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买地券研究三题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川墓葬出土的买地券,内容丰富,富有特色,受到了学术界的关注。古代文献中大约在宋代已有关于买地券的记述,清代之后著录与研究者颇多。近年来更有许多新的考古发现,学者们对其进行了研究,提出了多种论述。这里对买地券研究作了回顾,并对买地券形式与性质提出了新的看法。  相似文献   

买地券词语拾零   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
买地券作为碑刻中的一部分,是非常宝贵的出土文献。从已经刊布的买地券录文来看,文字误录、句读误断的现象颇多,影响了该资料的有效利用。今摘出买地券中若干条常见词语,加以释义例析,分析部分买地券释文的误因,同时为辞书的编撰提供补正。  相似文献   

买地券是我国自汉代以来随同死者埋葬在墓中并反映死者对墓地购买和私人占有权属观念的一种明器。相当于现在的“土地证”。四川达州市共出土了4方,其中2方宋代,2方明代。这4方买地券从券文来看均属晚期买地券。  相似文献   

本文在前人研究的基础上,就海南宋代墓葬中出土几方买地券,出土情况及特点、年代及涉及的地名,买地券所反映的民间风俗信仰等方面进行梳理和考证,尽可能地揭示出隐藏在这些文字背后的史料价值.  相似文献   

河北盐山出土明代买地券   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1994年4月29日,盐山县盐山镇西门外村民孙连山在西三里村北芦家台子拉土时,在距地表约1米处,发现明代嘉靖十二年(1533年)买地券两方。盐山县保所闻讯后,立即派人前往孙连山家,将买地券征集回所。现简介如下:  相似文献   

江南和华南地区已经发现22件南朝买地券。它们依券文可分为三类,在内容、书写格式和行文语气上均有区别。总体上,南朝买地券一方面包含了强烈的道教因素,表明道教在南朝底层社会的广泛影响,另一方面,券文内容也反映了南朝社会的生死观念和埋葬习俗。  相似文献   

陈杏留 《华夏考古》2013,(1):134-136
买地券作为珍贵的出土文献资料,有极高的研究价值。但由于种种原因,导致目前刊布的买地券释文材料不少都存在问题。我们通过整理汉至唐宋买地券材料,将常见误因在此刊布,以引起学者注意,从而更好地利用这份宝贵的文物材料。  相似文献   

汉代买地券的实质、渊源与意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
(1)今见东汉买地券均为随葬明器,并非实在的土地买卖文书,而是“实在的冥世土地买卖契约”:买地券所涉及的买卖双方、见证人均为亡人,所买卖之对象———墓地所有权是冥世所有权,其田亩面积、所用之钱亦仅具冥世意义,也就无须亦不可能与现世实际墓地亩数及现世土地价格相对应。(2)今见东汉镇墓文在时间、空间上均与买地券并存,其功用、性质与买地券并无本质区别:二者都是向地下鬼神通告亡人之殁亡,并祈求得到地下鬼神的接纳与保佑,只不过镇墓文以铅人、金玉奉献给地下土神以解除丧葬动土对地下神的冒犯,而买地券通过向地下鬼神购买葬地以得到地下鬼神的保佑。(3)买地券与镇墓文之源头,至少可上溯至西汉前期墓葬所出之告地策;告地策、镇墓文、买地券三者之间的功用与性质基本相似,演变之迹也比较清晰;至于三者与战国楚地墓葬所出遣策(物疏)有无继承关系,则尚不能确定。(4)告地策、镇墓文与买地券起源于民间巫术,书写者主要是巫觋(东汉中后期亦有“道中人”);书写规则与书写内容主要取决于巫觋方术的准则,而并非亡人及其墓地的实际情况。  相似文献   

In the late fall of 1991, female writer Ma Lihua, Snowland Culture chief editor Norgyi Norsang Gyamco, photographer Zhang Ying and I joined hands with China's Tibet woman reporter Dainba Lhamo to visit the river valley to the east of Lhasa to see places of historical interest and meet monks and local people.  相似文献   


Excavations in a Quaker burial ground at Kingston-upon-Thames uncovered the remains of 360 individuals buried between 1664 and 1814. Historical records combined with the evidence from the excavations have provided an insight into burial rites and undertaking practices of an early Nonconformist community. The archaeological evidence suggests that the simplicity and plainness of Quaker lifestyle were to a large extent reflected in burial. A detailed osteological analysis indicated a healthy, thriving community.  相似文献   

Textile remains were discovered during a salvage excavation at the site of the North Brisbane Burial Ground, a nineteenth-century cemetery in the city of Brisbane, Australia. Ninety-six textile samples were collected at excavation, comprising 39 twill weaves, 17 tabby weaves, one haircord weave, one satin weave, three knitted fabrics, one piece of felt and 34 masses of loose wool packing. Most of the woven textiles recovered were coffin coverings or coffin linings. Similarly, the majority of non-woven textile samples were also associated with coffins and their dressing. Five of the identified textiles were likely to have been fragments of garments worn by the deceased.  相似文献   

作为金朗历史上的一位重要的大功臣,完颜宗翰家族墓地的研究有着非常重要的意义。通过对完颜家族墓地考证的主要依据的描述为研究金代的历史提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

A Merovingian burial ground in Borgharen was threatened by development. Plans however could be changed so the site could be preserved. The initial research however showed the bone material was at risk of severe degradation in the near future. In order to determine whether in situ preservation was feasible three campaigns were carried out. This led to the conclusion that the burial conditions were excellent and there was little risk that severe degradation will reduce archaeological information of the site over the coming decades. The remaining threat concerned illegal excavators with metal detectors and spades. To protect the site it was covered with a series of different materials to prevent the site from being looted.  相似文献   

This article addresses issues of dating and the duration of the transition from the Early to the Late Iron Age using findings from Kozlov Mys-2 burial ground in the subtaiga Tobol region and sites attributable to the final stage of the Sargat culture. Absolute dates suggest that intermediate sites existed in the forest steppe and subtaiga areas east of the Urals in the first half of the 4th century AD.  相似文献   

TheTibetanraceisfoundnotonlyintheTibetAutonomousRegion,butalsointhefourprovincesofQinghai,Gansu,SichuanandYunnan.Nomatterwheretheyarelocated,theybelievedeathmeansthebeginningofanewroundoflife.Preoccupiedbythisbelief,theyshowrespecttothedeadandburythemaccordingtolocalcustomsandhabits.IntheareasinhabitedbytheTibetans,burialwaysvarywithsocialstatusofthedeceased.Toptreatmentgoestostupaburial,followedbycremationandcelestialburialwhichisthemostpopularwiththeTibetans.Underancientinfluence,somefo…  相似文献   

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