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毕节方言词汇的构成较为多元化,既有普通话转借词语;又有四川方言、贵阳方言、湘赣方言、吴方言词语;还有少数民族语词和英语语汇。这些词语共同组成了毕节方言词汇,其中又主要以普通话词语和四川方言词语为主。这种状况形成的原因,主要有移民的影响,文化教育的影响,地域因素及其它因素的影响。  相似文献   

志选 《福建史志》2004,(1):14-18
福建省历来以方言复杂著称。全国汉语方言有七大类,福建境内就占有其五——闽方言、客方言、赣方言、吴方言和官话方言。方言的形成主要是由于社会的分裂、人民的迁徙、民族的融合和地理的阻隔。福建境内现存的各种方言都有自己独特的形成过程。从总的方面说,就古民族和古方言的源流  相似文献   

龚强 《黑龙江史志》2009,(8):13-13,16
(三)蒙古族的语言文字 蒙古族通用语言为蒙古语。蒙古语属阿尔泰语系蒙古语族。在我国使用人口约300万人。在国外,主要是蒙古人民共和国。中国蒙古语可划分为三个方言:内蒙古方言,包括内蒙古自治区、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江地区蒙古族所使用的察哈尔、巴林、鄂尔多斯、额济纳阿拉善、科尔沁特等土语;巴尔虎布里亚特方言,包括内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔盟陈巴尔虎、新巴尔虎、布里亚特等土语;卫拉特方言,包括新疆、青海、甘肃等地蒙古族所使用的土尔扈特、额鲁特、察哈尔土语。这些方言在语音、语法、词汇等方面都有各自的特点和差别。额鲁特蒙古人是明清时期西蒙古分支,讲额鲁特蒙古方言,至今保留着额鲁特方言的语音、语汇特点。巴尔虎与布里亚特方言本为一个地域的蒙古语,但巴尔虎人受俄语、汉语、东蒙古方言影响很少,却因与喀尔喀部杂居而受其语言影响较大。布里亚特蒙古在民国年间从当时的苏联布里亚特自治共和国迁入,他们所用蒙古语不但在语音、发音上有其特点,而且在词汇上从俄语借用较多。  相似文献   

读尹世超、陈淑敏主编的《哈尔滨市志·方言志》(以下简称《方言志》),感到它是一部集资料性、著述性和可读性为一体的上乘佳作。 一、资料功夫深厚 资料是编纂志书的基础。资料功夫如何,在一定程度上决定着志书的质量。 哈尔滨方言是现代汉语官话大区(北方方言区)东北官话区哈埠片肇扶小片中的一种重要地方方言。哈埠片有65个县市,其中肇扶小片18个县市。使用东北官话的人口约有8200万人。哈尔滨方言是以哈尔滨本地土话为基础,在历代移民语言影响下融合而成的。 《方言志》的编者为辑录哈尔滨地区方言做了大量的工作。由于…  相似文献   

每种语言或方言都有自己的不同小称表示法,其手段有语音的、词汇的和语法的,这三者在罗山方言中都有,并且常常交织使用。罗山方言的小称表示方法主要有单纯小称法和复合小称法两种。  相似文献   

“方言消失,不符合事实和发展规律。”——山东大学文学与新闻传播学院教授张树铮认为,人们关于方言消失的担心有些多余。他强调,方言的发展和消亡都有一个过程,现代方言是历史发展的结果。如果一个地方的发展还有本地特色,那里的方言就不会先行消亡。而所谓方言“纯粹、地道”,也都只是相对而言的。  相似文献   

寻迹贵阳方言,可发现贵阳方言除了包含来自其他地方方言的组合外,还保留了一些原古黔中地区通用的黔台语及一些古代方言,如今都还在贵阳方言中运用。"大杂烩"的贵阳方言堪称多彩。贵阳话属于中国北方方言西南官话。西南官话包括了云贵川渝全部及陕甘桂湘鄂以及琼的部分地区,贵阳方言以贵阳方音为主,但是,贵阳话同时也杂处在普通话和其他地方方言互相影响的大环境之中。寻迹贵阳方言,可发现贵阳方言除了包含来自其他地方方言的组合外,还保留了一些原古黔中地区通用的黔台语及一些古代方言,如今都还在贵阳方言中运用。"大杂烩"的贵阳方言堪称多彩。  相似文献   

湖南省邵阳市地方志办公室尹敬中来稿谈了第二轮修志方言志的编写。文章认为,第二轮修志仍然应设方言志。因为:一、不管是续修还是重修,都是设立成书,最好不缺项;二、第一轮所修方言志有不尽人意之处,需要完善,这是第二轮修志设方言志的主要原因。不尽人意之处有三:一是把修方言志局限在搞一次方言调查的单一目的上;二是讲究专业性,却忽视了读者群;三是编写方法简单,像写方言教科书一样,只有方言现象的罗列,没有规律性的概括和词语解释,缺乏可读性。要实现方言志目的多样性、读者的群众性、文章的可读性,应遵守两个编写原则和采用两个编纂方…  相似文献   

张耀光  孙惠  彭湃 《人文地理》2003,18(6):85-87
洞头列岛的住人岛中;分布有吴语(温州话)和闽语(闽南话)二种方言。文中从人口迁移、行政区的变动和海岛的地理环境等方面,对方言的分布特征与形成条件进行了分析研究。同时对邻近的玉环岛的方言状况以及"方言岛"的形成也作了分析。  相似文献   

丁梦诗 《黑龙江史志》2013,(21):303-304
修水方言属于江西方言昌靖片,而重叠式在修水方言中使用的非常频繁,形式丰富多样。其用法既有和普通话相同的地方,也有颇具独特地方色彩的一面,如大量使用词缀"嘚""、哩"等。这篇文章通过考察一些方言实例,在语法上对重叠式在修水方言与普通话中的用法进行比较,以找到二者之间的差异,并期冀能展现出家乡方言与众不同的魅力。  相似文献   

Scholarship on Thomas Sheridan's popular farce The Brave Irishman has to date focused on its engagement with the figure of the ‘stage Irishman’, testing the title character's thick accent and Irish idiom against a standard English that rarely appears in the play itself. This essay considers the farce on broader terms, addressing both regional variations in the play's performance and the other idioms of the play, in order to argue that the farce overturns the devaluing of the Irish idiom and instead dramatises the shortcomings of English on terms consistent with Sheridan's large body of writing on the English language as spoken in the British Isles.  相似文献   

This article examines the political uses of classical architecture in the late eighteenth-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It focuses specifically on the direct connection between the rise of the classical idiom on the eve of the collapse of the Commonwealth and the ill-fated idea of political recuperation of the deteriorating and dysfunctional state under the aegis of King Stanis?aw August Poniatowski (r. 1764–95). In particular, it outlines the extent and character of Polish-Lithuanian architectural classicism’s political engagement in the last decades of the eighteenth century. It also underscores the specific role of this architectural idiom as a political symbol and instrument of propaganda, which served to represent the idea of restoring political order to the Commonwealth and building a strong and self-sustaining political community headed by the king. Finally, it presents a selection of characteristic buildings and publications that contributed to this political discourse, and examines the ways classical architecture retained a political importance in the immediate aftermath of the destruction of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795.  相似文献   

This article looks into the valuation of time in Fiji with particular emphasis on ‘Fiji time’, an idiom typically employed in reference to unpunctuality or relaxing. The article discusses Fiji time through four exemplars in order to illustrate the degree to which Fiji time is compatible with labour-based valuations of time.  相似文献   

本文就《楚辞》名篇《国殇》中的名句“首身离兮心不惩”阐述了“身首分离”的内容和这一恒语产生的基础以及它在《国殇》中的意义。  相似文献   


Names, like stories, are linguistic performances; so the twin disciplines of folkloristics and place-name studies can learn from each other’s methods. Some names offer straightforward evidence for traditional culture, but others are rhetorical, not literal. Allusions to goblins, giants, and the Devil derive from playful storytelling rather than supernatural belief, while names of landmarks are used as pegs on which to hang local legends. The rules for coining names have varied through time and often use special linguistic markers to highlight moral or imaginative content. As we move into a more semiotically aware onomastics, we find ourselves interpreting names from a realm of popular idiom and allusion which is already familiar from folklore.  相似文献   

This debate focuses on a group of anonymous Byzantine romances written in fifteen-syllable verse and in the vernacular idiom sometime between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries. The point of departure is a report written by Panagiotis Agapitos of the University of Cyprus. After a critical look at earlier research on this neglected genre, he presents the principal texts and other related textual material. The three main sections of the report are devoted to genre, structure and poetics, while the conclusion summarizes the report's main propositions.We have asked a number of international experts in the field to comment on these propositions, and Professor Agapitos to reply to their comments. A common bibliographical list concludes the debate. Further comments from other scholars are invited.  相似文献   

在我国古代诗中,提到酒,特别是质量上乘的好酒,或称赞美酒时,常称作“绿酒”,“绿蚁”等等,并由此衍生出“灯红酒绿”这样的成语,本从古代酿酒工艺等方面探讨了酒在一般情况下都不是绿颜色,称它为绿色,只是强调酒液清澈。  相似文献   

These four books focalize the links between sociocultural anthropology and the national or cultural identities of its theoreticians and empirical practitioners. Historically caught between the forces of nationalism and colonialism, the subdiscipline has largely transcended its now rejected past, of which significant traces nonetheless remain embedded in its conceptual inheritance. Ranging from vernacular as well as English-language Indian writings to the compromised achievements of German scholars and to the sharp divergences within and among the dominant traditions, the material of these books indexes the emergence of a self-conscious marginality that has engendered a distinctive and productive idiom of sociocultural critique.  相似文献   

Socialism as a political philosophy confronts many theoretical and empirical challenges in our contemporary world. Some thinkers consider it obsolete and others aspire to reformulate it by couching it in a more pragmatist idiom. My aim here is to show that the salient features of socialism, those that are worth preserving, presuppose the indispensability of critique and reflective subjectivity in a sense that goes beyond pragmatism. To develop my argument for a socialist theory that can benefit from postmodern challenges without surrendering its critical force, I review some recent ideas in the socialist discourse and I contrast them with Cornelius Castoriades's theory of socialism. I conclude by defending the possibility for a new articulation of the socialist project, one that takes into account past failures as well as the shortcomings of current socialist trends.  相似文献   

The characterisation of the Australian polity as a strikingly ‘secular’ polity is in certain respects misleading. Australian political debate continues to be marked by a religious element. For example, the language of Aboriginal ‘reconciliation’ had several distinctly Christian resonances and ambiguities, including the difficult relation of justice and forgiveness. This paper considers the Aboriginal reconciliation process in the light of three different ideas of secularism: secularism as a doctrine of the two ends of humanity; secularisation as disenchantment or rationalisation; and secularisation as the transposition of theology into a mundane or earthly idiom.  相似文献   

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