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Although Tibetan Buddhism (also known as Lamaism) is both well known and widespread throughout Tibetan inhabited areas,it coexists there along with vernacular Bon religion and folk religion.What may be forgotten is that both Islam and Catholicism are popular in some specific locations in Tibet.  相似文献   

俞春荣 《丝绸之路》2010,(20):20-23
藏传佛教也称藏语系佛教,与汉语系佛教、巴利语系佛教并称佛教三大体系。公元978年,佛教转化为具有西藏地方形式的西藏佛教,即藏传佛教。它的形成从11世纪中叶开始,直到15世纪初才完成。在300多年的发展历史中,藏传佛教形成了自己的特点:在宗教形式方面,具有浓厚的苯教成分;在教义上,特别重视密宗;在政权组织方面,政教合一制度和活佛转世制度是其重要形式。  相似文献   

After Buddhism entered Tibet,its special form of Tibet,called as "Tibetan Buddhism".Prior to the advent of Buddhism,the native religion of Tibet was Bon.The Bon religion had similarities to the witchcraft practiced in the hinterland of China.In dealing with any sort of mystery and to avoid misfortune,the Bonists performed rituals involving prayer,the consultation of oracles,and exorcism.Bonists also relied on such rituals to cure illness while performing funeral rites.  相似文献   

郭敏丽 《攀登》2010,29(5):111-116
藏传佛教是源自印度的佛教传入以后与当地原始苯教斗争融合产生的。由于藏区特殊的自然环境和文化背景,形成了独特的价值体系和以活佛转世、政教合一等为特征的宗教体系。这些特征与藏族全民信教的社会现实交织在一起,使藏传佛教在藏区社会表现出巨大的社会整合功能,并以不同的形式表现出来。  相似文献   

The Buddhist Gagyu Sect has exertedgreat influence on Tibetan history. InTibetan, "Ga" means "statement of theBuddha" and "gyu" means "carry forward". Major masters of the Gagyu Sect includedMarba, Milha Riba, Riqoinba and Linqenriba.During his three visits to India, Marba translated and brought back to Tibet some of the Tantricclassics. He recruited students and lectured onTantric philosophy. His school was called Bagagyu.As it was formed in Tabolagyi, the school was alsocalled Tabo…  相似文献   

TibetanBuddhismBoominginAbaZHANGLIHEAbainSichuanProvinceislongfamedasSnowMountainandGrasland.LocatedinsoutheastoftheQinghaiT...  相似文献   

Despite the rolling of high plateau and stunning Himalayas, Tibet has a nickname of “Holy Land” with its ancient history and colorful culture. Refered as Shangri-La, the roof of the world and many more, the mysterious kingdom remained closed to others, exerting a strong hold on the imagination of the world. For centuries, it has fascinated mankind in various ways. Its religion is one of astonishing one. Here we have questions! What is Tibetan Buddhism about? How many sects it has? What about each one‘s doctrine? Have you ever known its architectures, its religious arts, as well as its incarnation of Living Buddha? People feel curious about its powerful inspiration and cohesive strength,  相似文献   

TantricGuardianDanceofTibetanBuddhism¥//BENDOTantrismisauniquecomponentofTibetanBuddhism,andtheTantricGuardianDancehasgainedg...  相似文献   

Generally speaking, Tibetan Buddhism played a very important part in the politics of the Yuan Dynasty: it had accelerated the alliance between Mongolia and Tibet on one hand and also brought the Tibetan district under the jurisdiction of China's Central Government on the other. Meanwhile, Tibetan Buddhism had become extremely conceited because the whole Dynasty, especially the imperial court, esteemed it too  相似文献   

Ancient Tibetan CultureAncientTibetanCulture¥byLobsangDainzinTibethasawrittenhistoryofsome1,300years,anditsnumerousBuddhistsc...  相似文献   

Chinese traditional silk has held a special place in Chinese tex-tile history as its great contribution to the development of economy and culture of all ethnic groups as well as international exchanges.From time immemorial,  相似文献   

黄民初 《民俗研究》2001,(2):198-199
不久前,一位来自四川甘孜的藏族同胞,在参观云南民族学院民族博物馆时,来到放着一件“人头骨内画”的陈列柜前,恭敬地双手合十,低首肃立口中还默诵着什么,表情十分虔诚和安详。这柜中陈列的“人头骨内画”是在一具人的头盖骨内彩画着“欢喜佛”形象,它是藏传佛教密宗特有的一种神圣供品,十分引人注目。  相似文献   

迄今为止,在1267元世祖忽必烈以佑国所举行的白伞盖佛母仪轨仍然被认为是汉地白伞盖佛母崇拜的起源。但是查阅《大藏经》和敦煌汉文写本可以看出,白伞盖佛母崇拜之主要经典在8世纪已经在中国广为人知。由于白伞盖佛母具有特大的保护力量,类似于忽必烈汗14世纪举办的仪式在8—10世纪的敦煌地区已曾在汉人中流传,但这种传统随后在汉地衰落下去了。由于《白伞盖陀罗尼经》组成了《大佛顶首楞严经》第七卷的核心部分主旨也发生了改变。到元代和清代,白伞盖佛母护国的传统在汉地再次得到恢复。  相似文献   

铜佛造像是西藏佛教艺术品的一个重要组成部分 ,清代藏传佛教铜像神系庞大 ,造型复杂 ,风格独特 ,曾盛行一时 ,在我国雕塑艺术史上有着不可替代的地位。  相似文献   

2018年11月,藏医药浴法被联合国列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。随着这一消息,藏医药浴走进公众视野,被国内外所熟知。在西藏范围内,藏医药浴认知度、普及度颇高,但是对于它的前世脉络,人们却知之甚少。刘英华是中国藏学研究中心北京藏医院特聘专家、副研究员,通晓古藏文,研究藏医药学已有20年,2007年至2017年10次赴印度、6次赴尼泊尔学习梵文和梵文医典《八支心要集》。  相似文献   

俞春荣 《丝绸之路》2009,(16):64-65
藏传佛教是印度佛教传人我国藏区后与藏族原有的苯教长期斗争、互相融合后形成的。藏传佛教发端于公元8世纪,到9世纪中叶,朗达玛赞普灭佛兴苯,藏传佛教的传播和发展走入一个低谷。10世纪后期,由于各种社会原因。藏传佛教又开始在藏区复兴。11世纪中叶开始,藏传佛教各教派开始出现,到15世纪中叶才全部形成。藏传佛教发展到后期可谓教派林立,主要有宁玛派、萨迦派、噶举派、格鲁派等教派。  相似文献   

The Joyul tradition,which was founded in the 11thcentury,was one of the most important sects of Ti-betan Buddhism.This tradition may trace its originsback to Pha Dampa Sangye,a well-known monk whowas a native of South India,and was founded by MacikLabdron(ma-cig lab-sgron),a famous Tibetan Yogini(a female practitioner of the Yogachara school).It wasthe only sect founded by a female in the history of Ti-betan Buddhism,and this is also rarely seen in the worldhistory of world religions.The sect had a unique doc-trine and methods of intensive meditative practice.Therefore,it was a distinctive sect in the TibetanBuddhism.It not only had deep impact on other sectsof Tibetan Buddhism,but also had great influence on  相似文献   

从可可西里到羌塘高原,是一个巨大的野生动物王国。栖息着30多种青藏高原特有的珍稀动物。其中以藏羚的家族最为繁茂。二十余年前,是藏羚的鼎盛期,这里曾生存着十万只以上的藏羚。它们在蓝天白云之下,在无垠的荒原上自由地觅食,生生不息。藏羚,俗称藏羚羊,属中型牛科动物。体形高大健美,皮毛色泽淡雅,一双大眼明亮温柔。雄羚有一对长约60厘米的角,两角长得一模一样,质地坚实如铁,似两把有环棱的黑色宝剑。侧面看时,两角合为一角,因此,自古藏羚又名“独角兽”。最为奇特的是鼻翼根部和腋窝生有囊状物,也叫风袋。藏羚奔跑时,风袋能鼓起,使藏羚…  相似文献   

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