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甲骨文、金文馘(■、■)字与其所从■字等的释读涉及相关甲骨文、金文数例。甲骨文、金文“■、■、■”等字即馘字,馘字所从“■、■、■、■”等字即■字。  相似文献   

方稚松 《中原文物》2007,5(1):83-87
甲骨文中的“■”与金文中的“■”应为一字,可释为瓒;“■”就是金文中的“■”,应释为祼。此外,文中还对旧有甲骨卜辞中几个可能与祼、瓒相关的字进行了探讨。  相似文献   

甲骨文、金文馘((戈耳)、(戈酋))字与其所从(目)字等的释读涉及相关甲骨文、金文数例.甲骨文、金文"( )、( )、( )"等字即馘字,馘字所从"( )、( )、( )、( )"等字即(目)字.  相似文献   

“乐”字的本义自东汉许慎至今已有很多人作过探讨,结论多样,但多不可取。本文结合甲骨文、金文及文献材料认为“乐”之本义当为“栎”。  相似文献   

“长子”是商王室重要成员,在殷墟甲骨文中两见。鹿邑“长子口”大墓同安阳花园庄54号墓有着紧密的关系。鹿邑大墓铜器铭文中的“长”字,与甲骨文和54号墓铜器上的字形相同,它们应是同一个家族,即商代“长”族的遗存而不是宋国的始封君微子启的墓葬。长和微两字在甲骨文、金文及战国秦汉时期的文字中都有着明显的区别。  相似文献   

一并非“冬雷震震”在商代甲骨文里,有字如图一。此字罗振玉释电,叶玉森释雹,郭沫若释虹,陈梦家释(阝齐),于省吾、孙海波释雷。金文有罍字如图二。从字形上看,甲骨文雷字就是金文罍字的前身。《说文》:“龟目酒尊,刻木作云雷象,象施不穷也。”所以罍即畾,就是雷字。它不过是被假借作为罍字罢了。  相似文献   

本文论证了来、朿二字各自不同的造字原理,根据甲骨文、金文中二者各种不同形体的具体分析,归纳出二者字形上相互区别的基本依据,井据此得出甲骨文、金文中的朿都应释作来字这一结论。  相似文献   

金文中多次出现"驹车"二字,早期学者对其隶定而无释,后世学者则各持己见。本文从偏正关系和并列关系两种角度对"驹车"进行探究,论证其为贵重的赏赐物品,或与执驹礼存在一定的联系,并结合金文中同为赏赐物的"金车""甸车"两种车型,与"驹车"进行多方面的比较,以增加对"驹车"的了解。  相似文献   

中国早期金银器研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄金和白银是稀少、珍贵的金属,分布较广,常以自然形态出现,有引人注目的色彩和光泽,比其它金属更容易发现。因此,金银可能是最早被人类利用的金属。黄金白银进人人类社会生活后,逐渐在经济、政治、外交和军事等各个方面发挥了特殊的作用。中国出现文字后,商代甲骨文和西周金文中就有了“金”字,(图一)但当时的“金”字并非专指黄金,更主要是指铜。黄金与铜的区别在春秋中期逐渐明确,战国时期文献中的金字多半是指黄金。银在早期文献中称“白金”,故出上的甲骨文、金文乃至战国文字中都没有“银”字。东汉许慎《说文解字》中“…  相似文献   

国宝何尊与“中国“   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段德新 《文博》2005,(6):30-31
“中”和“国”两字在商周时代的甲骨文、金文中很多见。如在宝鸡山土的西周早期的何尊(图一)、大盂鼎,中期的卫簋,晚期的比鼎、毛公鼎等鸿宝重器的铭文中的,都有“(?)”、“(?)”和“或”、“彧”(图二)。依照汉字的造字规则,大多数学者都认为甲骨文“(?)”和金文“(?)”,就是象形字, 象征着居于军队中央,指挥士兵作战的旗帜,即旌旗。中间为旗,上下各飘着为旗游,这种由各种飘带  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代以来,三门峡虢国墓地已发现了50多辆随葬车.本文着重讨论这些车的性质问题和社会意义,认为其制造技术是非常先进的,这批车大部分为战车,反映了当时的车马使用等级制度.  相似文献   


The basic meaning of the word is “three”, “third”. Besides this, the word also possesses two specialized meanings, namely “chariot soldier” and “officer of high rank”. The evident discrepancy between these two meanings has occasioned considerable interest among scholars (e.g, Thenius, Elliger, Hertzberg, Margalith, Mastin, Na'aman, Schley).

In the contribution at hand it has been shown that the was a trained soldier who did not belong to the standard crew of a war chariot However, it was possible to assign him temporarily to the chariots in order to raise their effectiveness. The warriors in question could also be transported in chariots as third men, in addition to the standard crew of two. It is from this practice that the term “third man”, originated. It was also from this military élite that the king picked his chiefs and adjutants. Gradually the word came to mean not only a specially trained soldier, but also the king's adjutant. The meaning “shield bearer”, which has often been suggested for has nothing to support it.  相似文献   

车马祭祀可以上溯至殷商时期。西周时期,车马用于周王室的重大祀典。东周时期,祭祀礼制逐渐被破坏,各诸侯国僭越周礼规定,车马被广泛用于郊祀、宗庙祭祖、社祀、山川望祭、盟誓、方神等各种祭祀,祭法多采用沉和瘗埋的方式。随着社会的发展及祭祀观念的变化,最迟到战国中期,木偶车马被用于祭祀,成为秦汉以后车马祭祀的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Summary.   The beginning of the Late Bronze Age, i.e. the late fifteenth–early fourteenth centuries BC, saw the emergence of chariots in Transcaucasia, where rich barrows of this period yielded bronze chariot models. The latter correspond to the type of chariots widespread in the western Near East in the late sixteenth–early thirteenth centuries BC. Hence it can be inferred that, regardless of the ultimate origin of Near Eastern chariots, Transcaucasian specimens belong to the Near Eastern tradition. However, in Transcaucasia, in contradistinction to the Near East, the chariot was merely a prestige marker. The growing role of the horse indicative of horseback riding is attested by some Transcaucasian funeral complexes of the late second millennium BC, which correspond to those of the steppes of south Russia. It seems likely that the builders of these barrows were related to the Iranian population of the Russian steppes.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine some societal principles that underlie the development of horse-drawn chariots in Inner Eurasia during the Middle and Late Bronze Age (cal. 2050–1750 BC). Analysis is based on an evaluation and re-examination of the archaeological evidence for horse-drawn chariots, and the social constructs they entail. Chariots were developed in the zone of the Northern Eurasian steppes before c. 2000 BC in the context of complex but stateless societies. Because chariots depend on a set of developed skills, valuable resources, and complicated technologies, which involve several outstanding improvements to previously known solutions, they require specific conditions for their development and maintenance in social life. Most fundamentally, they require a group of people with an interest in this complex technology: a class of military elites characterized by aggrandizing behavior. The competition between collectives of military elites for resources, power and prestige brought into life the earliest chariot complex in the world.  相似文献   

2002年秋,三门峡市文物考古研究所配合城市基本建设在市区北部,原后川村西侧发掘出一座车马坑,发 现8马3车。根据车马坑形制及木车结构特征推测,该坑年代为战国早、中期。  相似文献   

Summary. The Tutankhamun-class chariot, the earliest high-performance machine, existed in its refined form for about five centuries. Eight complete vehicles have survived and support the argument that they surpass all monumental structures of the pharaohs in engineering sophistication. There is no evidence of chariot racing from that era, but these chariots have many technical features that imply a pedigree based on racing. Several elements hint of thoughtful invention, advanced physical modelling and experimentation, with results that sometimes drastically and favourably differ from our concepts of vehicle design. It is difficult for us to envision a substantially better chariot made with the ancient materials of construction even if we were to apply our most advanced formulas and methods. There are two major areas of chariot analysis from an engineering standpoint, and both are accessible to non-specialists. The complex suspension system of springs and shock absorbers has advantages in structural dynamics, ride quality and safety. An example of the latter is a dual-purpose anti-roll device. The chariots’ wheels have aircraft-like damage tolerance, and have fundamentally more perfect spokes and joints for carrying multi-axial loads than the wooden spokes of any classic car. This paper covers the essential technical features and historical perspectives of these chariots for archaeologists.  相似文献   

冯好 《江汉考古》2007,(4):53-60
本文通过对先秦时期楚文化车制与中原文化车制进行对比研究,探索了楚文化车制的地域特点与发展历程,认为楚文化车制的基本特点是独创性与延滞性并存,认为成熟的楚文化车制形成于春秋早中期。本文也初步分析了楚文化车制研究对于古代车制研究、对于深入探索楚文化的重要意义。  相似文献   

张皓 《安徽史学》2015,(1):26-40
1937年7月8日至28日,蒋介石、宋哲元围绕如何处理七七事变产生争议。蒋介石认为七七事变不可能得到和平解决,多次要求宋哲元坐镇保定,准备应战。宋哲元则拒绝,幻想对日妥协以维持第29军继续坐镇华北的地位。蒋介石也曾通过各种渠道和平解决,一方面表示中央与地方的立场一致,一方面设法由中央政府管控对日交涉。这场争议以宋哲元是否到保定坐镇为始终,以能否维持现状为焦点。在日本使华北"明朗化"的既定侵略步伐下,宋哲元不可能维持现状,只能到保定坐镇,蒋宋二人的争议告一段落。  相似文献   

我国早在商代已掌握了造车技术,战国时期已达到高峰,出现了各种制作精美的车型,无论什么车型,其乘坐方式与乘员的多少,主要是根据车型及乘车时环境所决定。战车、礼车及车舆无前后室之分的车型,主要是跪坐与跽坐,站立乘车只是在郊游时才会出现,乘员一般为两人,而安车则主要是跽坐、盘膝而坐或卧乘。  相似文献   

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