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天主教爱尔兰移民是美国历史上第一支大规模的非新教移民团体。他们进入美国社会后,不仅引发了美国人宗教生活的长期震荡,而且对这个国家的政治生活产生了持续影响。通过建立自己的组织,他们发明了一套与主流群体打交道的方式,从而克服了从他们踏上这块土地第一天起就遇到的宗教、伦理方面的障碍。美国历史上最大的爱尔兰移民潮发生于19世纪40至50年代,其间爱尔兰天主教移民与美国早期新教移民的矛盾和冲突也最为突出,他们所遇到的问题以及解决这些问题的方式足以为我们了解美国移民史和美国文化特征提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Arthur Ussher, owner of the Ballysaggartmore estate in west County Waterford in the early 1800s, was one among many notorious landlords in Ireland during the Great Famine of 1847–52. He is remembered to this day in the locality for evicting hungry tenants and demolishing their houses for the non-payment of rents on his small estate, having earlier secured some improvement of land-quality through their labor. Buildings and designed-landscape features of Ussher’s demesne remain today, and are capable of an archaeological reading. They speak eloquently, even spectacularly, of the self-aggrandizing values of his social class. Relatively little “tenant archaeology” survives above-ground on the former estate, and most of the sites of eviction before and during the Famine are unidentified, but the story of their removal, and of tenant resistance—or non-resistance, more accurately—to it, is of some interest to students of the historical archaeology of the period. This paper documents the rise and fall of the Ussher project, illuminating the social violence that was often unleashed from landlord culture through the agency of Improvement.  相似文献   

Recent studies of frontier settlement in North America have suggested the existence of a greater complexity of society and locality than once visualized. The settlement of propinquitous groups of people with similar origins was a common feature of nineteenth-century America. The territorial identity of these groups may have both reflected and reinforced their cultural distinctiveness. This study examines the geographical propinquity of the Catholic Irish in the Robinson emigration of 1825 to Upper Canada (early Ontario). The object is to demonstrate the varying pattern of propinquity spatially and to associate the pattern with characteristics of social propinquity. The existence of social institutions, particularly the nuclear family and the parish, or antecedent community, within the Irish group appears to have been an important influence on the local geographical pattern of initial settlement.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth century, Catholic charity was an important source of poor relief in Belgium, as well as a means for Catholics to practice and express their devotion. Driven by a renewed religious fervour, men and women actively engaged in lay charitable organisations with the purpose of serving God through the poor and working towards self-sanctification. Historical research has especially noted women's charitable fervour, furthering the idea that the nineteenth century was characterised by a feminisation of religion. Recent studies have shown, however, that men did not become estranged from religion, and that multiple religious identities and practices existed at the same time across different contexts. Charity attracted both men and women, but the various masculinities and femininities that existed in the charitable space have seldom been explored. This study examines how gender roles were defined in the discourses of Catholic charities and the ways in which these roles structured social interactions among charitable actors, and between them and their recipients. To this end, two lay charities are taken as a case study: the Society and the Ladies of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, both committed to the practice of poor visits.  相似文献   

英国殖民主义者占领下缅甸后,为了攫取缅甸的资源,大量引进劳工开发下缅甸。大量移民的涌入,为下缅甸的经济发展做出了巨大的贡献。然而英国殖民主义者实行的“分而治之”和“为己所用”的统治政策阻碍了不同民族之间的文化交流与融合,给下缅甸的民族关系和社会发展带来了许多负面影响,使下缅甸成为一个民族矛盾集中、民族关系脆弱的地区。  相似文献   

美国的爱尔兰和意大利移民比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王寅 《世界历史》2005,(4):48-56
爱尔兰和意大利移民大多来自欧洲传统的农业社会,都受到盎格鲁—撒克逊新教主流文化的歧视和排斥,但不同的历史背景、传统习惯和价值观念使他们无论在移民动机,还是进入美国后的居住模式、经济活动和政治取向等方面都存在极大差异。尽管如此,两大移民群体努力摒弃陈规陋习,提高自身素质,在美国筚路蓝缕走过了一条艰苦的同化道路,并且为美利坚文明奉献了各自的优秀文化。  相似文献   

华人移居美国始于19世纪30年代,初期移居美国的华人主要来自中国的广东。1965年美国修改移民法后,移居美国的华人数量迅速增加。新移民的到来改变了美国华人社会以粤侨为主的状况,并导致了传统华人社会的变迁。  相似文献   

A new dataset created from the first 18,000 savings accounts opened (from 1850 to 1858) at the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank in New York City is described. The bank was founded by Irish Americans, and most of its depositors in its first decade of operations were recent Irish immigrants. The data offer a unique window on both savings behavior by the poor and not-so-poor in antebellum New York and on how emigrants who came primarily from rural parts of Ireland adapted to urban life. They also contain much that is new on the regional origins of mid-nineteenth century Irish immigrants and on their settlement patterns in New York.  相似文献   

This article recovers the cultural significance of the sampler in nineteenth-century Britain. I argue that this mainstay of female education models a circular shape of development in which the young girl painfully revises earlier experience; the subject is conceived of as perpetually reworking herself without obvious linear progression. Though this article is situated against canonical works of Victorian fiction, it focuses primarily on actual samplers to argue that these pieces of childhood embroidery should be recognized as a form of life-writing. After establishing the conventions of the sampler, I turn to an apparently anomalous example that exemplifies the temporal and affective patterns ingrained by the pedagogical exercise of sampler sewing. My central artefact is an autobiographical sampler from the needle of a 17-year-old Sussex girl named Elizabeth Parker. Currently housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, this textile from 1830 recounts Parker’s childhood experiences in service, and the horrors of physical abuse and sexual assault that led her to contemplate suicide, all compressed into 46 lines of cross-stitch. I argue that the sampler as a pedagogical tool resists the Bildungsroman’s model of the self as formed through temporal progression towards self-contained adult agency. Instead, the sampler materially and thematically enforces the recursive temporal dynamics of conversion.  相似文献   

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