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今天,与这么多老同志、专家、学者,共同参加中华炎黄文化研究会第二届理事会全体会议,我感到很高兴。继承、弘扬优秀的文化传统,是一件意义深远的大事。我们中华民族是由五十多个民族组成的大家庭,五千年来,共同创造了辉煌灿烂的中华文化,形成了中华民族多元一体的格局。我们说的炎黄文化,就是以炎帝、黄帝为象征,多元一体的中华文化。从我的认识来说,世界上没有一个民族的文化像中华文化这样源远流长而始终未曾间断。很明显,着力研究和传播中华民族的优秀文化传统,对中国,对世界,都是十分有益的。当今世界,是经济趋向一体化…  相似文献   

有金一代,女真统治者在奉行尊孔崇儒、继承中原传统的基础上,形成了兼具民族特色与时代特色的配享制度。金朝帝庙配享的功臣总数和每个帝庙配享的人数都远超宋朝,武将占居配享功臣绝大多数,配享功臣的民族分布呈现多元状态,并且存在为开国前的未实位"帝王"配享,以及父子、兄弟相继配享的家族配享。这种独具特色的配享制度恰是少数民族王朝在政治文化方面受到中原文化影响的例证,既是对本王朝正统的一种昭示,也是"中华一体"时期多民族交往、交流、交融的体现,充分展示了金朝作为一个北方多民族王朝的特质,同时也发展了多元一体的中华文化。中华文化在各民族的交往、交流、交融中日益丰富多彩。  相似文献   

本文对肃慎-女真族系形成发展研究的民族学价值意义进行探讨,主要从肃慎-女真族系研究对于中华民族多元一体构成、民族社会结构和社会性质、民族多元文化及交互影响、民族传统文化与现代化、民族学跨学科综合研究等问题研究的价值意义进行论述.通过对肃慎-女真族系各族的形成发展进行系统综合研究,丰富促进民族学人类学等相关学科的深入研究,对研究多元一体的中华民族历史文化、促进中国现代社会经济文化的快速发展、调整民族政策以及外交政策、促进人类文明进程、相互协调、和谐发展发挥重要的实效作用.  相似文献   

试论唐代吐蕃与西北各族的文化交流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经略西北地区和统治被征服地区民族的过程中,吐蕃与西北各民族在政治、经济、文化等方面有过密切的交往。西北各族丰富的、独具特色的文化元素曾经影响到吐蕃文化,佛教传入吐蕃也有西北各族的贡献;同样,吐蕃文化也长久地影响到了西北各族,主要表现在文字、服饰、艺术等方面。吐蕃与西北各族的这种文化交流,促进了各自社会、经济、文化的发展,也为丰富多元一体的中华文化做出了贡献。  相似文献   

本文从文化继承和发展的角度,探讨了儒家自先秦以来为维护和发展民族文化所作出的艰苦努力──即儒家自觉的文化使命意识。先秦儒家为维护“周礼”所作的艰苦努力,宋明新儒家“援佛道入儒”的成功经验,以及现代新儒家“援西学入儒”的初步尝试,都是儒家这种文化使命意识的真实展现。本文认为,儒家这种民族文化使命感,尽管有其保守和封闭的一面,但它对于中华文化的延绵与发展也产生了积极的、重要的影响。本文同时认为,今日中国的知识分子应继承传统儒家的文化使命意识,为振兴中华文化,弘扬民族精神作出不懈的努力  相似文献   

中华北方民族在7000年前就已绘制天文星象图,并以众星组成的图象为观象授时的标志物,以之为认识宇宙星空的思维模式;后这种天文星象多发现于北方民族的墓葬壁画或穹隆顶上,表现为一种小宇宙意识和宗教感情.辽金西夏以来,在中国天官体系确立之后吸纳古巴比伦、印度文化,形成以中国传统的二十八宿与黄道十二宫交融的文化发展趋势;星象图出现了写本、绢画等经典化的新形式,表现了中华北方民族文化的开放性、容纳性诸特点,形成北方民族的天文星象学系统,对中华文化的多元一体格局的形成起到推动作用.  相似文献   

闽台文化是一元还是多元的?它在中华民族灿烂的文化体系中所占地位如何?尽管这二个问题尚未成为学者们争论的重点,但从海内外报刊发表的各种言论看,人们对这些问题的分歧是确实存在的.笔者认为:闽台文化是一体多块的地方性文化,其中,台湾文化是闽台文化的一个组成部分;从总体而言,闽台文化是中华文化之中的一个区域文化,它是中世纪中原文化的延伸,并在吸收古老的闽越文化、畲族文化与海外文化成分的基础上,形成了富有开创性的地方性文化.以下我们试从民族语言、宗教信仰、文化艺术,风俗习惯、经济结构等方而论证我们的观点.  相似文献   

郑华宁 《东方收藏》2022,(10):75-77
龟兹地区的“龙马文化”不仅体现在出土文物上,还展现在龟兹石窟壁画艺术当中。本文通过对龟兹地区“龙马文化”的演变探索,结合石窟壁画和陶器当中的“龙马”形象,浅析龟兹“龙马文化”的概念及其所呈现出的中华文化多元一体之深厚内涵。  相似文献   

1988年,费孝通教授应香港中文大学的邀请,在国际著名的“泰纳讲演”(Tanner Lecture)会上,提出“中华民族的多元一体格局”的理论,从宏观的角度,论述了中华民族的起源与横向构成既是“多元”,又是“一体”的特点,为我们进一步全面认识中华民族与中华文化的基本特征和性质指明了新的方向,开拓了新的视野。本文认为:虽然“民族”和“文化”是两个互不相同的概念,民族学和文化学是两门不同的学科,“中华民族”  相似文献   

公元前478年,中国的文化巨人孔子盍然长逝.这位中华文化的集大成者、儒家学派的创始人,不仅对中国文化,而且对世界文化所作出的贡献是超时空的、是无国界的.……  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):473-486

Larry Rasmussen and Robin Lovin have offered compelling perspectives on Reinhold Niebuhr's legacy, asking whether he was wrong or right on the economy, and whether Stanley Hauerwas's analysis of Niebuhr's work is wrong or right. In this reply, Scott Paeth argues that Niebuhr was a complex theological thinker and social critic, and is best understood as a "pragmatic idealist" who was willing to change strategies in response to changing circumstances. He was also quintessentially a public theologian who, contrary to the arguments of Stanley Hauerwas, was a vociferous critic of his social context rather than an assimilated spokesperson for it. Finally, Paeth offers some suggestions about what Reinhold Niebuhr's legacy might mean in light of the American election of 2004.  相似文献   

This paper explores a conception of being Indian in New Orleans that complicates and localizes Indian histories and identities. It poses that the notion of “being Indian” may be approached not only through the history and archaeology of persons but also as an identity such that being Indian itself is an artifact produced by a wide range of people in the development of New Orleans in the colonial and post-colonial periods. Employing a critical reading of intercultural relations, I explore archaeological evidence that suggests colonial New Orleans was created in both Indian and non-Indian terms through exchange. In this process archaeology shows that being Indian was part of a widely-shared colonial strategy that places a fluid Indian identity at the center of local history. The paper also considers how the marginalization of Indian people in the early nineteenth century was one way New Orleans and the greater southeast connected with dominant American sensibilities. Developing with the idea of “prehistory,” nineteenth-century Native Americans were distanced as a cultural other and pushed to margins of New Orleans society. The subsequent internal tensions of assimilation and removal derailed Indian challenges to White domination they had employed over the previous 100 years. As this action coincides with the invention of American archaeology as the science of prehistory, the paper concludes with a critical reflection on archaeological terminology.
Re′sume′ Cet article explore l’idée d’être Amérindien à la Nouvelle-Orléans qui rend plus complexes et plus spécifiquement locales les histoires et caractères identitaires amérindiens. Il suggère que la notion d’ ? être amérindien ? peut être appréhendée non seulement à travers l'histoire et l'archéologie des personnes, mais également par le biais d’une identité à proprement parler, procédant de l’acceptation qu’être Amérindien est en lui-même une construction empruntant à un large éventail de personnes de la région de la Nouvelle-Orléans durant la période coloniale et post-coloniale. Utilisant une lecture critique des relations interculturelles, j'explore les faits archéologiques qui suggèrent que la Nouvelle-Orléans coloniale fut créée selon des principes à la foi amérindiens et non amérindiens par l’entremise d’échanges. Dans ce processus, l'archéologie démontre qu' ? être amérindien ? faisait partie d'une stratégie coloniale largement utilisée et qui se servait d’une identité amérindienne polyvalente comme point central de l'histoire locale. Cet article traite également de la fa?on dont la marginalisation du peuple amérindien au début du 19ème siècle fut un moyen par lequel la Nouvelle-Orléans et plus largement le sud-est sont entrés en adéquation avec la sensibilité américaine dominante. En même temps que se développait l’idée de ? préhistoire ?, les amérindiens du 19ième siècle furent écartés en temps qu’? autre culture ? et repoussés aux marges de la société de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Les tensions internes qui ont suivi, liées à leur assimilation et déplacement, ont entravées les efforts des Amérindiens contre la domination des Blancs, efforts déployés au cours des 100 années précédentes. Ceci co?ncidant avec l’invention de l’archéologie américaine comme la science de la préhistoire, cet article termine avec une discussion critique de la terminologie archéologique.

Resumen Esta ponencia explora una concepción de ser Indio/a en New Orleans que complica y localiza historias e identidades Indias. Propone que se puede abordar la noción de “ser Indio/a” no sólo a través de la historia y la arqueología de las personas, sino también como una identidad que hace que ser Indio/a sea en si mismo un artefacto producido por una amplia porción de gente en el desarrollo de New Orleans en los períodos coloniales y post-coloniales. Usando una lectura crítica de relaciones interculturales, exploro la evidencia arqueológica que sugiere que el New Orleans colonial fue creado en términos Indios y no-Indios por el intercambio. En este proceso la arqueología demuestra que ser Indio/a era parte de una estrategia colonial extensamente compartida que ubica una identidad India fluida en el centro de la historia local. La ponencia también considera la manera como la marginalización del pueblo Indio al comienzo del siglo XIX fue una forma a través de la cual New Orleans y el gran sudeste se conectaban con las sensibilidades norteamericanas dominantes. Al desarrollarse con la idea de “prehistoria”, los Nativos norteamericanos del siglo XIX fueron distanciados como un otro cultural y desplazados a los márgenes de la sociedad de New Orleans. Las tensiones internas subsiguientes de asimilación y extirpación torcieron el curso de los desafíos Indios al dominio blanco que habían estado usando en los últimos cien a?os. Como esta acción coincide con la invención de la arqueología norteamericana como la ciencia de la prehistoria, la ponencia concluye con una reflexión crítica de la terminología arqueológica.

杨云 《民国档案》2004,(1):31-33
1946年4月上海富商荣德生遭上海帮、嵊县帮绑架,6月底,上海警备司令部第二处将此案侦破。  相似文献   

In this article I will discuss some systematic issues of Arthur Danto's philosophy of art and art history from a Hegelian perspective. Belonging to "Absolute Spirit," art can be called a "spiritual kind." Since spiritual kinds are reflective and self-determining, they are not susceptible to philosophical definition. Nevertheless, elements of essentialism can be maintained when describing art's historicity and conceptual structure. To this end, "art" can be interpreted as a two-tier concept: in inherently reflecting its concept, it projects its own conditions into the past, co-opting "prehistorical" artworks as predecessors and classical examples. Hegel's view of art as conceptually structured in itself can have disenfranchising or reenfranchising consequences: either reducing art to minor philosophy, or acknowledging its privileged access to its own essence. After Danto's detachment of the philosophy of art from aesthetics, Hegel would himself be deprived of the possibility to "define" art by intuition ( Anschauung ). Even if the spirit consists of essential kinds, philosophy is not in a privileged position to establish the essence of art and thus the difference between art and philosophy. Rather, philosophy must acknowledge art as a neighbor (Heidegger) and as partner in a dialogue.  相似文献   

武力  吴雪生 《民国档案》2001,(2):98-105
1949年1月,内外交困的蒋介石宣布“下野”,这是他第三次“下野”。他这次“下野”,既有“近因”,也有“远因”。他在辽沈、淮海战场上的失败,是“近因”,也是决定性因素;专制独裁、经济危机、派系矛盾等是“远因”,也是必然性因素。本文试从以上几个方面对蒋由优势转变为劣势继而“下野”的矛盾发展过程作一剖析。  相似文献   

This author draws attention to the humiliating and unfair burden that is placed on Colombian citizens due to an international condemnation that seems to equate being Colombian with being a criminal. He points to how changes in global alliances have compounded this situation, particularly through the recent imposition of a visa requirement by Spain, in compliance with European Union regulations. He argues that the colonial order is maintained, to a not insignificant degree, by its acceptance by colonized peoples, and points to a growing opposition to the neocolonial order. The deliberately political creation of plural and horizontal bodies, such as WAC, are welcome outcomes of this movement. Contemporary archaeological practice has the potential (and the responsibility) to further that trend through a participatory, open, and pluralistic approach to intercultural relationships. It is up to us all to decide whether we shall bow down to neocolonialism or oppose it.  相似文献   

Being genealogical in digital geographies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this intervention, I trace the genealogies of the recent heralding of digital geographies as a boundary object for scholarship and scholars foregrounding the digital in geography. Building off of previous efforts to be technopositional in digital geographies, I make an entreaty for further being genealogical by attuning to the insider/outsider positionalities that have informed this particular endeavour of intellectual community‐making in Anglo‐American geography. While genealogy is not an exercise in historical narration, it works against dehistorical narratives of digital technologies and of the disciplinary frameworks within which they are engaged, destabilizes technopositional privileges, and has the potential to engender more inclusive digital geography futures.  相似文献   

Fifty years ago, approaches to Mesolithic identity were limited to ideas of ‘Man the Hunter’ and ‘Woman the Gatherer’, while evidence of non-normative practice was ascribed to ‘shamans’ and to ‘ritual’, and that was that. As post-processual critiques have touched Mesolithic studies, however, this has changed. In the first decade of the 21st century a strong body of work on Mesolithic identity in life, as well as death, has enabled us to think beyond modern Western categories to interpret identity in the Mesolithic. These studies have addressed the nature of personhood and relational identities, the body, and the relationship between human and other-than-human persons. Our paper reviews these changing approaches, offering a series of case studies from a range of different sites that illustrate how identity is formed and transformed through engagements with landscapes, materials, and both living and dead persons. These are then developed to advocate an assemblage approach to identity in the Mesolithic.  相似文献   

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