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郭丹彤 《历史研究》2016,(4):98-109,191
纵观古代埃及历史发展进程,国家始终拥有土地的所有权,而国王就是土地的所有者。尽管法老时代埃及私有化进程相对迟缓,但是在土地占有形式上仍然发生着变化。土地的私有化进程发端于国王的馈赠,并通过土地买卖和继承而不断深化和加快。古王国和中王国时期,祭田成为埃及个人土地占有的基本形式。而到了新王国时期,士兵的屯田成为古代埃及个人土地占有的主要形式。无论是土地的买卖、租赁、继承、转让,以及由此而来的土地纠纷,都是基于土地的私有化。土地的登记制度则揭示了国家对私有土地的承认,而相关土地法规的制定则基于国家对私有财产,特别是小块地产的保护。  相似文献   

几天之间,埃及总统穆尔西的形象经历了过山车式的变化:从革命之子和埃及历史上第一位民选总统,蜕变为集权者和新法老。  相似文献   

古代埃及人早期有关外族的概念主要受地理位置和气候环境的影响。王权产生以后,统治者把外族问题政治化和仪式化,试图借此来强调手中权力的合法性和中央集权制度的必要性。综合分析古代埃及统治阶层的宣传性文献,并对照考古发掘结果,可以更加全面地认识古代埃及人对外族的想象和与外族的实际交往情况。  相似文献   

公元前4000年代,古埃及人在尼罗河流域创造了光辉灿烂的化,发明了象形字,产生了用字记载下来的各种献记录,形成了埃及奴隶制国家最早的档案。古代埃及档案献的种类齐全,内容丰富。并设有专门的档案保管库,充分为埃及法老政府所利用,促进了古代埃及的化、艺术和科学技术的发展。  相似文献   

法老时代的埃及妇女在家庭中的地位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张晔  刘洪采 《世界历史》2004,1(2):11-20
在埃及学领域 ,学者们普遍认为法老时代的埃及妇女享有很高的地位 ,但迄今却鲜有成果全面系统地论述这一问题。本文依据文献和考古资料 ,从埃及妇女在家庭经济生活中的地位、夫妻间的感情、母亲的地位和角色等三个方面予以探讨 ,并对其原因进行剖析。  相似文献   

塞德节是古埃及的重要节日,是法老参与演出的最古老、最重要的宗教典礼之一,与王权关系密切.节日在法老认为必要的时候举办,以庆祝法老顺利统治一定年限和更新王权为目的,但以后者为核心.在节日游行和一系列或公开或神秘的仪式过程中,塞德节巧妙地利用节日氛围,使全国人民再次认可了法老的合法统治地位和各种权力,使法老的王权以新的、更强大的面貌继续下去,在王权的实施、维持和强化中发挥了重要作用.从本质上讲,塞德节完全是在宗教和喜庆节日的外衣掩盖下,由法老和统治阶级设计和庆祝,是宣传、确认、强化和推进王权统治的典礼,维护国家权力的工具.  相似文献   

Curtis 《世界》2012,(1):216-223
这扑鼻的异香,属于远去的法老,也属于今天的埃及人,更属于全世界,这是暗香涌动的历史。而埃及人,降生、结婚、生子,直到死亡的整个历程,都浸润在对香水的迷恋中。  相似文献   

背叛古埃及诸神的法老阿肯那顿(Akhenaten)及其妻奈费尔提蒂(Nefertiti)、后嗣图坦卡蒙(Tutankhamun)的命运充满了谜一般的色彩。留给今天的是3300年前被舍弃的那座王国的废墟,还有试图诋毁这位叛逆者所为的那些争议,以及人们对他这一生的各种猜测。  相似文献   

托勒密王朝是古代埃及史上一个重要历史时期。法老埃及的王权与神权之间从来就不是和谐统一的,始终存在矛盾和斗争。但是,在托勒密王朝,二者的关系发生了重大变化,王权有效地控制了神权。这主要是因为托勒密王朝的国王借鉴了法老埃及的经验,采取了有利于王权的政治、经济政策,等级和阶级关系决定了宗教祭司集团不可能干涉世俗政权,文化背景也使托勒密国王从意识深处拒绝给予宗教和祭司各种权力。托勒密王朝王权与神权之间是赤裸裸的利用与被利用的关系,这也正是托勒密王朝逐渐失去本土埃及人支持的重要原因之一。  相似文献   


The article deals with the territorial history of the southern steppe areas of the Levant in the period between ca. 1050–750 BCE. In the early days of the Iron Age, until the mid-9th century BCE, parts of them, were ruled by local desert entities: in the late Iron I a Moabite polity and in the early Iron IIA and the early years of the late Iron IIA the Tel Masos-Beer-Sheba-Negev Highlands Highlands entity. This situation changed in the later years of the Iron IIA as a result of Damascus' rise to hegemony in the Levant. In the second half of the 9th century BCE Judah, under Damascene domination, expanded for the first time into the Beer-Sheba Valley. In the first half of the eighth century BCE, with the revival of Assyrian power in the days of Adad-nirari III, Damascene authority was replaced by north Israelite domination in the south.  相似文献   

赵博文 《史学集刊》2022,(1):106-116
玛丽一世作为英国历史上第一任女王,自继位伊始,其统治的合法性就充满了争议。亨利八世的婚姻案,使玛丽失去了继承王位的合法身份,爱德华六世临终遗嘱指定简·格雷作为继承人。尽管玛丽通过议会的支持处决了简并成为女王,但同西班牙的菲利普的婚姻加剧了民众对其统治合法性的质疑。中世纪晚期以来的政治理论和思想,也对女性统治充满了偏见。玛丽一世通过逐一回应对于其王权合法性的质疑,逐步确立了女性王权的合法地位。女性王权的合法确立,为后来伊丽莎白一世的继位奠定了基础,加速了民众对于女性君主王权的认同。  相似文献   

Egypt's cultural evolution between 4000 and 2000 B.C. is reviewed in and related to methodological and theoretical issues in contemporary archaeology. Recent archaeological evidence from the Nile Delta is analyzed in the context of the cultural integration of the Nile Valley and Delta after about 3200 B.C.  相似文献   

A 15–18 months old child mummy, presently housed in Turin's Museum of Anthropology, was discovered in Gebelein (Upper Egypt) during excavations carried out by the Missione Archeologica Italiana, most likely in 1914.  相似文献   

The investigation of archaeological sites of maritime nature started in Egypt more than a century ago, with the discovery of the Dahshur boats (Haldane 1998) and the ancient harbour of Pharos (Jondet 1912); however, education in maritime and underwater archaeology in Egypt is still in its infancy. This paper will look at the development of maritime archaeology in Egypt as a scientific discipline and the progress achieved to date in providing Egyptian archaeologists with education and training in aspects of maritime archaeology and underwater cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Our investigations combine detailed identification and interpretation of plant remains and associated fauna and their mode of arrival in one of the rock-cut galleries, Cave 3, at the site of Mersa/Wadi Gawasis on Egypt’s Red Sea coast. The site served as a staging area and harbor from which Middle Kingdom pharaohs launched seafaring expeditions to the land of Punt in the early second millennium BC. Quantities of wood, including ship timbers, fastenings, debris related to ship dismantling and reworking, and charcoal were excavated and analyzed. Evidence of marine mollusk infestation (shipworm) was abundant in Cave 3, as were the remains of insect pests of stored foods. We also report on a unique find of a plaster “spill” that preserved the floor of Cave 3 as it was when people worked in the gallery ca. 3800 years ago. The plaster spill created a sealed deposit of plant and insect remains with a diagnostic ceramic fragment, allowing us to securely associate insect remains and “hollow” spikelets of emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) recovered from the gallery. An impression of the beetle Trachyderma hispida and its associated exoskeleton fragments provide new evidence of this species as a potential pest not yet reported from an archaeological grain storage site in Egypt. The finding of Tenebroides mauritanicus from the same deposit is the earliest known association of this pest with stored grains. These unique finds shed new light on the risks associated with preserving food supplies, combating pest infestation, and dealing with marine organisms on land and at sea in the pharaonic harbor.  相似文献   

In the present paper we describe the macroscopic, radiological and histological findings for the head of an adult male Egyptian mummy, who presented with a round to oval defect of the left occipitotemporal bone covered by an almost intact layer of soft tissue and skin. The osseous defect showed infundibular widening into the cranial cavity, such as is seen in cases of depressed fracture due to a massive external force applied by a rather blunt weapon. In addition, the slightly increased thickness of the skull bone indicates that even higher mechanical force was necessary to punch out the defect than in other skulls. Because we assume that the defect occurred intravitally, the unusual constellation of this defect provides some evidence that it had occurred during a violent attack, possibly presenting the palaeopathological remnants of a case of homicide.  相似文献   

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