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This article focuses on one of the most disturbing features of life on the Tibetan grasslands today: intractable, violent conflicts over pasture. The author argues that understanding spatial and historical dimensions of the process through which Amdo was incorporated into the People's Republic of China (PRC) helps us make sense of these conflicts. State territoriality attempts to replace older socio–territorial identities with new administrative units. However, histories remain inscribed in the landscape and lead to unintended consequences in the implementation of new grassland policies. The author draws on Raymond Williams’ insight into residual formations to theorize the relationship between range conflicts and secular state officials’ lack of authority. At the same time, dispute resolution by religious figures challenges both triumphalist readings of state domination and romantic notions of Tibetan resistance.  相似文献   

‘Mana’ has been a key term in anthropological theory since the late nineteenth century, but, as Roger Keesing argued more than twenty years ago, it is necessary to rethink mana theoretically based on its changing usage in Oceanic discourse. Keesing criticized mana's nominalization and substantivization by anthropologists. In this paper I review his criticisms and expand upon his argument, making three related claims based on data from Fiji. First, mana is canonically a verb in Fijian, but contemporary speakers frequently use it in its nominalized and substantivized form. Second, a key reason for this nominalization is mana's use in the Fijian Bible to denote ‘miracles’ as well as homonymous ‘manna,’ the food given by God to the Israelites. Third, in order to understand mana in present‐day Fiji, scholars must consider it in the context of widespread discourse about decline, loss, and diminution.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Roman‐Jewish wars of 66–70, 115–17 and 132–35 CE destroyed the territorial, social and political bases of militant Jewish nationalism. Successive defeats brought a Roman ban on Jewish residence in Jerusalem and on proselytisation. Most of the Jewish population of Judaea, in southern Palestine, was annihilated or exiled. The creative heart of Judaism shifted to Galilee, where the study of rabbinic law and homiletics flourished, mostly in Hebrew, and the Mishna ‐ the basis of the Talmud ‐ was edited by the Tannaim (Mishna teachers). This culture was an implicit rejection of Graeco‐Roman civilisation and values in favour of a more exclusivist religious‐cultural nationalism. It is argued in this paper that this form of nationalism, though rare in the ancient world, anticipates more recent national movements of defeated peoples.  相似文献   

Sarah Macnaughtan, a wealthy novelist, used volunteer care work to claim the legitimacy of her wartime experience in the South African and First World Wars and to assert women's rights in the early twentieth-century British empire. Macnaughtan framed her caregiving experiences in both inherently domestic terms – ‘from a kitchen window’ – and as a justification for women's suffrage and participation in public life. Her example loosens a persistent binary between trained nurses and untrained wartime volunteers and highlights the importance of precedents set in the British empire to the feminist politics and caring practices of the First World War.  相似文献   

郭响宏 《世界历史》2012,(4):34-46,158
陪审制是欧美国家普遍采用的一种司法制度。近代俄国在吸取英、法等国司法实践经验的基础上于1866年正式引入陪审制,陪审团审判因而成为晚期帝俄刑事司法审判的主要形式。俄国陪审团的裁决受到司法宣誓、问题列表制度和社会伦理道德因素的深刻影响,其最终裁定采取简单多数原则。陪审制在俄国的早期实践赢得了人们的普遍认可;但农民占陪审员多数和较高的无罪宣判比率,日渐成为沙皇政府内部保守派攻击陪审制的理由。19世纪七八十年代沙皇政府所采取的一系列反改革措施,大大缩小了陪审法庭的权限;直到20世纪初,陪审制才有了一定的发展。晚期帝俄陪审制的发展虽因沙皇专制制度的制约而未有实质性的发展,但它的引入和实践对于俄国司法的发展、社会结构调整、政治现代化有积极意义。  相似文献   

法国宗教战争与欧洲近代政治思想的产生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王加丰 《世界历史》2000,2(5):59-66
在欧洲宗教改革的研究中,有一种矛盾的现象:一方面大力肯定宗教改革运动,称之为第一次资产阶级革命,特别推崇加尔主义的资本主义性质;另一方面,忽视或贬低法国宗教改革和法国宗教战争(胡格诺战争),还往往强调其贵族性或反动性。加尔是法国人,他一生中最关心的是法国的宗教改革,他的学说也产自法国的特定环境,这些明显的事实被惊人地忽视  相似文献   

时潇 《世界遗产》2014,(11):84-89
在北京北四环外一幢普通的写字楼里,我们如约再次见到了郭黛姮教授,她一如既往穿着深蓝色的西装外套,鼻梁上架着黑框眼镜,敏捷的思维根本不像是古稀的年龄.  相似文献   

丁韪良与近代中西文化交流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国传教士丁韪良在中国活动了60余年,客观上推动了中国近代教育的改革和发展,促进了中西文化的交流和传播。  相似文献   

1822年和1823年分别在印度和中国出版了历史上最早的基督教<圣经>汉语完整译本--马士曼译本和马礼逊译本(统称"二马译本"),开启了基督教新教翻译出版多达30余种汉语文言、白话和方言版本圣经的历史.在新约翻译上,二马译本都受到了天主教白日升译本的奠基性影响,其中马士曼译本还参考了马礼逊译本;在旧约翻译上,因其他事务产生的纠纷,导致了两人的各自独立翻译.在参考天主教译本的基础上,两个译本还开始了剥离天主教话语系统、创建基督教汉语圣经话语系统的尝试.  相似文献   

Collins  James B. 《French history》2006,20(4):387-404
Was the countryside of early modern France marked fundamentallyby mobility or sedentarity? Tax rolls suggest the former, highendogamy rates the latter. For the period 1660–1720, ararely used source, the registers of translation de domicile(change of tax domicile), provide a more comprehensive answerthan civil or tax records. They suggest that, first, 60,000–70,000better-off families moved each year; second, poor migrants,such as day labourers, rarely made declarations; third, thosewho owned land, moved far less often; fourth, laboureurs typicallymoved between 10 and 40 kilometres to take on farms of greaterimportance; fifth, cottagers and day labourers moved to a nearbyvillage, rarely more than 5 kilometres away and finally, menand their families moved for economic gain, whereas women movedbecause of economic loss, after the death of their husband.Because the laboureurs dominated the villages—for example,paying most of the taxes—their movement shook the villagein fundamental ways. The translation de domicile registers indicatevillages open to the outside, full of in-migrants, whose economicstatus often bore a close correlation to the distance of theirmove (high-long, low-short).  相似文献   

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