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Using the most recent data from the first economic census in China, a team of China-based and American economic geographers investigates the geographical concentration of manufacturing industries at the provincial and county levels by integrating proxy variables for natural advantages, agglomeration economies, and institutional changes (e.g., decentralization) associated with economic transition. The authors focus their investigation on manufacturing activity as a whole, as well as on manufacturing categories at the two- and three-digit levels of aggregation (the latter representing a finer scale of analysis than used in almost all previous studies). Interesting differences emerge in the locational patterns of industries whose enterprises pursue strategies of globalization vis-à-vis local protectionism. Differences also are apparent in the impacts of agglomeration economies and knowledge spillover at different spatial scales. The findings suggest that both spatial scale and level of industrial aggregation matter when analyzing patterns of industrial agglomeration in China. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L10, L20, L60, O18. 5 figures, 5 tables, 50 references.  相似文献   

运用空间自相关分析集聚经济类型的地理格局   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
集聚经济的类型决定着区域经济的发展方向。传统的度量指标是基尼系数、Ellison-Glaeser指数等,但这类指标却没有考虑相邻地区间经济的相互影响。据此,本文提出用空间自相关方法,衡量区域的集聚经济水平,并且利用2002年江苏省县级工业数据,实证分析和探讨江苏省城市化和地方化集聚经济的地理格局。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper uses municipality‐level data to study firm birth in Portugal from 1986 to 1997. This is a period of significant improvements to the Portuguese motorway network raising important questions as to its impact on the spatial pattern of firm birth. The paper focuses on the effect of such large‐scale road investment together with the role played by agglomeration economies for firm birth in 13 industry sectors and 9 service sectors. Motorways increase the attractiveness of locations close to the new infrastructure for most sectors. However, marked differences among sectors exist in the way transport improvements affect geographical firm‐birth concentration. The results also indicate that a more diversified local economic environment encourages firm birth, but little evidence is found for agglomeration benefits stemming from sectoral specialization at the local level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The productivity effects of agglomeration economies are often treated as endogenous in empirical work due to the potential for reverse causality. The extent to which these relationships are actually simultaneously determined, however, remains largely unobserved. This paper estimates panel data vector autoregressions for different sectors of the economy to test for bidirectional causality between productivity and both localization and urbanization economies. The aim is to address some key questions that will help to identify the extent of the endogeneity problem. Can we actually observe bidirectionality in the data? Does it feature more for some industries than for others? Is it more prevalent for localization or urbanization economies? The results show that agglomeration economies are not strictly unidirectional and that higher levels of productivity can induce growth in the scale of local urban and industrial environments. The paper discusses the difficulties that these issues pose for the estimation of agglomeration economies.  相似文献   

刘孟阳  林爱文 《人文地理》2015,30(6):113-120
通过ArcGIS利用区位商、最近邻距离分析、核密度分析与定向分布分析等多种方法综合分析武汉市创意产业空间集聚的演变特征。结果表明,武汉市创意产业总体呈集聚状态,依据发展水平差异可分为核心区、潜力区与待发展区,并主要集聚在汉口"核心圈"与武昌"潜力轴"上。城市内创意产业功能分布与集聚分布主要呈由内向外扩展的演变特征。但根据产业特征、发展基础与发展阶段的不同,不同创意产业部门在不同区域的集聚形态、集聚强度、空间演化过程及发展趋势存在差异。这些差异与创意人才机构、文化传播设施以及创意交流空间集聚存在密切联系。  相似文献   

全球化背景下的广东省制造业地理集中研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用2004年经济普查的数据,分析了广东省制造业的地理分布特征。广东省大多数的制造业地理集中程度都较高,并且主要集中在珠三角地区,很多地理集中程度较高的制造业分布都存在较高的空间自相关性。对广东省制造业集中的实证研究表明,资源和能源投入强度较高的产业较为集聚,并且出口显著提高了产业集聚程度。尽管外资是广东省制造业发展的重要力量,但是并没有促进产业的集聚,说明制造业外资已经进入扩散阶段。本文的结果和全国尺度的研究结果存在差异,这说明地理尺度对于研究产业集聚非常重要。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze why firms in some industries locate in specialized economic environments (localization economies) while those in other industries prefer large city locations (urbanization economies). To this end, we examine the location decisions of new manufacturing firms in Spain at the city level and for narrowly defined industries. First, we estimate firm location models to obtain estimates that reflect the importance of localization and urbanization economies in each industry. Then, we regress these estimates on industry characteristics related to the potential importance of labor market pooling, input sharing, and knowledge spillovers. Urbanization effects are high in knowledge‐intensive industries, suggesting that firms locate in large cities to benefit from knowledge spillovers. We also find that localization effects are high in industries that employ workers whose skills are more industry‐specific, suggesting that industries locate in specialized economic environments to share a common pool of specialized workers.  相似文献   

This study uses worker‐level data on industry, occupation, and place of work to explore differences in the spatial properties of production, administrative, and R&D occupation groups within industries. To measure differences, we calculate location quotients at the local labor market level and the Duranton and Overman (2005) agglomeration index for each group. We find appreciable differences in the spatial distribution of occupation groups within most manufacturing industries, with R&D occupations consistently exhibiting the highest degree of spatial concentration. Our results are consistent with the core theoretical and empirical results in the agglomeration literature.  相似文献   

环渤海地区制造业地理集聚研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
运用区位商指数和基尼系数对环渤海地区两位数制造业20个行业1993-2007年的集聚水平进行测度。结果表明:10余年来环渤海地区20个主要制造业行业的地理集中程度在不断提高,绝大部分行业呈集聚加强趋势;制造业结构具有一定的相似性,各省(市)地方专业化产业趋同,比较优势和集聚经济没有起到应有的作用;环渤海地区工业化进程呈梯度分布,北京、天津已处于工业化的后期阶段,资本和技术密集型产业向内转移,河北、山东、辽宁仍处于工业化的中期阶段,劳动密集型行业具有较强的比较优势。  相似文献   

广东省制造业空间格局演化及其影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周锐波  李晓雯 《人文地理》2017,32(2):95-102
本文基于二位数制造业数据,探究了2000-2014 年广东省制造业空间格局的演化及影响因素。研究表明,广东省制造业以2005 年为拐点,总体呈现先集聚后分散的特征,但行业差异明显。技术密集型产业在珠三角地区保持高集聚的趋势,资本密集型及劳动密集型产业则以不同的扩散速度趋于分散。空间计量回归结果表明,劳动力成本上升及运输成本下降并非广东制造业空间格局演化的主要原因,市场潜力及产业内联系所带来的正外部性抵消了土地等成本提升所带来的负效应。而且,各种影响因素在不同行业的作用不同:市场潜力显著影响劳动密集型产业,资本密集型产业的空间集聚受政府行为影响较大,产业联系则促进技术密集型产业的集聚。  相似文献   

基于2005-2012年京津冀各城市工资及其它社会经济数据,探讨了市场潜能、产业集聚、人力资本、制度改革等因素对城市间各行业工资差异的影响。结果表明:①市场潜能对各行业工资水平的增长均有一定的促进作用。②除消费性服务业外,各类产业集聚对地区平均工资水平的提高均有一定的促进作用,但制造业集聚带来的拥挤效应也已开始体现;生产性服务业集聚能够带动公共性服务业工资的提升,而公共性服务业缺乏对生产性服务业的反哺;产业集聚对消费性服务业工资缺乏带动作用。③在控制变量方面,交通基础设施对工资水平的带动作用逐渐弱化;科技投入、人力资本对服务业工资水平的带动作用较高,而对制造业影响较弱;市场经济体制改革对工资水平的带动作用仍未体现;政府市场干预能力的提高仅带动了公共性服务业工资的提升,而外向度的提升则仅对公共性服务业缺乏带动作用。  相似文献   

产业集聚与城市群作用关系是经济地理学的重要命题。本文以关中城市群制造业产业为例,采用EG指数和区位熵法,定量分析制造业产业的集聚水平、空间演变及其效应。研究表明:关中城市群制造业空间集聚水平较高,其中资源密集型产业集聚程度最高,劳动密集型产业集聚水平在降低,资金技术密集型产业虽较低但呈上升趋势;关中城市群从中心城市到外围区域依次形成了资金技术密集型制造业集聚区、劳动密集型制造业集聚区和资源密集型制造业集聚区,呈现出产业空间集聚与城市群规模等级分异相一致的空间效应。  相似文献   

Previous studies on geographical distribution of economic activity in Turkey demonstrate that firms are localized in major metropolitan areas as well as a set of emerging regions. The aim of the paper is to complement the findings of the studies on regional and industrial concentration in Turkey's manufacturing industry by exploring whether regional specialization and industrial concentration patterns changed during the 1980–2000 period. The paper further aims to explore the driving forces of industrial concentration in Turkey's manufacturing industry, particularly during Turkey's economic integration process that started with trade liberalization after 1980 and further developed with the Customs Union in 1996. Regional specialization and industrial concentration are measured by GINI indices Turkey's NUTS-2 regions at the four-digit level for the years between 1980 and 2000. To investigate which variables determine industry concentration, systematic relation between the characteristics of the industry and industrial concentration is tested. Following the method proposed by Paluzie, Pons and Tirado, a panel regression equation is estimated, where the dependent variable is the Gini concentration index and the independent variables are the variables that represent the characteristics of the sectors that follow the predictions of classical trade theory, new trade theory and new economic geography. The major finding of the study is that during 1980–2000, Turkey's regions became more specialized and industry became more concentrated. Increases in the average values of regional specialization and industrial concentration support the prediction developed by Krugman hypothesis that regions become more specialized and industries become more concentrated with economic integration. In exploring the driving forces of industrial concentration, the findings demonstrate that firms tend to cluster in regions where there are economies of scale.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether economies of urbanization and localization changed in two-digit manufacturing industries over the period 1967-1977. Estimates of changes in such economies indicate that the localization advantages of large industries declined in several industries, but that urbanization advantages increased for a small number of industries and decreased for a small number. Moreover, the absolute change in two-digit industry employment tends to be negatively correlated with industry size, city size held constant, and positively associated with city size, industry size held constant. These latter findings tend to support the findings regarding changes in external economies.  相似文献   

京津冀都市圈制造业产业链的空间集聚度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用产业间空间集聚度方法,计算京津冀都市圈制造业的空间集聚度,并通过时间趋势分析和区际对比,分析京津冀都市圈制造业的空间集聚水平。研究结论为:①2004年,京津冀都市圈制造业产业链的空间集聚度平均值为0.0151,属于低度空间集聚。②京津冀都市圈制造业产业链的空间集聚度呈逐年上升趋势。其中,资源密集型产业和资金技术密集型产业的空间集聚度上升趋势明显;劳动力密集型产业变化趋势不显著。③京津冀都市圈制造业产业链的空间集聚度低于长江三角洲地区,且产业链空间集聚与产业属性的关系不明确;技术密集型产业链的空间集聚度较低,而资源密集型产业的空间集聚度较高。  相似文献   

The clustering of economic activity is believed to generate both positive own‐industry (localization) spillovers and negative competitive pressures. Using data on manufacturing enterprises operating in China during 1998–2006, this paper provides evidence on the net effect of opposing spillovers from nearby economic activity. Central to the analysis is the opportunity to distinguish local manufacturing enterprises by state, private, or foreign ownership. Systematic differences in average productivity of these firms enable inferences about differences in the strength of spillovers from one type of firm to another type. Results indicate that spillovers are larger within the same ownership type than they are across them, consistent with localization economies that operate within segmented channels of influence.  相似文献   

Abstract. We use the Getis/Ord local G statistic and detailed county‐level industry employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to isolate discrete industrial complexes—or groups of nominally linked industries clustered in particular locations—for two recent years: 1989 and 1997. We describe the characteristics of the complexes in terms of their number, spatial extent, broad regional distribution, and other factors. Data from the two periods help illustrate key shifts in industrial locations, including the continuing concentration of the apparel industry in the Southeast and the ongoing southern shift in U.S. vehicle production.  相似文献   

运用第二次经济普查单位地理编码数据分析了北京市就业密度变化特征,并对就业中心功能进行了分析。北京市就业中心整体上仍呈现单中心格局特征,多中心格局虽有显现但并不明显。本文共识别出中关村片区、金融街片区和CDB片区等三个就业中心片区和上地、首都机场、曙光街道等十二个就业次中心。依据专业行业就业人口数量指标、区位熵指标,就业人口占同行业比例指标,将北京市就业中心分为7种类型,即大型企业集聚型就业中心、临空经济集聚型就业中心、制造业集聚型就业中心、批发零售集聚型就业中心、商务商业集聚型就业中心、金融集聚型就业中心、科研教育集聚型就业中心。传统就业中心因集聚效益、集群效应和锁定效应使范围进一步扩大,密度显著提高,中心功能也日益复杂,细分行业分化明显。  相似文献   

王磊  付建荣 《人文地理》2015,30(2):97-102
工业化和城市化之间的互动关系体现在都市区尺度上的工业区位上。本文在新经济地理学和城市地理学所揭示的产品差异化和城市集聚效应相互关系的基础上,通过区位熵分析、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数,对美国工业区位与大都市区间的耦合关系进行实证研究。结果显示:集聚于大都市区核心区的往往是产品个性化和定制化程度较高的行业;位于大都市区外围区的大都是产品依赖于城市市场,但标准化程度较高的行业;传统制造业则往往位于非大都市区。多数都市工业的市场集中度较低,而大部分传统工业的市场集中度较高。这不仅印证了新经济地理学的理论推演和城市地理学的行业分析,而且对包括中国在内的转型国家城市及其产业发展具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article examines the extent to which agglomeration economies in one location affect employment growth and establishment births, using data from the Dutch province of South‐Holland. The data are of particular interest because they represent a census, rather than a sample, of all establishments and the location of establishments can be pinpointed to within 416 (postal) zip code areas averaging less than 6 km2 in size. Results suggest that agglomeration economies positively affect employment growth and the location of new establishments, but with the possible exception of manufacturing, this effect dies out quickly with distance. Thus, the main finding is that for many industries, agglomerative forces may well operate at a geographic scale that is smaller than a city.  相似文献   

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