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This paper describes new observations of the characteristics of ELF generation produced by modulation of the dynamo current system from HF heating of the ionospheric D-region. A model of the ELF antenna structure embedded in the D-region is described and stepped ELF frequency observations are shown to support the model assumptions. Presented are data on the phase height of the ELF ionospheric antenna versus ELF frequency, polarization of the downgoing wave and relationship to the dynamo current direction, correlation of ELF field strength with per cent cross-modulation, power linearity tests and duty cycle results. All observations used the high power heater facility of the Arecibo Observatory.  相似文献   

The nonlinear equations describing the generation of artificial irregularities in the E-region of the high-latitude ionosphere due to Joule electron heating under the action of high-power radio waves are derived, including the low-frequency nonlinearities, and investigated in the three-wave approximation. Expressions for the stationary spectra of the short wavelength two-stream and long wavelength gradient-drift and current-convective irregularities are presented. The typical saturation amplitudes of the density fluctuations are obtained.  相似文献   

Using numerical simulation of a non-stationary problem of thermodiffusion and diffusive spreading of the electron component of the dense cold ionospheric plasma, the processes of formation and relaxation of strong disturbances of the electron temperature and concentration in the E- and F-regions of the middle-latitude ionosphere are examined, taking into account the altitudinal distribution of the electron transport coefficients. The cases of local heating and heating at separated altitudes of the ionospheric plasma by powerful radio waves generated from ground-based HF-facilities are numerically investigated. The numerical simulations of the non-stationary problem are compared with the analytical evaluations carried out for the stationary and quasi-stationary heating models. Results obtained from numerical experiments give good explanations of the experimentally observed deformation of the altitudinal ionospheric plasma density profile and the creation of negative cavities in the upper ionosphere and positive cavities in the lower ionosphere during the process of plasma heating.  相似文献   

Scintillation theory is used to study the fading of radio waves returned from the ionospheric F-region in the HF band at oblique incidence. For both low and high penetration frequencies calculations are made as a function of wave frequency, but emphasis is given to behaviour near the maximum usable frequency for one-hop F-transmission over distances up to 4000 km. Estimates are made of
  • 1.(i) the fluctuations of phase both for long-term (~ 1h) and for short-term (~ the fading correlation time),
  • 2.(ii) the fading correlation distance,
  • 3.(iii) the quasi-period of fading,
  • 4.(iv) the twinkling correlation distance,
  • 5.(v) the quasi-period of twinkling,
  • 6.(vi) the angular departure of the arrival azimuth from the mean and
  • 7.(vii) the correlation bandwidth.
The slow fluctuations often experienced in long distance HF radio communications are a manifestation of twinkling, rather than fading. Under normal conditions in the F-region the correlation bandwidth is so large that the bandwidth of transmission at HF is controlled by the dispersive properties of the ionosphere, rather than by the scattering properties. The reverse is true in the presence of spread-F. For sufficiently strong spread-F the correlation bandwidth for long distance HF radio communications is of the order of only 10 Hz, thereby creating the phenomenon known as flutter fading. Theoretical estimates of the scintillation parameters are compared with experience in long distance HF ionospheric communications over the last 60 years. Agreement is promising, but future experiments should be designed in the light of theory; existing observational data do not provide some of the information needed.  相似文献   

The method of Hibberd is used to study the variability of ionospheric dynamo currents from day to day, with solar rotation and with the solar cycle. The method eliminates many sources of disturbance by using the difference of H at two magnetic observatories having the same longitude but different latitudes. In this way, a measure of the strength of the ionospheric currents can be obtained almost every day, even during magnetically disturbed periods. It is concluded that the currents are produced partly by tidal modes driven by in situ heating in the thermosphere, and that variations in the amplitude of these modes are mainly responsible for the solar rotation and the solar cycle effects which are observed. There are also random day-to-day changes, uncorrelated from one day to the next, and these suggest that upward propagating tidal modes are also important in driving the currents.  相似文献   

The ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) associated with peculiarities of the plasma distribution in the F-region ionosphere affects significantly the spectral form of electromagnetic noise registered on the Earth's surface and by satellites. The eigenfrequencies of the IAR are in the range from 0.1 to 10 Hz, and the Q-factor is ~ 10. This is proved experimentally by the spectral resonance structure (SRS), excited by lightning, which manifests itself as pronounced minima and maxima in the averaged spectral intensity of atmospheric background noise of a few hertz. A theory for the SRS is constructed which explains the main experimental facts. New ground-based diagnostics of the electron density profile above the F-layer maximum derived from SRS data are discussed.  相似文献   

The anomalous latitudinal variation, sometimes referred to as the equatorial anomaly, in ionospheric absorption observed by several investigators in the past is examined. For low dip angles (I ≤ 20°), the observed increases in absorption with increasing dip angles are due to the increasing contribution to the total absorption from the ionospheric region where the quasi-tranverse conditions hold. For dip angles greater than ∼- 20°, the major contribution to the total absorption comes from the ionospheric region satisfying the quasi-longitudinal conditions resulting in a decrease of absorption with increasing dip angles.  相似文献   

The nonlinear ionospheric response to atmospheric gravity waves is studied in an approximate fashion using a new approach. The concept of nonlinear travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) is outlined, and the nonlinear behaviour of atmospheric gravity waves is calculated. A principal result is that harmonics are generated which cause the wave velocity perturbation to deform. The ionospheric response is investigated by solving the continuity equation for ionization in the F-region. The distortion of the TIDs waveform produced by the nonlinear interactions is depicted. The nonlinear TIDs depart seriously from a cosinusoidal wave described by previous linear TID theory. The distorted TIDs appear as ‘sharp peak’ and ‘sawtooth’ waveform shapes. The ‘peaks’ can be upward or downward, and the ‘sawteeth’ forward or backward, depending on the wave parameters. The nonlinearly distorted TIDs show a good agreement with various observed ionospheric irregularities produced by atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

A previous paper discussed the coherence between the ionosonde fmin parameter and the 30 mb temperature in southern mid-latitudes. The source of a significant peak in coherence at periods of about 6 days, occurring in both summer and winter, is tentatively identified with the 5-day wave.  相似文献   

The model of ionospheric fluctuations used by Booker and Ferguson (1978) to describe spread-F is applied to ionospheric scintillation in the band from 100 MHz to 10 GHz in equatorial regions. Calculations are based on long Isotropie field-aligned irregularities possessing an inverse power-law spectrum extending from an outer scale [wavelength/(2π)]linked to the properties of the neutral atmosphere down to an inner scale of the order of the ionic gyroradius. Spectral indices from 0 to 6 are considered, with special attention to the range from 1 to 4. The r.m.s. fluctuation of ionization density is assumed to be proportional to the ambient ionization density throughout the plasmasphere, but the effect is shown of removing the fluctuations at heights above 500, 750 and 1000 km. Using a height-distribution of phase-changing screens, calculations are made, for evening and presunrise conditions, of the mean square fluctuations both of phase and of fractional amplitude for situations in which an Earth terminal and a stationary satellite are both in the magnetic equatorial plane. Heights of equivalent single phase-changing screens are deduced for both phase and amplitude fluctuations; they are different from each other and from the height of maximum ionization density. It is concluded that the weak scattering theory can satisfactorily explain weak scintillation, but that amplitude scintillation at strengths of practical importance for radio communications requires the inclusion of refractive scattering in addition to diffractive scattering.  相似文献   

The numerical synthesis of ionograms by ray-tracing in an analytic two-dimensional ionosphere is simplified by a technique which avoids the usual wastage of ray tracings. The technique is particularly suitable for obtaining ionogram sequences corresponding to a moving ionospheric disturbance. It is applied firstly to a moving tilted ionisation increase, which gives the familiar travelling-cusp records. Ionograms do not give a good measure of the vertical distribution of ionisation, and in the case considered lead to an overestimate of the horizontal size of the increase by a factor of about 2. For a travelling ionisation decrease or trough, the ionograms show an additional U-shaped trace overlapping the main trace. Calculated ionograms agree closely with some observations. It is difficult to obtain any measure of the size of the electron-density decrease; critical frequency scalings may give no indication of the passage of an intense disturbance. Similar results are obtained for a wavelike perturbation in an exponential topside ionosphere. Topside ionograms then show multiple ‘nose’ traces, following in general the curve for the unperturbed ionosphere. It is suggested that the multiple echoes frequently observed on topside ionograms may, in some cases, be due to refraction in large disturbances rather than the commonly-assumed ducting mechanism.  相似文献   

A multifrequency HF Doppler sounder and four spaced receivers were operated near Alma-Ata to form a three-dimensional array of reflection points of HF radio waves. The spacings of reflection points ranged from 5 to 80 km in the vertical and from 30 to 65 km in the horizontal. The purpose of the experiment was to estimate the spatial coherence of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). Estimation of the coherence length (the distance at which the coherence falls to e−1) in both vertical and horizontal planes is carried out. The coherence often shows peaks at frequencies exceeding the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. Measurements of the slant coherencies have given the opportunity to study the coherence as a function of orientation.  相似文献   

Initially, this paper considers earlier experimental results (some of them hitherto unpublished) obtained by making observations on signals returning from mid-latitude spread-F irregularities. These results suggest associations between spread-F irregularities and nighttime travelling ionospheric disturbances. Statistical analyses are then described which investigate the spread-F phenomenon at a number of mid-latitude stations with approximately the same latitudes but distributed over a range of longitudes. An east-west movement of spread-F irregularities is revealed when the occurrence at these stations is considered relative to days of enhanced occurrence at a particular station. All the experimental evidence presented in the paper supports the idea that the appearance of mid-latitude spread-F ionograms results primarily from specular reflections from relatively-large-scale structures which can be imagined as being in fact nighttime travelling ionospheric disturbances. These are, in turn, possibly related to internal gravity waves in the neutral atmosphere. It is suggested that the small-scale ionospheric structures (which are undoubtedly also present) are effective in inhibiting some of the specular reflections thus contributing to the diffuse nature of some records. This idea is quite contrary to the generally-accepted view that the spread-F traces are a direct consequence of scattering from these small-scale structures.  相似文献   

The possibility of Langmuir soliton formation and collapse during ionospheric modification is investigated. Parameters characterizing former facilities, existing facilities, and planned facilities are considered, using a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. At a spatial location corresponding to the exact classical reflection point of the modifier wave, the Langmuir wave evolution is found to be dominated by modulational instability followed by soliton formation and three-dimensional collapse. The earth's magnetic field is found to affect the shape of the collapsing soliton. These results provide an alternative explanation for some recent observations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the global distribution of electron density irregularities with scales of the order of several tens to hundreds of meters in the ionosphere by using topside sounder data from the COSMOS-1809 satellite obtained in May–June and December 1987. The diffuse traces of Z-waves on topside ionograms in a frequency band just below the upper hybrid resonance are used for diagnostics. These traces are attributed to the scattering of sounder-generated ordinary and slow extraordinary mode waves.  相似文献   

As shown by statistical investigations, high speed plasma streams (HSPS) in the solar wind cause direct ionospheric effects in the D- and Es-layers at auroral and subauroral latitudes due to increasing precipitation of high energetic particles as well as indirect effects in the F2-region at high, middle and equatorial latitudes caused by auroral heating processes. The ionospheric effects increase with the strength of the HSPS and are most pronounced for HSPS during IMF pro sectors (sectors with negative Bz-component). Seasonal differences of the ionospheric response to solar velocity changes are caused by the IMF influence (maximum effect at equinoxes) as well as internal atmospheric reasons (enhanced variability during winter).  相似文献   

The phase and amplitude of a radio pulse reflected from the ionosphere usually vary during the pulse. It is convenient to observe these variations using the X-Y mode of an oscilloscope to display the phasor of the echo. The variations are then seen as an oval or spiral shape traced out by the end point of the phasor. These shapes provide a sensitive method of detecting the presence of more than one echo, and are useful as a measure of dispersion.  相似文献   

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