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Whaling has been a consistent theme in Australia’s relations with Japan since the 1930s, Australia having endeavoured to regulate, restrict, or bring to a complete halt Japan’s Antarctic whaling virtually since it began. Australia’s motivations have been mixed, involving at various points, some combination of protection of Australia’s coastal whaling industry, concern for Australia’s security, for safeguarding Australia’s Antarctic territorial claim, and more recently, concern for Australia’s whale-watching industry and/or for the whales. Since environmental consciousness became a primary factor in the 1970s, Australian policy has been aligned with that of anti-whaling non-governmental organizations (NGOs), albeit that certain actions of NGOs have caused difficulties for the Australian Government. Law – inclusive of legal argument in the course of diplomacy, domestic laws, and international litigation – has been a mechanism of influence used by the Australian Government and NGOs. This paper traces Australia’s legal opposition from its beginnings until Japan’s announcement in December 2018 that it would end Antarctic whaling.  相似文献   

李峻 《史学集刊》2003,(3):44-49
战时上海“第三国”势力主要指英美等国掌控的公共租界当局。太平洋战争爆发前 ,日方总的原则是 ,一切以争取对华战争的胜利为前提 ,在不发生正面的大规模冲突的前提下 ,尽量使英、美、法等第三国保持中立。同时 ,采取多种手段 ,逐渐削弱、排挤英美在上海的势力 ,最后达到其独占的目的。全面占领租界后 ,日方更是无所不用其极 ,疯狂侵占英美等国的经济利益 ,努力消除其政治影响。英美终战时 8年 ,虽时有妥协之举 ,但为了其自身的利益 ,为了不轻易放弃在华、尤其是在上海等地的势力和影响 ,未承认日伪上海市政府  相似文献   

1931年—1945年的中国通史撰述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战时期史学领域呈现出一种与以往不同的新的研究趋势 ,即对中国通史的研究与撰述的关注和重视 ,这一新的研究趋势是时代与社会的客观需求和史家的主体自觉共同促成的。这一时期的通史撰述对通史编撰理论作了深入探讨 ,在历史观、史书体裁等诸多方面可谓异彩纷呈 ,显示出史坛的勃勃生机  相似文献   

战后初期,英国对日经济政策有一个变化的过程。初期,英国主张对日本应该采取宽容的政策,既要翦除日本对外侵略的威胁,又要复兴日本经济。后期,由于亚洲冷战战略的需要,美国改变对日政策,开始全面扶植日本;而日本则在美国的帮助下在东南亚寻找经济出路,这与英国的利益发生了冲突。这两方面的原因促使英国政府调整对日经济政策,强调限制日本的经济扩张以维护本国利益。  相似文献   

淮南煤矿是国民政府建设委员会创建的官办煤矿.日军侵占淮南煤矿,目的在于掠夺淮南煤炭资源,为其侵华战争服务.为此,日本帝国主义采用高度垄断的方式和掠夺式的开采方法经营管理淮南煤矿,使日伪时期淮南煤矿的经营管理具有垄断性、掠夺性和残酷性特征.  相似文献   

Busby, Robert. Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair: The Politics of Presidential Recovery. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. Pp. xi, 222. $65.00, hardbound.

Garrison, Jean A. Games Advisors Play: Foreign Policy in the Nixon and Carter Administrations. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1999. Pp. xi, 192. $34.95, hardbound.

Hogan, Michael J. A Cross of Iron: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, 1945-1954. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. v, 525. $37.95, hardbound.

Hyland, William G. Clinton's World: Remaking American Foreign Policy. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999. Pp. i, 221. $24.95, hardbound.  相似文献   

Examinations of the defence of Singapore normally focus on therole the Royal Navy and antipodean cries of betrayal. In suchstudies, great attention is paid to such matters as how longit would take the Royal Navy to relieve Singapore and the degreeto which the British government misled Australia, New Zealand,and Singapore itself with regard to London's determination todefend the fortress. This study concentrates instead on Britishdiplomacy in the Far East, and contends that Britain intendedto defend its position in the region by means of creating theimpression in Tokyo that Japan faced a loose Anglo-Americancoalition opposed to any Japanese expansionist efforts. In asimilar fashion, the British attempted also to utilize Soviet–Japanesehostility to protect their interests in the Far East. By lookingat these matters, a greater understanding of the wider aspectsof British strategic defence policy can be found.  相似文献   


Over the years, a certain mantra has arisen in academic circles involving the post-World War II war crimes trials. Nuremberg, it is said, was a needed display of 'allied justice' and 'democratic fair play'. The Tokyo and Pacific region trials were exercises in 'victor's justice' and 'racism'. Accenting the determined, precedent-setting work of the Pacific Islands war crimes trials on Guam, 'Away from Tokyo' argues that justice was served well there. Evil should never go unpunished. Based on archival research at the Micronesian Area Research Center the US Territory of Guam, Stanford University and the Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives, this paper examines the good work of both the prosecution and defence teams on Guam. Few trial participants viewed their efforts as part of a larger conspiracy of revenge and racism. In fact, that conspiracy never existed. 'Away from Tokyo' attempts to set the record straight, and re-examines some dramatic cases at the same time.  相似文献   

文章依据相关档案及文献资料,从制度史研究的角度,对国民政府侨务委员会的沿革、机构设置、职能以及人事和经费等方面进行了考察。结果显示,相对于晚清与北洋政府而言,南京国民政府的侨务机构设置比较健全,在侨务工作的开展、协助政府积极利用海外侨力、保侨护侨等方面发挥了一定的积极作用,也为抗战期间海外华侨为祖国做出巨大贡献奠定了行政基础。但与此同时,机构的不断调整、人员配置的不到位,特别是经费上的捉襟见肘,成为困扰侨委会工作的主要问题。  相似文献   

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