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BeijingTibetanMedicineHospitalbyWangHongBeijing,thecapitalofthePeople′sRepublicofChina,hassince1992seentheflourishingoftheBei...  相似文献   

"Look at these precious stones!Here's some lazurite,cat's eyes,and gypsum rubrum,and over there are some raw animal products used for medicinal purposes.Of course,today,these are all more likely to be produced by humanmade alternatives.Ah!Some surgical tools!Look at this:an appliance for extracting teeth!It's said that there once was a doctor long ago who lived in the far reaches of Tibet and who knew how to perform cataract surgery.  相似文献   

On September 1st,1987,the 10th Panchen Lama decided to found the Senior Tibetan Buddhism College of China at the Yellow Temple in  相似文献   

正Tibetan medicine adheres to strict regulations and rigorous traditional medicinal theories in gathering materials and processing procedures.Before and after the medicine is made,a religious ritual must be held to enchant the medicinal materials for seven days,during which monks,pharmacists,doctors,  相似文献   

藏药业是西藏五明文化中的优秀传统文化,已被国家认定为西藏的非物质文化遗产。藏医理论孕生藏药产业的历史与文化轨迹辉煌的医史,令人掩卷概叹。藏药学与藏医术,共同承载着悠远博大的藏族医药文化,驶向未来。当16岁的文成公主满怀欣喜地捧着从山上采到的石榴花,将花与根皮捣烂后敷在松赞干布肿胀的小腿上,像是一个奇迹,松赞干布的腿肿消退,高热亦退散,完全康复。  相似文献   

History of Tibetan MedicineHistoryofTibetanMedicine¥TUBDAINPUNCOGAsearlyas10,000yearsago,peopleinTibetusedmeltedbutterwaterto...  相似文献   

藏医对于疫病的认识与现代医学的细菌病毒理论虽然大相径庭,但是却反映出在这片辽远空寂的高原上,人们集群而居思想激荡所产生的丰富润厚的文化——人们仰止高山,俯拜激流,尊养生灵,膜拜祖先,保持对自然的敬畏,倾心感激日常所得。那是二月的一个早上,我们坐在藏医院的一间空房间里,和煦的阳光从窗外洒进来,西藏仍然是那一例病例。  相似文献   

Editor's Notes: Ms Lei Jufang, the President of Qee Zheng Tibetan Medicine Group, isquite a normal but famous female in the Tibet Autonomous Region. She made the traditional Tibetan Medicine modernization and created a myth, Qee Zheng. Here is an interview with her by China's Tibet magazine's reporter.  相似文献   

The 6th Beijing International Seminar on Tibetan Studies held in Beijing from August 2nd-4th,2016,was convened by the China Association for Protection and Development of Tibetan Culture,the China Tibetology Research Center (CTRC),and the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences (TASS),TAR.In total,325 scholars attended the seminar,among whom 216 were Chinese and 109 were from abroad.The seminar received 416 papers and selected 308.  相似文献   

ThestatueofYutogYundainGongbu,forefatherofTibetanmedicine,standsinthemiddleoftheofficebuildingoftheTibetanMedicineCollege.CoruCenam,afamousTibetologist,BuddhistandTibetanmedicineexpert,isthepresident,andQambaChilie,whopresidedoveritsestablishment,servesas…  相似文献   

今年是伟大的蒙古族作家尹湛纳希诞辰170周年.11月3日,由辽宁省民族事务委员会、省文史研究馆、辽宁社会科学院主办,辽宁民族出版社、辽宁蒙古族经济文化促进会、尹湛纳希研究会协办的"纪念尹湛纳希诞辰170周年"会议在沈阳举行.  相似文献   

1999 marks the three hundred and fifieth anniversary of the publication of Descrates' final work: Les Passions de l'Ame. This short paper commemorates that event and discusses the circumstances contributing to its origin and the questions which it still raises for neuropsychology three hundred and fifty years later.  相似文献   

药浴法植根于藏族人民的沐浴传统和苯教净身仪轨,深受藏传佛教信仰观念的影响,既体现了各地长期使用温泉浴身、防病、疗疾的民间经验,也是以《四部医典》为代表的传统藏医理论在当代健康实践中的继承和发展。藏医学(索瓦日巴)与药浴法藏医学索瓦日巴(意为“调养的知识体系”)起源和根植于西藏优秀传统文化之中的特色医药,是藏族传统文化“大五明”中的医方明,是重要的国家非物质文化遗产,是中华民族传统医药学和优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,以3800多年的悠久历史屹立于民族医学史的丛林中。  相似文献   

Tibetanshadgainedsomeunderstandingofembryologybythe8thcentury.TheFour-VolumeMedicalCode,writtenbyYutogNyingmaYundainGunbu,themostfamousTibetanmedicinepractitionerintheTibetanhistory,declaredtheembryocouldsurviveandgrowmainlybecauseofthenutrientssuppliedbythemotherthroughtheumbilicalcord.Theumbilicalcordandembryomaintainarelationshipjustlikethatbetweenapool,ditchandcrops.Themotherislikethepool,theumbilicalcordistheditch,andembryoisthecrops.Waterischanneledfromthepool(mother)tothecropfields…  相似文献   

李梅 《收藏家》2010,(10):9-16
《考古中华》展是建国以来考古界的重要展览,集中呈现社科院考古所六十年来考古重大成果。本刊已刊发该展报道概况,我们又约请首都博物馆李梅女士,从展览的角度,对该展展品作深度解读,并借此回顾新中国考古发掘与研究走过的发展历程。  相似文献   

This article seeks to show that the usual accounts of the founding of the Edinburgh Medical Faculty in 1726 give undue prominence to John Monro, an Edinburgh surgeon, and to George Drummond, later Lord Provost of Edinburgh. They do so because their authors have ignored the ways in which patronage appointments, such as medical professorships, were and had been dispensed in the city of Edinburgh and in its university. There the Town Council was only nominally independent when it came to making professors. Medical historians have been equally cavalier in their treatment of the roles of leading politicians, especially of Archibald Campbell, first Earl of Ilay and later third Duke of Argyll, who was the most important Scottish politician working between c. 1716 and his death inl 1761. A more realistic view of the history of Scottish medicine would not ignore the realities of politics and the relation of these to institutions, such as the Edinburgh Medical Faculty.  相似文献   

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