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Today is Sunday.Anyi,a Tibetan woman,gets up early and gets dressed. She combs her hair and tries to make herself to look smart.She takes her daughter Nyina,together with some fellow villagers,to walk toward the church situated at the entrance to the village.To most of these villagers in Tsakhalho Village,this is a normal Sunday activity.  相似文献   

Dekyi is a Tibetan girl who always has a smile on her face.She came from Tibet to Beijing to receive her higher education and then she gave up the opportunity to work in city where she could have had a high income and comfortable life.Instead she decided to work in Sema Village of Nechung Town of Tohlung Dechen County,where she launched her new life by contributing to the rebuilding of a rural area in Tibet.She interpreted the rural policies issued by the government by applying her own knowledge.  相似文献   

张朦 《神州》2013,(15):148-149
In the brilliant American literature area, Emily Dickinson is a mysterious figure who attracts readers deeply. She was born in an upper class family in New England of American in the 19th century, which is never married. She was one of the most outstanding poets. Her poems have extensive subjects and deep thoughts, and renowned with plain but eternal language. In her poetry, Emily Dickinson explored the theme on death, eternity, love and na- ture. This paper is just an attempt to help the readers to under- stand her complex themes of her poetries. She praised the nature and holy love, describe the essence of death and eternity. Dickin- son’s poems are usually based on her experiences, her sorrows and joys.  相似文献   

"Sunflower" is a Tibetan woman (real name Rinehen Drolma) who is a famous dancer and a national-level choreographer. She is now a choreographer in the Music and Dance Troupe of TibetAutonomous Region (TAR). Since she engaged herself in the art of dance, Sunflower has won many first and second prizesin the dancing competitions of TAR. Her masterworks include Hormu Sisi, Tibetan Myth, Spring Maid, Spiritual Talk, Paean to the Holy Land, and Resama. She has given performances with her troupe in many countries and regions, including Austria, Germany, and Spain.  相似文献   

正It must be admitted that most property management companies in Lhasa are not up to par.Drolma Kyi,who started her career as a police detective,is the president of Auspicious Land Property Management Company.She is known both for her uncompromising and no-nonsense leadership style and caring and thoughtful man management style.Those around her call her"Iron Lady"behind  相似文献   

Before seeing Asgen I had imagined a girl who has been on the stage of various parties on CCTV(China Central Television)many times for such a young age.She might have the air of a star but when I saw her the first time,my former suspicions all vanished right away.Before me,was a Tibetan girl who is so pretty,nice and easy going. When Asgen did the interview with me,the sunshine shone through the window and it was warm and peaceful in the room.As she spoke to me, her eyes were attentive and her voice seemed to penetrate one’s heart with enchantment.  相似文献   

Chongdro is a farmer in Kangsa Village of Norgyan Town of Panam County of TAR. She is a typical Tibetan woman living in a rural area and that is apparent not only from her face and general appearance,but also from her modest behavior and hospitality.Her house is still very much the traditional home of a rural Tibetan family living with their animals i.e.the first floor is for the animals and the second floor for the humans.The surrounding wall of the courtyard is plastered and almost covered with cattle ...  相似文献   

In the change of season from spring to summer in 2008, our research team revisited Lhundrup Tsomo's family. She was worried and askedus about the health situation of the village administrator's wife who was ill, and the village administrator had already taken her to see doctors. With her perseverance, we had to inform her that the wife of the village administrator Tashi Dampa was suffering from breast cancer and she was undergoing chemical therapy in the People's Hospital i,n Lhasa and surgery might soon take place. On hearing that, Lhundrup Tsomo immediately became sad and she told us stories about how sucha situation developed in Tashi Dampa's family during recent years. Since the village administrator devoted his time and efforts to take care of the village and his fellow villagers, he did less for his family but rather left it all to his wife, which led to her final tragedy.  相似文献   

Baima Chasi is a farmer-turned-taxi company manager. She lives in Nangka Township of Donggar Town in Deilungde-qen County in the suburbs of Lhasa. The way she carries herself, and herfacial expression belie her real age of littlover 40. The courtyard of her house is verylarge with a garage spacious enough topark three or four vehicles, in addition to cattle pen. Dried beef of a whole head of cattlehangs in a cool place outside her kitchen. In her sitting room are a lot of flowersSeei…  相似文献   

正Tashi Yongdro, who comes from the town of Geluotuo in Sichuan Province's Serthar County, designs Tibetan-style clothes. Her hometown is near the famous Mt. Leqiong, with beautiful grassland everywhere the eye can see, sprinkled here and there with colorful and bright Kampa costume.Her parents were well-known local tailors. When Tashi Yongdro was a child,her mother often used her own old clothes to make new ones for her. She  相似文献   

正She is a 26-year-old girl with dusty hair and sun-cracked dry facial skin.She often backpacks with over ten kilograms in her bag,and walks in the wild grassland for about half a month.  相似文献   

<正>The warm spring sun casts a gentle light across the dark face of a Tibetan woman.She slowly opens her eyes and subconsciously moves her hand to touch her neck. Suddenly,she realizes there are thick bandages wound around her neck.Her eyes immediately open in surprise. "Droma,are you finally awake!" The surrounding doctors and nurses are excited."We have removed a big tumor which weighed about 10 Jin(One Jin is equal to half kilogram),so now you will no longer need a special pillow while sleeping!"  相似文献   

Big Ears     
Shortly after we arrived in the village, a black dog with big, erect ears appeared. This dog lying by the roadsidestartled us because her huge ears made her look more like a wolf or a fox than a dog. Later, she would often wander about in front of the village committee. My fellow team members would give her something to eat. She came to know us better and gradually became a regular visitor to the village committee.  相似文献   

During the 1970s, just at the period of "learning from Dazai", the government of the TAR built a water reservoir at the bottom of the mountain shaped like the head of a tiger. Accordingly, people refer to this to as the "tiger-headed" water reservoir. Since water was avaiJable, various flocks of birds come to stay, including many bJack-necked cranes that have Jevel one national protection. This is what Lhundrup Tsomo and her fellow villagers refer to as "Kyung Kyung Dkar Nag" (Tibetan,refers to black-necked cranes) in Tibetan.  相似文献   

Most Tibetan people regard Losar,the Tibetan New Year,as a time for families to come together,but Tsering Pedron instead spends her time treating patients at the Ngari People's Hospital in Ngari Prefecture."I recognize the importance of seeing one's family during the New Year and other key festivals,but if I purely give my time to my family,who else would be there for my patients should they need me?"said Tsering Pedron,who is the Ob-Gyn director of the hospital.She has only gone home to see her family and celebrate the holiday once since 1993.  相似文献   

When we first met, Changrin- la was proud to tell me that shehad a typical Chinese name: "Jiang Yonghong". Her aunt, who is a cadre, gave her the name. She said she would be very" pleased if we called her by her Chinese name.  相似文献   

Tsering Lhamo,a Tibetan woman,was born in Luntse County of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).She joined the Communist Party of China in 1960,and was the on-going party secretary of a town in Nedong County.She led eleven households of Nangsan(serfs) in 1961 to form a mutual support team for agricultural production and achieved a rise in local production.Later,the labour committee of the Tibetan branch of the Communist Party cited her as the"model for thousands of liberated serfs".In 1977,under her leadership and with the efforts exerted by local members of the commune,  相似文献   

正Most Tibetan people regard Losar,the Tibetan New Year,as a time for families to come together,but Tsering Pedron instead spends her time treating patients at the Ngari People's Hospital in Ngari Prefecture."I recognize the importance of seeing one's family during the New Year and other key festivals,but if I purely give my time to my family,who else would be there for my patients should they need me?"said Tsering Pedron,who is the Ob-Gyn director of the hospital.She has only gone home to see her family and celebrate the holiday once since 1993.  相似文献   

正Saturdays are so precious to Sonam Yangchen, a fourth-grade student in Lhasa Municipality's No. 1 Elementary School. That is when she is allowed to meet with others of her age besides those she sees day to day while in class. Weekends are when she gets together with students from Lhasa Experimental School, Haicheng Elementary School of Chengduan District, and the Elementary School affiliated with Lhasa Normal College. Together,  相似文献   

Zou Guifen is a 46-year-old Tibetan lady. She lives in Meixing Town, Xiaojin County in Siehuan Province. For several decades, she has carried on the art of embroidery and knitting, and set her heart on preserving these handierafts. She has successfully taught manyfriends the technique. The embroidery and knitting works in her collection, including 50 insoles, 30 belts, and over 10 cross-stitch works, are all deemed classics of local folk culture.  相似文献   

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