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Within the context of the war on poverty and an acknowledgement of the wider global phenomenon of a ‘post-industrial society’, the Australian Labor Party under Gough Whitlam sought out a range of reforming and innovative social policy programs. This article explores the origins of one such program, the Australian Assistance Plan (AAP), and its connections, similarities and differences to the Canada Assistance Plan. Drawing on extensive archival and oral history sources, it offers a comparative analysis of both national programs, then outlines how international social planning and community development ideas, especially from Canada, infused the AAP and its predecessor, the Geelong Experiment.  相似文献   


This study challenges a prevalent view that Aquinas's political thought develops over time on the question of legitimate resistance to tyranny. Many scholars argue that Aquinas gradually restricts the scope of legitimate political resistance and morally permissible tyrannicide. On this view Aquinas defends tyrannicide in his early Commentary on the Sentences, adds strong qualifications in the Summa Theologiae, and finally repudiates tyrannicide in De Regno. This study finds the evidence for such a development lacking and seeks to rehabilitate a long and diverse Thomistic tradition of legitimate resistance including tyrannicide. Indeed, a close reading of De Regno shows that Aquinas upholds a doctrine of political resistance and defends the legitimacy of tyrannicide under certain circumstances. Moreover, Aquinas's doctrine of political resistance is wide open and underdeveloped. Later attempts to clarify and qualify Aquinas's doctrine of political resistance, therefore, are appropriate and even necessary.  相似文献   

Renewed research interest in the origins of pottery has illuminated an array of possible precipitating causes and environmental contexts in which pottery began to be made and used. This article is an attempt at synthesizing some of these data in hopes of stimulating further research into this intriguing topic. Following a review of theories on the origins of pottery, discussion proceeds to a survey of geographic and cultural contexts of low-fired or unfired pottery, highlighting the role(s) of pottery among contemporary hunter-gatherers and summarizing data pertaining to varied uses of pottery containers. It is argued that objects of unfired and low-fired clay were created as part of early prestige technologies of material representations beginning in the Upper Paleolithic and are part of an early software horizon. Clay began to be more widely manipulated by nonsedentary, complex hunter-gatherers in the very Late Pleistocene and early Holocene in areas of resource abundance, especially in tropical/subtropical coastal/riverine zones, as part of more general processes of resource and social intensification (such as competitive feasting or communal ritual). Knowledge of making and using pottery containers spread widely as prestige technology and as practical technology, the kind and timing of its adoption or reinvention varying from location to location depending on specific needs and circumstances.  相似文献   

叶民  王敦书 《世界历史》2001,3(5):96-102
伊达拉里亚人(Etrusci)这一古老民族,大约从公元前8世纪中期起居住在意大利半岛北起阿诺河(Amo)、南至台波河(Tiber)、西到第勒尼安海(Mare Tyrrhennum)、东邻翁布里亚(Um.bria)地区,这一地区被称为伊达拉里亚(Etruria)。公元前7至前6世纪伊达拉里亚人势力最为强盛,他们从意大利半岛扩展到北至波河平原,南达康帕尼亚地区,  相似文献   

罗马平民起源问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡玉娟 《世界历史》2001,35(1):69-77
在罗马早期史研究中,平民(Plebs)的起源问题是一个难点。自19世纪以来,西方学术界一直存在着各种不同的意见和争论。围绕“罗马平民最初是否属于罗马共同体的成员”这个问题,一些学认为,罗马平民主要来自王政时代被征服地区的移民,对于以“罗马人民”  相似文献   

试论美国工业化的起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术界对于美国工业化起源的一般说法是:由于拿破仑战争的影响和向西部的开拓带来东部农业和商业的衰退,引起商业资本向制造业转移.本文在借鉴原工业化理论的基础上试图指出:美国从奠基时代开始,就与世界上最先进的国家站在了同一个起跑线上.建国以后,它在殖民地时期所奠定的工场手工业的基础上,又积极借鉴英国的先进技术,利用东部繁荣的农业所带来的旺盛的市场需求,结合当地的实际情况,走上了一条越来越远离英国的工业化发展道路.  相似文献   

This Special Issue presents issues in contemporary archaeological theory and practice as influenced by the work of H. Martin Wobst. Wobst came to study in the U.S. nearly 50 years ago and has contributed to many changes in the theory and practice of archaeology since then. Though the papers cover a wide range of topics they share common interests in seeing materiality as constitutive of culture, archaeologists as participants in the present as well as observers of the past, and an interest in transcending traditional definitions of archaeological research.  相似文献   

篦纹是裴李岗文化最显著的特点之一。它的产生、发展以及与周边文化的关系,是考古学界所关注的问题之一。根据篦纹在中国的时空分布,其渊源应当是裴李岗文化。它随着裴李岗文化的衰亡而在中原消失,却在中国的南、北方的广大地区得到充分发展,并且距中原愈远则时代也愈晚。  相似文献   

王青 《中原文物》2005,(3):14-21
本文是笔者在访问英国伦敦期间收集、阅读西方学者有关文明起源方面论著的心得体会,包括介绍Robert J.Wenke、John H.Bodley、Gina L.Barnes、Stephan Seidlmayer和Sarah Allan等学者的论著,并结合我国学者的研究认为,西方关于中国和埃及文明起源研究以及我国青铜器研究的一些观点对于国内相关问题的研究有重要的借鉴和推动作用,也在很大程度上开阔了相关研究领域的视野.  相似文献   

The post‐development school associated with the thought of Arturo Escobar treats development as a discursive invention of the West, best countered by ethnographic attention to local knowledge of people marginalised by colonial modernity. This approach promises paths to more equitable and sustainable alternatives to development. Post‐development has been criticised vigorously in the past. But despite its conceptual and political shortcomings, it remains the most popular critical approach to development and is reemerging in decolonial and pluriversal guises. This paper contends that the post‐development critique of mainstream development has run its course and deserves a fresh round of criticism. We argue that those committed to struggles for social justice must critically reassess the premises of post‐development and especially wrestle with the problem of representation. We contend that Gayatri Spivak's work is particularly important to this project. We review some of Spivak's key texts on capitalism, difference, and development to clarify the virtues of her approach.  相似文献   

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