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Shells of the rock murex, Trunculariopsis trunculus (Linné, 1758), used in the purple dye industry in ancient maritime civilizations, have been found in archaeological sites along the coasts of Israel. Some of these shells bear drilled holes. Biological study revealed that such holes were probably drilled by cannibalistic conspecifics, but only under artificial conditions. This indicates that the ancients may have maintained these snails alive in captivity until they accumulated a sufficient quantity of fresh snails for their dye industry.  相似文献   

Using N-h profiles, critical frequency data, and the AE index, we find that daytime positive storm effects at middle latitudes are caused by uplifting of ionization and lag the onset of substorm activity by about 2.5 h. Since the increase in electron concentration lags the increase in layer height by about one hour, the perturbation responsible for positive storm effects should propagate with a high velocity (~500 m/s) from high to lower latitudes. Travelling atmospheric disturbances are offered as a possible explanation for short and medium duration events. A model calculation of the ionospheric response to such a perturbation supports our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Using long-term ionosonde measurements in mid-latitudes (Juliusruh: 54.6°N, 13.4°E; 1957–1990), the first experimental hints of a decrease of the peak height of the ionospheric F2-layer were found. In contrast to that the long-term variations of the peak electron densities in the F2-layer, as well as the E-layer, are small. These results qualitatively agree with the predictions of Rishbeth [(1990) Planet. Space Sci.38, 945] who expected a lowering of the E- and F2-layer caused by a global cooling of the strato, meso- and thermosphere due to the increasing greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Although trephination of sub-adults in antiquity is rare, scurvy both infantile and adult, is even more rare in the archaeological record. Pathological changes appearing in the maxilla, mandible and orbits of a child of 8–9 years of age are highly suggestive of infantile scurvy. Advanced forms of this metabolic disturbance lead to severe subperiosteal haemorrhaging, at times turning the skin of the face and skull black. This condition may have led to the trephination along the sagittal suture as a form of blood letting in hopes of draining the subperiosteal haemorrhage in the cranium. Although cause and effect are often confusing in antiquity, the surgical intervention presented here led to the ultimate death of the child.  相似文献   

The author "attempts to examine the stable conditions of regional population under a zero natural growth rate in the context of a certain general class of [population-dependent] nonlinear migration models." Theorems regarding the stable state conditions of the migration models are presented. The parameters of the gravity migration model are then estimated empirically using data on Japanese inter-prefectural migration flows in 1966, 1970, and 1975. The possibility of achieving the stable state in Japan is discussed  相似文献   

The dispersion relation for whistler-mode waves in the presence of an idealised beam of energetic electrons that is moving either parallel or antiparallel to the gyroresonant electrons is analysed. The dependence of the real part of the dispersion relation on the velocity of the beam is shown to be responsible for an additional growth rate, for the beam antiparallel to the gyroresonant electrons, or for a reduced growth rate for the parallel condition. The effect could be important in explaining some features of VLF emissions such as hiss which propagate through the magnetosphere in the opposite direction to the gyroresonant electrons.  相似文献   

VLF emissions produced by a gyro-resonant interaction in the presence of a bi-Maxwellian plasma penetrated by a current have been studied. The results obtained show that field-aligned currents reduce the growth rate due to temperature anisotropy. This phenomenon is analysed theoretically to assess the effect of Birkeland currents on very low frequency (VLF) emissions occurring in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

A range of archaeological and palaeoclimatic studies use isotopic analyses of ungulate hypsodont tooth enamel. Such studies commonly assume a constant growth rate, though this has not been fully tested. Here, we use stable isotope analyses of sequential enamel samples to study horse tooth growth. We fit the data using models corresponding to constant and exponentially decreasing rates of growth, and compare the results to metrical data showing the geometry and timing of apposition. The results indicate enamel apposition and maturation advances at an exponentially decreasing rate. An understanding of this variable growth rate is crucial for interpreting isotopic data from equid teeth.  相似文献   

One of the significant developments in the interdisciplinary field of judgment and decision making is the classification of environments as a function of (a) their capacity to enable people to learn from experience (kind environments vs. wicked environments) and (b) the consequences of having failed to understand and adapt to them (exacting environments vs. lenient environments). Based on the premise that ‘environment’ is a key geographical concept, I explore the usefulness of appropriating these classifications in geography and argue that they can stimulate normative work on the possible contours of a better world as well as illuminate in novel ways long‐standing geographical concerns with the problematic of fairness.  相似文献   

陕西省西安市北郊尤家庄战国墓地出土铜灯的铭文中“龙阳”是楚国地名,“邑子”,文献习见,在铭文中是墓主的同乡。秦墓中伴出楚漆器、楚铭文和秦铭文,这为墓葬之中多元文化共存提供了新颖的资料。  相似文献   

Based on our current awareness, there are three distinct primary sources of alkali flux in the ancient Egyptian faience making: natron, soda rich plant ash and the so-called ‘mixed alkali fluxes’. Whereas the nature and origin of the first two types are identified to some extent, there are more questions regarding mixed alkali fluxes. In an attempt to provide further clarification on the latter source, a series of replication experiments on the production of Egyptian faience by the cementation glazing method were conducted using cattle dung ash as the source of alkali flux. After firing at 980 °C, the appearance of the faience objects, the microstructure and the chemical composition of selected samples obtained using scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) were investigated. The discussion has primarily focused on cattle dung ash as the most, or one of the most, available sources of ash in ancient societies and its possible use as a source of alkali flux in the production of Egyptian faience, at least by the cementation glazing method.  相似文献   

李爱辉 《文献》2021,(1):19-25
本文对国图藏十一片甲骨进行缀合和考释。第一组甲骨缀合后出现一条新的卜辞,这条卜辞可进一步加深对"登"字字义的理解,也纠正了旧有考释中的误识。第二至四组均涉及国图未曾著录过的甲骨。这些甲骨本身既是新材料,缀合后又提供了新的研究信息。  相似文献   

吴丽婉 《文献》2021,(1):52-59,F0003
大维多利亚美术馆所藏甲骨中,有一片内容很重要的商代卜甲,其研究价值在于:一、有两个新见字,可进一步丰富对甲骨文字的认识;二、可系联旧有卜辞,帮助辨认以前未被识别的模糊字形,纠正对相关卜辞的错误释读。  相似文献   

We propose a framework that specifies the process of economicdevelopment as an evolutionary branching process of productinnovations. Each product innovation provides a growth opportunityfor an existing firm or a new firm, and for an existing cityor a new city. One can then obtain both firm size and city sizedistributions as two aggregates resulting from a single evolutionaryprocess. Gains from variety at the firm level (economies ofscope) and the urban level (Jacobs externalities) provide thecentral feedback mechanism in economic development generatingstrong path dependencies in the spatial concentration of industriesand the specialization of cities. Gains from size are also expected,yet these are ultimately bounded by increasing wages. The contributionof our framework lies in providing a micro-foundation of economicgeography in terms of the interplay between industrial dynamicsand urban growth. The framework is sufficiently general to investigatesystematically a number of stylized facts in economic geography,while at the same time it is sufficiently flexible to be extendedsuch as to become applicable in more specific micro-contexts.A number of extensions related to the concepts of knowledgespillover and lock-in, are also discussed.  相似文献   

近几年来,在党和政府的重视、关心和大力支持下,群众文化正以极其迅猛的势头蓬勃发展着,并对促进全社会的精神文明建设发挥着越来越显著的作用。就我们西宁市而言,广大群众文化工作者依托全市一个群众艺术馆、四个区文化馆等群众文化设施为阵地,以社区文化、广场文化、军营文化、校园文化为抓手,以提高市民文化素质和城市文明程度为目标,开展了许多形态各异、特色鲜明、适合广大人民群众需要的群众文化活动。  相似文献   

西汉秦中祠祠主是秦二世胡亥,但何以名作"秦中",历来没有疏解。汉人以"秦中"称二世皇帝,另有因缘。笔者以为"秦中"又称"秦仲",乃是因为"仲"是表示次位的序数。所谓"秦中祠",也就是秦二世祠。  相似文献   

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