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The long reign of Tupou IV of Tonga ended in 2006 at a time when pressure for political change, building during the previous 25 years, was beginning to turn towards direct action. Tentative reform efforts by the king's children were insufficient to satisfy the growing demands, and were partially vitiated by controversy over royal business interests and privileges. During the king's last year, protest broadened from governance issues to economic, social and policy issues in which diverse interest groups were drawn together, having little in common other than opposition to one thing or another. Within two months of the king's death, his successor had instigated or approved some significant steps forward, but reformists declared themselves unsatisfied. A resulting riot in which large areas of the capital were destroyed, has been variously represented as an attempted coup, as a spontaneous outburst of righteous exasperation and as an attempt at political intimidation. Reform continues to be the object of government, but long-term reformists have damaged their reputations and the growing public esteem for democracy. The quest for a new national consensus has become more difficult.  相似文献   

<正>在俄国和芬兰边境,距离北极圈不远的地方,有一条原生态河流——罗依莫拉河。去年6月,我应俄国朋友之邀,与他们一起在那里进行了一次难忘的漂流。我们的漂流队由8个人组成,共3支小艇,装备相当专业。我们在白夜(高纬度地区出现的黄昏还没有过去就呈现黎明的现象)期间的那个傍晚到达了出发地,从一座桥边下水,进入了漂流的河道。头顶是蓝天白云,下面是光滑如镜的幽深河水。岸上是葱茏叠翠的白桦和杉木杂生林——桦木的树干是白色的,树冠  相似文献   

丝绸中国的骄傲--兼评《浙江省丝绸志》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20年来的修志热潮,不要说通志,包括省(区)、市(地区)、县(市)志和乡、镇、村志,确实五彩缤纷,令人眼花缭乱;即从专志而言,不仅是传统的专志,如江河、水利、名山、寺院等志,各地纷纷推出,远胜古人;而方志史上绝未闻见、方志目录中从无著录的专志,也一时登场,使人如入山阴道上,应接不暇.以浙江省为例,诸如测绘志、电影志、外事志、围垦志、烟草志等等,不一而足.长江后浪催前浪,真是气象万千.这些年来,每一种前无古人的专志问世,虽然不关我的专业,但内心总感到一番激动,为我国专志修纂推陈出新的形势而无比兴奋.  相似文献   

<正>在俄国和芬兰边境,距离北极圈不远的地方,有一条原生态河流——罗依莫拉河。去年6月,我应俄国朋友之邀,与他们一起在那里进行了一次难忘的漂流。我们的漂流队由8个人组成,共3支小艇,装备相当专业。我们在白夜(高纬度地区出现的黄昏还没有过去就呈现黎明的现象)期间的那个傍晚到达了出发地,从一座桥边下水,进入了漂流的河道。头顶是蓝天白云,下面是光滑如镜的幽深河水。岸上是葱茏叠翠的白桦和杉木杂生林——桦木的树干是白色的,树冠  相似文献   

The rise of the psychoanalytic approach to behavioral medicine in the early part of the 20th century created a unique concept of the nature and the aetiology of epilepsy based upon dynamic psychopathology. As a direct result of this a radical change in both medical and community perception of this condition was generated, and this was to persist up to and beyond the mid-century mark. This historical note details the adoption, and the rise and fall of this concept of "the epileptic constitution", and a consideration of the negative effects that flowed from this, permeating all areas of psychiatry, neurology and even the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

Books received for review:
The Lombards . By Neil Christie.
The Goths . By Peter Heather.
The End of Roman Britain . By Michael E. Jones.
The Huns . By Edward A. Thompson (revised by P. Heather).  相似文献   

In this article the author focuses initially on the degree of support provided by the international community to the interim administration of Afghanistan and notes that the pledges made at the Tokyo Conference do not equate to the per capita levels of funding made available for other recent emergencies. He draws attention to the inter–relationship between security and funding for reconstruction and comments that the recent decision of the US government to join with others in agreeing to finance work to upgrade the major highway system is very timely in shoring up the regime in the wake of the recent assassination attempt on Hamid Karzai. He stresses that the international community needs to provide sustained support to the new government if it is to survive. He also analyses the complex relationship between the administration and the aid community and reports on the calls by the government to be given the major part of the resources allocated by international donors and to be supported to take the lead in determining policy and strategy.
The author notes the nature of the Afghan economy and the potential for reconstruction, taking account of the economic impact of the conflict, the progress made by the aid community since 1992, the humanitarian crisis arising from the drought of 1999–2001 and the large scale, mainly involuntary, return of refugees from Pakistan and Iran since March 2002. He comments on the fact that the agricultural economy cannot support its population, on the need for economic safety valves in the form of migration to Pakistan and Iran, on the availability of camps for internally displaced people, and on urbanization. In concluding the author is both optimistic and cautious, noting the fragility of the situation, but also acknowledging that the international community is taking timely action to address it through reconstruction assistance although it remains reluctant to give sufficient priority to security provision.  相似文献   

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