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连接亚洲、欧洲和非洲的古代丝绸之路 ,曾对人类的进步做出过巨大的贡献。本文从促进物质文化与精神文化的交流和融合 ,推动人类文明发展等问题着眼 ,揭示了这条路线在历史上的重大作用  相似文献   

本继续对纳兰性德这位名词人进行考证推究,这对于理解纳兰生平及为人有重要补充作用,从而有助于研究纳兰性德的诗词作品。  相似文献   

面向新世纪 ,史学家要以更为开放和健康的心态迎接史学面临的机遇和挑战。史学的繁荣与发展在某种意义上取决于它满足时代和社会发展的需求程度 ,史学要发展就必须“与时俱进”。中、外史学史都证明 ,史学的发展不是简单的史料积累 ,它首先需要的是史学家的观念更新和在此基础上的理论创新。近二十年来中国史学的发展历程也是不断改革开放和理论创新的过程。史学理论对史学研究的重要性已逐渐为国内史学工作者所认识 ,这使我们作为国内惟一的史学理论杂志的编辑深感责任的重大 ,我们只有认真地思考如何办好这份刊物 ,才不辜负新世纪史学工作者对我们的期望。为此 ,我们以“面向新世纪的中国史学理论研究”为题组织了这次笔谈。笔谈文章分两次刊出 ,希望引起史学界同仁对理论问题更多的关注和更深入的探讨  相似文献   

Kearney, Michael. World View. Novato, California: Chandler & Sharp Publishers, Inc., 1984. 244 pp. 8 figures. $7.95.  相似文献   

In Homeric studies, the evidence of metrics has often been overlooked. The authors argue that the hexameter must be a recent development, closely bound up with the transition from an Aeolic to a Ionic phase in the development of the epic diction. The Ionic phase must have been very short, and the rise of the Iliad is probably also to be situated at the very moment of change in meter and dialect.  相似文献   

云冈石窟的保护受到我国文物保护工作者的重视。恶劣的自然环境,加上人为的污染,使云冈石窟的保护问题日显严峻,必须综合治理。然而,在这些复杂因素中,岩体的风化治理最为关键。岩石的孔隙尺寸及其分布是表征岩石力学、水理性质的重要参数。同种岩石,其孔隙率越高或者孔隙分布越大,则表示岩石的力学和水理性质越差。由此可见,借助孔隙率及孔隙分布状况,可表征同种岩石的风化情况。核磁共振横向弛豫时间T2与岩石孔径分布具有一定的线性关系。随着石雕风化的加剧,岩石可视孔隙率增大,孔径大小的平均值也将相应增大。基于这一前提,本研究尝试采用核磁共振横向弛豫时间T2分析石雕文物不同深处的孔径分布情况,通过实验室对云冈石窟新鲜岩石样品,结合抗盐风化安定性实验,和对自然风化样品采用便携式核磁进行无损检测,探讨其风化程度和深度,以便深入研究石雕文物的风化状况。研究结果表明, 风化岩石的新鲜层只有一类小孔隙,弛豫时间约为2~6ms,风化层岩石有大孔隙生成,且随着岩石风化程度增强,小孔径孔隙所占孔隙比例降低,大孔径孔隙所占比例增多。根据不同深度岩样的孔径分布情况,及新鲜岩石的孔径分布情况,可以得出岩石的风化深度为5mm左右。本研究可为后续的现场保护措施提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   

In the coherent radar technique, bacsccatter is obtained from plasma irregularities even though the radar frequency can greatly exceed the ionospheric plasma frequency maximum. From the velocity spectrum of the received signals an estimate of the flow velocity can be obtained and hence the electric field determined. Information regarding the irregularity scattering cross section is obtained from the amplitude of the backscatter return. Current radar studies of a range of geophysical phenomena are presented. In addition, attention is drawn to the problems of interpreting the radar observations in terms of the underlying geophysical processes.  相似文献   

The study of ancient DNA (aDNA) using molecular methods is an increasingly valuable tactic in bioarchaeology. While this method must be carefully undertaken to ensure that the molecules detected are representative of the ancient sample and not modern contaminates, there is a danger that a ‘one size fits all’ approach to validation will lead to misinterpretation and/or missed opportunities of valuable findings. When comparing human and pathogen aDNA, there are many shared technical means that can ensure best practice. However, there are a number of assumptions that should not be used for both scenarios. We discuss these aspects in reference to a recent article published by this journal and highlight some of the latest advances in molecular detection of ancient pathogen DNA that can further improve this endeavour. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work we present data obtained from experiments with wild brown bears from the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain. Our results show that wild brown bears do not take carcasses to their dens, but can displace them by tens of meters before eating them, and the remains can become dispersed some meters around the place where the carcass is consumed. The long bones of large-sized carcasses show no fractures, but they do show tooth marks (scores, pitting, punctures and furrowing) especially on the cancellous bone of the epiphyses. Ribs and vertebrae show fractures and furrowing. The innominate also shows furrowing on cancellous bone of the ilium and ischium. The results of this study are in agreement with previous work and also shed some light on the behavior of this carnivore in the wild. The data gathered are of great importance when interpreting paleontological and archaeological sites where the bear is a likely taphonomic agent.  相似文献   

The first case of synesthesia was reported in 1812 ( Jewanski, Day, & Ward, 2009 ). However, it took almost seven decades before the idea of synesthesia entered the mainstream of science and, subsequently, art. There are no known new cases described between 1812 and 1848, but in the following three decades there are at least 11 reported cases of synesthesia and many reviews of these cases. This comes at an important period in the history of the neurosciences, and for sensory physiology in particular. However, the literature that describes synesthesia during this period is largely unknown to contemporary researchers and historians. The aim of this review is to discuss the reports of synesthesia during this period, providing translations of some key passages, and to place these reports within the contextual framework of nineteenth-century neuroscience.  相似文献   

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