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This note describes a simple and inexpensive method for the extraction and counting of opal phytoliths from archaeological and Quaternary sediments.  相似文献   

The most common grass phytoliths from “Zambezian” miombos are described here for the first time. Their potential for long term preservation in sediments makes them a useful tool in the reconstruction of ancient plant communities and plant/human interactions. We processed 60 plant samples (26 identified genera and species), with an average of 300 phytoliths counted per sample to a total of 18,586. Forty-seven morphotypes were described as per the International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature, with exceptions, including forty-five discreet shapes and two articulated forms, which can be used as comparative reference materials. We conducted three forms of statistical analyses: Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Principal Component Analysis. The highest biomineral content was recorded among the Bambuseae and Paniceae, while the lowest silica production is detected in the Cynodonteae tribe. Typologically, the subfamily Panicoideae yielded 50% of the types reported here, 32% are from the Chloridoideae, 12% from the Bambusoideae, and 8% from the Arundinoideae sensu lato. Overall, the idealized Zambezian Poaceae phytolith spectrum is dominated by a small subset of Poaceae short cells, which include five morphotypes conventionally associated with Panicoid grasses (Bilobate concave outer margin long shaft, Bilobate concave outer margin short shaft, Bilobate convex outer margin long shaft, Bilobate convex outer margin short shaft, Cross), one morphotype commonly seen in Chloridoid taxa (saddle), and two types that appear across subfamily boundaries (tower, tower horned). The next logical step to take in regional phytolith research is the account of phytoliths deposited in soils underneath living plants, for they represent the interface between existing vegetation communities and the inevitably distorted fossil assemblages that the paleobotanist uses for environmental reconstruction.  相似文献   

Opaline phytoliths are important microfossils used in archaeological and ecological research. Relatively little is known about the stability of phytoliths after burial. Under alkaline pH conditions they can dissolve, and mechanical disturbances can cause a loss of their more delicate appendages. Here we present an experimental study of phytolith stability (combination of solubility and abrasion). Modern and fossil phytoliths were extracted from wheat using new methods to minimize dissolution, and by burning in an oven. These assemblages were placed in a solution buffered to pH 10 and maintained under constant temperature and shaking conditions. The silicon concentrations in the solution were monitored once a week for 5 weeks. The phytolith morphologies in each assemblage were determined at the outset of the experiment and after 5 weeks. The results show that there are differences in stability between various assemblages. Modern inflorescence wheat phytolith assemblages are more unstable than those from leaves/stems. Burnt assemblages are less stable than unburnt assemblages, and a fossil phytolith assemblage about 3000 years old is more stable than the modern wheat assemblages. The results also show that individual phytolith morphotypes have different stabilities, and as a result of dissolution and abrasion, some morphotypes may resemble others. This study further shows that archaeological and/or paleo-environmental interpretation of phytolith assemblages may change with the assemblage’s state of preservation.  相似文献   

Durum wheat plants grown under optimum irrigation conditions in Jordan were processed in three different ways: 1) using a dry ashing method, 2) using acid extraction and 3) using both these methods, first dry ashing and then acid extraction. The aim was to determine if the laboratory processing method employed has an impact on the number of conjoined phytoliths recovered. This is important because it has been proposed that the number of conjoined phytoliths, or multi cells, can be an indication of water availability in arid and semi-arid regions (Rosen and Weiner 1994). The results showed that the processing method does have an impact on the resulting assemblage, with dry ashing producing a greater number of multi-cells than acid extraction. It is proposed that either the more violent oxidation of organic matter during acid extraction causes the breakup of conjoined phytoliths, or that the silica dehydrates during dry ashing resulting in a slight fusion between the individual phytoliths and hence more conjoined forms.  相似文献   

Archaeologists use survey artifacts to study any number of interesting topics. The focus of this study is to test the usefulness of starch grains and phytoliths found on artifacts recovered during archaeological survey. Phytolith and starch grain analysis was used to determine the level of environmental contamination on three types of medieval ceramics collected during survey work from plowed fields in the parish of Wicken, Northamptonshire, England. The plant residues found on these artifacts were compared with their surrounding soil and with contemporaneous excavated artifacts recovered from under the floorboards of a medieval house in nearby Wyton, Cambridgeshire, England. Through the use of the “piggyback” approach pioneered by Chandler-Ezell and Pearsall, phytoliths and starch grains were systematically removed from the artifacts surface. Residues associated with contamination were removed from the outermost layer of the artifact surface while potentially uncontaminated residues were removed from the innermost layer of the artifact surface. Matching phytoliths and starch grains were found on the outermost surface of the survey artifacts and in the surrounding soils. No phytoliths and starch grains were found on the innermost surface of the survey artifacts suggesting that residues from the surrounding soils did not penetrate into the pores and crevices of the artifacts. The overall results suggest that, although they are preliminary, there is potential for plant residue analysis of survey artifacts.  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological and archaeobotanical techniques are increasingly applied to the study of urban and domestic space. However, they are seldom performed as part of an integrative approach, where the soil and botanical micro-records are used together. This paper presents the preliminary results of ongoing research at Songo Mnara in Tanzania that combines customised intra-site soil macro- and micromorphological analyses, chemical analysis and the study of phytoliths. The research is part of a multidisciplinary project on the use of urban space in Swahili stonetowns. By eliciting multiple datasets from Songo Mnara, this paper illustrates the potential of integrating geoarchaeology and archaeobotany to investigate the use of space in urban contexts. The approach is a novelty within the context of Swahili archaeology and an emerging one in Africa.  相似文献   

Presented is a combined procedure for recovering phytoliths and starch residues from soils, sedimentary deposits and similar materials. It is designed to be reliable, simple and time efficient, and is outlined in detail and summary as a practical, step-by-step method. It has been carried out successfully on many types of soils and other deposits, including clays, silts and sands; waterlogged, porous, peaty, volcanic and coralline soils; and sediment cores and coprolites from a range of environmental settings in both tropical and temperate climates. Mounting phytoliths and starch residues on slides for microscopy is included.  相似文献   

Day, Michael H. Guide to Fossil Man. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. vi + 432 pp. including maps, tables, photographs, chapter references, glossary, and index. $37.50 cloth.

Hillson, Simon. Teeth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. v + 376 pp. including tables, illustrations, bibliography, appendices, and index. $44.50 cloth.  相似文献   

The presence of phytoliths derived from motor cells of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in archaeological sites could provide strong evidence for cultivation of rice in ancient times. The shape of phytoliths is now considered an effective criterion for determining subspecies of ancient rice. To understand the molecular genetic basis of determining subspecies of ancient rice based on the shape of phytoliths, and to analyze the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling the shape of the silica body, which is the predecessor of phytoliths, we used 68 recombination inbred lines (RIL) from progeny of a combination of a cross between japonica variety, Asominori and indica variety, IR24. Knowledge of the positions of QTLs for the shape of the silica body would contribute to the study on the differentiation and evolution of rice at the molecular level. A total of 16 QTLs associated with the shape of the silica body were detected. Of these, five QTLs for vertical length of the silica body were mapped to chromosome 2, 3, 4, 8 (two QTLs) and accounted for 7.1–10.7% of the total phenotypic variation. Six QTLs for the horizontal length were detected on chromosome 1, 2, 3, 4 (two QTLS), 8 and accounted for 8.1–10.7% of the total phenotypic variation. Five QTLs controlling the lateral length on chromosome 1 (two QTLs), 2, 11 (two QTLs) were detected and explained 7.3–8.6% of the phenotypic variation. The genetic linkage relationships between QTLs for the shape of the silica body and taxonomic traits for classifying subspecies of rice showed feasibility of classifying subspecies of rice based on the shape of phytoliths in archaeological sites.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether the fibula, which is one of the least studied long bones, can provide reliable information for sexing of human bones, provided that one condition is satisfied, namely, its distal end is available for measurement. The materials consisted of the dried fibulae of 71 Japanese males and 35 females whose names, ages and sex were known. The distal end of the fibula was measured with respect to five novel dimensions that are closely related to the soft tissues that had been attached to the bone surface. Highly significant sex differences were found when all parameters examined were considered together. The differences for separate items were not, however, sufficient for sex discrimination. Discriminant analysis was performed using the five parameters and yielded the correct sex with 90. 6 per cent accuracy for the entire group of specimens. This degree of accuracy suggests the utility of the present method for sexing human bones, in particular, in osteoarchaeological situations.  相似文献   

Our previous analysis of phytolith content of coprolites showed that calcium oxalate phytoliths from desert food plants caused dental microwear among prehistoric Texas hunter-gatherers. We demonstrated that phytoliths from desert succulents were ubiquitous and abundant in hunter-gatherer coprolites. We found that calcium oxalate phytoliths were harder than human dental enamel. We concluded that phytoliths from desert succulent plants caused dental microwear and hypothesized that such dental microwear would be common in other desert hunter-gatherer and horticultural peoples. Presented here are further analyses of phytoliths from coprolites. Two additional hunter-gatherer sites and three Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi) horticultural sites are included in this study. Calcium oxalate phytoliths are ubiquitous in coprolites from hunter-gatherer sites in the Mojave Desert and the Colorado Plateau. For the three Ancestral Pueblo sites, calcium oxalate phytoliths from desert succulents (agave family and cactus family) are the most common types of phytoliths encountered. However, silica phytoliths are also present in Ancestral Pueblo coprolites. The data demonstrate that phytoliths from non-cultivated desert plants were a source of dental microwear for the pre-maize Archaic hunter-gatherer bands and maize-reliant Ancestral Pueblo villages.  相似文献   

马家塬战国墓地是研究西戎文化以及秦戎文化交流的重要考古遗址。在M21墓葬发现了一些附着于铁器表面的矿化纺织品残片。这些矿物外壳保留了比较完整的纺织品形态,是研究早期纺织技术的宝贵资料。为此,本研究采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术(HPLC-MS)对矿物纺织品残片的纤维原料进行了鉴定与分析:1)矿物外壳内部的纤维空洞结构形态与桑蚕丝的纤维形态特征相同;2)样品中检出了3组蚕丝蛋白的特征多肽片段。研究结果表明,M21墓葬中的纺织品残片的原料为蚕丝纤维(Bombyx mori)。丝绸的发现表明中原的丝绸成品或者纤维原料已经进入西戎地区,西戎与中原文明的交流更加密切。使用丝绸包裹铁器则表明西戎文化已经受到了一些中原风俗的影响。这一发现填补了马家塬遗址中纺织品研究的空白,不仅为研究秦戎地区的织造工艺和文化交流提供了重要资料,也为矿化纺织遗存中的桑蚕丝残留的鉴定提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

We present results of phytolith analysis of deposits from three prehistoric settlement sites in Vanuatu: the small islands of Vao and Uripiv off the north east coast of the main island of Malekula and at Mafilau on the west coast of Epi Island. Samples from Vao Island coarsely encompass the period from Lapita times (c. 3000 BP) to the present. The data from this site suggest deforestation by people, with a decrease in palms and increase in grasses. The data from the three sites show evidence of an introduced cultigen during different prehistoric periods. Banana (Musa) phytoliths were found in one recent Vao layer (500 BP-present) and in Mafilau layers, the latter representing the immediate post-Lapita period (c. 2800–2500 BP). This phytolith type was also found at Uripiv in Lapita layers (c. 3000–2700 BP). Banana phytoliths are diagnostic so their presence in archaeological deposits in Remote Oceania, outside their natural distribution, provides secure evidence of cultivation. This demonstrates the potential of this line of evidence for identifying both the cultigens transported by early colonists and subsequent plant introductions. The data provide the first direct evidence of banana cultivation at a Lapita site in Remote Oceania and support the contention that horticulture was an integral part of the Lapita Cultural Complex.  相似文献   

This paper tests the feasibility of applying a technique developed by Piperno and Pearsall (Am. Antiquity 49 (1984) 361; Phytolith Analysis: An Archaelolgical and Geological Perspective, 1988, Academic Press: San Diego; Paleoethnobotany, 2000, Academic Press: San Diego) based on size and three-dimensional morphology criteria of cross-shaped phytoliths to identify maize in a previously unexplored region outside of the Neotropics; the grasslands of southeastern Uruguay. Because the area is dominated by subtropical Panicoid grasses that produce abundant cross-shaped phytoliths, intensive studies of the regional Panicoid grasses are needed to ensure that no wild taxa have phytoliths that are potentially confusable with maize. With this in mind, I carried out analysis of cross-shaped phytoliths in 35 Panicoid, 5 Oryzoid and 1 Bambusoid grasses, as well as on nine modern soil samples that belong to the most representative vegetation formations of the area. This study demonstrates that an application of multivariate (linear discriminant function) analysis together with qualitative and other assessments of cross-shaped phytolith assemblages as originally described by Piperno and Pearsall can be successfully used to distinguish the presence of maize in the grasslands of southeastern Uruguay. The technique provides a useful tool to trace the dispersal of maize into the southern cone of South America.  相似文献   

Fouille et identification du baleinier Day Dawn (Australie Occidentale) mike McCarthy Cette étude illustre un nouveau procédé permettant de relever les contours intérieurs et extérieurs d'un bateau. Cette méthode a été appliquée sur un bateau construit en 1851 et naufragé sur la côte ouest d'Australie.  相似文献   

Rice cultivation in parts of the Yangtze valley, eastern China, is thought to date to at least the early Holocene. Using phytolith analysis, sediments from an exposed profile at Qingpu in the lower Yangtze were examined in detail in order to contribute to the growing body of information relating to the history of rice agriculture in the Yangtze delta area. The presence of phytoliths from domesticated rice, Oryza sativa, indicates that rice agriculture was well developed at Qingpu by ca. 2350 BP and may have increased in intensity from ca. 2100 BP. Rice cultivation at Qingpu was comparatively late in relation to other areas in the Yangtze valley, possibly due to the seasonal intrusion of saline waters, while the cultivation of wild rice remained a prominent feature of food production in the area to at least as late as ca. 1800 BP. Results presented here support the existence of a period of overlap, during which both wild and domesticated forms of rice were cultivated, rather than a linear transition from wild to domesticated rice cultivation and the possible influence of environmental factors over farming in an area subjected to frequent flooding.  相似文献   

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