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一、引言 对古人类技术、行为和生存模式的研究是旧石器时代考古学的范畴.这一学科通过对埋藏于地下的古人类生产与生存活动所遗留下来的遗物、遗迹及其空间分布关系的发掘与研究.探讨人类对特定环境的适应方式、所占有的食物和生活资源的种类及获得的方法和途径、其活动区域的大小及其对土地的开发利用方式、以及与其它生物的相互依存关系①.  相似文献   

This essay builds on work that is exploring the convergence of economic and cultural approaches to understanding imperialism through an examination of the particular case of American commercial expansion in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Based on my archival research into the promotional and practical strategies of five of the largest American companies that were international in sales, I suggest some of the ways that an analysis of commercial imperial representations of, and knowledges about, race, gender and civilization adds to our understanding of the multiplicity of imperialisms. I argue that examining these multiplicities can help contribute to a critical postcolonial perspective.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between dietary patterns and social structure in a pre-industrial mining community in Salberget, Sweden c. 1470 to 1600 A.D. using a combination of different research approaches and tools, including archaeology, osteology, bone chemistry and history. The correlation between demographic criteria (sex and age) and archaeological variables (burial type and burial location) shows that Salberget was a highly stratified community. Group diets were investigated through analyses of stable isotopes (carbon, δ 13C, and nitrogen, δ 15N) of bone collagen from a sub-sample of individuals buried at the site (n = 67), interpreted alongside data from human dental lesions and deficiencies, animal bone waste and information on eating habits extracted from the extensive historical documents regarding mining activities at Salberget. These integrated analyses provide a clear association between social status and diet and confirm that social status, and to a lesser extent sex, gender and age, likely governed food choice and opportunity in this diverse community.  相似文献   

馆藏文物中的书画、古籍、档案、纺织品和竹木漆器等有机质文物,常常受到霉菌的破坏。为了解文物库房有机质文物中霉菌病害现状,寻找适合的防治方法,利用显微形态观察和分子生物学方法,对四个库房内文物材料与囊匣上滋生的霉菌进行采样、培养、分离和鉴定。实验分离出的14株菌株通过形态观察和分子生物学鉴定为6个属,包括毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)、畸枝霉属(Malbranchea)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、派伦霉属(Peyronellaea)和枝孢属(Cladosporium)等,其中毛壳菌属数量最多,曲霉属次之,多数为能对文物产生危害的常见菌种,亟待采取有效防治措施。实验结果可为今后霉菌的防治工作提供依据。  相似文献   

The Eusebius Gallicanus sermons reveal the congruity in late antique Gaul between the models of pastoral care for monks and lay Christians. For these Gallic clergy, there was little antagonism between monastery and world. Preachers to both audiences share a common central concern with the defence of community and in this respect they differ from some of their contemporaries. The sermon collection demonstrates that the ascetic world in Gaul was far from monolithic and that pastoral care could be highly individualised and responsive to the demands of local communities.  相似文献   

Research concerning the Niah Caves located in Sarawak, Borneo, has demonstrated human occupation of south-east Asia from c. 50,000 years ago until the present. Elaborate paintings, believed to date from the first millennium AD, in which a red colouration predominates, occur in an adjacent cave system. Analysis of the paint revealed it to be comparable with a red resin produced by a native leguminous tree and a resin produced by trees in Australia where caves containing predominantly red paintings are also to be found. Potential cultural/technological linkages between Sarawak and Australia are suggested. Our findings additionally contribute to evidence for the antiquity and complexity of rain forest management in south-east Asia.  相似文献   

Analyses of fluted point technology and Paleoindian technological risk have contributed to our understanding of human adaptation across North America in the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. However, poor chronological control has dissuaded similar studies of fluted points found in Alaska and northern Yukon and our understanding of their adaptive role in early arctic adaptations remains unclear. Two new archeological sites have provided reliable radiocarbon data and for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of northern fluted points is possible. Here, technological and morphological analyses of northern fluted points are presented, including variables statistically evaluated and compared to a collection of fluted Folsom artifacts serving as a reference. Variation in tool shape was measured using geometric morphometrics, and a new approach to landmark placement designed to characterize basal morphology and allow the analysis to include tool fragments is presented. Results confirm that northern fluted points represent a cohesive technological strategy and are used to formulate hypotheses suggesting its service as a risk-management system promoting ease-of-replacement-after-failure to offset transport costs and reduce risk during long-distance travel.  相似文献   

Esquilleu cave site has provided a moderately well preserved archaeological cave deposit from the Late Pleistocene in the Cantabrian area. Phytolith quantification, identification and determination of the refractive index have been carried out, together with FTIR analyses, from sediment samples collected in the profile. The comparison of the data obtained with the previous micromorphological results allows us to make inferences about the site formation processes and the Neanderthals use of the cave. Phytolith results show the presence of grass leaves nearby the hearth suggesting the repetitive existence of a bedding zone on the same area. Neanderthal behavioral patterns should be revised on the light of high resolution analyses, since diagenetic processes can obscure the existence of differentiated activity areas in the site.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Examinations of the imposition of colonial ideologies actualized through the mechanism of plantation, or enforced settlement, in Ireland often highlight plantation as a stark process that was founded upon, and thus fully accommodated to, a fully-fledged version of mercantile capitalism. Yet on the ground, engagements between peoples reveal that ideologies were incompletely applied, plantation plans seldom realized and new economic formulations incompletely rendered. On close examination, seemingly incompatible economic structures (Gaelic, Old English and incoming plantation) emerge as capable of mutation and accommodation, thus forcing a reconsideration of the rigid interpretations of the rise of capitalism in the early modern Atlantic that has typified scholarship in historical archaeology. The gaps between rhetoric and reality are considered, and a case made for how a more nuanced consideration of the intersections of culturally disparate political economies can yield a deeper understanding of colonial encounters and colonial settings.  相似文献   


Populism and media-enhanced polarisation are reinforcing the declining trust in public institutions. These forces also undermine the perceived legitimacy of using expertise and evidence in highly contested policy areas. Expertise has been decried as elitist, or serving vested interests, or ineffective in tackling real-life problems. We argue that applying relevant expertise to public policy problems remains essential. However, this use of expertise must be situated within improved democratic decision-making and governance arrangements. Good policy governance requires not only using best available knowledge, but also strengthening civic trust and legitimacy, through fair and open processes. We also explore the continuing critical role of senior public servants in strengthening deliberative processes and in enhancing the flows of knowledge.  相似文献   

Archaeological leather samples recovered from the ice field at the Schnidejoch Pass (altitude 2756 m amsl) in the western Swiss Alps were studied using optical, chemical molecular and isotopic (δ13C and δ15N of the bulk leather, and compound-specific δ13C analyses of the organic-solvent extracted fatty acids) methods to obtain insight into the origin of the leather and ancient tanning procedures. For comparison, leathers from modern native animals in alpine environment (red deer, goat, sheep, chamois, and calf/cow) were analyzed using the same approach. Optical and electron microscopically comparisons of Schnidejoch and modern leathers showed that the gross structure (pattern of collagen fibrils and intra-fibrils material) of archaeological leather had survived essentially intact for five millennia. The SEM studies of the hairs from the most important archaeological find, a Neolithic leather legging, show a wave structure of the hair cuticle, which is a diagnostic feature for goatskins. The variations of the bulk δ13C and δ15N values, and δ13C values of the main fatty acids are within the range expected for pre-industrial temperate C3 environment. The archaeological leather samples contain a mixture of indigenous (from the animal) and exogenous plant/animal lipids. An important amount of waxy n-alkanes, n-alkan-1-ols and phytosterols (β-sitosterol, sitostanol) in all samples, and abundant biomarker of conifers (nonacosan-10-ol) in the legging leathers clearly indicate that the Neolithic people were active in a subalpine coniferous forest, and that they used an aqueous extract of diverse plant material for tanning leather.  相似文献   

为掌握宁波"小白礁Ⅰ号"古沉船船体结构的状况,以及为该沉船的后续保护提供科学依据,本研究利用光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术,在显微和亚显微水平上观察了该沉船部分木质文物的组织和细胞结构。观察分析发现,对该沉船木质文物有较大影响的微生物主要是侵蚀细菌(Erosion bacteria,EB)和钻管细菌(Tunneling bacteria,TB);借助文献提供的标准,评估了该沉船不同部位木质文物的结构现状及不同备检样品中的细菌的侵蚀程度。评价结果表明沉船木质文物的侵蚀情况从轻度到完全损坏程度不同。本研究也分析了导致木质文物损伤程度差异的原因,并根据分析结果就该沉船木质文物保护涉及的生物学问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the structure of politically complex societies in the north‐east of the Iberian Peninsula during the first millennium BC, using the Lower Ebro region as an example. Drawing on data provided in recent years by archaeological research, we discuss the combination of territorially hierarchical and heterarchical phenomena. At the same time we reassess the chronological framework in which this sociopolitical process took place. To do so, we rely more on information about the evolution of the protohistoric societies in the region under study than on information about material culture. We present a model that may serve as a starting point for future research.  相似文献   

This article opens up a neglected source-base for the study of late medieval England: royal writs under the privy seal to the chief justice of the King’s Bench ordering a halt to legal proceedings. These writs gave the king a greater degree of flexibility than simply pardoning someone, including allowing him the option of reopening cases. This article demonstrates the value of this neglected instrument of royal power by placing one example in a broader context. The case study focuses on a writ sent by Henry VII to his chief justice halting the case against John Hale, a yeoman, who was in the contingent of John de Vere, earl of Oxford, in the lead up to the Battle of Stoke. It illuminates the nature of kingship and good lordship in late medieval England, showing how the two ideas could interact for the benefit of king, lord and servant.  相似文献   

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