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Soviet population geographers have tended to study labor-resource problems at the level of major civil divisions, such as republics, krays and oblasts. There is a real need for investigating such problems at a more detailed regional level, down to particular rayons and urban places in which people live and are employed. Various types of economic-geographic investigations of labor-resource problems are suggested and a research strategy is proposed. The author notes that if population cannot be redistributed regionally in keeping with a given economic objective, economic plans may have to be revised on the basis of the actual labor resource situation.  相似文献   

地理学史几个问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛敏康 《人文地理》1994,9(2):72-78
本文论述地理学基本研究传统与地理学现代化进程的关系;从历史的角度,审视地理学发展迟缓的原因;认为地理学改变落后状态的希望在于地理学的综合发展方向。本文着重讨论了钱学森教授有关地理综合的理论和方法。  相似文献   

The increasing impact of urbanization on the natural environment and physical constraints on city planning in the various natural zones of the USSR call for a program of research that would bring to bear the tools of the various geographical disciplines on the problem and might give rise to a distinctive geography of city planning. Geomorphology might be concerned with a variety of caving and slumping processes typical of large cities; climatology with the impact of cities on the microclimate of an area; hydrology with watertable changes and water-management problems, and biogeography with the distinctive plant and animal life of large cities and urban agglomerations. More complex, integrated research in both physical and economic geography would deal with the choice of suitable sites for new cities, particularly in extreme types of environment; with predictive aspects of the impact of urbanization, and the functional structure of cities. A number of cities and parts of cities with different layouts and different environmental settings should be designated as experimental study areas for geographical research of a more systematic character.  相似文献   

新形势下我国人文地理学建设设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈俭 《人文地理》1994,9(1):72-73
当前我国正在构建社会主义市场经济,人文地理学应该适应社会经济发展,为社会及经济发展提供理论依据并积极参与实践。  相似文献   

区域经济地理学的几个问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近几年来,在我国人文地理学界,区域经济地理学乃至经济地理学的"危机性"问题,是其有关专家和学者谈论的热门话题,但对此问题的产生,众说纷坛,看法不一。笔者认为,区域经济地理学的"危机性".主要根源于其研究对象、基础理论和其与区域经济学的关系问题。故本文用历史的、哲学的和系统论的观点进行了探析。  相似文献   

服务业地理学的科学关怀和人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨志英 《人文地理》2008,23(4):28-31
本文试图通过对自助式服务体验的重要性研究,整合服务业地理学的科学关怀和人文关怀的生命引导功能,并最终导出"统一服务业地理学"的学科概念。研究对现代服务业地理学的学科构建和研究方向具有指导性的作用。  相似文献   

The study of oceans as a subfield of geography has gained acceptance in the Soviet Union. Some universities have introduced courses in marine geography, and geographers have participated in oceanographic research voyages. An effort is made here to define the place of a marine geography within the geographic discipline as a whole, to set the spatial limits for geographical investigations of the oceans and to suggest problem areas suitable for geographical analysis. In keeping with the Soviet dichotomy, physical and economic geographic problems are distinguished. Physical-geographic problem areas would include study of oceanic water masses; large-scale interaction between oceans and atmosphere; study of island environments, and the biogeography of oceans. Economic geographic problems would focus both on theoretical aspects, such as spatial regularities in human activities related to oceans, and on applied aspects, providing a sound basis for economic development of ocean areas.  相似文献   

A discussion of the various environmental impacts of the BAM and of the role of geographers in anticipating and preventing them. Intermontane basins offer relatively favorable areas for settlement, but lack of ventilation rules out the location of polluting industries. Avalanches, ground ice and snow drifting pose particular problems along the route, requiring special-purpose investigations and control measures. A mapping program is proposed to identify farming areas with the most favorable heat supply. A system of geographical field stations is needed to study environmental modification on the ground. Recommendations are made for optimal approaches to settling the BAM zone, distinguishing three categories of population groups: railroad workers, miners and lumbering personnel. Preservation of the indigenous hunting and reindeer economy is urged because of the importance of furs for exports and the use of reindeer as pack animals. Portions of the natural landscape are to be preserved for scientific purposes and, ultimately, for tourism as natural monuments.  相似文献   

实证主义地理学是通过"认识论翻转"确定均质化空间而保证其有效性的,这在根本上规定了实证主义方法论中人文世界的隐没。人类科学理性的缔造经过"认识论翻转",确保了其割裂人文世界的普世价值观,并随着实证主义在近现代的成功和学科建制化而得到制度保障。这一历程在显示实证主义对地理学神圣指导作用的同时,暗含了其对地理学分工的不适。在"认识论翻转"层面上,人文主义地理学对地理学研究传统进行了"否思":①重新评估了地理学的本体论问题,使人文世界定位于地理学研究领域之内;②发展了针对人文世界的整体主义方法论,但并非对实证主义的反判;③人文主义地理学的立足点伦理和价值是内在的而非实证主义外在的;④人文主义地理学讨论的知识论要求"本体论-认识论与方法论-价值论"的联通以获得具有人性的世界图景。  相似文献   

本文针对人文地理学中的时弊,澄清了对一些基本问题的认识。运用哲学的思想剖析了人文地理学的学科属性及融合性的学科发展趋势;指明了人文地理学的研究重点是区域,区域的核心是城市,示明了人文地理学对城市宏微观研究的领域;最后文章从方法论角度详细论述了模式探求对人文地理学的价值,指出正确对待人文地理学的计量化,增强人文地理学的实用性效能。  相似文献   

A senior Russian economic geographer reviews the peripatetic evolution of the discipline during the Soviet period. After an early phase in the 1920s and 1930s, when it made some practical contributions to economic planning, particularly in regionalization, economic geography was long relegated to the status of a teaching discipline separating it from the more goal-oriented economic sciences. In recent years, economic geography has again acquired greater practical relevance, largely because of the development, and official endorsement, of the theory and application of territorial-production complex theory as an approach to spatial organization of the Soviet economy. Its thematic content has been broadened by the inclusion of the increasingly active field of population geography and urban geography. The growing “social” content of the discipline has given rise to suggestions that it be renamed “social geography,” or at least “social-economic geography,” reflecting a similar change of designations of the Soviet economic plans to social-economic plans.  相似文献   

新文化地理学视角下的女性主义地理学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
万蕙  唐雪琼 《人文地理》2013,28(1):26-31
在文化地理学研究向新文化地理学转向、女性主义运动蓬勃发展、女性主义理论在跨学科过程中日益完善的背景下,西方女性主义地理学从女性经验、性别权利、女性内部差异入手,提供了以女性主义视角分析地理学问题的新的发展领域,并发展出质疑与抵抗男性权威话语的学科范式。本文依循女性主义地理学中对身体、工作、空间和国家/民族等主要议题的探讨,梳理西方学者的研究进展,以期对本土研究提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

张小林  金其铭  陆华 《人文地理》1996,11(Z1):118-122
随着人文地理学在中国的全面复兴,地理学出现了明显的人文化、社会化趋向,人文地理工作者从原先注重经济活动转而关注社会问题,特别是进入九十年代以来,社会转型加快,社会问题愈加突出地显现出来,迫切需要建立中国的社会地理学理论体系,加强对现实社会问题的研究,开拓新的研究领域,如生活水平与生活方式、生活空间、社会变迁等,为我国制定有关方针政策提供依据。  相似文献   

黄维  李凡  杨俭波 《人文地理》2022,37(6):12-19
作为早期非表征理论构建的主要场景,舞蹈是特定想法—行为的表达与实践,有助于探察身体动作在理解和创造表达上的潜能,而舞蹈正式进入文化地理学视域的时期也正好是非表征理论对传统文化地理学的挑战接近成熟的关键时期。随着展演的身体成为分析对象以及编舞成为地理研究中新的非表征方法概念,舞蹈作为社会跨学科实践和工具受到越来越多关注。本文以非表征理论引发的诸多争议为基本背景,力求全面呈现如下两个转变过程:①舞蹈如何从关于身体、展演性、认同等地理学话题,逐渐演变为检测动作节奏、感觉、生成空间的地理实践和方法;②舞蹈地理研究经历如何从批判的舞蹈文化政治学,逐渐转向实践性的展演艺术与创意地理学。文章认为,非表征思想有望用于解决表征之外可能存在的开放性实践难题,丰富调节实践的情感维度,并拓展分析情感交缠的物质主义话语,而转变后的西方舞蹈地理研究对于理解我国现当代文化政治经济的情感属性、思考艺术影响下城市公共社区的差异化也就具有明确的启发价值。  相似文献   

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