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拜读《明代〈嘉靖重轮重郭异品大钱〉跋》(以下简称"异文")①获益匪浅。文中指出拙稿"明嘉靖钱中的臆造品"②中,将"嘉靖十三年"误写成"嘉靖二十三年",深致谢意,同时  相似文献   

<正> 1987年秋,笔者从一老农手中征集到一枚太平天国大钱,此钱同陕西澄城县发现的太平天国大钱酷似。铜币圆形方孔,直径7.8、穿孔内径1.8、厚0.35厘米,重170余克。钱正面铸有阳父“太平天国”4字,背面铸有繁体的“圣宝”2字,币文皆楷书对读。“天国”的“国”字,既不同繁体的“国”字,又同简化的“国”字有别,“国”字铸成“囯”字,钱币称“圣宝”,这是太平天国运动宗教迷信色彩在钱币中的反映(见图)。  相似文献   

明清自嘉靖以下,道光以上,十二个朝代的钱币书法,字体呆板、粗劣,毫无书法艺术的气息。至咸丰三年鼓铸大钱,书风才有变化。  相似文献   

“珍品”是钱币中的极罕见品,有的甚至是孤品,是钱币中的佼佼者。 “稀品”是指钱币中的“稀见品”,内涵比较丰富,伸缩幅度也比较大的“珍稀品”,此钱稀罕难得,价值极高。  相似文献   

清代每值易号,各地钱局在开炉铸新钱之际,通常先铸一批带有纪念性质的开炉压胜大钱,以取吉祥或以志庆贺,这种特殊用途的钱币称之为“开炉钱”。此类开炉钱与流通行用钱存在较大差异,钱型大而厚重,钱面字一般虽与流通行用钱一致,但钱背面有各种吉语或纹饰,铸造不惜工本,力求精致,为非流通之品。因此类开炉钱铸造精美,铸量少,且与钱币铸造制度有关,历来为泉家所重视,并尽力搜罗,笔亦藏有一品清代宝苏局所铸“乾隆通宝”背“星月纹”开炉大钱,现介绍如下与同好共赏。  相似文献   

寿昌二年钱议卫月望近见孙仲汇等编印的《简明钱币辞典》290页中收有寿昌二年大钱一品。这是久闻大名,不见庐山真面目多年之物,喜出望外,遂成此议,以求教于方家。按此钱名,初次出现于《泉币》第16期33页。《直读重熙》一文中,初印于1942年1月1日。原文略谓:“罗君此品[指直读重熙]……与辽制不符。虽色泽古旧,当出边炉。近见大辽天庆,寿昌二年,清宁乾统诸大钱,文字亦不符,皆工人戏作耳。”此文标题下署“罗沐园藏”,但看文意并非罗氏所撰,不知为何人大笔,或为编辑者郑家相?寿昌二年又不知在何人处所见,偶此一现。事隔50年,未见其它记录。1990年7月,曾与亡友马定祥先生通信讨论辽钱问题,蒙复长信一封,其中说到此钱:“至于大泉,寿昌二年,是我往昔得此北京程伯逊,后归孙鼎”。已道出来龙去脉矣。寿昌是年号,但《辽史》作寿隆。穿下字为贰,惟贝字略像耳字,上“二”字连笔似“一”,或为原钱不清,或为拓图不显。穿左为季字,即年字之异体。《简明钱币辞典》提到此钱时说:“辽代大钱极少,一些纪年钱如大康六年、大康七年、寿昌二年等,都属瘗钱性质。”李侠、晓峰合著《中国北方民族货币史》24页云:“纪年钱。辽道宗更铸有清宁二年、大康三年、大康  相似文献   

旧时民间博戏使用的“骰钱”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988年夏,晋西一老者,赠我12枚他珍藏多年的清代钱币,均为所谓的“异品”。可分作三种类型: 第一类为“合面钱”,共6枚。主要特征是两面皆满文“局号”,但各自的“局号”及形制有差。 1 黄铜质,小平,阔缘大样,面背著满文“宝云”(一面正书、一面侧书),铸工精好,铁径2.53、穿径0.58、郭厚0.13厘米,重4.2克。此钱数据及形制同宝云局铸造的“道光通宝”钱(图上左)。 2 黄铜质,小平。背面著满文“宝源”,异书(近似符号),制作尚属正整,平夷轻薄,钱径2.11、穿径0.67、郭厚0.11厘米,重2.5克(图上右)。  相似文献   

本人在上海市肇嘉浜路原露天钱币市场得一枚咸丰宝苏局当三十大铁钱。该钱径42、穿 8 8、厚 2 7、缘宽 6 2毫米 ,重 2 0 5克 (图 1)。据《无锡钱币》总第八期第十四页记序 :“咸丰五年 ( 185 5 )三月宝苏局也提出铸当十铜钱 ,成本不敷 ,拟仿京师式样鼓铸小平及当十、当五大铁钱、并委员采铁 ,雇匠到清江浦 (今淮阴市 )试铸。但宝苏分局只是试铸铁钱 ,并未大量铸造 ,留存至今故甚稀少。”据《淮阴市志》第三十二卷载 :“咸丰三年淮阴设宝苏分局 ,清政府为筹措军费 ,铸大钱。咸丰四年二月在淮阴开铸当十以上铜钱 ,至十月底铸当十、当五十、…  相似文献   

“集换局票”铜钱,重18.28克,径34、厚2.7毫米,质黄铜,字精美,制作规整,其形制类清咸丰钱,为官铸之物。该钱的披露首见1987年7月《上海钱币通讯》创刊号,由作言午、黄锡明介绍的中将该钱读作“集局换票”。主要论据是,咸丰时政府因大钱贬值,以发宝钞来回收大钱,故称“换票”,但“集局”何解?中没有说明。  相似文献   

《中国钱币》1984年第四期宣森同志发表了一枚古钱异品,说此钱面拉丁文,并说是“按背面所示币值使用”的意思。经过我们反复研究,此钱背文当是典型的八思巴文无疑,此字共由四字组成,即,这四个字在元代用来拼读转写汉字中的“权、拳、观、鬈、卷(平声)、圈(上声)、倦、圈(去声)”诸字,标准写法是,按照钱币惯语及元代权钞钱例,应该属于汉字“权”。古钱币用语中,“权”字可以作“当”、  相似文献   

To evaluate more precisely the abilities of the electromagnetic (E.M.) Slingram method for magnetic features detection an experimental comparison was undertaken between the magnetic method with the best magnetometer now available (two optical pumping sensors in a differential mode) and the Slingram E.M. method with the SH3 apparatus. on the neolithic ring ditch a t Viecht (Bavaria, F.R.G.). Despite the absence of automatic recording the electromagnetic results give the same archaeological information as that obtained by the magnetic method.  相似文献   

The present boundaries of Moscow's suburban zone are tested by delineating a so-called zone of active influence of Moscow city based on demographic structure and the significance of commuting to work in the city. The most favorable age-sex structure, with a high percentage of population in the working age groups and a relatively high percentage of children, is found in a zone within 50 to 60 kilometers from the city limits. This zone generates a daily flow of more than 500,000 commuters to places of employment in Moscow, 90 percent of whom spend less than 110 to 120 minutes traveling each way. These commuters represent about 2 percent of the total working-age population in the suburban zone. On the basis of the demographic structure and commuting linkages, Moscow's zone of active influence is therefore defined as the zone within which 90 percent of the commuters reside, or within 52 kilometers of the city limits. This conforms roughly to the present definition of the suburban zone.  相似文献   

近年来,居民时空间行为的社会分异已成为学者们广泛关注的话题。然而,已有关于居民时空间行为的社会分异研究中,缺少对于居民活动情境的社会分异的研究。因此,本研究基于时间地理学中对人类活动的情境嵌入性与情境的不同维度的相关理论,以北京清河街道为例,分析不同住房来源居民在日常情境、地理情境和社会情境下的时空间行为的社会分异,尝试从多个情境维度拓展对时空间行为社会分异的理解。研究发现,市场性住房居民“朝九晚五”的活动特征明显,活动同伴选择外向性突出;单位性住房居民职住相对接近,在社区空间内分配时间最长且活动目的多样;安置性住房居民活动较为分散,地理情境与社会情境都呈现出“家庭内向性”特征;保障性住房居民非工作活动的“滞后性”明显,对社区空间的时间分配总体较低。除住房来源因素与个人社会经济因素外,建成环境因素对于居民对社区空间的使用有显著影响。  相似文献   

孙烨  张宏磊  刘培学  张捷 《人文地理》2017,32(3):152-160
网络搜索引擎是旅游者获取旅游信息的最重要入口,百度指数通过反映关键词被搜索的次数表征旅游者的网络关注度。文章以三清山为例,首先利用协整理论及格兰杰因果检验分析了PC端和移动端百度指数与实际游客量之间的关系,进一步建立日游客量ARMA模型和分别加入PC 端和移动端百度指数的VAR模型,对游客量预测结果及预测能力进行比较分析,以期通过不同客户端、不同搜索关键词来填补游客量预测过程中旅游网络数据提取的单一性,得到更好的预测效果。发现移动端比PC端百度指数模型具有更好的预测效果,移动端比PC端百度指数对实际游客量的变动具有更好的解释能力。  相似文献   

Fifty-one waster sherds of Terra Sigillata (~20-0 b.c. ) from Arezzo, Italy and Lyons, France have been chemically analysed for twenty-eight elements by neutron activation and seven by X-ray fluorescence. Most of the elemental abundances were measured with high precision and cross-comparisons of the two techniques of measurement (and sample preparation) give added insight as to their relative precision, the calibration differences and the extent to which volatile materials such as carbonate or water influence the results. The sherds from Arezzo formed a homogeneous and distinctive chemical group while all but two of those from Lyons were classified into three such groups. Two of the Lyons groups (MML A and MML B) were from Montée de La Muette and one was from Loyasse. Four additional sherds from houses excavated in Strasbourg and one from Lyons, all of which bore the signature of the famous Anetine pottery-making firm of Ateius, were also analyzed by the same techniques. These signed sherds all had the same composition pattern and it closely matched one of those from Montée de La Muette (MML A) in Lyons. It is therefore suggested that these five sherds bearing the Ateius signature were made in the general vicinity of Lyons and were part of the output of an as yet unknown Gallic branch of the firm of Ateius.  相似文献   

<正>Bawo Tsukla Chengwa(1504-1566) is the author of Banquets of Wises (in Tibetan,it is Lho-brag-chos-vbyung for short).The book has five volumes of which the mo...  相似文献   

Differences in industrial development of the Soviet union republics are found to persist, and the basic factors are analyzed. The presence of a skilled labor force is an important factor in insuring a high level of industrial output per capita and a high rate of return on capital. However, the distribution of labor-intensive industries does not always conform to the availability of labor resources. Such industries have reached a high level in the Baltic republics, where the reproduction rate is low and additional labor must be brought in from the outside, and they have not been fostered in Central Asia, where the rate of natural increase is high. The emphasis on resource-based industries that is characteristic of some republics (oil and gas in Azerbaydzhan and Turkmenia, nonferrous metals in Kazakhstan, etc.) is usually associated with a high level of fixed assets (capital intensity) and a low rate of return as well as low levels of industrial output per capita.  相似文献   

周玮  黄震方 《人文地理》2016,31(1):42-49
伴随全球化和城市化的快速推进,城市街巷空间的原生态环境和文化生活气息开始退变,城市记忆逐渐缺失,趋同化和均质化的城市危机显现。为此,选取南京夫子庙街区作为典型个案,采用认知地图、口述访谈和GIS空间统计方法,实证研究城市街巷空间居民的集体记忆,发现居民对夫子庙街巷空间的集体记忆呈现"光环区"→"亚光环区"→"缓冲区"→"盲点区"依次递减的特征和规律,"平民化"的城市设计理念缺失成为重要诱因。街巷空间作为城市公共空间的重要组成部分,具有特定的历史内涵与场所精神,其担负的集体记忆保护功能,应该引起学界和社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

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