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While many nationalism theorists define nationalism in terms of the desire for an independent state, empirical study shows that many nationalists make demands that not only fall short of statehood, but explicitly abjure claims to political independence. We document non‐state‐seeking nationalism with three case studies: Welsh national politics in the decades before the First World War, Catalan national politics related to the 2006 Status law, and Slovak national politics in response to Magyarization at the time of the 1867 Settlement. The phenomenon of non‐state‐seeking nationalism calls into question the utility of initial definitions in nationalism studies. Instead of imposing definitions by fiat, we argue that nationalism theorists should analyze the explicit or implicit definitions of historical actors.  相似文献   

A wide-ranging geoarchaeological approach is put forward using two case studies in northern highland Ethiopia at Aksum and in Haryana province of northwestern India where the authors are part of collaborative archaeological research projects. Geoarchaeological approaches are well placed to underpin archaeological project design and contribute to the understanding and modelling of the human ecosystem legacy. There is also the potential to use that data to both inform wider audiences of the importance of long-term land-use dynamics in shaping our landscapes today and influencing modern land-use policy and implementation.  相似文献   

文献考古方法论刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何驽 《华夏考古》2002,(1):106-111
中国的古典文献浩如烟海 ,对中国考古学研究的重大贡献和意义是公认的。然而 ,一旦触及到具体问题时 ,文献的引用与理解又往往成为考古问题争议的焦点。十多年前有关夏文化讨论以及“汤亳”等相关问题的大辩论① ,对于有关文献的使用 ,仁者见仁 ,智者见智 ,莫衷一是。这虽然是学术研究中的必然和自然现象 ,但也充分暴露出我们对于文献在考古中的应用 ,缺乏方法论式的规范化 ,导致讨论共同的问题却没有共同的认识论的平台 ,于是达成共识的可能性很小。因此 ,对于中国考古学来说 ,建立文献考古方法论是十分必要的。一、文献考古方法论的定义“…  相似文献   

STEPHEN G. RABE 《外交史》2004,28(5):785-790
U.S. Department of State . Foreign Relations of the United States , 1952 – 1954 : Guatemala . Washington, DC : U.S. Government Printing Office , 2003 . 461 pp. $ (hardcover).  相似文献   

EARLY in my study of the medieval pottery industry it became clear to me that, contrary to general belief, a reasonable body of documentary evidence bearing on the industry had survived, but that it would take some years to assemble and interpret. There is no corpus of documents from which to begin, for surviving evidence is not only scattered in a very wide variety of documents, but is also dispersed geographically in a number of local record repositories. It might seem sensible to delay publication until a larger proportion of this evidence has been studied, or at least to avoid analysis and generalization at this stage; but pottery and potters are of interest to archaeologists here and now, and there is nothing written on the industry save assemblages of unrelated facts, often strung together from widely different periods. An effort has, therefore, been made to assemble the material so far available into a coherent pattern. Since this is the first time that this has been done, the result will probably require drastic modification in a few years' time. If the interim report here presented stimulates others to prove it wrong, this paper will have achieved at least one of its purposes.1  相似文献   

This survey of the Baltic Neolithic, from Vistula to the Gulf of Finland, highlights the results of research during the last 30 years. The primary Baltic Neolithic is represented by two indigenous cultures, Narva and Nemunas. Their hunting, fishing, and gathering subsistence strategies gradually expanded to include domesticated plants and animals. The Comb-and-Pit Ornamented Pottery, Globular Amphora, Corded Ware, Bay Coast, and Boat-Axe cultures are also described. Within the Baltic Neolithic, I emphasize the origin, technology, economy, settlement, ritual, ethnic origins, and relationships among the various Neolithic populations. There is then a discussion of the origin of the Baltic linguistic group (Latvian, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian); this is associated with the appearance of the Late Neolithic Corded Ware culture, whose people integrated with local populations, leading to the development of the Bay Coast culture. Late Neolithic developments are associated with the Finno-Ugrian linguistic group in the northern Baltic.  相似文献   

<正>看过了波兰的山川与河流,便来到波兰的北部,吹一吹来自波罗的海的风。如果说华沙是厚重的,克拉科夫是历史的,那么海边的格但斯克、索波特是明媚的。在这里可以遥想当年港口的繁华,也可以探寻琥珀的秘密,或者只是纯粹的吹着海风,享受一顿美味的海鲜。格但斯克琥珀之都格但斯克明快的色彩让人很容易爱上它,空气中也洋溢着海边城市特有的轻松。这里自古以来航运就十分发达,一直都是波罗的海沿  相似文献   

古陶瓷科学技术研究在科技考古中的三例应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用多元统计分析方法研究了从杭州古中河南段采集的月白釉瓷片,浙江临安天目山地区发现的黑釉瓷片和景德镇历代青花瓷片的胎、釉化学组成和青花色料的变化规律。从而讨论了杭州古中河南段采集的瓷片可能就是凤凰山下万松林附近的修内司官窑制品;指山临安天目山地区新发现的窑群和黑釉瓷才是名副其实的天目窑和天目瓷;发现了元代以及明初洪武和永乐朝青花瓷所用的料可能是来自西域的进口料,而宣德青花瓷所用的色料多数可能是国产的粘土矿。  相似文献   

David Cameron, The Social Thought of Rousseau and Burke: A Comparative Study, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1973, pp. 242, $14.90.

Arthur Stephen McGrade, The Political Thought of William of Ockham: Personal and Institutional Principles, Cambridge University Press, 1974, pp. 269, $18.10.

Hanna Fenichel Pitkin, Wittgenstein and Justice: On the Significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political Thought, University of California Press, 1972, paperback edition, pp. 360, $4.65.  相似文献   

中国版本学及其研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李致忠 《文献》2006,(1):3-10
一、版本学的脱胎与体现 中国版本学,迄今为止主要指的还是古书版本学,晚近图书的版本研究尚没有形成强劲的气候,所以我这里谈的仍是古书版本学. 关于什么是古书版本学,叶德辉在其<书林清话>卷一"板本之名称"中有过如下议论:"近人言藏书者,分目录、板本为两种学派.大约官家之书,自<崇文总目>以下,至乾隆所修<四库全书总目>提要,是为目录之学;私家之藏,自尤袤遂初堂、明毛晋汲古阁,及康、雍、乾、嘉以来各藏书家齗齗于宋元本、旧抄,是为板本学.然二者皆兼校雠,是又为校勘之学."①这段话说得模棱两可,谁从这里也难以归纳出科学的版本学概念.但有一点值得注意,这就是他把目录、版本、校勘三者的关系联系了起来,并谓:"本朝久治,超轶宋、元,皆此三者为之根柢."这三者为何?这三者就是版本学、目录学和校勘学.这对我们探讨什么是版本学有很大的启发.  相似文献   

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