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国内外地名研究的批判主义转向,注重地方命名时地方意义的生产、再生产以及争夺。文章以黄岩岛地名的演变为例,研究其地名变迁背后的政治博弈。研究表明:①黄岩岛的地名演变是中、西方话语体系下国际行为主体政治角力的过程。②中国的黄岩岛地名演变彰显的是中国对其无可争辩的主权;西方殖民者的黄岩岛地名演变展示近代以来对南海及其周边地区的殖民统治;菲律宾当局对黄岩岛的更名,谋求建构国家认同、侵占更多海洋岛礁资源。③地名是集体记忆解构与重构的纽带和国家权力博弈的指示物。中国对内应增强国家认同感和民族凝聚力,唤起中华民族的集体记忆,对外提升国际话语权,通过国际舞台阐释对南海主权维护的法理依据和坚强决心。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,西方文化地理学界对传统地名学进行了批判转向,地方命名中的文化政治过程成为研究核心。本文以2017年被国务院列为国家历史文化名城的长春市为例,在批判地名学的背景下,借鉴葛兰西的霸权理论,对1800—1945年间长春街道命名过程进行文化政治分析。研究发现:1931年九一八事变前,长春街道命名成为不同政权控制下各种力量争夺的战场,形成清政府控制的长春地方力量、俄国殖民者力量和日本殖民者力量分区控制下的街道名称,争夺加深了城市内部分异。1931年九一八事变后,长春沦为日本的殖民地,日本殖民者为隐藏其妄图永久占领东北并实现霸权统治的野心,在其划定规划的“实在国都事业区域”进行中式命名,却隐喻了明显的归顺色彩。  相似文献   

纪小美 《人文地理》2020,35(6):44-49,105
立足社会大转型语境,收集有关徽州建制与地名变更争议的网络素材,借鉴批判范式、结合场域与社会记忆理论、采用语义网络分析对徽州地名变迁的社会响应与内在机理进行阐释。发现:社会响应存在明显的社群差异。婺源第一次改隶时民间强烈反抗并起到效果,第二次改隶后为多数民众所认可。媒体人群体、专家学者、普通民众与地方政府对徽州更名与复名的看法不尽相同,语义网络结构差异显著,关注重点亦有所不同。政治权力、经济资本与社会记忆分别推动徽州地名场域的边界重构、式微让步及其与黄山地名场域的交融共存是徽州地名变迁的内在机理。  相似文献   

Over 1000 long-term local residents responded to a survey of Oklahoma's vernacular regions. They indicated that their local regions had changed names over time. A majority of respondents in more than 40 of Oklahoma's 77 counties recall that their localities were called "Indian Territory" or some more specific variation on that theme in the past. Because "Indian Territory" was a term produced by the Federal government, this suggests that the central government exercised substantial control over the toponymy of that time. Other institutions currently dominate the state's toponymic process. Respondents in almost one-half of Oklahoma's counties refer to their local regions with names generated by the state's Department of Tourism and Recreation. Residents in a small number of multi-county regions employ terms derived from their local cultural and economic histories, and others inagroup of single-county regions use extremely localized terms. As a result, it appears that Oklahoma's state bureaucracy has become the dominant toponymic force among local residents, displacing the once-powerful Federal government. Interestingly, Oklahomans now recognize more locally-defined regions than they did in the past as well.  相似文献   


Native place names are landmarks which may provide quantitative and qualitative evidence usefully referred to for the land claims question. This paper describes the context and the method of a research project which draws from the lower Mackenzie Valley toponymic data of the last century some useful conclusions related to the actual native land claims in that region.  相似文献   

胡晓 《安徽史学》2016,(3):144-151
文章主要从地理环境、政治环境、经济环境、文化环境四个方面,论述了安徽淮河流域自然人文环境对地名历史文化资源形成、变迁、传承和内涵的影响,并着重论述了自然人文环境对各种类型地名的语言和实体内涵的影响。作者认为自然人文环境对地名历史文化资源的影响带有普遍意义,因此在全国地名普查、规划、管理和保护等工作中,应该高度重视自然人文环境因素的作用和影响。  相似文献   

As features of the landscape, waterfalls have been studied extensively by geographers, but the names given to these landforms have received relatively little scholarly attention. This paper examines the naming of waterfalls and addresses the question of classifying these hydronyms. The subject is considered in a global historical context, focusing on place names in the anglophone world. Until the 18th and 19th centuries, relatively few waterfalls were named. With the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, water power rose in economic importance, and at the same time, there was a growing scientific and aesthetic engagement with the landscape. These developments are suggested as reasons for the increased interest in waterfalls which were then being recorded in topographical literature and on maps, individual names being given to increasing numbers of falls. European exploration added to the knowledge of the world's waterfalls, many of which were given names by their ‘discoverers’. This naming process accelerated with the growth of domestic and overseas tourism which exploited scenic resources such as waterfalls. Until now, research on the names of waterfalls has been fragmentary, and the classification of these hydronyms has been neglected. This paper demonstrates that waterfall names can be classified in accordance with a recognised toponymic typology. Using examples drawn from waterfall guidebooks, databases, maps, and other sources, the following discussion supports George Stewart's claim that his toponymic classification is valid for place names of all kinds.  相似文献   

李鹏  封丹 《人文地理》2015,30(2):58-64
最近三十年出现的地名研究的批判性转向,使地方命名的政治过程成为地名研究的核心议题。在此背景下通过从化温泉这一著名旅游地的地名变更过程的研究,对我国地名变迁的政治进行探讨。研究发现,一个地方的命名是一场复杂的政治经济角力过程。"从化温泉"这一地名在历史的演变中拥有了令人瞩目的"符号资本"价值,成为中国政治体制中不同尺度行动者积极争取的对象。处于上层尺度的行动者通过政治事件与营销不断累积"从化温泉"的政治符号意义,使其成为国家尺度的地方范畴。而处于下层的地方政府则通过地名转移使用赋予"从化温泉"以新的地方意义。在这场围绕地名的争夺中,地方社区与地名的历史联系被边缘化甚至消除。  相似文献   

In the recent literature on the cultural politics of naming, toponyms and street names are increasingly read within the wider social–historical context upon which naming is contingent. In this perspective, naming is often seen as an act of power and a way to inscribe an ideological discourse into the landscape. In this article, we analyze the street names currently inscribed in the historical center of the Italian city of Milan, Italy as a reflection of its long and contested social and political history. Fragments of all the different toponymic regimes and hegemonic discourses that took over one after the other over time have remained inscribed in Milan’s street network, originating a complex tapestry in which different pasts revive and conflicting ideologies co-exist. In this context, we examine the role Geographical Information Science (GIScience) methods and technologies play in quantifying, revealing, and visualizing the spatial patterns of downtown Milan’s toponymic texture at the urban scale and at the scale of the six historical neighborhoods.  相似文献   

广东地名语言文化空间结构及景观特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为语言符号,地名是人类群体活动、经济开发和区域文化进程中的集中体现。广东地名层从语种上明显可以分为三个层次:古越语地名层、地方方言地名层和全国通用语地名层。从时间上看,唐代以前,广东地名基本上属古越语时期,宋至明和清前期为南方方言地名时期,清末以来为北方书面语地名时期;从空间上看,广东地方方言地名层大抵在宋代已基本形成,清代最终形成粤方言、客家方言和福佬语地名文化景观三分广东的空间分布格局,粤方言地名层主要集中于珠三角及邻近地名,客家方言地名层位于北江和东江间的广大山区、丘陵地带,粤东韩江地区则多是福佬地名文化层;从形成原因分析,广东地名层主要归究于历史时期移民、区域人内口繁衍和土地大规模开发,加之人地矛盾日渐突出又为族群地名文化扩散提供了条件,而社会制度的发展和健全,最终成为广东地名层语言文化景观形成的重要机制  相似文献   

陈晨  程林 《人文地理》2020,35(6):50-56,84
基于GIS技术,分析从夏到明清,关中平原历史地名空间格局和命名方式的演变规律。从景观表征和布尔迪厄符号权利视角,借鉴批判地名学研究理论,揭示关中平原历史地名空间格局和命名方式演变过程中的文化政治格局。研究发现:①作为关中平原历史地名空间置换的高密度区域,以西安—咸阳为核心的政治中心区,以及以潼关、陈仓(今宝鸡)为核心的军事中心区构成了政治权利空间斗争的中心;而零星分布于外围的自然景观类地名集中区则体现出其作为政治权利空间斗争边缘区的历史稳定性。②统治阶层和群众围绕宫殿陵寝、官宦氏族、人物姓氏、意愿祈福及祭祀庙宇类地名展开命名博弈,各阶层均希望借助地名这一社会文化符号表达“自我”价值和愿望。③关中平原历史地名具有鲜明的时代特征,地名的命名与变更整体上呈现出去阶层意识形态、关注民生文化的特征。  相似文献   

浅谈区域地名研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域地名研究是从不同角度对一个地区地名的研究。它是地名学研究的组成部分 ,并对中国地名学的发展具有重要意义。区域地名研究的主要任务是 :研究一个地域地名的总体特征 ,地名的命名、含义、分类、分布、价值、演变、管理以及不同区域地名的比较等。区域地名研究的主要方法是文献考证、数据统计、比较分析、实地调查、运用地图等  相似文献   

A review of recent place-name research, methods, and publications in the Soviet Union by a deputy chairman of the Toponymy Commission of the Moscow Branch of the Geographical Society USSR. For a previous article on Soviet toponymy, see E. M. Murzayev, “Origin of geographic names,” Soviet Geography, Accomplishments and Tasks, American Geographical Society, 1962, pp. 254–58.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the state of research into early medieval conflict landscapes in England and sets out a theoretical and methodological basis for the sustained and systematic investigation of battlefield toponymy and topography. The hypothesis is advanced that certain types of place were considered particularly appropriate for the performance of violent conflict throughout the period and that the social ideas that determined the choice of locale are, to some degree, recoverable through in‐depth, interdisciplinary analysis of landscapes, place names and texts. The events of 1006 and the landscape of the upper Kennet are introduced as a case study that reveals the complex interplay of royal ideology, superstition and place that were invoked in the practice of violence in late Anglo‐Saxon England. In the course of the discussion, this paper seeks to demonstrate the value of applying a similar approach to the full range of evidence for conflict landscapes in early medieval England and beyond.  相似文献   

宋德剑 《中国地方志》2012,(2):55-58,4,5
地名是人们在社会生活中给地理实体、行政区域或地点起的名称,地名往往带有强烈的延续性和稳定性,因而能够比较完整地保留命名时所反映的文化内涵。本文将粤东北山区梅州乡村地名为解读对象,探讨地名与生态环境,山区开发,地名与族群关系,地名与历史人物、历史事件,地名与军事设施及经济活动等的关系,以期再现客家聚落名称所蕴涵的丰富人文因素。  相似文献   

The American Kennel Club (AKC), the primary registry agency for purebred dogs in the United States, had recognized 138 breeds through September 1995. An investigation of the source areas of these breeds reveals the cultural authority of Great Britain in organized dog breeding in the United States. Although Great Britain accounts for more than one-third of the AKC breeds, however, its importance has declined. Dogs from Asia account for more than one-fifth of the breeds recognized since World War II. Breed names that contain toponymic elements (such as Sussex Spaniel) usually reinforce the importance of the area in which the breeds were developed. An analysis of the patterns of geographic names reveals a pronounced emphasis on Western Europe, particularly Great Britain. A decline in the prominence of names from Europe has occurred. Asian name sources have become more important, and Australia and Africa have begun receiving attention. North America as a source of breeds as well as a source of naming has occupied a relatively minor role throughout the AKC's history. American breeders and promoters of purebred dogs have tended to look outward, especially toward Europe, for sociocultural forms.  相似文献   

基于GIS的宁夏中卫县地名文化景观分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用数理统计方法对中卫县域内地名的字频、来源、文化景观进行定量分析。借助GIS技术,将空间数据与属性数据相接合,进行分析,并建立专题地图,使其地名文化景观空间分异可视化。研究得出,中卫县地名景观反映了中卫县中温带大陆性干旱气候和两山一漠夹一河的地形地貌的自然环境特征,蕴含了中卫县域内独特的边塞文化、移民文化、方言文化方面的信息。并在空间上表现出,地名密度和人口密度分布的正相关性,山水类地名分布与地形地貌的一致性,军防类地名分布与长城的紧密相关性,方言类地名分布与交通的负相关性,而姓氏类地名在各乡镇都较多,分布无明显规律。  相似文献   

地名语词的起源及其演变过程即地名的词源,大致可以区分为三种情形:符合历史事实的真词源,可能于史无征但大众约定俗成的颇具民间文学或民俗学价值的俗词源,以及以学术论著面目出现却既不符合史实也有别于俗词源的伪词源。在北京古今地名中,牛栏庄到六郎庄的渐变,广宁门与彰义门及广安门的关系,四川营与棉花胡同的命名缘由,正是对以上三种词源基本特征予以体现的典型例证。  相似文献   

作为宋代的一部地理总志,《舆地广记》具有丰富的地名学内容。其地名学价值主要体现于它在继承汉唐以来的地名学传统的基础上向前发展,开创了“古今参考”的编撰体例来研究地名沿革变迁。它还用诠释法和历史考证法,对地名的命名原则、地名渊源解释、地名考证等作了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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