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奔波在水泥砖石建成的“森林”中,尤其置身于如鸟笼一般的楼层里,滞涩的空气少了许多大地生发的灵鲜水活,让人有一种压抑的感觉,随着时间的推移,对绿色原野便产生出强烈的思恋,有时甚至到了梦牵魂绕的地步。  相似文献   

1999 marks the three hundred and fifieth anniversary of the publication of Descrates' final work: Les Passions de l'Ame. This short paper commemorates that event and discusses the circumstances contributing to its origin and the questions which it still raises for neuropsychology three hundred and fifty years later.  相似文献   

1999 marks the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Descartes' final work: Les Passions de l'Ame. This short paper commemorates that event and discusses the circumstances contributing to its origin and the questions which it still raises for neuropsychology three hundred and fifty years later.  相似文献   

The centrality of passions in the human psyche has attracted recent interest in psychology as a part of the conative domain; furthermore, there is a very important tradition of study on the human passions, which is the Christian tradition of the capital sins. This article aims to present the origins and evolution of the latter tradition through its most influential representatives, with the purpose of understanding human passions in depth. The article is intended to find out commonalities and differences among the most relevant authors in Christian spirituality and the contemporary psychology of passions. In doing so, we are attempting to grasp to what extent the contemporary views are influenced by this Christian tradition. It is also a way to renew the interest in Christian spirituality by going directly to its genuine sources.  相似文献   

中国诗歌浩如烟海,在欣赏那些美好的诗句时,我们不禁击节赞叹,百咏不倦,同时也自然而然地提出疑问,先贤能写出那么好的作品,而自己却不行,为什么?我认为,大凡好的作家必定有一个共同的特点——多愁善感。  相似文献   

盠与穆公、师遽同时,从有关彝器及铭文可知,盠驹尊为共王初期器。而惠仲盠父仅事昭、穆二王,穆王享国既久,惠仲盠父不可能在共王时仍然用事,故与盠非一人。  相似文献   

"认同"是个人对自我社会身份的认知,与特定社会群体的关系及归属感,是当代社会发展重要的心理保障。文化遗产与特定群体的发展历程和发展需求紧密联系,在认同中起到催化和强化的作用。促进认同将对博物馆的收藏、研究、陈列、教育及观众服务等各项工作提出新的任务、带来新的活力。博物馆必须运用其收藏的文化遗产,揭示遗产蕴涵的多层面信息,帮助人们了解自己的发展历程,认清自身特点,强化自我认同。加强公众的民族认同、文化认同、社会认同和国家认同,是当代中国博物馆不容推卸的社会责任。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,“国学热”的兴起,表明新文化保守主义形成。这虽然有外在的因素和内在的依据,并且得到了多人的肯定,但就文化认同而言,新保守主义陷入了事实性认同的误区。本文认为,进入新世纪,面对全球化浪潮的冲击,建构性认同是民族认同的正确选择。  相似文献   

Abstract. This article is an empirical investigation into the question of West German national identity. On the basis of 187 qualitative interviews we distinguish five structural types and seventeen different narratives of individual identity building. We show that national identity is an inevitably contested concept because it is comprised of a diversity of emotions and attitudes and is based on different individual needs. This article evaluates the particularity and normality of West German national identity in the context of universal developments like globalisation and individualisation. The exposure of the tremendous crimes of the period of Nationalsozialsimus and the subsequent construction of a ‘morally correct’ identity have to be understood as a particularity of the German case. In other respects German national identity seems to be more normal than deviant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This essay examines the influence of sentimentalism on conceptions of patriotism at the turn of the nineteenth century in order to historicise conventional views of the nature of patriotism as a fundamental human emotion. It uses a focus on the intellectual thought of Germaine de Staël in order to understand how a ‘sentimental’ view of patriotism took hold at a crucial moment in the European history of the idea of the nation and of the conceptualisation of emotions. I argue that de Staël's ideas and influence lead us to a radical reconsideration of the significance of the emotional history of patriotism for how we explain nationalism.  相似文献   

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