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今年是伟大的蒙古族作家尹湛纳希诞辰170周年。11月3日,由辽宁省民族事务委员会、省文史研究馆、辽宁社会科学院主办,辽宁民族出版社、辽宁蒙古族经济文化促进会、尹湛纳希研究会协办的“纪念尹湛纳希诞辰170周年”会议在沈阳举行。来自沈阳、朝阳、阜新、北票等全省各地的专家学者聚会一堂,隆重纪念尹湛纳希这位蒙古族文学的开创者及蒙汉文化交流的先驱者。省民委主任佟钟时、副主任包玉梅、副主任杨丰陌、助理巡视员张德秀、萨仁图娅等出席。著名学者作家、省人大原副主任王充闾、著名国学研究者、省政协原副主席林声等出席并讲话。省人大…  相似文献   

萨仁图雅 《满族研究》2017,(4):F0003-F0003
2017年是尹湛纳希诞辰180周年。10月27日,由辽宁省民族和宗教事务委员会与辽宁省文化交流协会民族和宗教文化委员会主办、辽宁蒙古族经济文化促进会承办的"纪念尹湛纳希诞辰180周年"活动在辽宁省沈阳市隆重举办。辽宁省民族和宗教事务委员会、辽宁省政协文化和文史委员会、辽宁蒙古族经济文化促进会和辽宁省台湾同胞联谊会等部门和社会组织的领导同志,以及来自全省各地的学者专家、以及蒙古国留学生等60余人出席活动。  相似文献   

为纪念文学巨匠尹湛纳希诞辰l 7 0周年,辽宁民族出版社分别出版了六卷本的蒙文版《尹湛纳希全集》及蒙、汉、英文对照的《尹湛纳希画册》。蒙文版的《尹湛纳希全集》,作为一项民族文学工程,在国内第一次推出。《尹湛纳希》出版委员会顾问是玛拉沁夫、特沫若,名誉主任委员是于永祥、包玉梅,主任委员是萨仁图娅,副主任委员是李凤山,编委会委员有:郭岩、佟立、李国华、李志杰、白丽娟、援朝、朱虹、王玉山、斯日古愣、韩辉升。《尹湛纳希画册》由著名蒙古族作家萨仁图娅编著。该画册收录2 0 0余幅珍贵的资料图片,并以蒙、汉、英文对照的方式配…  相似文献   

文章从尹湛纳希影响力的角度定位其为国际文化名人.从尹湛纳希个人具备的有孝心负责任、乐观善良、进取理性等优良品质和说写弹拉、琴棋书画、骑马射箭等盖世才华两大方面,烘托出尹湛纳希的非凡形象.认为研究宣传尹湛纳希形象对于发挥尹湛纳希及其作品的影响力,深入研究尹湛纳希及其作品,带动地方经济的发展都有重大理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

尹湛纳希是蒙古民族最伟大的文学家,蒙古族文学自尹湛纳希进入一个新里程.本文主要介绍了尹湛纳希的家世以及对中国蒙古族文学的杰出贡献.  相似文献   

本文是关于蒙古族著名作家萨仁图娅长篇传记<尹湛纳希>的评论文章.重点介绍了尹湛纳希的文学成就及个人魅力;作者成功创作<尹湛纳希>的心路历程;作品的主要内容和艺术特色.  相似文献   

本文重点阐述了尹湛纳希经典作品再生产进程中的思考.尹湛纳希是蒙古文学的开创者,他以母语写作,多种版本流传于世.蒙文版<尹湛纳希>第一次推出,负载着经典作品的现实立场与历史想象,也在于编撰者的积极介入、参与文化建构的成果.  相似文献   

叶立群 《满族研究》2023,(3):101-105
在近代思想启蒙运动中,经济、文化和社会发展相对滞后的蒙古族,别无选择地到民族历史和文化传统中去寻求精神支柱和前进的动力、路径。尹湛纳希是蒙古族近代思想启蒙的引领者与代言人之一。蒙古族近代的文化寻根,在尹湛纳希这里达到了高峰。尹湛纳希所具有的文化寻根意识,因环境和个人际遇的变化而不断增强。强化这种意识有多重因素,其中因时局变化和诸多事件造成的家族之变是不容忽视、值得深入考察的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

蒙汉文化的有机融合──尹湛纳希小说创作浅谈朱江在近代蒙古族文学史上,旺钦巴勒·尹湛纳希(1837—1892)堪称蒙汉民族文化交流的先驱。是他开创了蒙古文长篇小说的先河。他在完美地继承蒙古族优秀的文化传统的基础上,创造性地将汉民族古典文学的精华融入创作...  相似文献   

尹湛纳希(1837——1892),汉名宝衡山,字润亭。是土默特左翼旗人,即今辽宁省朝阳市北票(市)下府乡。是蒙古族文学的开创者,是蒙汉文化交流的先驱者,是一位伟大的思想家、文学家、史学家。尹湛纳希是一代天骄成吉思汗黄金家族第二十八代嫡孙,出生于土默特一个世袭四等台吉的家庭。其父旺亲巴勒文武兼备,是一位伟大的爱国将领,鸦片战争期间,曾率领蒙古骑兵英勇抗击英侵略者。旺亲巴勒同时还是一位学养丰厚的史学家,是当时默南一带最大的藏书家,曾撰写《大元勃兴青史演义》前八章。尹湛纳希的长兄古拉兰萨、五兄贡纳楚克、六兄嵩威丹精,都是诗人…  相似文献   

The English higher education landscape has recently experienced a significant change with the addition of 74 Centres for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETLs), each one devoted to a particular educational issue or theme. This paper highlights a CETL which is of special interest to geographers in that it is focused on the promotion of education for sustainable development (ESD). The CETL is based at the University of Plymouth, UK, and is tasked with the responsibility of embedding a whole-university approach to sustainability. It will also seek to encourage best practice more widely, working with other institutions regionally, nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

Estimating stature from skeletal remains in an archaeological context requires appropriate methods that take into account possible temporal and spatial changes in body proportions. New regression equations—both least squares (LSQ) and reduced major axis (RMA) equations—were thus developed for estimating living stature from the long bone lengths of medieval inhabitants (N = 60) of Westerhus, Sweden. The living stature of these skeletal specimens was determined by using the anatomical method. Findings in this study reveal that LSQ regression equations systematically overestimate statures of short individuals and underestimate those of tall individuals, whereas the RMA equations—both combined sexes and sex‐specific equation—provide more accurate stature estimations for individuals of very different statures. The combined sexes RMA‐equations should be used for cases in which the sex is unknown because they provide more accurate stature estimations than sex‐specific equation with a wrong sex determination. These new equations are more appropriate than generally used regression equations for estimating statures of the medieval period Scandinavians. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper questions a dominant view of culture as being relatively bounded and hermetic by questioning the concept of an intercultural domain that is brought into existence as a necessary consequence of this view. The paper suggests that recognition of cultural processes does not lead to the need to posit ‘a culture’ which is constituted by them. The view that ‘a culture’ is a relatively autonomous, relatively hermetic and relatively homeostatic entity arises, this paper argues, in the birth of nationalism and the founding years of anthropology, which are intimately linked. This approach, characterised here as modernist, is criticised for failing to deal well with complex cultural relationships. It results in the need to theorise an intercultural space, or a realm of cultural change, between cultures theorised as entities. Here the later work of Malinowski is used as an exemplar. The paper argues for alternative conceptualisations, such as Gluckman's suggestion that intercultural relations occur within social fields which are the proper subject of anthropology, and Strathern's contention that ‘society’ is a redundant concept, yet not denying ‘sociality‘. The case of the Aboriginal people of Broome in their struggle with the state over the terms in which their prior rights to land will be recognised is used to illustrate this.  相似文献   

岳桦 《世界遗产》2011,(1):40-43
这所大学的特色,在于它的自治传统和校园建筑艺术。自治传统使墨大成为墨西哥历史和文化独树一帜的传承者,而其校园建筑艺术则让墨大在2007年入选了世界遗产名录。  相似文献   

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