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喻金环 《神州》2013,(31):19-19
保护性耕作的前身叫“免耕法”。保护性耕作技术是对农田实行免耕、少耕,尽可能减少土壤耕作(只要能保证种子发芽即可)并用作物秸秆,残茬覆盖地表,用化学药物控制杂草和病虫害,从而减少土壤风蚀、水蚀、提高土壤肥力和抗旱能力的一项先进农业耕作技术。〈br〉 我国是主要的干旱国家之一,水土流失和风蚀沙化十分严重。风蚀沙化在我国北方旱区今年来更为突出,由于过度开垦及不适当的耕作,造成植被破坏,土地沙漠化愈来愈快,沙尘暴发生的频率愈来愈高,如旱地采用火烧秸秆,铧式犁翻耕,土地裸露休闲的传统耕作,就是不恰当的方式。  相似文献   

金代是女真族建立起来的,女真族属于北方的农耕渔猎民族。文中针对金代女真族的耕作技术、水利兴修和农田灌溉等方面来对金代农业科学技术的发展进行了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

秦汉农业:精耕细作抑或粗放耕作   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
秦至东汉中期 ,我国农业生产仍处于由锄、锸耕向犁耕过渡时期。东汉后期或魏晋南北朝 ,北方中原地区始进入牛耕时代 ,南方还要晚一些。《吕氏春秋》、《胜之书》等所说的先进耕作制度只是农学家的提倡 ,远未在全国普遍推广 ,当时多数地方还是粗放耕作。以往的农史将先进的生产工具、生产技术当做一般的、已被普遍采用的生产工具、生产技术 ,这是一个误区  相似文献   

李浩 《民俗研究》2003,(1):132-139
《四时纂要》是唐代韩鄂编纂的一部按月列举应做事项的月令式农家杂录。书中涉及唐代北方农民日常生活的许多方面,包括农业生产、农副产品的加工与制造、医药卫生、器物修造等,内含丰富的民俗学素材。本文即以《四时纂要》为基础,了解唐代北方的农业生产习俗。  相似文献   

一农业机械化是苏联农业现代化的重要内容,而苏联农业的现代化又首先是从机械化开始的。半个多世纪以来,苏联农业机械化的发展,大体上经历了这样几个阶段: 第一阶段:从十月革命后至二次大战前。这一阶段主要特点是前十年积极筹建农机工业,后十年大发展。沙皇俄国时代的农业生产技术十分落后,在农业中普遍使用木梨、木耙、铁梨等简陋的农具从事耕作。国内根本没有拖拉机工业。从十月革命胜利后,直到1923年苏联才  相似文献   

葛金根 《收藏家》2009,(12):65-70
嘉兴博物馆藏有清光绪五彩耕图瓷板8块,均采国画勾勒线描线描填色,并配墨书耕诗,诗画合一,意境深远。因其描绘农家耕种的生产场面,又称为“田家乐”或“农家乐”。虽仅是传统耕图中的部分,但作品形象生动、细腻传神地描绘了劳动者耕种的场景和生产过程,起到了普及农业生产知识、推广耕作技术的作用,不失珍贵的耕作资料。  相似文献   

张荷花 《神州》2012,(24):238-239
近年来。随着农业生产水平的提高、品种的更换及耕作的改变,玉米病害的发生和危害呈加强趋势,发生严重的有玉米大斑病、小斑病、青枯病、褐斑病、纹枯病等。苗枯病、粗缩病、锈病在局部地区也发生较重,对玉米生产造成了很大影响。为保证玉米正常生长,从早从快防治玉米病虫害。  相似文献   

金颖 《满族研究》2007,8(4):54-61
水田农业是近代迁入辽宁省地区的穷苦朝鲜移民移居成功的根本性的生存手段。在北方旱田耕作技术体系形成的基础之上,朝鲜移民带来的水田耕作技术,作为新的生产力,代表社会经济变化趋势,为他们最终得以成为我国民族大家庭的成员奠定了坚实的经济基础。本文论述了清末至九一八事变前辽宁省地区水田农业的发展与朝鲜移民社会形成的前提条件、特点。事实上如果朝鲜移民不从事我国当地关内移民所不熟悉的水田农业,水田农业不发展而受阻滞,就不可能形成朝鲜移民社会,而朝鲜移民社会的形成,反过来又促进了辽宁省各地水田农业的发展。  相似文献   

英国农业革命与农业生产技术的变革   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
英国农业革命与农业生产技术的变革杨杰历史学家认为,英国历史上的确发生过一场持续了三个世纪的农业革命。这场革命使英国农业在生产技术、耕作方法和组织形式上发生巨大的变化,使农业生产率较快地提高到一个能够推动工业化和城市化发展的水平。从农业生产力发展的角度...  相似文献   

农业是人类最先开创的产业,源远流长。云南的自然条件复杂,动植物种类繁多,农业资源非常丰富。远在170万年以前,就有古猿人生活在云南的元谋等地。约在公元前2000年左右,云南在新石器时代出现原始农业。种植业是农业的主体。种植业使用的农具和耕作方式较能代表农业的发展水平。云南农业的发展过程大体上是:刀耕——锄耕——犁耕——牛耕——机耕。也有把这一过程简化为原始农业——传统农业——现代农业。  相似文献   

樊志民 《人文地理》2004,19(5):74-78
农业地理环境是农业生产诸自然条件中影响最大的因素之一。历史过程之中,以地理环境条件为基础,伴随农业生产技术的纵深迈进,农业经济的开发与中心转移呈现出明显的层次性与地域性特征:率先是黄河中下游地区的旱作农区,次为长江流域稻作农区,进而是高寒农区的开发。  相似文献   

方方  刘彦随 《人文地理》2013,28(1):100-104
传统平原农区是我国重要的粮食产区和人口集聚区,也将是我国未来人口城镇化的快速发展区。本文基于农村劳动力就业转移与农户家庭总收入之间的数量关系,提出农区发展演化三阶段的理论,并选取不同发展阶段的河南省吴庄村和山东省东店村进行验证。结果表明:微观层面的人口非农化特征与农户家庭总收入存在相关性,宏观层面的县域经济发展能力是农户兼业行为特征的重要外因;兼业农户通过土地流转,种植结构调整改变传统耕作方式,优化了农业与非农业收入结构,并推动农区进一步的发展演变。通过分析传统平原农区人口非农化对耕地利用方式的影响机理,对于保障粮食安全、推进该类型区的社会经济转型具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

位于吉林的伯都讷围场,在清代围场中放垦最早,也是嘉道以来清廷对所控有的围场封禁土地资源进行的第一次招民而非旗丁的开垦,是在人口增加、农耕土地资源紧缺情形下,国家不得不对所控制的土地资源重新调整、加以分配的一个特例。整个过程中,不仅显现出农耕土地资源私有化的局面,也涉及官民双方在资源分配中的利害关系。清代中国的人与自然环境系统中,对资源环境的调控是在国家权力支配下完成的,国家权力和政策是这一环境系统发生改变的主要动力。  相似文献   

Maintaining periurban agriculture and prime periurban farmland has become a leitmotiv in land use planning and management around many cities in North America and Western Europe since the 1960s. This article focuses on the changing perspectives associated with these planning and management initiatives as well as changing research approaches. Initially, periurban farmland was often seen by planners as a land reserve for urban development. Subsequently, concern was expressed about maintaining the prime agricultural land resource via farmland protection programmes, especially in North America in the 1960s and 1970s. Early research into periurban agriculture involved statistical analyses of farmland losses and changing agricultural production systems, and farmer interviews to identify pressures and opportunities facing periurban agriculture. Gradually, it became clear that maintaining farmland resources and farm activities required more than just ‘protecting’ them from urbanisation. Two types of initiatives developed: (1) the construction of agricultural development plans to ensure sustainable farm development, e.g. in Quebec since 2008, in France since the mid‐1970s and more recently in Wallonia (Belgium) in 2014; and (2) a change in the research approach to support periurban agricultural sustainability. While still using interviews with farmers and other actors, more important is the emergence of action research to provide support to farmers, their neighbours, elected officials and professionals in developing agricultural development plans, with the aim of achieving a better integration of periurban agriculture into the regional urban system. This paper develops this reasoning using research in Canada, France, and principally Belgium to illustrate the argument.  相似文献   

基于农用地集约利用和市场可达性评价方法,计算了兴化市各乡镇农用地集约利用程度和农产品消费市场可达性并通过统计方法初步分析了两者的关系。结果表明:(1)农用地集约利用程度与农产品消费市场可达性具有明显的空间差异;(2)农用地集约利用程度与农产品消费市场可达性之间的秩相关系数为0.23,在α=0.05的置信水平上相关关系不显著,这说明县域尺度下农业用地集约利用与农产品消费市场可达性之间的空间模式已经突破了传统的"农产品消费市场可达性-农业生产方式-农用地集约利用程度"农业区位论模式。  相似文献   

Field observations in two regions of European Russia (Kostroma and Samara oblasts) in summer 2010, reinforced by satellite imagery, provide a basis for a team of U.S. and Russian geographers to investigate ongoing changes in agricultural land use since the early 1990s. The authors highlight the contrasting situations in Kostroma (northern European Russia), where agriculture is limited and in retreat beyond relatively small scale operations in suburbia, and Samara (southern European Russia), where agricultural activity appears to be sustainable, albeit on a somewhat less extensive spatial scale than in the past. The comparison suggests that the change from central planning to unregulated market has not been popular, and that crop farming in both regions has better prospects than animal husbandry. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O130, P320, Q150, R140. 1 table, 17 figures, 21 references.  相似文献   

气候变化对明代华南农业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在明代276年间,华南气候经过多次振动发 生了由暖到寒的转变。这一转变对当时华南地区的农业产生 过较大的影响:一方面,由于气候振动,气象灾害时常发生,伤 害了劳动力资源,破坏了耕地和其它农业设施,扰乱了农业生 产的秩序。另一方面,由于气候由暖转寒,影响了农作物的组 合,使粮食作物和经济作物的地理分布有了改变。此外,气候 转寒以后,砍伐森林、破坏植被、滥杀动物的情况不断发生,也 在一定的程度上破坏了农业的生态环境。从某种意义上说,气 候变化是制约明代华南农业发展的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Land disposal by southern African administrations to European settlers between 1860 and 1960 was pursued on a more extensive scale than in the previous two centuries. This reflected the increased ability of local governments to seize land occupied by the indigenes. African land rights received scant attention as most of the sub-continent was taken by conquest, thereby offering governments the opportunity to settle Europeans upon the land. By 1860 the local European settler communities had achieved control over their own land policies, which were framed under political pressure from the rapidly growing rural European population. Land settlement policies were, however, severely constrained by existing practices, which emphasized extensive pastoral farming to the detriment of the development of crop farming and plantation agriculture.  相似文献   

Land disposal by southern African administrations to European settlers between 1860 and 1960 was pursued on a more extensive scale than in the previous two centuries. This reflected the increased ability of local governments to seize land occupied by the indigenes. African land rights received scant attention as most of the sub-continent was taken by conquest, thereby offering governments the opportunity to settle Europeans upon the land. By 1860 the local European settler communities had achieved control over their own land policies, which were framed under political pressure from the rapidly growing rural European population. Land settlement policies were, however, severely constrained by existing practices, which emphasized extensive pastoral farming to the detriment of the development of crop farming and plantation agriculture.  相似文献   

Land Policy and Farming Practices in Laos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The government of Laos has identified the eradication of poverty as a priority. Given the primarily agricultural character of the country, it has selected land reform as a core policy to reach this goal. The policy has two major aims: to increase land tenure security in order to encourage farmer involvement in intensive farming, and to eliminate slash‐and‐burn agriculture to protect the environment in a country still rich in forest resources. State intervention takes the form of land allocation, a process which combines the protection of some areas of village land with the formal recognition of private ownership in authorized farming areas. In a country with different types of geography, the effects of the policy are variable, but the research presented in this article demonstrates that the land laws have shortcomings which allow for differing interpretations depending on the local social relationships. Since local specificities are not taken into account, the reform is proving counterproductive for both forest protection and agricultural modernization, as well as having a negative social impact by marginalizing the poorest farmers.  相似文献   

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