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《古文尚书》辨伪是清代学术史上的重要课题。清初学者阎若璩作《尚书古文疏证》,判定今本《古文尚书》为伪书,而同时代的学者毛奇龄则作《古文尚书冤词》,极力为《古文尚书》辩护,从而引发了一:场学术公案。《古文尚书》之伪,今日已成定论。《冤词》成为毛氏学术生涯中的败笔,其结论本身已无价值可言。但是他在论辨当中崇实黜虚,纠正了不少辨伪者的错误,从学术史的角度讲,这部表面看起来与辨伪针锋相对的《冤词》,恰恰对《古文尚书》辨伪的深入产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

惠栋荀学思想刍议--以《荀子微言》为中心的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惠栋是乾嘉汉学吴派宗主,经学熟洽,著述等身.《荀子微言》是他的一部重要荀学著作,也是汉学家专治《荀子》的肇始之作.惠栋节选《荀子》篇章,作案语阐述微言.他以《易》理解《荀》义,以"绘事后素"释"礼后",由"尊儒"论重"师法",由辨"危、微、精、一"以驳程朱,均透露出松崖的学术旨趣,体现了《荀子微言》真正"微言"之所在.在《松崖笔记》、《九矅斋笔记》、《易微言》、《九经古义》等著作中,惠栋多处论及《荀子》,反映其"尊荀"思想.在清代中叶的荀学复兴运动中,惠栋占有重要一席.  相似文献   

苏州是白寿彝学术行程的一站。白寿彝在苏州编著《中国伊斯兰史纲要参考资料》、改写《中国伊斯兰经师传》、校点《天方典礼择要解》,取得其回族史、伊斯兰教史研究具有里程碑意义的成就。  相似文献   

张俊岭 《收藏家》2012,(4):34-40
朱筠(1729-1781年),字竹君,号笥河.直隶大必人。乾隆十九年(1754年)进士。先后任武英殿编修、会试同考官,以及顺天乡试同考官、福建乡试引考官。乾隆三十六年(1771年)至三十八年(1773年)出仃安徽学政。后供职于叫库馆。乾隆叫十四年(1779年)董四十六年(1781年)出任福建学政。  相似文献   

明季清初,社会动荡.满族政权入主中原,少数民族政权取代汉族政权.部分儒家学者不愿与新政权合作,选择以避世方式著书立说,反思历代兴亡更迭,并对一些传统观念提出批评与否定.其中,关于妇女守节与再嫁的婚姻选择,儒家学者也多有论及,并产生不同看法.以往的研究较少注意到这一时期儒家学者对于妇女婚姻方面的观点看法.其所表达的极具反传统的婚姻选择的主张,在思想史上具有重要的价值,值得学界引起关注.  相似文献   

明人汪瑗撰《楚辞集解》,在屈辞训诂、考据研究领域取得了卓著成就。他在训诂字词、考辨名物时,既博采众长择善而从并予以新的阐发,又不囿成见冲决旧说提出新论,对学界产生重要影响。他还否定了“《九章》俱作于放逐江南时”的旧说,并对《九章》各篇的具体创作背景、写作时代诸问题进行详细考辨,发明新意,推动《九章》研究的纵深发展。  相似文献   

刘孝标<世说注>的撰著时间问题,目前学术界尚无定论.已有的一些观点都存在着很大的问题.本文从刘孝标为<世说新语>作注所需要的条件出发,结合其生平经历,并综合运用各种材料,得出了关于这一问题的最新结论:刘孝标<世说注>的撰著时间当在梁武帝天监十五年(516)至普通二年(521)之间.  相似文献   

两晋之交著名的道教学者葛洪的学术成就是多方面的,不仅在道教及相关的化学、医学等领域有卓越的贡献,而且在历史、医药、宗教文献的整理编集方面成就显著。还编著了我国历史上第一部道经目录,对古书的流传散佚情况也提出了非常合理的看法。葛洪在文献整理方面取得的成就和贡献,应该得到学界的重视。  相似文献   

1918年8月11日,毛泽东给罗学瓒写了封明信片,此信不仅是一幅书法艺术佳作,更是研究中共党史和毛泽东早年思想、活动的一份珍档。毛泽东缘何要写这封信?此信背后到底尘封了一段怎样的历史?本文对此信的写作背詈及由来作一翔实考释。  相似文献   

Canada has always been ambivalent about its spatial location. Even though it is situated in the Americas, historically it has perceived itself—and has been perceived by the world—largely as a European outpost. In particular, Canada has identified much more with the Northern Hemisphere than with the Western Hemisphere. This article examines the reluctance of Canadian writers and artists to engage with the continent below the United States–Mexico border. However, it will conclude by analyzing some of the songs that Bruce Cockburn wrote in response to his tours of the Central American war zones in the 1980s, which mark a turning point in Canada’s inter-American identity.  相似文献   

新近发现:在现存《永乐大典》残卷中,收录一种泰山佚书——《泰山雅泳》。《大典》共录存其书之诗十首。本对以上十诗逐一作了考察,并在此基础上,对《雅袜》的成书时代、编撰人员以及其书所具认识价值,提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

陆贾《新语》是西汉初年的重要作,但历来研究甚少。近年王利器先生汇旧注古本,撰为《新语校注》一书,甚为精当。本从校勘、注释两个方面对王进行了补正。  相似文献   

汤茂林  金其铭 《人文地理》2011,26(4):153-160
李旭旦先生是人文地理学家、区域地理学家和地理教育家,毕生致力于地理教育和科学研究,培养了几代地理学人才,桃李满天下。他才思敏捷,知识渊博,治学严谨、执着,有较高的学术造诣。学术上他强调人地协调论和统一地理学,提倡区域研究,致力于地理教育理论的建设,创办《地理知识》杂志,曾任德国《GeoJournal》杂志编委,主编《人文地理学》(中国大百科全书分册)、《人文地理学论丛》、《人文地理学概说》,提出白龙江是我国西部南北地理分界线的科学论断,主张把解决现实问题作为人文地理学的主攻方向,重视野外调查,晚年他提出复兴人文地理学的倡议,把我国人文地理学的发展推向一个新的阶段。他是我国现代人文地理学的奠基人。  相似文献   

For many years, I taught third‐year law students at the Dickinson School of Law (Penn State's law school now, a private institution then) a seminar entitled “The Constitution.” For a semester we would seek to get to know the document through a careful reading of it, along with some of the works that those who wrote the Constitution would have read and some that they wrote, various essays by legal scholars and political scientists, and various Supreme Court cases. The goal was to get these budding young attorneys to try to determine what, if any, relationship there might be between what the Constitution says and what we now say it says.  相似文献   

《诸子平议》是一部训诂和校勘的笔记体学术专著,作者俞樾,晚清小学大家。学术界尚无专门文章探讨此书的功过优劣,这与俞樾的学术地位是不相称的。他审字义、破通假、立文法,对今人仍有借鉴意义。同时,我们也发现有许多地方值得商榷,本文力求对其不足之处作出中肯、全面的分析.  相似文献   

Turkic languages and dialects played a much more important role in Safavid Iran than is generally thought, while Azerbaijani Turkish in particular was widely spoken and written in Safavid Iran. It was not only the language of the court and the army, but it was also used in poetry, even by renowned poets who usually wrote in Persian. The Safavid shahs, many of whom wrote poetry in Turkish themselves, promoted its literary use. Also, Turkish was used in the court's official correspondence, for both internal and external affairs.  相似文献   

Henry Head, the English neurologist, received the main parts of his academic education in Cambridge and in London. In addition, he spent two years in Prague where he worked in the physiology department of the German university under the guidance of Ewald Hering. He was interested in the nervous control of breathing and worked out a new method of recording the tension and the contractions of the diaphragm in anaesthetised animals. His results substantiated the experimental basis of the Hering-Breuer reflexes and included the discovery of a new reflex now named Head's paradoxical reflex. Head not only wrote an extensive paper about his scientific work, the recollections of his time in Prague also formed a considerable part of his autobiographical notes. These were written some forty years later and still expressed a deep affection for his teacher and mentor.  相似文献   

Changing working conditions at many universities over the past decade have meant longer hours, intensified record-keeping, and more precarious employment. Despite these changes, many academics still insist that we enjoy our jobs. Our inquiry is oriented toward spaces and practices that bring us joy in our daily work and help us withstand the negative effects of working in academia. This article reports on our exploration of some moments of joy at work as part of our own academic practice. Through a feminist methodology known and developed as collective biography, we wrote individual memories of joy in our teaching, publishing, and collaborating, together at a writing retreat. As we analyzed these recalled moments, we came to realize that joy emerges through a turbulent process fueled by a cocktail of emotions. In fact, we came to understand joy as affect, with affect seen as a certain sort of excess, generated around and through sensations that might contribute to feelings such as celebration, happiness, or surprise as well as fear, anger, or embarrassment. We conclude that joy does things, that it can be transformative, and that cultivating joy in academia is part of a radical praxis.  相似文献   

Henry Head, the English neurologist, received the main parts of his academic education in Cambridge and in London. In addition, he spent two years in Prague where he worked in the physiology department of the German university under the guidance of Ewald Hering. He was interested in the nervous control of breathing and worked out a new method of recording the tension and the contractions of the diaphragm in anaesthetised animals. His results substantiated the experimental basis of the Hering-Breuer reflexes and included the discovery of a new reflex now named Head’s paradoxical reflex. Head not only wrote an extensive paper about his scientific work, the recollections of his time in Prague also formed a considerable part of his autobiographical notes. These were written some forty years later and still expressed a deep affection for his teacher and mentor.  相似文献   

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