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Charles Woolfson 《对极》2009,41(5):952-982
Abstract:  The accession of the new European Union (EU) member states of Eastern Europe has highlighted ambivalence towards migration within the older member states. That same ambivalence has been less frequently discussed in the new. The former Soviet republic of Latvia serves as a case study of a new member state facing intensified pressure to accept inward migration to meet labour shortages, in part, a consequence of EU accession. Confounding appropriate political and policy responses is the sensitive issue of "ethnic balance", a troubled "legacy" of Latvian history. This has been characterised as comprising a "regime of discrimination" against the Russian-speaking minority. In the context of changes in the global migratory landscape, the potential for a renewed of regime of discrimination is emerging, based on an ethno-politics that has wider European resonance.  相似文献   

Considerations of Native American warriorhood are likely to conjure images of male‐bodied, masculine individuals. While the majority of formally recognized warriors may have indeed fit this mould, it is also true that female‐bodied/feminine warriors have been historically documented in many places, including North America. Further, even in cases where women were not formally recognized as such, it seems likely that they played offensive and defensive roles on an ‘as needed’ basis, such as on subsistence outings or when their homes and families were under attack. In this paper, we seek to explore the intersection of womanhood and warfare‐related violence at Morton Village (11 F2) and the associated Norris Farms #36 cemetery. This late prehistoric community in the Central Illinois River Valley has been the subject of extensive bioarchaeological interest regarding high levels of skeletally indicated violent trauma. We review this osteological evidence in addition to incorporating mortuary and subsistence perspectives on the ideology and practice of warfare at this time and place. A tripartite approach considering osteological trauma patterns, mortuary commemoration, and new interpretations of community life leads us to suggest an alternate interpretation—one in which Morton Village women are, in at least some instances, considered as active defenders of their community and lifeways rather than passive victims of violence. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Interpretations of the archaeological record of the seventeenth century Illinois Country have been temporally compressed, and the richly stratified archival, ethnographic, and material records from that era have not been applied to the archaeological information at hand. A muddied view of the remarkable changes that occurred within the cultural landscape of Illinois is the result. European goods first appear in the region between 1580 and 1630 and the pottery of the Illinois Indians—the Danner series—is present in each early Illinois sample that includes these imports. A reexamination of the Zimmerman, Palos, and Oak Forest sites suggests that temporal changes in trade good assemblages can be better understood in the context of historically documented trade schedules. Further, it is argued that the Illinois Indians actively positioned themselves in the political and economic landscape of the fur trade many decades prior to the arrival of the French in the Illinois Country, serving as the principal agents of the great changes that are associated with protohistory in Illinois.  相似文献   

新文化运动与反省现代性思潮   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新文化运动根本的思想取向在追求现代性,故其主持者对西方反省现代性思潮并不认同;但是,新文化运动毕竟发生在欧人反省自身文化和欧洲现代思潮发生了深刻变动的大背景之下,所以,无论自觉与否,事实上,它在一定程度上受其影响,从而使自身也打上了反省现代性的印记.其中,就涉及进化论、宗教与情感、中西文化观等荤荦大者而言,已足令吾人看到新文化运动除了传统描述的严厉、激进和不妥协的一面外,还有宽容、人性化与更为多样化、生动的另一面.不仅如此,反省现代性思潮还为李大钊、陈独秀最终转向马克思主义,提供了重要的思想铺垫.  相似文献   

The nature of post-war economic and urban planning has beencontroversial. This article examines the problem through a ‘grass-roots’study of the establishment and the early social history of Basildon,a representative example of post-war new towns. What views didthe various sections of the central state, local governmentand residents hold towards the new towns policy? The articleconsiders the relation between the new town Development Corporationand governmental departments, local government and tenants.This case study indicates that the plural and complex natureof decision-making based on informal and voluntary negotiationsmade the new towns policy inconsistent, and suggests that residents'voices were excluded from the process of decision-making. * suge{at}ier.hit-u.ac.jp  相似文献   

One of the outcomes of judgmental administrative attitudes toward indigenous praxis in colonial Papua New Guinea was a convention that an antagonistic relationship existed between European law and ‘native custom‘. By the end of the colonial period the defence of ‘custom’ had become part of an anti-colonial polemic among indigenous intellectuals and politicians. The Village Court system was established in this rhetorical climate. Its mission, reinforced in legislation, included the favouring of ‘custom’ in the dispensation of justice. Subsequent academic and journalistic commentaries on the development of the Village Court system have perpetuated a binary notion of the relationship between law and custom, whether portraying it as antagonistic or articulatory. This article focuses on a single case from a Port Moresby village court, involving an accusation of attempted sorcery. The case raises questions not only about the validity of the discursive law/custom dichotomy but about the notion of custom itself in the context of the dispensation of justice in contemporary Papua New Guinea. It is suggested that in village court praxis, the notion of custom serves the exploitation of village court officers as cheap labour in the justice system.  相似文献   

Today the area once known as the Grand Prairie in the American Midwest is best known for its high agricultural productivity and monoculture. Little of the original prairie landscape that gave the region its name remains. Prior to white settlement, the region was perceived as swampy, dangerous, unhealthy and unfit for agriculture. This ‘uninhabited waste’ and ‘giant emporium of malaria’ embodied the type of landscapes settlers initially tried to avoid. Ultimately, perceptions of the Grand Prairie landscape as well as the physical landscape itself were altered by settlement and improving drainage technology. This paper aims to link changes in the way the central Illinois landscape was imagined and perceived, with the subsequent environmental transformation that resulted in the near total elimination of tallgrass prairie and the wholesale alteration of regional hydrology through channelization and agricultural drainage.  相似文献   

In the 1890s, those opposed to women's suffrage in the borderlands of Maine and New Brunswick held a lot of the same arguments, but expressed them in different ways, and with different outcomes. In New Brunswick, the most vocal adversaries were male and represented in the Legislative Assembly. In Maine, a group of elite women, mostly from Portland, led the fight to keep women from voting. This article will explore the motivations, comparisons, and differences between the anti-suffragists of the borderlands, as well as explain some of the outcomes of the anti-suffrage movement that are still present today.  相似文献   

哈里·本达奖是美国亚洲研究学会旨在表彰东南亚研究领域杰出成果的国际学术大奖,代表了当代国际学界东南亚历史研究的重要成果。本达奖获奖著作涵盖东南亚殖民主义史、社会史、文化史等领域,并不断拓展到宗教史、女性史等专题史研究,反映第二次世界大战后东南亚史研究范式的重大转向,并从史料、方法、视角领域探讨了东南亚历史发展的本土性、自主性与能动性。获奖作品在当代东南亚史研究领域的理论探讨与实践研究方面都做出了积极贡献,值得中国东南亚史学界进一步学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

Vernacular gasoline stations, those designed jointly by contractor and owner, have not shared in the recent attention directed to gasoline stations as landscape features. Instead, that growing attention has been directed largely to stations designed by architects. This study, based on extensive field survey and intensive interviews, demonstrates that the remaining vernacular gasoline stations in Illinois and Wisconsin are manifestations of special places and time, rural and small town settings between 1925 and 1940. Vernacular designing was conditioned by an uncritical reference to an archetypal gasoline station form rather than to a profit-minded manipulation of imagery. As a result, the vernacular stations were integral parts of their environments and they remain prominent landscape features clearly communicating their origins. The vernacular emphasis on form recommends the future study of the gasoline station as an architectural ensemble.  相似文献   

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