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Alcmaeon of Croton (sixth–fifth century BC), a pre-Socratic physician–philosopher, introduced the concept that mind and soul are located in the brain. Alcmaeon made observations about seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling and distinguished perception from understanding. Alcmaeon contributed two major ideas to natural sciences: (1) the brain is the seat of human intelligence, and (2) physicians should draw conclusions from empirical observations, an idea that implicitly rejects the alternative notion that science should depend on “divine revelation.” Two thousand and five-hundred years later, these two insights remain true and guarantee Alcmaeon a place in the history of neuroscience.  相似文献   

Fragments of neurology can be found in the oldest medical writings in antiquity. Recognizable cerebral localization is seen in Egyptian medical papyri. Most notably, the Edwin Smith papyrus describes hemiplegia after a head injury. Similar echoes can be seen in Homer, the Bible, and the pre-Hippocratic writer Alcmaeon of Croton. While Biblical writers thought that the heart was the seat of the soul, Hippocratic writers located it in the head. Alexandrian anatomists described the nerves, and Galen developed the ventricular theory of cognition whereby mental functions are classified and localized in one of the cerebral ventricles. Medieval scholars, including the early Church Fathers, modified Galenic ventricular theory so as to make it a dynamic model of cognition. Physicians in antiquity subdivided the brain into separate areas and attributed to them different functions, a phenomenon that connects them with modern neurologists.  相似文献   


Brain disease or injury is a terrible thing, but the fact that the same kinds of brain diseases occur the world over offers researchers the opportunity to address the question posed by the title to this review. In the research described here, we assessed the reading skills of adult neurological patients (who had been normal speakers and readers prior to the onset of their brain damage) in both England and Japan. We chose patients in the two countries with the same causes and neuroanatomical locations of brain damage. The writing systems of English and Japanese differ fundamentally in the manner in which written words represent the sounds and meanings of the words in their respective languages. If the organisation of language in a person's brain is determined by the characteristics of the language he or she has learned, it follows that there should be little or no commonality in the patterns of reading deficit across these two languages. On the other hand, if the same principles of brain organisation apply across different cultures and languages, then we should be able to predict the nature of the reading impairments from one language to another when the same part of the brain is malfunctioning. The results discussed strongly suggest that the brain's organisation of language is in fact the same no matter which language you speak.  相似文献   

Bones treated at low temperature do not present major modifications although, macroscopically, boiled bones may be distinguished from unboiled ones as they are smoother, lighter and more transparent. Such observations should correspond to textural modifications at a nanometric level and should depend on boiling time. In this study, contemporary human bones, boiled during various time intervals, were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and nitrogen adsorption (BET). The results were used to estimate the boiling time in four archaeological samples (Neolithic bones from Malalmuerzo cave, Spain). It is concluded, comparing Neolithic bones to contemporary ones and from the textural characterization at a nanometrical level, that two of the archaeological bones were boiled and that they were boiled for less than 6 hours.  相似文献   

Wetlands are common in Coastal Western Hemlock forests yet the hydrologic processes that generate runoff from small swamps are not completely understood. Direct field observations, hydrologic, and electrical conductivity data were collected from a gently sloping forested swamp complex from July to November 2009. Swamps occupied depressions between raised mounds (0.1 to 3 m high) and were connected by an ephemeral creek. Runoff was controlled by antecedent moisture conditions and influenced by basin microtopography. Two hydrologic regimes occurred during the study period and different runoff processes dominated each regime. Runoff was generated by subsurface flow during dry antecedent conditions as swamps remained hydrologically disconnected from each other. Runoff was generated by surface outflow from hydrologically connected swamps during wet antecedent conditions as ponded water spilled out of the depressions. The forested swamp complex produced a faster but limited hydrologic response during dry antecedent conditions compared to a slower but greater hydrologic response during wet antecedent conditions. Stormwater runoff and runoff ratios were up to two orders of magnitude higher in wet conditions than during similarly sized events in dry conditions. These factors should be considered when designing monitoring programs or runoff models in forested swamps with significant microtopography. Field surveys and estimates of hydrologic inputs and outputs may be useful in predicting the potential hydrologic connectivity of isolated forested swamps.  相似文献   

During the five years before the outbreak of the First World War, Thomas Graham Brown (1882–1965) conducted research into the control of locomotion that gained him a deserved and long-lasting reputation as a neuroscientist and, in 1927, was recognized by election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. In 1915, with the First World War raging, he agonized about continuing his research or joining the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC). Told by his father to seek a commission, he served two and half years in Macedonia with the British Salonika Force. Whilst in Greece, he kept a daily diary. The entries from June 1916 to May 1917 are extant. They are unpublished and provide the background to the narrative to follow. Casualties with traumatic injury to the brain and spinal cord afforded him the opportunity to carry out careful observations, particularly concerning sensory localization, which resulted in novel findings and his observations on shell shock led to him being called as an expert witness to the national inquiry into the nature and treatment of the condition. In 1920, Graham Brown was appointed to the Chair of Physiology in Cardiff, which he held until 1947.  相似文献   

Charcot and his medical observations remain an enduring topic of scientific study in neurology, but he is also the topic of modern literary works. This essay examines the depiction of Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) as a character in late-twentieth-century literature as an index of the contemporary nonmedical literary public's interest in neurology and Charcot. It focuses on three contemporary works that involve Charcot as a central figure with comparison between primary source documents and the rendered context, character development, and plot lines of these literary works. The two French novels [Slumbers of Indiscretion and Dr. Charcot of the Salpêtrière] and one American play [Augustine (Big Hysteria)] approach Charcot and neurology with differing levels of historical accuracy. All create a figure of authority, each with a different coloration of the balance between power and its abuse. Two focus almost exclusively on his work with hysteria and inaccurately amplify Charcot's concern with symbolic sexual conflict as the origin of hysteria and fictionalize more extensive interactions with Freud than historical documents support. The three works demonstrate that Charcot retains an enduring fascination with an enigmatic personality, a controversial career, and a pivotal role in the development of studies involving the brain and behavior. Neurologists should not look to these works as replacements for more seriously composed historical studies, but as enrichments anchored in the imaginative possibilities of Charcot and his fin de siècle era.  相似文献   

The marine trophic levels targeted during Swift Creek (AD 300–700) and Savannah (AD 1200–1500) occupations at the Cathead Creek site (9Mc360) and at two sites from the Kings Bay Locality (9CAM171a, 9CAM177), coastal Georgia, USA, differ in a consistent temporal and spatial pattern. Vertebrate and invertebrate remains from these three coastal sites contain similar suites of estuarine animals. However, Swift Creek peoples at these distinct hydrological settings obtained more biomass from fishes and less from molluscs compared to the subsequent Savannah occupants. The two Swift Creek faunal collections are less rich, more diverse, and more equitable than the two subsequent Savannah collections regardless of location. Furthermore, the mean trophic level is higher in the Swift Creek collections compared to the Savannah ones at both locations. These observations apply to both biomass and Minimum Number of Individuals. These differences likely are defining characteristics distinguishing the Swift Creek and the Savannah economies. More research is needed to determine the extent to which these temporal and spatial patterns are attributable to environmental and cultural variables.  相似文献   

In much contemporary literature the Phineas Gage case is described as contributing to the development of lobotomy and leucotomy but the historical evidence shows this to be an almost completely erroneous view. His case was, however, important in the development of brain surgery itself. I begin this paper by briefly mentioning four early cases of brain surgery and describing the Gage case. I then set out the context of the localisation debate, concentrating particularly on Broca's clinical observations, because Macewen planned the first operation on the brain in the light of Broca's findings. I then turn to that context as it was developed through Jackson's observations and Ferrier's experiments, because Bennett and Godlee used it in planning the first operation for the removal of a brain tumour. It was also in the localisation context that Starr first drew attention to the significance of the changes in Gage for localising frontal tumours. By the turn of the century, several operations had been performed on the frontal lobes and various difficulties with Starr's criteria had become apparent. The reasons for the difficulties will be brought out and I conclude with a brief discussion of the relation between the Gage case and the operations performed by Burckhardt, Moniz, and Freeman.  相似文献   

Recent debates concerning the abolition of the schizophrenia label in psychiatry have focused upon problems with the scientific status of the concept. In this article, I argue that rather than attacking schizophrenia for its lack of scientific validity, we should focus on the conceptual history of this label. I reconstruct a specific tradition when exploring the conceptual history of schizophrenia. This is the concern with the question of the sense of life itself, conducted through the confrontation with schizophrenia as a form of life that does not live, or as Robert Jay Lifton termed it "lifeless life" (1979: 222-39). I conclude by arguing that the contemporary attempt to deconstruct or abolish the schizophrenia concept involves a fundamental shift in concern. The attempt both to normalize psychotic experiences, and to conceive them purely in terms of cognitive processes that can be mapped onto brain function, results in a fundamental move away from the attempt to understand the experience of madness.  相似文献   

When Georges Cabanis presented his views to the National Institute of France in 1797 on the physiological basis of human psychology, he introduced the concept that phosphorus was of special importance in the workings of the brain. The presence of phosphorus in that organ had only recently been described by A F Fourcroy, a finding that impressed Cabanis because of the association of light (phosphorescence) and heat (evolved during oxidation) with the element. Furthermore, he hypothesised that the electrical activity of the brain represented a parallel and interacting system with that of phosphorus. Cabanis was one of the leading exponents of "ideology", the principal school of philosophy at the time of the French Revolution. Ideology promoted the systematisation of knowledge in every sphere--social, scientific and medical, for example-- and Cabanis's views about cerebral phosphorus evolved from those teachings.  相似文献   

We present the results of MF radar observations of mean winds and waves in the height range 78–108 km at Mawson (67°S, 63°E), Antarctica. The measurements were made in the period from 1984 to 1990. Climatologies of the prevailing zonal and meridional circulations made with a 12-day time resolution show that the mean circulation remained relatively stable over the 6 yr of observation. Climatologies of gravity-wave motions in the 1–24 h period range were also generated. These reveal that the r.m.s. amplitudes of horizontal wave motions near the mesopause (~90 km) are about 30 m s−1, and that there is some anisotropy in the motions, especially at heights below 90 km. Meridional amplitudes are larger than zonal amplitudes, which suggests a preference for wave propagation in the north-south direction. Comparisons with MST radar wind observations made near the summer solstice at Poker Flat, Alaska (65°N) and at Andøya, Norway (69°N) show similarities with the Mawson observations, but the wave amplitudes and mean motions are larger in magnitude at the northern sites. This suggests hemispheric differences in wave activity that require further study.  相似文献   

A study is described of the equatorwards boundary of high-latitude ionospheric irregularities using measurements obtained by two different experimental techniques. Auroral traces observed on backscatter ionograms from an HF radar have been used to identify the boundary of the decametre scale-size irregularities responsible for the coherent backscatter. Simultaneous observations of scintillation on the 150 MHz signals from NNSS satellites have enabled the boundary for irregularities in the sub-kilometre scale regime to be located. Comparisons of the results from the two techniques indicate that reconciliation between boundary positions can be made in only about 50% of the cases considered. In general the scintillation boundary lies on average well polewards of that identified by the HF radar, suggesting that caution should be exercised in the mapping of irregularity boundary positions.  相似文献   

A survey is presented of recent developments in the observation of wind and turbulence in the stratosphere and mesosphere using MST radars. One of the highlights of these developments is the growing recognition that the MST/ST radar is a valuable tool for routine monitoring of the atmospheric wind field. Furthermore, preliminary observations have shown the feasibility of monitoring atmospheric turbulence as well. Recent observations of mesospheric turbulence support theoretical models that emphasize the role of propagating waves in coupling the lower and middle atmospheres. Scientific groups in several countries are now planning or constructing MST radars so that within a few years observations should be available from diverse geographical locations spanning the globe.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the length of the midlatitude F-region irregularities which cause scintillations. The length of scintillation irregularities is usually measured by the Full Correlation Analysis (FCA) method. If observations from a typical 3-receiver array, with small spacing, are used the length is always found to he only a few kilometers. Basic ionospheric theory indicates that the irregularities should he much longer than this. In this experiment scintillations of beacon transmissions from polar-orbiting satellites were observed on a 3-receiver array with 310 m spacing, and a fourth receiver 4.6 km away was used to check the lengths measured. Analysis of the scintillation observations from the 310 m array used the FCA method. In all cases the FCA lengths, from the small array, were much shorter than those measured by the distant receiver. Measurements using the 4.6 km receiver gave an average ratio of 44.5 and a half-length (in ionosphere) of 9.4 km. It appears that random errors in the correlation functions cause the FCA to underestimate the length of the ground pattern of irregularities when the spacing of the receivers is much less than the pattern size.  相似文献   

文章以广州某古村落的改造为例,关注宗祠的神圣性建构以及其面对快速的现代化和城市化等世俗力量时的政治响应。通过微观研究,发现:1宗祠政治性来源于其服务村民的世俗功能;2在宗祠受到外界世俗力量的侵占时,村民通过运用特定时空条件来施行"避让但不逃离"的巧妙战术进行抵抗,从而实现自身权力的宣示和表达。本文旨在从日常生活和空间政治性的角度重新认识处于快速城市化进程中的中国乡村神圣空间的政治建构,为中国乡村和城镇化研究提供有益的研究视角。  相似文献   

Archaeological work in advance of construction at a site on the edge of York, UK, yielded human remains of prehistoric to Romano-British date. Amongst these was a mandible and cranium, the intra-cranial space of which contained shrunken but macroscopically recognizable remains of a brain. Although the distinctive surface morphology of the organ is preserved, little recognizable brain histology survives. Though rare, the survival of brain tissue in otherwise skeletalised human remains from wet burial environments is not unique. A survey of the literature shows that similar brain masses have been previously reported in diverse circumstances. We argue for a greater awareness of these brain masses and for more attention to be paid to their detection and identification in order to improve the reporting rate and to allow a more comprehensive study of this rare archaeological survival.  相似文献   

During the Second World War, New Zealanders of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force (2NZEF) interacted with Christianity throughout the Mediterranean from 1940 to 1945. Stationed in the Middle East, New Zealanders saw the birthplace of Christianity in Egypt and Palestine. In Greece, Crete, and Italy, New Zealanders saw countries where Christianity was deeply ingrained in the landscape and social fabric. This article explores New Zealanders' interaction with Christianity in the Mediterranean during the Second World War on two levels: Firstly, by discussing New Zealanders' visits to Christian religious sites; secondly, by examining New Zealanders' observations on religious practice and the place of religion in society in the Middle East, Greece, and Italy. The article will argue that New Zealanders demonstrated a keen interest in religious tourism during the war, and more broadly, that Christianity was an important lens through which New Zealanders viewed the places in which they served in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The first ionospheric plasma convection maps ordered by the y- and z-components of the IMF using only data from the southern hemisphere are presented. These patterns are determined from line-of-sight velocity measurements of the Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment (PACE) located at Halley, Antarctica, with the majority of the observations coming from 65°–75° magnetic latitude. For IMF Bz positive and negative conditions, the observed plasma motions are consistent with a standard two cell pattern. For the periods from dusk through midnight to dawn, flow speeds are at least twice as large for Bz negative component compared with Bz positive. The observations about noon are significantly different from each other. For Bz positive, little ordered plasma motion is observed. For Bz negative, there are large anti-sunward flows the orientation of which is ordered by IMF By. These By orientated flows are consistent with theoretical predictions, and are anti-symmetric to those reported from the northern hemisphere. The two most significant differences from previous observations are that the convection reversal in the late morning sector for By negative conditions occurs at about a 4° lower latitude than the Heppner and Maynard (1987) model. This may be due to a seasonal bias in the PACE dataset. Also, the separatrix between eastward and westward flow near midnight has a very different shape dependent upon the orientation of IMF By. For positive By conditions, the separatrix is observed at progressively lower latitudes at later local times, but for By negative conditions, the separatrix appears at increasingly higher latitudes at later times.  相似文献   

During the period July–August 1991, observations were made of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) at 46.9 MHz and 224 MHz by the CUPRI and EISCAT radars, respectively, at two sites in northern Scandinavia. Those observations are compared here with observations of noctilucent clouds, energetic particle precipitation and magnetic disturbances. The appearance and morphology of PMSE are found to be closely correlated at the two frequencies and the two sites, 200 km apart. No correlation is found between PMSE and noctilucent clouds or magnetic disturbance. No correlation is found between energetic particle precipitation and the appearance of PMSE at 46.9 MHz for the whole time period. At 224 MHz, there is no evidence for a correlation before the beginning of August and only one event suggesting a possible correlation after the beginning of August. A minimum in occurrence frequency for PMSE is found between 16 and 21 UT (17–22 LST) which may be related to an expected minimum in background wind strength in that time interval.  相似文献   

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