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陈乐 《黑龙江史志》2013,(15):263+265
我国是个宗族传统浓厚的国度,近代以来,农村宗族势力受到严重打击并走向衰落。但自改革开放后,宗族出现"回潮"现象。本文基于对江西省T县程氏宗族续谱建祠的个案调查及剖析,探讨在当代农村社会政治、经济、文化等各方面经历剧烈变迁的宏阔背景下宗族复兴的原因。最后提出当前的宗族复兴不是对传统宗族的复制,表现出"新宗族"的形式。  相似文献   

近百年来魏晋至隋地方行政制度研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近百年来魏晋至隋地方行政制度的研究大致集中在两个时期 ,第一时期为 2 0世纪 30年代中期至 6 0年代中期 ,第二时期为 2 0世纪 80年代至今。 30年代中期以前几乎没有什么研究成果 ,6 0年代中期至 70年代末重要的文章只有严耕望的《隋代总管府考》(台北《中国学志》 ,第 6本 )、蔡学海的《北朝行台制度》(《台湾师范大学历史学报》第 5期 )及唐长孺的《从吐鲁番出土文书中所见的高昌郡县行政制度》(《文物》1 978年第 6期 )三篇文章 ,根据其内容与特点我们将把它们归入第二时期进行介绍。2 0世纪 30年代中期至 6 0年代中期对魏晋至隋地方行…  相似文献   

明清以来,生活和生产环境的差异使得微山湖湖区渔民形成并传承着与陆居农民截然不同的风俗习惯和信仰系统。20世纪70年代以后,渔民上岸聚居,在水上时期并不凸显的宗族文化遂开始冒头。作为渔民精神文化的核心内容,"老祖"从祖先的总称发展为涵盖了祖先和各类神灵的庞杂信仰体系,其中的宗族因素从被隐含到逐渐被凸显,与渔民从水上到陆上的迁移有关键联系。五年或十年一次的"敬神"仪式从改名开始,被渔民们建构为自己的宗族文化,宗族因素渐渐从原本统合在一起的因生产方式形成的敬神活动中独立出来,续家谱仪式也从祭祖与敬神的统一转变为单纯为了续谱和祭祖而举办,这满足了渔民不同于陆居农民的那种对群体历史感和归属感的格外迫切而深刻的追求。  相似文献   

侯强 《东南文化》2006,(1):67-70
先秦姓氏制度研究的历史大致可区划为三个不同时期:第一个时期,从春秋、战国至清末。此时尚处于先秦姓氏制度研究的初创时期。第二个时期,从19世纪20年代至70年代末。此时进入了我国先秦姓氏制度研究的转折时期。第三个时期,从19世纪80年代初至90年代末。此时是我国先秦姓氏制度研究的重要发展时期。就目前先秦姓氏制度研究的状况而言,虽然正走向全面的发展时期,但研究还远不够深入、系统、全面,其中还有许多问题亟待我们去探讨研究。  相似文献   

改革开放30多年来,我国农村改革取得了巨大成就,农民生活水平不断提高,财政支农政策不断发展和完善。财政支农政策的发展和完善是与经济发展阶段性变化相一致的,主要是伴随着工农关系、城乡关系的转变而逐渐展开的。在20世纪70年代末至80年代中期,以提高农产品价格、放开农产品市场为主要内容;20世纪90年代逐步加强对农村基础设施建设和生态文明建设的投入力度,改善农村居住和农业发展环境;进入新世纪,特别是2004年以来,我国进入"以工促农、以城带乡"的新阶段。在新的历史起点上,党中央提出了建设社会主义新农村的历史任务,不断加大对"三农"的投入力度,各种支农惠农政策陆续出台,农村公益事业被纳入公共财政范围,城乡统筹发展的进程进一步加快。  相似文献   

正我国社会主义时期大规模开展地方志编纂工作,始于20世纪70年代末、80年代初。30多年的新编地方志发展史,大致可以20世纪、21世纪之交为界划分为两大阶段,即20世纪末期的首轮修志和21世纪初的二轮修志工作阶段。两轮修志,成绩斐然,这不仅表现在各式各样的修志成果方面,也表现在方志理论研究成就方面。撇开蔚为壮观的修志成果不言,单就方志理论研究的成绩而论,尽管21世纪初的研究在20世纪末期所取得成就的基础  相似文献   

18世纪中期以来新疆奇台人工绿洲开发下的人地关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过历史文献和野外调查方法分析了18世纪中期以来奇台人工绿洲的开发活动及其与环境之间的关系。奇台县人工绿洲开发活动始终以农业为主,所以,本文研究人工绿洲发展以耕地变化为主。18世纪耕地呈点状形态沿北部泉水和南部河流分布;19—20世纪40年代末形成两片灌区,即南部河水灌区和北部泉水灌区;以后耕地扩张,在平原区广泛分布,南部仍是河水灌区,中部和北部则发展成纯井灌区。人工绿洲开发过程中的人地关系发展经历了三个阶段:第一阶段,18—20世纪40年代末,人工绿洲发展与环境相对协调时期,"以水定地",人工绿洲发展与环境之间相对协调;第二阶段,20世纪50—70年代,绿洲人地关系发展失衡时期,表现为耕地迅速扩张,灌溉水源不足,水土利用矛盾突出,经营粗放;第三阶段,20世纪80年代以来,人地之间脆弱平衡形成时期,绿洲内外环境的脆弱性都增强。研究认为可持续的水土资源管理、水资源利用技术和富有弹性的生态系统重构技术是奇台绿洲人地关系协调发展的基本途径。  相似文献   

特伦斯·兰杰是当代著名非洲史学家,非洲史学科奠基人之一。兰杰主要关注南部非洲历史,尤其是津巴布韦史。20世纪60至70年代中期,兰杰所创立的"达累斯萨拉姆学派"是非洲民族主义史学重要流派之一;20世纪70年代后期至90年代中期,他和埃瑞克·霍布斯鲍姆提出"传统的发明"理论,推动非洲史学界展开了一场有关殖民统治与非洲社会变革之间复杂关系的讨论,极大地推动了非洲社会史研究的发展;20世纪90年代末以后,兰杰对津巴布韦等非洲国家发展遭遇挫折的历史根源做出深刻反思。兰杰的非洲史研究生涯,恰恰折射出非洲史学科半个多世纪的发展演变。  相似文献   

在新中国历史发展的不同阶段上,毛泽东、陈云和邓小平对计划和市场的理论与实践进行了不断的探索和创新,20世纪50年代末60年代初毛泽东关于社会主义商品生产的理论,70年代末和80年代初陈云关于社会主义计划经济与市场调节相结合的理论,70年代末至90年代初邓小平关于社会主义也可以搞市场经济的理论,都极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义,展现了我国从社会主义商品生产到社会主义计划经济和市场调节相结合再到社会主义市场经济的理论发展轨迹。  相似文献   

宋明以来宗族制形成理论辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常建华 《安徽史学》2007,90(1):75-87
宋明以来宗族制度形成理论的探讨,似可以20世纪八九十年代之交为界,分为两个不同时期.前一个时期研究的理论基础,是封建社会形态视野下的近世宗族农村公社论、族权论、宗法思想论、土地关系制约论四论;在后一个时期,则从研究问题的实际出发,对前一个时期的理论基础有所突破,主要反映在宗族民众化、家族组织与社会变迁的"三化"、国家认同论、宗族乡约化以及对宗族形成原因的综合分析方面.把握近世宗族制的形成及其性质,将近世宗族与中世世家大族加以比较是重要的方法之一.在封建社会后期理论影响下的宗族比较,共同之处在于宋以前的宗族与社会具有身份性,是世家大族掌控社会;宋以后的社会具有非身份性,普通官僚与民众地位上升并拥有宗族.新的研究注意到中世世系重视女系的问题,对于当时社会的认识有所深化.日本学者唐宋变革论下对于中国中世社会的研究,提出了贵族制、豪族共同体等理论,也值得借鉴.我们应当把宋以后宗族形成问题从社会文化变迁的角度重新加以审视,关注宋明以来宗族的新与旧、南与北、官与民、国家与宗族、守旧与创新等问题,进一步充分占有资料,改进解读资料的方式,并在理论上有所突破.  相似文献   

‘Brigadoon’ is an American musical comedy of the 1940s and early 1950s. The story centres on a village called Brigadoon, in the Scottish Highlands. Two hundred years ago Brigadoon was threatened with an influx of witches. The village priest, fearing the evil of the influx, prayed that God would so change Brigadoon that one night in the village would last one hundred years in the outside world. Thus, to outsiders, Brigadoon appears only one day each century. Brigadoon would thus survive, each centennial appearance being so brief, in the priest's opinion, that the outside world would not affect it. Brigadoon is a picture-postcard ‘traditional Highlands village’: Highland cattle, milk-maids, village fairs, kilts, tartans, clans and bagpipe music overwhelm the audience. In ‘The invention of tradition: the Highland tradition of Scotland’, Hugh Trevor-Roper (1983) demonstrates that the marks of Highlands culture so pronounced in Brigadoon were a late creation. The kilt was invented by a Quaker English ironmaster from Lancashire, Thomas Rawlinson, around 1730; the image of a distinctive Highlands culture was the creation of James McPherson and the Reverend John McPherson in the 1760s; the distinctive clan tartans were created and marketed by cloth merchants in the late 18th and early 19th century, especially the firm of William Wilson & Son, of Bannockburn, and especially in preparation for the visit of George IV to Edinburgh in 1822.  相似文献   


Recent fieldwork at Amarna, the short-lived capital city of Egypt in the late 2nd millennium B.C., added a second area of peripheral settlement, the Stone Village, to the well-known Workmen’s Village, the subject of an intensive excavation campaign in the 1970s and 1980s. Both villages were evidently involved in tomb cutting and/or stone quarrying, but the Stone Village is smaller, conveys a particularly vernacular style of architecture, and seems to have had less state support than the Workmen’s Village. This paper describes the Stone Village as a source for the study of urban life in ancient Egypt. The two village sites offer a case study of the tensions that arose from controlling human populations in a border zone and from longestablished belief frameworks concerning desert landscapes and sacred space.  相似文献   

The past thirty years have seen development agencies, non‐governmental organizations and their funders embrace ‘participatory’ development strategies. These strategies require the poor to take part in decision‐making about, and the implementation of, development projects and programmes. Underlying enthusiasm for participation is the recognition that centralized, top‐down systems and methods have not delivered development, and the assumption that the poor are eager and able to ‘participate’. Using ethnographic research on witch beliefs and their impact on social relations in a South African village, this article argues that such assumptions are not always justified. It shows that witch beliefs and related conflicts have long‐term negative consequences for intra‐community relations and examines what this implies for development policy and practice.  相似文献   

In ancient China, formal government institutions stretched to the county level. This system witnessed a radical transformation during the late Qing and the Warlord period, with various types of township/village administrations mushrooming in many places across the country to meet the requirements of institutional reform and the demands for modernization in local regions. These township/village administrations can be divided into two types: one is the newborn township/village administration in the late Qing dynasty, and the other is the township/village or quasi-administration that evolved from the old localized Xiangdi (local administrative system). Functionally, the former can be further divided into two kinds, the monofunctional township/village administration, which might include education, or police and security, and the multifunctional administration. The latter falls into three categories: some were new-model administrations directly translated from the old rural Xiangdi system; some were subdivisions of the neonatal administration composed of the old local Xiangdi system; and still, others basically reserved the intrinsic property and function of the old Xiangdi system. As political entities, township/village administrations of this era can be further differentiated into those bordering on “self-government” and those lingering under “the official system.” Township/village administration at this time mostly consisted of a standing body, with their personnel, who enjoyed the status of professional civil servants, set up by legal proceedings. Government outlay was sponsored by public finance or tax income, and it assumed all kinds of modern administrative functions, basically of a modern character. Meanwhile, of course, it retained much of its traditional flavor in actual operation. All in all, the birth of this form of township/village administration constituted an important dimension of the modernization of China’s local administration system. Translated from Beijing Normal University Journal (Social Sciences), Vol. 2, 2004, by Sun Yue  相似文献   

张涛 《史学月刊》2000,2(2):62-69
尽管有在计划经济体制下20年的经济增长,70年代后期中国依然是一个低收入国家。1978年中国经济体制改革的逻辑起点。实质是用高投入的方式保持经济增长已走到尽头。要继续使经济高速增长就必须提高生产率的增长率,这在逻辑上必然导向市场取向的改革。在双轨体制下市场体制的高效率昭彰在人耳目,为市场体制的改革创造了条件。邓小平的南方谈话极大地推动了中国理论观念的革新及其有关政策的确立。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ever-shifting symbiosis between the village motif, social justice and populist politics in Iran over the past three decades. The village has remained a recurring motif in Persian literature, employed by a variety of writers and state institutions for a range of means. As a symbol, it has been a conduit into which any ideology can be poured; the village allegory can be manipulated to both condemn and support the official policies of the state. A comparison of Iran’s pre- and post-revolutionary literature sheds light on the ways the state literati perpetuated an idealized picture of the village as an authentic, sacred space, increasingly associated with religious nationalism during the 1980s. The paper examines the key socio-political influences on the evolution of the pastoral motif, the work of state-sponsored official poets, and the impact of the village on the cultural doctrine of the Islamic Republic.  相似文献   

The fear of population decline in France is deep-rooted and complex. With a renewed decline in fertility in the 1970s, fresh concern has shown itself in the multiplication of books and comments, fitting into a pronatalist tradition which can be traced back at least one hundred and fifty years. In reviewing these works, and other new works on the history of population ideas in France, this paper emphasizes both the uniqueness of the French demographic case and the continuity of reactions both official and private. It isolates key periods of concern in the years before the First World War, in the 1930s and the late 1970s. It also draws attention to the proliferation of propaganda, four examples of which are re-published here.  相似文献   

里耶户籍简当为秦人侵吞楚国青阳以西之地后的产物,其编录年代或可定为战国末叶。户籍简中的南阳,为迁陵里邑之名,其上级行政单位或为设置在迁陵之都乡。南阳里大致有编户民20余户,涉及姓氏多达七八个,呈异姓杂居之状。编户民的家庭类型有核心家庭、主干家庭和联合家庭三类,但以前两者为主,联合家庭只是个别现象,大致可视为一种暂时性的过渡形态或贫困及其他原因导致的个例。家庭奴仆乃编户民的附属人口,他们与主家的人身隶属关系已得到法律的承认,而女性奴仆则可以通过婚姻或生育达到提高社会与家庭地位的目的。这些与基层社会形态相关的诸多特征,可以看成战国末期楚、秦两国基层社会的共性之所在。里中居民行编伍之制,但这可能属于秦文化因素,非荆楚旧有。  相似文献   

浙江三泉村700年变迁模式试探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周祝伟 《史学月刊》2003,2(2):89-95
三泉村自南宋淳熙八年(1181)建村,至明嘉靖三十四年(1555),先后产生了2名进士、1名举人,但随着人口的繁衍,村区人口无传率上升,夫妇年龄差增大,人文逐渐衰弱,700年问历经了盛衰变迁。这一变迁模式对于以农业为主业的传统山村社会具有一定的普遍意义。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a recent and popular rhetoric in academic literature that women are discriminated against, often in the name of ‘custom‘, in the male‐dominated village courts of Papua New Guinea. The rhetoric is interrogated with reference to academic research findings and reports since the early days of the legislatively introduced village court system, and to data from the author's own research in recent years. On the basis of these two sources, it is argued that the evidence does not support the rhetoric, and further that the latter does less than justice to grassroots women in Papua New Guinea by portraying them as relatively passive victims of village courts. On the contrary, fieldwork research findings indicate that women are confident and reasonably successful disputants and that village courts are a community‐level resource which is becoming increasingly useful for grassroots women with limited avenues for seeking justice and recompense.  相似文献   

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