息相关。随着中韩关系的密切,韩国的当代中国研究更趋活跃,已成为一支不可忽视的海外中国研究力量。  相似文献   

张洋 《神州》2012,(9):111
中国的平面设计到现在走了三十几年的历程,经历了模仿时期和中国元素探索时期,现在中国的平面设计领域已经能够成熟的运用中国文化元素来丰富中国的平面设计作品,并且打造了一些成功的案例作品,本人从中国传统图案、中国书法、中国传统绘画三方面在平面设计中的运用加以阐述,并列举了大量的案例加以说明。  相似文献   

为庆祝建国60周年,弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化和民族精神,讴歌祖国的壮美山河,展示锦绣中华气势磅礴、绚丽多彩的美丽画卷,并作为中华之光中国科学技术文化城项目正式启动的标志,中国文物报社、中国文化遗产杂志与中国艺术研究院、中华慈善总会、中国国际文化艺术中心、中国文物学会、中国收藏家协会、中国博物馆协会、中国文物保护基金会、中国文化报社、  相似文献   

宫恺 《神州》2013,(31):234-234
钢琴艺术是来自西方的音乐艺术,自从100多年前传入中国,在接受、学习、借鉴这一人类优秀音乐文化成果的基础上,中国钢琴音乐在声韵、旋律、节奏等多方面都通过吸取中国民族音乐的精华,呈现出浓郁的民族化特色。要对中国钢琴音乐民族化有更明确的认识,我们应该了解中国钢琴音乐民族化发展历程,探究中国钢琴音乐民族化发展路径,进而领悟中国钢琴音乐的民族风格。  相似文献   

The role of the arts in the revitalisation and strengthening of Australia's rural, remote, and Indigenous communities has been of particular interest to Australian State and Federal Governments, as reflected through various policy and positioning documents. In order to understand the relationship between the arts and communities, it is important to explore why people engage in the arts and what might be some of the barriers to that engagement. For the rural, remote and Indigenous communities of the Murchison Region, the arts has been a useful way of reaching and engaging with residents to build a stronger sense of community, provide light relief and entertainment, and facilitate communication among community members, government, and industry. However, there are several barriers that impact on the viability of arts projects. These barriers are amplified in rural and remote areas, and particularly for the three case study communities of the Murchison Region for a number of reasons. These include the transient nature of the population, a lack of resources, isolation and remoteness, and local politics, culture and history. The arts can provide a context in which other non‐arts related outcomes, such as health, capacity building, income generation, and so on, are facilitated and achieved. It is important for policy makers to recognise and address the barriers which hinder activity and serve to lessen the impact of the arts on communities.  相似文献   

This paper looks at a type of tourism visit which inhabits an ambiguous and relatively unmapped territory of meaning, crossing boundaries between the conceptual domains of pilgrimage, commemoration and pleasure-seeking. These visits and activities have developed in response to traumatic histories, and also reflect the growth of secular forms of spiritual experience, in which the pursuit of revelation is personal rather than hierophantic. Sites of Holocaust memorialization raise questions of memory and forgetting, guilt and redemption, meaning and ownership, with particularly acute force. However, even these most consecrated and highly cathected sites are experienced through the mediation of mimetic forms and processes of representation which significantly re-order testimony and evidence. Furthermore, the grounding of collective memory in sacralized locations and structures tends towards the distancing, externalizing and disarming of traumatic memory. Under these conditions, visitor motivations and experiences are polysemic: fractured, ambivalent, unstable, and resistant to paradigms of either the sacred or the profane.  相似文献   

集体记忆植根于人、空间(地方、景观)、时间,是地理学研究人地关系的重要视角与手段。本文从理论渊源、研究内容、方法等对国内外相关文献进行梳理,提出地理学视角下的集体记忆研究框架。研究立足于集体记忆主体、载体和机制三方面,以空间、地方、景观、仪式、旅游等为主要研究对象,关注现象背后的政治性、竞争-协商性以及利益主体,个案研究为主,案例类型较为丰富,方法上定性为主,鲜有定量研究及相关模型构建。相比国外研究热潮与成果,国内研究仍处于萌芽起步与概念引入阶段,未来可拓展集体记忆载体形式的研究,深化集体记忆机制即人地关系层面,加强实证与量化方法应用。  相似文献   

新文化地理学视角下景观研究综述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景观意义一方面要对其符号化的表征元素进行解读,另一方面也要关注其不可表征的意义。本研究梳理了国外新文化地理学视角下的景观研究,发现: ①表征视角下,一方面景观既被看作文化的产物,又是不同时期文化的再生;另一方面景观在权力博弈中曲折发展并推动其象征性意义的演变。②非表征视角主要关注日常生活行为、情感等方面所反应的社会变迁以及所感知的多元、复杂与不稳定的景观意义。国内新文化地理学视角的景观研究在西方思潮的影响下,对一些具体案例进行了尝试性研究,取得了一定的成果。本研究有助于中国学者结合转型期中国政治、经济、文化背景,构建具有中国特色的新文化地理学景观理论体系,推动新文化地理学在中国的良性发展。  相似文献   

江苏文化线路遗产及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化线路遗产集世界文化遗产与自然遗产之大成,不仅具有空间、时间、文化及功能等特征,而且体现出历史与现实相续、人文与自然合一、时间与空间的多维度、遗产价值的多元化等特性。江苏境内文化线路遗产丰富,主要有大运河遗产内容、佛教传播线路、郑和七下西洋线路、康乾下江南线路等,目前已形成了构建法律体系、实施宏观保护,以动态发展的眼光审视与发挥文化线路的价值,建立多学科、多国别、多地区、多部门的通力合作,以科学审慎的态度对待文化线路中的每一个个案处理等保护思路。  相似文献   

A month‐long field course in the Pacific island states of Vanuatu and Fiji focused on development issues, involving lectures, seminars and much informal interaction. Students completed daily journals as a means of learning, a form of self‐assessment of learning, a way of evaluating their participation in the course and their perception of its value. Journal themes reflected an evolution from unsettling rhetorical questions towards notions of discovery, autonomy, reflexivity and emerging cultural sensitivity. Students developed valuable social skills, and gained first‐hand experience of various concepts of development and social justice. Grading the journals was difficult because of the extent of subjectivity and diverse personal experiences. The course, and the journals, emphasised the diverse values and roles of courses both on, and particularly in, developing countries, despite the substantial costs.  相似文献   

地理学视角下的国内农村聚居研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农村聚居是农村居民与周围自然、经济、社会、文化环境相互作用的结果,是人类聚居学的重要研究内容。随着新农村建设、农村土地流转、城乡统筹、新型农村社区建设等政策与措施的相继出台,农村聚居研究日益凸显出重要的实践意义与学术价值。本文对近十年来国内地理学关于农村聚居区位、形态、规模与等级、功能组织、演变机理、优化调控以及聚居类型与区划等研究内容的主要观点作了较详细的介绍,指出了地理学在农村聚居基础理论、研究内容、研究方法和技术等方面的薄弱环节,并展望其未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Chinese civilization has unique characteristics in the world civilization history. Its most prominent characteristic is the continuity of the “5,000-year” civilization. Over 5,000 years ago, different civilizations appeared in different regions of China and the civilizations mainly included their different early-stage theocracy and reign modes. Among these civilizations, the civilization that was handed on from generation to generation was the states with a reign mode that originated in the Longshan culture of Central China and its successors such as the Xia Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty. This can be illustrated by the 5,000-year continuous inheritance of the country, people, and territory of China, proved by the 5,000-year inheritance and development of capitals, royal tombs, ritual and ceremonial buildings and vessels, and characters as the national culture (or major tradition) and resurrected by the capital’s centralization,“OneGate Three-Passage” pattern,“centralization of the main hall of the court” and the“Left Ancestral Temple and Right Altar” pattern, and the central axis of the capital, the four doors on four sides of the capital and court, etc. as the materialized forms of the core ideas of center and moderation. These materialized forms of the unbroken civilization became more and more in the past 5,000 years, which indicates that the ideas of center and moderation became stronger and stronger and were constantly deepened. The ideological roots of the 5,000-year unbroken Chinese civilization are the ideas of center and moderation, which are the ideological basis for the state identity and the core value of the Chinese national history.  相似文献   

This paper explores the politics of landscape and nature within the process of nation-building. In it I examine how landscapes can operate in multiple, intersecting ways in the service of an ideological discourse and how the politics of nature, specifically trees, can contribute to the shaping of a new national space and subjectivity. Focusing on the multiple renditions of Palestine promulgated by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) , I discuss how landscapes can entangle diaspora and homeland, aesthetics and embodiment, antiquity and modernity, with both conceptual and material consequences. Drawing on histories of the JNF and on a selection of historic newspaper articles and children's literature, I explore the circulation of aesthetic renderings of Palestine and the performance of embodied landscapes during the children's tree-planting holiday, Tu B'Shvat. I argue that the centrality of trees to the JNF, and the imagery of roots, renewal, family and innocence that they conjure, legitimised Zionist colonisation and naturalised the Israeli nation state and body politic. I also demonstrate how JNF landscapes and afforestation work assisted in the demarcation of Israeli nation-space and therefore in the material dispossession of the Palestinians.  相似文献   

Mediating between queer theory's privileging of time as actor and geographic emphases on material spaces and identities, this article engages feminist geographies and the work of Deleuze and Guattari to understand the implications of time and space as imagined, or actors' spatiotemporal imaginaries. We draw on Massumi's metaphor of the ‘grid,’ which sediments ways of seeing self and other and logics for action and interaction. The grid incites imaginaries of time as active and space as passive, which evoke past, present, and future, offering coordinates for locating identities. Focusing on spatiotemporality, we conduct a discourse analysis of interviews with two Chilean lesbian-feminist activists, focusing on (1) overtly spatial and temporal dimensions (nation, region, history), (2) the constitution of lesbian space and identity (identity, visibility, consciousness, and community), and (3) oppositional entities that stabilize lesbian identity and space (men, gay men, feminists, universities, and queer). We demonstrate how the activists' imagining of Chile as a space with a linear history with a fixed past and present directs their actions to a particular future of pre-given positions. Nonetheless, we point to moments of disidentificatory movement that returns analytic attention to process, creation, and the open potentiality of movement. The politics of spatiotemporal imaginaries offers activists, geographers, and queer theorists ways of narrating sexualized subjects and politics that are not repetitive of identitarian debates, history as necessary sequence, or spaces as material.  相似文献   

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