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A fundamental concern of spatial analysts is to find patterns in spatial data that lead to the identification of spatial autocorrelation or association. Further, they seek to identify peculiarities in the data set that signify that something out of the ordinary has occurred in one or more regions. In this paper we provide a statistic that tests for local spatial autocorrelation in the presence of the global autocorrelation that is characteristic of heterogeneous spatial data. After identifying the structure of global autocorrelation, we introduce a new measure that may be used to test for local structure. This new statistic Oi is asymptotically normally distributed and allows for straightforward tests of hypotheses. We provide several numerical examples that illustrate the performance of this statistic and compare it with another measure that does not account for global structure.  相似文献   

Most published measures of spatial autocorrelation (SA) can be recast as a (normalized) cross-product statistic that indexes the degree of relationship between corresponding entries from two matrices—one specifying the spatial connections among a set of n locations, and the other reflecting a very explicit definition of similarity between the set of values on some variable x realized over the n locations. We first give a very brief sketch of the basic cross-product approach to the evaluation of SA, and then generalize this strategy to include less restrictive specifications for the notion of similarity between the values on x. Using constrained multiple regression, the characterization of variate similarity basic to any assessment of SA can itself be framed according to the information present in the measure of spatial separation. These extensions obviate the inherent arbitrariness in how SA is usually evaluated, which now results from the requirement of a very restrictive definition of variate similarity before a cross-product index can be obtained.  相似文献   

Tests for differences among regional means are typically carried out by analysis of variance (ANOVA). When such data are spatially autocorrelated (SA), the assumptions of ANOVA are not met, giving rise to excessive type I error rates. Two spatially adjusted ANOVA methods, Griffith's and COCOPAN, have been proposed to overcome this problem. In this study we show, by means of extensive simulations, the magnitude of the error rates introduced by SA induced in isolation-by-distance models typical of those used in population genetics. For data suspected of exhibiting such SA, we propose a strategy for distinguishing between inherent SA, generated within the data by a contagious process, and spurious SA, introduced by regional differences in means. The approach adopted is that of restricted randomization of distance matrices. We also furnish error rates and power estimates for both Griffith's method and COCOPAN. In addition to the simulated data, the methods are applied to an actual example from plant population biology.  相似文献   

In this simulation study, regressions specified with autocorrelation effects are compared against those with relationship heterogeneity effects, and in doing so, provides guidance on their use. Regressions investigated are: (1) multiple linear regression, (2) a simultaneous autoregressive error model, and (3) geographically weighted regression. The first is nonspatial and acts as a control, the second accounts for stationary spatial autocorrelation via the error term, while the third captures spatial heterogeneity through the modeling of nonstationary relationships between the response and predictor variables. The geostatistical‐based simulation experiment generates data and coefficients with known multivariate spatial properties, all within an area‐unit spatial setting. Spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity effects are varied and accounted for. On fitting the regressions, that each have different assumptions and objectives, to very different geographical processes, valuable insights to their likely performance are uncovered. Results objectively confirm an inherent interrelationship between autocorrelation and heterogeneity, that results in an identification problem when choosing one regression over another. Given this, recommendations on the use and implementation of these spatial regressions are suggested, where knowledge of the properties of real study data and the analytical questions being posed are paramount.  相似文献   

Moran's I, a measure of spatial autocorrelation, is affected by map resolution and map scale. This study uses a geographic information system (GIS) to examine the resolution effects. Empirical distribution of wildland fires in Idyllwild, California, and hypothetical distributions of ordered patterns are analyzed. The results indicate that Moran's I increases systematically with the resolution level. The resolution effects can be summarized by a log-linear function relating the I coefficients to resolution levels. Empirical tests that compare the distribution of fire activity in a vegetation map and in a topographic map confirm the resolution effects observed.  相似文献   

Measuring Spatial Autocorrelation of Vectors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
This article introduces measures to quantify spatial autocorrelation for vectors. In contrast to scalar variables, spatial autocorrelation for vectors involves an assessment of both direction and magnitude in space. Extending conventional approaches, measures of global and local spatial associations for vectors are proposed, and the associated statistical properties and significance testing are discussed. The new measures are applied to study the spatial association of taxi movements in the city of Shanghai. Complications due to the edge effect are also examined.  相似文献   

Despite criminology's widespread application of geography, the full implications of Cliff and Ord's article have yet to be realized. In this essay the major types of spatial studies in criminology are outlined, followed by a depiction of the context of criminological research at the time the article was published. Next the major changes to the field occurring after the publication of Cliff and Ord's paper, focusing on technology advances and theory, are set out. Fortunately these changes mean the discipline is well placed to move beyond seeing the presence of spatial autocorrelation as a methodological issue that needs to be explained away.  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation (SA) is regarded as an important dimension of spatial pattern. SA measures usually consist of two components: measuring the similarity of attribute values and defining the spatial relationships among observations. The latter component is often represented by a spatial weights matrix that predefines spatial relationship between observations in most measures. Therefore, SA measures, in essence, are measures of attribute similarity, conditioned by spatial relationship. Another dimension of spatial pattern can be explored by controlling observations to be compared based upon the degree of attribute similarity. The resulting measures are spatial proximity measures of observations, meeting predefined attribute similarity criteria. Proposed measures reflect degrees of clustering or dispersion for observations meeting certain levels of attribute similarity. An existing spatial autocorrelation framework is expanded to a general framework to evaluate spatial patterns and can accommodate the proposed approach measuring proximity. Analogous to the concept of variogram, clustergram is proposed to show the levels of spatial clustering over a range of attribute similarity, or attribute lags. Specific measures based on the proposed approach are formulated and applied to a hypothetical landscape and an empirical example, showing that these new measures capture spatial pattern information not reflected by traditional spatial autocorrelation measures.  相似文献   

Machine learning (ML) is being applied in an increasing volume of geographical research. However, the aspects of spatial autocorrelation (SAC) in the residuals produced by ML models have been understudied compared to the benefit of ML, namely, reduction of prediction errors. In this study, we examined the relationship between predictive accuracy and the reduction in the residual SAC for 597 variables from 25 geographical socio-economic data sets using spatial and nonspatial cross-validation of three ML algorithms such as random forests, support vector machine, and artificial neural network (ANN) to provide an extensive empirical diagnosis—but not a definitive theory—of the relationship between SAC and ML. Our results highlighted that the ML algorithms with tuned hyperparameters yielded marginal predictive accuracy gains and the minimal decreases in residual SAC. ANN revealed lower accuracy and higher reduction in the residual SAC than others. This implies ML algorithms in geographical research in socio-economic domains would not always result in higher prediction accuracy. We suggest that ML in geographical research should be cautiously employed when the main objective is related to the residual SAC. We also showed that spatial cross-validation neither improves predictive accuracy substantially nor reduce the residual SAC effectively.  相似文献   

We review the recently developed local spatial autocorrelation statistics Ii, ci, Gi, and Gi*. We discuss two alternative randomization assumptions, total and conditional, and then newly derive expectations and variances under conditional randomization for Ii and ci, as well as under total randomization for ci. The four statistics are tested by a biological simulation model from population genetics in which a population lives on a 21 × 21 lattice of stepping stones (sixty-four individuals per stone) and reproduces and disperses over a number of generations. Some designs model global spatial autocorrelation, others spatially random surfaces. We find that spatially random designs give reliable test results by permutational methods of testing significance. Globally autocorrelated designs do not fit expectations by any of the three tests we employed. Asymptotic methods of testing significance failed consistently, regardless of design. Because most biological data sets are autocorrelated, significance testing for local spatial autocorrelation is problematic. However, the statistics are informative when employed in an exploratory manner. We found that hotspots (positive local autocorrelation) and coldspots (negative local autocorrelation) are successfully distinguished in spatially autocorrelated, biologically plausible data sets.  相似文献   

"The Problem of Spatial Autocorrelation" and Local Spatial Statistics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article examines the relationship between spatial dependency and spatial heterogeneity, two properties unique to spatial data. The property of spatial dependence has led to a large body of research into spatial autocorrelation and also, largely independently, into geostatistics. The property of spatial heterogeneity has led to a growing awareness of the limitation of global statistics and the value of local statistics and local statistical models. The article concludes with a discussion of how the two properties can be accommodated within the same modelling framework.  相似文献   

Knowing about the challenges and opportunities of spatial autocorrelation is one thing, but applying the measures to one's own data is another matter entirely. While manual computation of the measures for toy data sets is possible, applying them to small data sets required the use of computers and thus software. This article will shed some light on how the measures were and are implemented in software and on implementation issues that are still not fully resolved.  相似文献   

The statistics Gi(d) and Gi*(d), introduced in Getis and Ord (1992) for the study of local pattern in spatial data, are extended and their properties further explored. In particular, nonbinary weights are allowed and the statistics are related to Moran's autocorrelation statistic, I. The correlations between nearby values of the statistics are derived and verified by simulation. A Bonferroni criterion is used to approximate significance levels when testing extreme values from the set of statistics. An example of the use of the statistics is given using spatial-temporal data on the AIDS epidemic centering on San Francisco. Results indicate that in recent years the disease is intensifying in the counties surrounding the city.  相似文献   

A programming approach is presented for identifying the form of the weights matrix W which either minimizes or maximizes the value of Moran's spatial autocorrelation statistic for a specified vector of data values. Both nonlinear and linear programming solutions are presented. The former are necessary when the sum of the links in W is unspecified while the latter can be used if this sum is fixed. The approach is illustrated using data examined in previous studies for two variables measured for the counties of Eire. While programming solutions involving different sets of constraints are derived, all yield solutions in which the number of nonzero elements in W is considerably smaller than that in W defined using the contiguity relationships between the counties. In graph theory terms, all of the Ws derived define multicomponent graphs. Other characteristics of the derived Ws are also presented.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the robustness of various models of spatial autocorrelation through a series of Monte Carlo experiments in which each model takes a turn at the data generator. The generated data are then used to estimate all of the models. The estimated models are evaluated primarily on their predictive power.  相似文献   

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