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A new deconvolution technique similar to that used by Jones and Thiele (1991) was used to determine the positions and Doppler shifts of D-region scatteres at Bribie Island (152°E, 27°S). The new technique performs analysis in the frequency domain. It is introduced and measurements of the aspect sensitivity and angular spread of D-region backscatter at 1.98 MHz are shown. These results are similar to those obtained by others.  相似文献   

The range-azimuth distribution of auroral backscatter echoes received at Essoyla at frequencies of 93 and 45 MHz is predicted for a model which includes the effects of electron density, magnetic aspect angle, and the azimuth of current flow and also takes into account ionospheric refraction. The distribution is in the form of an arc with maxima of backscatter in both eastern and western wings. As the electron density increases, the intensity of the backscatter increases more rapidly and the azimuths of maximum backscatter separate even further. For currents flowing along the L-shells, the backscatter is strongest in the eastward wing. This asymmetry is intensified if the current flow is rotated anti-clockwise but if the current flow is rotated sufficiently in a clockwise direction the backscatter is stronger in the westward wing. These predictions are supported by observations made at Essoyla.  相似文献   

Absorption was calculated at two height levels in the ionosphere, from different electron density profiles. The correlation between absorption and foF2 was studied. This study bears out theoretical results that riometer absorption occurs mainly in the D-layer and less in the upper parts of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Evaluation of ELF radio wave fields using the mode theory requires the computation of Legendre functions. Four different representations of the Legendre functions in terms of hypergeometric series have been programmed for computation on a microcomputer. By an appropriate choice of series for given values of the propagation constant and distance from the source, only a few (typically eight) terms are needed to calculate the Legendre functions with a precision of six decimal digits.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of radio wave absorption of three mid-latitudes is calculated using an atmospheric model and compared to measurements of two winters and one summer. From the correlations of the absorption patterns of three A3 paths, velocities of these patterns are derived and the relevance of such velocities to enhanced absorption is examined.  相似文献   

The effect of transverse wind velocity on the amplitude scintillations of millimetre radio waves is studied. Scintillation data obtained on two line-of-sight microwave links at 36 GHz and 110 GHz on a common 4.1 km path are used to estimate the wind velocity perpendicular to the propagation path. The estimated wind velocity is within 20% of the value obtained from direct measurements using a conventional anemometer.  相似文献   

A modification to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-79) electron density profile between altitudes of about 80 km and the peak of the E-region is proposed for compatibility with equatorial HF absorption measurements for Thumba, India. This is tested against independent absorption data for Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Ibadan, Nigeria.  相似文献   

The recent development of imaging riometer techniques has enabled a range of new, interesting observations of the complex dynamics of auroral and polar radio wave absorption events. These events mostly relate to the precipitation of energetic particles, creating enhanced ionization in the D-region. However, E-region heating by large electric fields and F-region electron density enhancements may also—at times—be responsible for observable absorption effects. Observations of ionospheric radio wave absorption processes using imaging riometer techniques may provide detailed characteristics of the spatial and temporal structures of small-scale disturbance events, velocity vectors for drifting features and frequency spectra for modulated events. This presentation will give a brief summary of imaging riometer techniques and a survey of existing and planned imaging riometer installations. Furthermore, the characteristics of frequently occurring absorption event types are summarized. In a companion paper imaging riometer observations are presented for some selected absorption events.  相似文献   

By accurately calibrating the SOUSY radar in West Germany it has been made possible to measure absolute values of effective reflection coefficients and turbulence structure constants. Some typical values of these parameters as a function of altitude are presented. Such profiles are presented for both a vertically directed beam, and also for two beams directed 7° off-vertical. Comparisons of powers on the vertical and off-vertical beams show that scatter became more aspect sensitive at the tropopause and in the lower stratosphere, but, unexpectedly, scatter was observed to become considerably more isotropic in the higher regions of the stratosphere (above 15–18 km) on this occasion. An enhancement of signal from the tropopause occurred not only on the vertical beam, but also on the off-vertical beams.Comparisons of signal strengths scattered from the mesosphere and measured with the vertical and off-vertical beams showed that for the present observations mesospheric scatter was close to isotropic. The backscatter cross-sections at VHF have been compared with other measurements at medium and high frequencies at other locations, and these comparisons help set some limits on the scales of turbulent and specular scatterers in the mesosphere.  相似文献   

Comparing vertical incidence ionograms during spread-F conditions at the equatorial station Huancayo and modified range time interrsity records of 50 MHz scatter echoes at Jicamarca, it has been shown that the range type of spread-F is very efficient for the back-scattering of VHF radio waves. On the otherhand, the frequency type of spread-F does not seem to produce strong echoes. It is suggested that the range type of spread-F ionogram is due to the reflection (ω = ωp) of radio waves from large scale irregularities with structure as small as 3 m below or near the base of the F-region The frequency type spread-F ionogram is suggested due to scattering from large scale irregularities with no 3 m counterpart situated around the region of peak ionisation density.  相似文献   

The results of numerical modelling of powerful HF radio wave propagation through the ionosphere plasma are presented. Comparison of the heating wave parameters with those of a low powerwave gives the possibility to study the self-action of the powerful HF wave. At low altitudes the ‘translucence’ of the ionosphere plasma takes place. At high altitudes the wave absorption sharply increases. Both self-action effects lead to the reduction of the altitude range of the heated region. The dependence of self-action effects and the resulting electron temperature profiles on the initial electron density profiles are studied.  相似文献   

A fixed frequency amplitude modulated transmission was reflected from the ionosphere and changes in the group path, phase path, signal amplitude and directions of arrival of this transmission caused by travelling ionospheric disturbances were measured. These measurements enabled approximate determinations of the horizontal wavelength, period and horizontal phase velocity of the disturbances, which were compared with the theory of disturbances for atmospheric waves. A simple model is proposed to explain the phase relationships between the TIDs observed in the group and phase paths, and the faster decrease in power of the phase path than the other measured parameters indicated by spectral analysis.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of interference phenomena in amplitude and phase of VLF and LF signals along propagation paths from central England to the Norwegian Sea. The data are interpreted by means of the ‘wave-hop’ propagation theory, incorporating full wave evaluation of ionospheric reflection coefficients with realistic D-region models. No published electron density profiles are found which completely satisfy the experimental data, but modified profiles are presented which provide a better fit to the observations.  相似文献   

In 1892, Frederick Peterson described the experiences of humans exposed to magnetic fields of strength comparable to those currently used in magnetic resonance imaging. These investigations were conducted in the Edison Laboratory. None of the subjects exposed to constant and to time-variable magnetic fields suffered any ill effects. Peterson concluded that the human organism was in no way appreciably affected by the most powerful magnets known to nineteenth-century science. Peterson can be credited with the first truly scientific assessment of the biological effects of high-intensity magnetic fields. His experiments on humans, done one century ago with great cogency and skill, provide a source of inspiration to modern studies on magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique lor oblique backscatter sounding (OBS) ionogram inversion as a diagnostic tool for the horizontally inhomogeneous structure of the ionosphere. Input data for the method include the leading edge of a backscalter ionogram that is measured through soundings in a given direction, and the vertical electron density profile measured over the sounding station or over some other site lying in the sounding direction. The method may be useful for reconstructing the two-dimensional electron density distribution in a vertical plane aligned with the direction of sounding. The inverse problem has been solved using the Newton Konlorovich method and the Tikhonov regularization method. The algorithm we have developed was tested against model data, that is, OBS ionograms synthesized using geometrical optics calculations for different models of the inhomogeneous ionosphere. Test results demonstrate that our method converges reliably, is stable to measurement errors and provides a good accuracy of reconstruction of inhomogeneous structures with scales of 100 2000 km. This indicates that this method shows promise as an operative remote diagnostic tool for ionospheric irregularities of natural and artificial origin.  相似文献   

Radio waves in a stratified plasma can sometimes penetrate through a region where, according to a simple ray theory, they would be evanescent. They emerge on the far side in a different magnetoionic mode. This occurs when the incident wave normal is within a small cone of angles, called a radio window. The best known example is the Ellis window, used to explain the Z-trace in ionosonde records. Other phenomena where windows may be important have recently been studied. Simple approximate formulae are given for the transmission coefficient of a window and for its angular widths. These show the dependence on frequency, electron concentration gradient and direction of the ambient magnetic field. Comparison with more accurate calculations shows that these formulae are likely to be reliable in practical applications. The tracing of rays near a window is discussed, and the properties of a second kind of window are described.  相似文献   

The relationship between group path, phase path and absorption of radio waves is discussed and new approximations relating these quantities are presented. The new relationships include dependence on the angle between the wave normal and magnetic field directions and so, in contrast to other approximations they are not restricted to quasi-longitudinal or quasi-transverse situations. For deviative absorption it is found that the ordinary mode quasi-transverse approximation introduces errors of less than 5% except in the case of purely longitudinal propagation. For non-deviative absorption, use of the quasi-longitudinal approximation can introduce significant errors which particularly affect the determination of latitudinal variations in absorption.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis methods used to define the amplitude distributions of signals returned from the ionosphere are discussed in this paper. Emphasis is placed on determining accurately the parameter B, which is the ratio of steady to random components present in a signal. Thus B > 1 if the signal is dominated by the steady component, and B < 1 when the random components dominate. This study investigates the characteristics of B for F-region and E-region ionospheric echoes, as well as some types of spread-F, observed at the southern mid-latitude station Beveridge (37.3 S and 144.6 E). The results indicate that amplitude measurements obtained in approximately 100 s are adequate for determining B. The results also illustrate some effects that the E-region can have on F-region echoes.It is found that frequency spreading, the most common type of spreading observed at Beveridge, displays strong specular reflections and some signal variation due to interference at the leading edge of the F-region echo (i.e. B > 2). Within the spread echo B fluctuates between 0 and about 1.5 but is typically less than 1. The autocorrelation function of signal amplitude has a relatively large coherence interval, suggesting that this type of spread-F is due to interference of specular reflections from coherent irregularity structures with horizontal scale sizes of tens of kilometres rather than scattering from small scale irregularities. A second form of spread-F which would generally be classified as frequency spreading on standard ionoerams is actually due to off-vertical reflections from patches ol irregularities which originate south (poleward) of Beveridge. Echoes within this oblique spread-F (OS-F) do not exhibit coherence indicating that the irregularities responsible are of a smaller scale than those producing normal frequency spread. Finally, the phenomenon of spreading occurring on the second hop, but not the first hop trace is studied. It is shown that the form of the second hop echoes can be reproduced using a simple geometric model of ground scatter. The interpretation is supported by the fact that B for spread second hop echoes is less than 1 whereas it is much greater than 1 for the corresponding first hop echoes.  相似文献   

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