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The entire Ngolok-Seta country between what is present-day's Ngolok (mgo-log)prefecture (Chin. Guoluo) in China's Qinghai province, Serta county in Kandse (dkar-mdzes)prefecture and the northwestern parts of modern Ngawa(rnga-ba) prefecture (Chin. Aba) in Sichuan was a white spot on the Ti-bet map until the mid-20th century. Particularly the districts defined by the present Ngawa and Dzamthang (Chin. Rangtang) counties were inaccessible for any foreign traveller in historic time. Ngawa already constituted an isolated Ti-betan cultural realm, yet Dzamthang to its west was a true hidden land. The latter is reached by a 18o km drive from the Ngawa prefecture's seat, Barkham (Chin. Ma'erkang), in less than half a day.  相似文献   

戴燿(1542-1628),字德辉,别号凤岐,福建长泰人.明隆庆二年(1568)进士.初任新建(今属江西南昌市)知县,万历元年(1573)任户部主事,不久,转任户部郎中.后外调豫章州牧.八年,提任副蜀宪,继任江西参政、云南按察使.二十年任陕西布政使.  相似文献   

The main sects of Tibetan Buddhism (popularly; Lamaism) were originally the Nyingma(rnying-ma), Kagyu(bkav-brgyud), Kadam and Sakya (sa-skya) traditions. Tsongkhapa founded the Gelug(dge-lugs) sect at the beginning of the isth century Afterwards, the Kadam sect merged into the Gelug sect. Therefore the four main sects of Tibetan Buddhism became the Nyingrna, Kagyu, Gelug and Sakya, which continue today Tibetan Buddhism's eastward spread was a long process.  相似文献   

夏冰 《钟山风雨》2011,(1):52-53
民国元年(1912),曾在清科举考试中脱颖而出的苏州藉三鼎甲:陆润痒(同治十三年状元)、邹福保(光绪十二年榜眼)、吴荫培(光绪十六年探花)成了前朝遗老.1915年,邹榜眼与陆状元先后故去,苏州籍鼎甲只有吴探花一人岿然独存了.  相似文献   

Most of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips (TBS) texts date from the Warring States period and they are either works of the (so-called) Classics (jing, 经 ) or Historical books (shi, 史 ). One of the TBS texts,  相似文献   

闻衡 《黑龙江史志》2005,(11):14-14
宋洪皓,字光弼,饶州鄱阳(今江西波阳)人.政和五年(1115)中进士.曾任宁海县主薄,秀州司录等职.宋高宗建炎三年(1129),高宗赵构由扬州迁都建康(今南京),洪皓上书阻谏,始被高宗注意.不久被擢为徽猷阁待制,假礼部尚书、大金通问使出使金国,被留不遣.在金国15年期间,初因不肯出仕齐刘豫政权,被流放冷山,曾任完颜希尹家庭教师,后徙燕京(今北京).  相似文献   

Epode 16 ist irgendwann in den Jahren nach Philippi (wohl am ehesten 38 v. Chr.) entstanden. In drastischen Worten ruft Horaz darin zum Verlassen der Heimat auf, die sich wieder einmal in blutigen Burgerkriegen selbst zerfleischt. Wie auch in Epode 7 (und ahnlich spater in den Oden Ⅲ 3 und 6) fuhrt Horaz das Ubel auf eine alte Blutschuld zuruck (v. 9: impia perdemus devoti sanguinis aetas), in diesem Falle wohl den Brudermord des Romulus an Remus.  相似文献   

卡尔森酒店集团发展亚太区 全球领先的酒店管理集团卡尔森全球酒店集团(Carlson Hotels)日前宣布将于2013年底前在亚太地区新开75家酒店,这些酒店涵盖旗下品牌包括丽笙(Radisson)、丽怡(Country Inns & Suites By CarlsonSM)/丽柏(Park Inn)和丽亭(Park Plaza).  相似文献   

When talking about Tibetans, people naturally think about Tibet (Tibet Autonomous Region, which will be referred to as TAR in the following text), but seldom realize that the Tibetan region extends far past the borders of Tibet. Based on Tibetan historical and cui tural differences, the Tibetan region of China can be divided into three major sections: Kham (khams), Amdo and Weizang(dbus-gtsang). Nowadays, as a result of administrative divisions, the Tibetan region belongs to different administrative areas in five provinces. Weizang includes most of today's Tibet Autono- mous region. Kham and Amdo are both historical conceptions, Kham lying to the east of Weizang and Amdo to the northwest. Kham and Amdo are divided into different administrative areas. Kham includes today's Chamdo Autonomous Prefecture (TAR), Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture and part of Aba Autonomous prefecture (Ganzi and Aba both belong to Sichuan Province),  相似文献   

《西藏地方史通述》(上下),《西藏读本》,《邪灵与达赖喇嘛》,《拉萨市志》,《西藏今昔》(中英文对照).  相似文献   

柯德曼(Desmond Clark)加州大学(伯克利)人类学系教授、美国科学院院士。法国科学院外籍院士 姬黛娜(Diane Gifford-Gonzalez)加州大学(圣克鲁兹)人类学系教授 艾丹(Dennis A.Etler)人类学博士 杜尼克(Nicholas Toth)印地安那大学人类学系教授 秦凯茜(Kathy D.Shick)印地安那大学人类学系教授 IN MEMORIAM Prof Jia Lanpo,1908-2001 It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the loss of Prof. Jia Lanpo, China’s most distinguished pre-historian and doyen of Chinese archaeology.Prof. …  相似文献   

1997年9月5日,全国人大(档案法)执法检查组来本馆检查《档案法》执行情况.图为检查组组长、全国人大教科文卫委员会委员张序三(右三)、国家档案局一司郭嗣平副司长(右四)等在听取有关工作汇报。1997年9月5日.英国阿南德先生一行向本馆赠送孙中山伦敦蒙难有关文献资料,图为阿南德先生(右三)、切尼教授(右四)及本馆王道智副馆长(右二)、许寿林副馆长(右一)在赠送仪式上。——封二、封三照片由即玉明、王志良、文俊雄供稿图为阿南德先生赠送本馆之有关孙中山伦敦蒙难之资料  相似文献   

熊廷弼,明代万历年间江夏籍人氏,字飞白,号芝冈,明穆宗隆庆三年(1569年),熊廷弼出生于江夏修贤里一个农民家庭,自幼家境贫寒,从小牧牛读书.五岁善对,苦学之志.神宗万历二十四年(1596年),熊廷弼乡试夺魁.万历二十六年(1598年)考中进士,初任保定推官.是时官场贪污成风,熊廷弼则秋毫无犯,曾卖袍拯饥.衙门草菅人命成习,熊廷弼则亲躬下向,明断冤错案150余起,被荐为天下理官第一.万历三十三年(1605年),熊廷弼36岁,提升为工部主事.万历三十六年(1608年),熊廷弼奉命巡抚辽东时,弹劾巡抚赵楫及总兵李成梁弃地驱民之罪,建议在边境屯田及修缮城垣,建筑堡垒等,均准允施行.后因与巡按御史荆养乔不睦而被罢职.万历三十九年(1611年),熊奉命督学南畿(南京),此为东林党发祥之地,一党独尊.熊到任后力矫其枉,所拔皆名士,所进皆寒微,所黜皆乡绅津要子弟,而东林子弟居多.当时叶向高入阁,多倚江南余玉立财力,熊廷弼对余痛彻打击,故与叶向高多隙,因此又深为东林攻讦.熊廷弼两袖清风,坦然归里.归里后时逢水灾连年,熊廷弼深感民间疾苦,时年45岁的熊廷弼在听勘归里的这段岁月里与江夏水利发生了重要的联系.  相似文献   

民国29年(1940年) 7月 1日 桂林警备司令部成立,司令王泽民.民国31年7月16日司令部撤销. 4日 广西学生军(第三届)进行调整,3个团合并为1个团,正式改称广西学生军团,直属第十六集团军总司令部.  相似文献   

I. The man
Of the earliest British travellers to Tibet, one of the least understood and appreciated by his fellow countrymen, at least in British India, is perhaps Thomas Manning (I772-I840). Unlike his English predecessors in Tibet, among them George Bogle and Samuel Turner, who travelled only to Shigatse (日喀则) and Tashilhunpo (札什伦布), Manning travelled without either the financial or political support of the East India Company. And due to his own ineffable will and resourcefulness, he became the first Englishman to enter Lhasa.  相似文献   

Bithynia is a region in the northwest of Anatolia bordered by the Black Sea (Pontus Euxeinos) to the north, the Dardanel Strait (Hellespontos) and Kocacay (Rhyndakos) to the west, and the Sakarya River (Sangarios) to the south. A point of the Asian continent extending towards Europe, Bithynia is surrounded by seas on its three sides and has a long shore. Nicomedeia, once the capital of Bithynia, is an important city due to its location. Since the gulf is gradually narrowing, it can easily be closed and defended. There are two routes from Nicomedeia. One leads alongside the shore towards the Marmara Sea, enabling the passage to the north and south or to the European shore across the peninsula.  相似文献   

章学诚(1738-1801),字实斋。浙江会稽(今绍兴)人,是我国清代著名的思想家、史学家。他一生著述宏丰。其中堪称代表作的。即是我们今天所熟知的《文史通义》。章学诚生前,《文史通义》只有少数篇章有所刊印,直到道光十二年(1832),其次子章华绂才在大梁(开封)编刻出全书,华绂所编的这个本子.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
The JOURNAL OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS (JA C) is published annually by the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, People's Republic of China).  相似文献   

一、论 文 (一)总 论中国的经验:资本主义还是社会主义. 黄仁宇. 历史,144期一本按语多于原文的“御览”奇书:重读庄士敦回忆录《紫禁城的黄昏》(上、下).季姜 春秋,897-898期从地方史研究谈国史的重新整合. 汪荣祖. 历史,147期从山东到台湾(二).杜万.山东文献.26(2)那惊涛骇浪的日子(是、下).陈祖耀.湖北文献,135-136期“二十世纪的中国与世界”国际学术研讨会会议报导. 张宁. 近代中国史研究通讯,29 期“一九四九年:中国的关键年代学术讨论会”会议纪要. 张世瑛. 近代中国史研究通讯, …  相似文献   

The Ratnagotravibhaga (abbr. RGV) is one of the most influential texts among Indic works that teach the Buddha-nature doctrine in Tibet. No translation of the text seems to have existed in Tibet before the 11th century, inasmuch as no catalogue of the imperial period (the 9th century),  相似文献   

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