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杨焄 《文献》2007,(3):116
王士禛是清代前期诗坛的盟主,也是当时知名的藏书家.他对于经手之书,常写有题跋,加以评骘或考订.清人刘坚曾辑有《渔洋书籍跋尾》(《啸园丛书》本),近人陈乃乾又有《重辑渔洋书跋》(中华书局1958年版),今人王绍曾、杜泽逊在此基础上,将纂辑范围扩展至王氏文集、笔记,以至诸家簿录,汇为《渔洋读书记》一书(青岛出版社1991年版),所得读书评跋多达六百四十篇,数量可称富赡.  相似文献   

郭象升是近代著名的学者、教育家和藏书家,一生尤喜批书,留下的题跋批校文字异常丰富。本文辑录山西师范大学图书馆馆藏《渔洋山人精华录笺注》郭象升所作题跋、批校,对之进行梳理分类,加以评释,以期对王士祯诗文的艺术特色、《渔洋山人精华录笺注》的版本源流及郭象升的学术思想等方面的研究有所助益。  相似文献   

杨艳燕 《沧桑》2010,(1):227-228
郭象升是近代著名的学者、教育家和藏书家,一生尤喜批书,留下的题跋批校文字异常丰富。本文辑录山西师范大学图书馆馆藏《渔洋山人精华录笺注》郭象升所作题跋、批校,对之进行梳理分类,加以评释,以期对王士祯诗文的艺术特色、《渔洋山人精华录笺注》的版本源流及郭象升的学术思想等方面的研究有所助益。  相似文献   

<正>清康熙年间,王士禛《渔洋山人精华录》刊刻后,有惠栋《训纂》、金荣《笺注》二家注释本行世。查慎行、何焯、杭世骏、惠栋、翁方纲、丁晏等曾在各自所持的版本上,以亲手批点的形式抒发心得。后来藏家又依据所见,辗转过录诸氏批语。上海图书馆藏有一部金荣《渔洋山人精华录笺注》,清金氏凤翔堂刻本,有惠栋批(书号798300-05),书中批语已为学者利用。比如近年周兴陆先生辑有《渔洋精华录汇评》,将诸家批语汇萃一书,特别收录了该本的内容~①。不过,笔者在查阅上图原书时偶然发现,前人对该本批语的认识存在一些误解,有重加审核的必要。  相似文献   

《渔洋山人精华录》评点辑录[清]乔载繇评点刘汉忠辑录《渔洋山人精华录》十卷,清王士祯(1634-1711年)撰。清康熙年间王氏门人侯官林佶手书刻本,为有名的“林佶四写”之一。今藏广西柳州市图书馆的一部有清人乔载繇评点。乔载繇,字止巢,号信斋,室名妙华...  相似文献   

清初诸家赠王西樵册页,原数未详,现存9页。笔墨,纸本,纵18.5、宽17.5厘米。画册收有顾大申等七位画家的作品。王西樵即王士禄,清初著名诗人王渔洋的长兄,山东济南府新城(今淄博市桓台县)人。生于明天启五年(1625年),长渔洋9岁。王士禄字子底,号西樵。《聊斋文集》中《祭新  相似文献   

<正>新城王氏是明清时期山左地区的文学世家,自明后期至清初文人辈出,尤以王士禄、王士禛为代表,在清初诗坛上有重要影响。士禄、士禛兄弟二人早年同上公车,与海内文人论交,有"二王"之誉,又先后游于江南山水间,与遗民俊彦酬唱。士禄有《十笏草堂诗选》、《十笏草堂辛甲集》、《十笏草堂上浮集》、《炊闻词》等;士禛一生著述等身,诗、文、词杂著多达百种,其诗集常见者有《渔洋诗集》、《渔洋续诗集》、《蚕尾诗集》、《蚕尾续诗集》等,词则有《衍  相似文献   

<正>横江阁外数帆樯,立尽西风鬓渐霜。只有乡心不东去,早随烟月上瞿塘。这是清初文人吕潜所作七绝《江望(同舍弟长在赋)》,曾得清初文坛领袖王士祯赞誉,采辑《渔洋诗话》品评,并胪录《感旧集》,流传甚广。吕潜(1621?1706年),字孔昭,号半隐、石山农等,四川遂宁人。崇祯十六年(1643年)中三甲进士,授太常博士,入清后不仕,奉母寓于浙江苕溪,  相似文献   

李一蠡 《炎黄春秋》2001,(12):72-73
清代自号渔洋山人的王士祯所著的笔记《池北偶谈》,记有相映成趣的两则小故事,说的是两种人的名节观。名节,向来是中国人极重视的道德操守和价值理念,不少人甚至把它看得重于生命。但究竟怎样理解和对待名节,即使在封建礼教盛行的旧时代,也因人而异。王士祯提供的故事颇堪玩味。  相似文献   

人杰地灵的齐国故都——淄博,古为春秋五霸、战国七雄之首。清初一代诗坛领袖王渔洋,世界短篇小说之王《聊斋志异》的作者蒲松龄,康熙皇帝的老师孙延铨都孕育在这片沃土上。荣宝斋大厦落户淄博,山东省第一个民营博物馆——古月楼博珍堂博物馆成立,给淄博的收藏热添薪加火,齐国故都淄博毅然在中华大地逐鹿称雄。  相似文献   

本文通过对两类校勘记的考察,对整部《十三经注疏校勘记》的撰写体例有所说明,并由此对这部著作的成书过程作了点再思考。  相似文献   

A Note on Applying the Gravity Rule to the Airline Hub Problem   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this note we propose a new model for the airline hub selection problem. Passengers use a hub on the way to their destination. We apply the objective of minimizing the total miles traveled by passengers. This formulation can be used as the basis for other objectives also.  相似文献   

本文就南宋赵彦卫的学术笔记《云麓漫钞》中的一则有关隋大兴城唐长安城的记录———转抄自北宋吕大防所作有关《长安图》的题记———重新作了标点,并在前人研究的基础上尽量校正了今本《云麓漫钞》文字上的脱误之处,使之成为隋唐长安城研究的可用史料,还进一步指出根据《云麓漫钞》复原吕大防题记是可行的。  相似文献   

训诂学,是以解决古书语义的理解问题为基本任务的。在训诂学的发展过程中。注释术语发挥着重要的作用。传统的注释术语是自成体系的。由于语言的时代性特征,现当代的训诂实践不能完全的照搬传统的注释术语。需要建立新的注释术语体系。本文选择王力先生主编的《古代汉语》作为例证,对现代注释术语进行了归类。指出了注释术语使用的现状。希望能对现代注释术语体系的建立有所裨益。  相似文献   

This research note presents the research design for an in -progress comparative study on women's policy offices being conducted by the Research Network on Gender. Politics. and the State. The goal of this article is to examine how this project has been integrating a combined approach into its core research design. It argues that rather than conceptualizing the research design enterprise in terms of a zero-sum game, where a decision to use either quantitative or qualitative methodology compromises potential research findings, researchers may want to combine the strength of each approach in a single project.  相似文献   

Construction of lightweight structures is needed to reduce the earthquake effects on the buildings. Lightweight wall panels fabricated from polystyrene, steel, and shotcrete concrete are recently used in some countries such as USA and China to construct low-rise, lightweight buildings up to three stories. In the literature, there is no enough data on the behavior of this new panel building system during earthquakes. In this technical note, a half-scale model of a single-story building constructed in the laboratory using this panel materials and the same construction technique used in practice were tested under lateral loads. Although the lateral loads were increased to four times higher load levels than the design earthquake loads, only minor fine cracks have been observed on the surfaces. The technical note documents the details of the test program, including specimen properties, test setup, instrumentation, and test procedure. Test results and major observations are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This note provides the most complete list of Liberal Unionist whips in the house of commons, thus contributing to our understanding of the history of the party in parliament over the entire period of its existence from 1886 to 1912, and charts the extent of the responsibility of the party whip for the organisation of the party outside the house of commons, which peaked during the tenure of Lord Wolmer as whip from 1888 to 1892. The note concludes by observing that the division of labour regarding organisation implemented in the Conservative Party in 1911 mirrors that adopted by the Liberal Unionist Party in 1892, and that this was likely the result of Wolmer, now 2nd earl of Selborne, serving on the committee that recommended the 1911 reforms.  相似文献   

This short note concerns a selection made by E. Haerinck of a few pieces among the lithic artefacts found on the surface of the site reported on in the preceding article (p. 84).  相似文献   

The authors of'Effects of shipworm on the performance of ancient Mediterranean warships'(Steinmayer & Turfa, 1996) theorise that extensive shipworm damage to warships of the ancient Mediterranean was unavoidable and would have affected naval operations and the outcome of naval battles. However, there is a significant amount of literary evidence for the care and handling of warships and for the battles in which they engaged that they have not taken into account. The purpose of this note is to bring the missing evidence into the discussion and to suggest that ancient seafarers were better able to protect their ships than Steinmayer and Turfa have allowed.  相似文献   

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