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<正>乐启良:《当代法国社会史的革新——热拉尔·努瓦利耶的社会历史学探析》(《历史研究》2014年第4期)20世纪60年代末法国政治形势与社会环境发生了重大转折,这对法国史学构成了强烈冲击。以年鉴学派为代表的经典社会史渐趋衰落,而长期遭到排斥的政治史、文化史和表征史开始回归、复兴。很少为国内学界关注的是,这一时期法国社会史也在艰难转型,并取得了令人瞩目的成就。通过热拉尔·努瓦利耶的社会历史学,可管窥当代法国社会史的最新进展及其方法论的创新。  相似文献   

法国年鉴学派以1929年1月创刊的《年鉴》杂志为核心,是当代西方三大史学流派之一。它在20世纪引领了历史学研究的一系列革命,例如以社会经济史为中心、关注日常生活史等。随着1989年社会政治的变化与"文化转向",《年鉴》杂志也开始重新反思布罗代尔的长时段范式,转而关注"表象"等感觉史,进而转向关注19世纪甚至20世纪的当代史,由此引导了"审美转向"到"伦理转向"的发生,同时透视了未来"交叉史"的趋向。《年鉴》杂志在这场转向中越来越多地关注亚洲特别是中国问题,考察来自欧洲之外的历史经验。  相似文献   

谈到20世纪西方史学的演变,人们都会毫无例外地注意到这一事实:政治史的中心地位业已动摇,被迅速发展起来的经济史、社会史、化史所淹没。传统史学与近代西方民族国家的建构密切相关,政治活动自然成为关注的焦点。另一方面,它大量依赖书档案为史料,这也将其研究对象固定在政治方面。但20世纪中期以后,随着年鉴学派的崛起,传统史学的政治史模式被颠覆了,社会经济史取而代之成为主流形态。社会史被定义为去掉了政治的历史,可见政治史地位的衰落和遭受排斥的程度。  相似文献   

阅读史是近三十年来在年鉴学派、新文化史和书籍史影响下逐渐形成的新兴学科,它从产生之初,就具有社会史和文化史的双重性格:在视野上,关心大众文化、身份认同、权力与信仰等问题;在材料和方法上,不仅重视官方档案和少数学者的著作,更重视各个社会组织所记录的数据与社会大众的私人信件、笔记等材料的收集和分析。以阅读的过程为依据,阅读史可以分为三个部分:其一是关心书籍的生产、流通以及最终到读者手中的方式;其二是将阅读作为一种社会行为,讨论阅读的方式和读者的心态;其三是分析阅读对于个体、社会和历史的影响。在研究阅读行为和读者反应时,书籍中读者留下的批校这一长期被学者所忽视的材料,具有无可替代的优越性。  相似文献   

拉布鲁斯是法国20世纪最著名的史学家之一,他长期执教于索邦大学,其研究方法与史学范式影响了一大批学者。信奉马克思主义的拉布鲁斯,不仅深化了马克思主义的革命史研究,而且创立了具有马克思主义印记的社会史范式。此外,年鉴学派也正是通过拉布鲁斯接受了马克思主义的影响。拉布鲁斯的史学实践在20世纪法国史学史上具有承前启后的重要意义:一方面,他将经济学、社会学的研究方法带入了历史学,促进了历史学与社会科学的融合;另一方面他积极倡导心态史研究,对于文化史的繁荣亦有贡献。今天,面对日益碎化的新史学,重新关注强调经济基础、重视社会群体的拉布鲁斯史学具有一定的纠偏意义。  相似文献   

20世纪中叶,法国经济社会史学家欧内斯特·拉布鲁斯以价格、工资、资本系列数据为基础,运用社会学、经济学和计量学等学科方法,提出了自己关于经济危机的理论,从而成为危机理论的奠基者。该理论一方面植根于法国18世纪以来的重农主义,另一方面也符合第二次世界大战以后急欲促成史学与社会科学相结合的年鉴学派的需求。危机理论提出后,虽得到国际价格史科学委员会的肯定,但在法国国内遭到传统史学家的猛烈抨击。拉布鲁斯在年鉴学派的支持下最终进入了史学界,开辟了史学研究的新领域。20世纪80年代以后,随着新材料和新理论的涌现,拉布鲁斯的危机理论不断受到质疑和批判,影响力日渐式微,终遭其门生放弃。拉布鲁斯危机理论的兴衰,折射出史学与经济学、社会学错综复杂的结合过程。  相似文献   

年鉴学派与环境史学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高国荣 《史学理论研究》2005,100(3):127-136
战后率先在美国兴起的环境史.与法国年鉴学派既有亲缘关系,又存在不少差异。年鉴学派对环境史学的启示在于,它重视自然地理等结构因素对历史发展的作用,它提出了总体史观念和跨学科研究方法,它强调历史和现实之间的紧密联系。但环境史学与年鉴学派不仅在产生背景、研究重点方面有比较大的差剐,而且在人与自然的关系问题上也有着不同的认识。环境史学强调人与自然的相互影响和生态的变化,而年鉴学派则强调社会结构等因素的决定性和自然因素的稳定性,此外,环境史学具有比年鉴学派强烈得多的文化批判意识。  相似文献   

勒·普雷学派是西方早期的人类学和社会学学派之一,该学派在19世纪下半叶运用地理学、西方汉学、人类学和社会学等学科知识,从理论上把中国塑造成一个恪守道德法、服从父权的典型"族长制家族"社会。这一中国形象是18世纪欧洲"中国热"现象的延续,更是在新的历史背景下法国自由派知识分子试图解决法国(乃至欧洲)的社会问题以及面对全球化而进行的一种积极和深刻的思考。它一方面丰富了勒·普雷学派的人类学和社会学理论,是该学派提出欧洲社会稳定与和平的政治理念的重要参考依据之一;另一方面,它作为近代欧洲的东方视野的重要组成部分,能够折射出东西方文化关系的复杂性。  相似文献   

法国的乡村史研究是随着20世纪初社会经济史的兴起逐步发展起来的,它与年鉴学派的兴衰休戚相关。战后30(1945-1975年)是年鉴学派的高峰期,也是法国乡村史研究发展的黄金时期,出现了很多在欧洲史学界颇具影响的乡村史家。70年代后期乡村史研究进入一个相对沉寂的时期。1993年法国史学界发起一场乡村史的“复兴运动”,创立了有关乡村史研究的专门协会和期刊,至今仍对法国乡村史的发展起着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

米罗诺夫是当代俄国社会史研究领域的著名学者。苏联解体后,他经过近十年的艰苦努力,完成了两卷本的《俄国社会史》。该书以唯物史观为指导,借鉴了年鉴学派等西方新史学的理论与方法,发挥了计量史学的独特功能,以其丰富的资料、缜密的论证和新颖的观点。对18-20世纪初帝国时期的俄国社会作了全面而深入的考察,在许多方面取得了重要突破。本文通过对《俄国社会史》的写作构想、基本内容与理论框架等方面的分析,认为该书所取得的成就,在一定意义上代表了当代俄罗斯社会史研究的水平和发展方向,是俄罗斯史学在新世纪崛起的重要标志。  相似文献   


This article has two aims. In the first part I will present some methodological considerations on intellectual history, particularly in relation to other disciplines considered similar yet different, such as the history of ideas, the history of concepts and the history of discourse. I will then seek to clarify what it means, in terms of research practice, to write intellectual history, taking as a starting point the subject of my own research, namely the political implications of economic thinking on luxury and consumption in Italy during the second half of the eighteenth century. More specifically, I intend to highlight the unique characteristics of intellectual history, understood as global history, which requires the reconstruction of the different contexts in which its underlying ideas and objectives developed, concentrating on its highly interdisciplinary nature. In particular, I will focus on a specific type of interdisciplinarity that characterised the methodology of my research, namely the attempt to hold together political thought and economic analysis. Eighteenth-century Italy was in fact marked by a strong, multifaceted political evaluation of economic thinking on luxury and consumption, which led me to examine the discussion of the subject through two lenses, those of economic analysis and political thinking. This specificity shows how the reconstruction of economic thought constitutes a fertile course for the investigation of the political culture and social projects of Italian authors in the eighteenth century, at a time when economic science was taking shape as a separate discipline.  相似文献   

This essay presents analogies between the development of historical writing and of physical science during the early modern period. Its necessarily spotty coverage runs from the mid sixteenth century to the beginning of the eighteenth. The analogies include arising from practical concerns; preferring material documents and experimental inquiries over texts; making use of mathematical auxiliary sciences; distinguishing between primary and secondary elements; establishing new fundamental principles; undermining the traditional world system; and devising methods to control rapidly multiplying knowledge. A history of learning that meets today's standards of historical scholarship should identify and exploit such parallels, not only because of scholarly interest and responsibility, but also because an understanding of the historical importance of linkages between distant branches of learning may help redress the increasing imbalance in resources among the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities in our higher schools and universities.  相似文献   

环境史研究虽然晚至20世纪80年代才在欧洲出现,但成绩斐然。在一定程度上可以说,历史地理学、法国年鉴学派、汤因比的有关著作,为环境史在欧洲的兴起提供了理论基础。从总体上看,和美国相比,欧洲的环境史研究具有更多的跨学科研究的特色和全球史的视野,而且从一开始就重视城市环境问题。  相似文献   

The late eighteenth century saw the immigration of thousands of French refugees from France and its Caribbean colonies to the United States. An examination of one family of these refugees, Jean Payen de Boisneuf and his relatives the Vincendières, reveals that the values that the refugees imported, such as plantation slavery and Catholicism, could be antagonistic to social norms in the regions they chose to settle.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the twenty‐first century, there was a growing sense that historians had neglected the emotions and failed to think seriously about them. Since then, there has been explosive interest in the history of emotions. What precipitated this development? What has this focus on emotion added to our historical understanding, and what does a historical perspective contribute to research on emotion? Two recent books help us think about these questions. In The History of Emotions, Jan Plamper offers the first book‐length introduction to this field available in English; in Emotional Lexicons, Ute Frevert and a group of fellow historians trace continuities and change in the vocabulary of feeling from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the end of the millennium. At stake, in both books, is the idea that emotions are historically contingent—that history has the ability to shape and transform even the most basic features of human experience. This review essay engages with the central arguments of these books, and offers a somewhat different interpretation of the history of emotions. What is called for, the essay suggests, is not first and foremost a separate history of emotions nor the adding of emotion to existing histories, but new histories that systematically incorporate emotions into their analyses. Historians should seek to demonstrate how emotions are an integral part of history and historiography in a more general sense. Systematic attention to emotions not only adds nuance to a historical narrative, the essay concludes, but also fundamentally affects our ideas about how history actually happens.  相似文献   

Protestantism was illegal in eighteenth‐century France, yet many French Reformed Protestants, better known as Huguenots, managed to maintain their religion and identity until the French Revolution granted religious freedom. Several thousand of them lived in Paris, but remained a tiny minority in a very Catholic city. Given this context, and little access to pastors or collective worship, what kind of Protestantism did they observe? This article suggests that, like other minority groups, their religious practice and thinking were influenced both by the Catholic environment in which they lived and by the culture of the late eighteenth‐century city. By 1789 they had moved away from certain Calvinist traditions, and some of them had adopted a surprising ecumenism.  相似文献   

《魏书》,北齐魏收撰,全书一百三十卷,分本纪十二卷,列传九十八卷,志二十卷,记载了公元四世纪末至六世纪中叶北魏王朝兴亡史。《魏书》是现存叙述北魏历史最原始和最完备的资料,对研究鲜卑拓跋部的历史也有重大价值。《魏书》的整理研究,主要经历了北宋、明、清、近代等阶段,中华书局1974年出版的点校本《魏书》,集《魏书》研究之大成,是目前最好的本子。但有些地方仍可进一步商榷。本文以标点本《魏书》为基础,比勘了有关版本并参考其它典籍,撰成校勘札记若干条,冀为《魏书》之整理研究,贡其一得之愚。  相似文献   


Until the middle of the eighteenth century Dutch paper makers had a leading position on the international paper market, both commercially and technically. From around 1700 a decline set in, which became dramatic after 1780. The introduction of new machinery and processes from Britain and elsewhere during the nineteenth century was slow, but when it came about, the Dutch paper industry regained an important part of the international market. This article attempts to explain the technological aspects of this development in the light of theories about the economic and technological history of the Netherlands in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.  相似文献   

面对两千多年以来"孔子作《春秋》"之成说,20世纪20年代以顾颉刚、钱玄同为首的疑古派力倡"孔子未作《春秋》"说,此说竟在近一个世纪内风靡学术界,至今仍不乏持论者。然而,内置于这一论点形成和推证整个历史过程的深层逻辑,实际上是一种"指向性历史构境",是由对史料的截断式去取或臆解误读造成的。这种构境已经超出了史学研究"适度的想象"的范围,带有明显的主观蓄意性;欲在理论上加固这一推理逻辑的尝试同样是不能成立的。  相似文献   

晏绍祥 《历史研究》2012,(2):147-162,192
由于古代史料的性质和近代早期历史写作目的的影响,从古代到近代早期的西方,古代史基本为政治和军事史以及大人物所统治,社会经济与普通人遭到忽视。21世纪的古代史写作,大多将政治史排挤到相对次要的地位,普通人及其日常生活成为主要内容,其笔下的古代世界,着重古希腊罗马公民的社会生活以及影响公民生活的诸种政治和经济因素。古代史主题变换与研究转型,既与学者们对史料的认识以及对社会科学方法的借鉴有内在联系,也与西方史学注重公民活动的传统相关。世界古代史研究仍需在掌握语言工具的基础上,更多地借鉴现代社会科学理论与方法,实现从理论、方法到内容的转型,深入古代社会的历史。  相似文献   

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