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清光绪年间,钱贵银贱,银两、银元兑钱数继续减少,成为当时的主要货币问题之一。以上海为例,光绪三年十月初九日(1877年11月13日)鹰洋每元可易制钱1019;而初六、初七日鹰洋一元的换钱数还不到千。光绪二十年中日甲午战争以后.钱价更为高涨。光绪二十一年,鹰洋一元的换钱数,“渐减至九百数十,甚有减至八百数十。无论贫富,咸受亏耗,实为数十年来所仅见。”用洋钱买物,如不到一元,须要找钱,至少要买到五六百,卖才肯找。  相似文献   

我们在阅读现代文学作品和有关清末民初时期的回忆录、文史资料时,经常见到“银元”和“铜钱”的货币名称,如:“大洋”、“鹰洋”、“英洋”、“一百文”、“一吊钱”、“制钱”、“兑换券”、“当十铜元”、“当廿铜元”、“一大枚”、“一小枚”、“大铜子儿”、“小铜子儿”等等。这些货币名称,现在许多人都不知其详,但是从上世纪以来到40年代一直广泛使用。因此很有必要对于这方面的文史知识,作一简要考证。 20世纪上半叶,中国人日常使用的货币形式、种类,发生了巨大的变化。从清朝的银两、宝钞、制钱,外国传来的银元(鹰洋和洋钱),到北洋军阀政府发行的“袁大洋”、兑换券、铜  相似文献   

王新启 《安徽钱币》2005,(4):32-32,39
谱载福建银元局所铸七钱二分(一元)银币,面中央满汉文“光绪元宝”,外围“福建官局造”、“库平七钱二分”,背蟠龙,外围英文“FOO-KLEN PROVINCE(福建省)”、“7MACE AND 2CANDAREENS(七钱二分)”。此币铸数较少,有试铸品之说,被列为银币大十珍之第六珍。余偶得一枚“福建官局造”的异版一元银元。  相似文献   

阿克苏铸钱局于光绪四年(1878年)九月十五日正式开铸。所铸为红钱一文小平钱。正面铸“乾隆通宝”,背面穿左满文、右维文“阿克苏”地名,未加“当五”、“当十”字样。光绪九年(1883年)铸局归阿克苏道署专办,规定“其鼓铸钱文以四成铸为‘乾隆通宝’,六成铸为‘光绪通宝’,阴面加‘当十’二字”。  相似文献   

户县戚家堡窖藏铜元刘景团1988年,陕西户县五竹乡戚家堡一村民挖出一瓷罐,内装各种铜元1300多枚,重13.1公斤。经对品相清晰的1260枚铜元分类,版别多达82种。最早为光绪二十七年,最晚的为民国十三年,包括十三个省、地区,分光绪元宝、大清铜币、民国铜币三种,币值有20文、10文两种。光绪元宝有:户部光绪二十九年20文、浙江光绪二十七年10文、江南癸卯、甲辰、乙巳10文、安徽光绪二十八年10文、广东光绪三十年10文、湖南光绪三十年当十、10文、湖北光绪二十八年当十、10文、福建官局造光绪年10文、四川省造光绪二十九年当十、20文、江西光绪二十七年10文;大清洞币有:户部丙午10文、丁未10文,20文、己酉10文、20文、江苏光绪三十二年阴文苏10文、安徽小皖丙午10文、奉天丁未10文、清江光绪三十二年小淮10文、江西丙午赣10文、江南光绪三十二年阳宁10文、丁未宁10文、戊申宁10文、广东丙午粤10文、丁未粤10文、湖南丙午湘10文、河南丙午汴10文、辛亥汴10文、四川丙午川10文、度支部己酉川10文、户部己酉川10文、户部丙午川20文;中华民国铜币有:中华铜币民国八年20文、民国十年20文、民国十三年双  相似文献   

张宁 《中国钱币》2003,(4):26-31
墨西哥银元 ,俗称鹰洋。是世界金融史上颇具传奇色彩的货币。十九世纪中叶开始 ,这种外国货币逐渐成为我国华东、华南地区使用最广、最受欢迎、最有势力、流通量最大的银币 ,风行数十年不衰。对我国货币制度影响深远。虽然鹰洋在中国货币史上有重要地位 ,有关的专门研究还是空白。本文全面研究墨西哥银元在中国流通问题 ,其中不足之处 ,希方家指正。一鹰洋是著名的西班牙“PESO” (比索 )的继承者。十六世纪四十年代 ,西班牙殖民者先后在秘鲁 (今玻利维亚 )的波托西和墨西哥的萨卡特拉斯等地发现大银矿 ,此后三、四百年 ,巨额美洲白银源源…  相似文献   

关于唐代便换,学术界已有许多论述,然而还有一些问题无法得以圆满的解释。本文试就以下几方面提出一些不成熟的看法,以就正于专家。一、便换是怎样出现的现有史料记录便换出现的最早时间是元和五年: (元和七年)七月,度支户部盐铁等使奏:“先令差所由招召商人,每贯加饶官中一百文换钱,今并无人情愿,伏请依元和五年例敌贯与商人对换。”从之。根据这一奏疏,可知最迟在元和五年已出现便换了。那么我们要问,便换为什么要在此  相似文献   

20 0 3年 5月中旬 ,笔者在江苏靖江市靖城城区西郊一废品收购站约 5公斤重的铜元中 ,发现一枚广东造光绪元宝当十错版铜元 (如图 )。该币紫铜质 ,径 2 80毫米 ,厚 2毫米 ;重7 6 5克。背面下缘铸英文纪值文字“TNCASH” (十文 )。此币所铸中、英文字清晰。根据《清末铜元制度述评》 (黄成 ,《中国钱币》1 991年第 3期 ) ,就该币的式样分析 ,该币应是光绪三十年 ( 1 90 4 )将当值英、中文标识由“ONECENT” (即“广东一仙”)改为“TENCASE” (即“每元当制钱十文”)时的广东当十铜元。此币背面下缘英文纪值文字“TEN”中的“E”误…  相似文献   

最近看到《学林漫录》第八集上许寅“傻公子”作出的“傻贡献”——《嘉业堂藏书楼的过去和现在》一文。堂主人刘承干和我祖父罗振玉有交谊,我还记得某一年我家住在天津日租界嘉乐里时,主人携其如夫人及记室沈醉愚(焜)来我家小住,那时我还不到十岁,未与主人见过面。 主人生于清光绪七年(一八八一),解放后一九六三年年,年八十二,当辛亥革命时年才三十一岁。主人以光绪末年秀才捐助巨资修建光绪皇帝的陵墓。由末代皇帝溥仪赠以四品卿衔。主人又喜与当时一般遗老往  相似文献   

光绪十年(公元1881年)九月,年已古稀的左宗棠在收复新疆、建功西陲后不久,又以“尔向来办事认真,外国怕尔之声威,,被任命为两江总督兼南洋通商大臣。腊月二十二日,左宗棠抵江宁(今南京),两天后即“受印视事”。从这时起到光绪十年三月奉调进京为止,在短短两年多的时间里,他以其“衰病余生”,不辞辛劳地建设海防、兴修水利、整  相似文献   

In his critical response to our skeptical inquiry, “Does Culture Evolve?” (History and Theory, Theme Issue 38 [December 1999], 52–78), W. G. Runciman affirms that “Culture Does Evolve.” However, we find nothing in his essay that convinces us to alter our initial position. And we must confess that in composing an answer to Runciman, our first temptation was simply to urge those interested to read our original article–both as a basis for evaluating Runciman's attempted refutation of it and as a framework for reading this essay, which addresses in greater detail issues we have already raised. Runciman views the “selectionist paradigm” as a “scientific”“puzzle‐solving device” now validated by an “expanding literature” that has successfully modeled social and cultural change as “evolutionary.” All paradigms, however, including scientific ones, give rise to self‐validating “normal science.” The real issue, accordingly, is not whether explanations can be successfully manufactured on the basis of paradigmatic assumptions, but whether the paradigmatic assumptions are appropriate to the object of analysis. The selectionist paradigm requires the reduction of society and culture to inheritance systems that consist of randomly varying, individual units, some of which are selected, and some not; and with society and culture thus reduced to inheritance systems, history can be reduced to “evolution.” But these reductions, which are required by the selectionist paradigm, exclude much that is essential to a satisfactory historical explanation–particularly the systemic properties of society and culture and the combination of systemic logic and contingency. Now as before, therefore, we conclude that while historical phenomena can always be modeled selectionistically, selectionist explanations do no work, nor do they contribute anything new except a misleading vocabulary that anesthetizes history.  相似文献   

刘啸 《人文地理》2009,24(5):126
旅游产品的随意涨价,让很多游客感到头痛和不爽,然而业界还在蠢蠢欲动,继续运筹涨价。旅游产品的价格问题实际上关系到一重大的理论问题:由什么来衡量旅游产品价值量。旅游产品在其实现过程中没有物质性的产品传递过程,因此用"商品的价值量取决于社会必要劳动时间,商品按照价值相等的原则互相交换。价格围绕价值上下波动",已经明显解释不通了。感受才是决定旅游产品是否有价值的关键因素。旅游过程中旅游者所获得的感受越深,旅游产品的价值越大,因此它遵循刘氏"发汗定律"。也就是感受的程度是决定价格高低的直接因素。但是感受是一种纯粹的主观心理体验,它是人类社会经济文化背景的直接反映,也是人类文明的区域再现。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Observations drawn from multiple markets are essential to the construction of indices of housing costs and to measures of demand for housing attributes. It is not evident when multiple markets exist or whether such markets exist for some attributes but not for others. We test for multiple markets by using Bayesian methods to assess the transferability (random exchangeability) of entire hedonic price expressions from one site and time to another, the transferability of hedonic price functions for particular attributes, and the degrees of similarity that hedonic price functions must have in order to be transferable. In our illustrations, price functions for structural housing attributes are generally transferable; prices for neighborhood attributes are not. Therefore, in our illustrations, the desired price indices and demand functions should be estimable for neighborhood attributes, but not for structural ones.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Some prior findings on spatial price discrimination are extended. Under certain spatially defined market conditions, discriminatory pricing is known to yield greater output than does nondiscriminatory f.o.b. mill pricing. However, this seemingly surprising result is based on the form of the basic demand function which is relatively less convex than a certain standard curve. The present paper makes this prior result more general by permitting the assumed basic demand to be relatively more convex.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents a critical appraisal of the use of the core as a solution concept for games involving spatially separated producers. Starting from the classical Samuelson/Takayama-Judge spatial price equilibrium model, the core of a game between the producers of commodities in this economy is defined, the conditions ensuring the nonemptiness of the core are stated, and the problems surrounding the definition and computation of the characteristic function are addressed. An application to the eastern United States’coal market is then presented in order to illustrate the usefulness of the theoretical and algorithmic results of this paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper we extend the contextual theory of demand to consider rational consumer behavior when the household must deal with some random fluctuation in the prices it faces. Prices at stores reflect “advertised specials,” which are potential cost reductions random across goods, and random in-store price changes, which can only be observed by visiting the store. Our theory of rational behavior includes: (1) calculation by the household of an ex ante plan for its planning period; (2) modification to take account of advertised specials; and (3) rational search behavior to take advantage of random fluctuations observable only on a given day. This theory utilizes an active cash balance as a buffer against random variations from planned daily expenditures, and reformulations of trip circuits to account for patterns of cost-minimizing search.  相似文献   

我国西部城镇土地定级估价的特点——以西宁市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任志远 《人文地理》1997,12(1):47-51
土地定级与估价是城市地产评估的两个方面,都是对城市土地利用适宜性和土地价格的评定,是以城市土地区位和土地使用效益的集聚程度及空间分布规律为依据。在城市土地定级估价研究中,根据城市特点选定不同的方法和因素及指标体系,对不同类型和特点的城镇,其因素的重要性和区位差异性有着较大的差别。因此在定级估价中,首先要针对城镇的特点进行分析,从而确定其方法路线和有关因素指标体系,才能得到客观理想的评估结果。本文以西宁市土地定级估价为例,对我国西部城镇土地定级估价特点和方法进行了分析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper examines the effect of retail firm ownership on price equilibrium using a simple linear-city model. It is shown that price divergence emerges due to the differences in retail firm ownership, because retail firms under different ownership internalize shopping externalities differently. It is also shown that if a commercial center has two specialized retail firms, these stores charge the same markup for different goods at the equilibrium.  相似文献   

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