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由于暖气管道爆裂,造成中国民族图书馆馆藏的大量珍贵文献被热水浸泡或熏蒸。为了赶在天气转暖之前抢救完这批文献,综合运用了常见的几种水湿文献的抢救方法,特别借用了文物界所常用的低温干燥法,用3个月的时间,完成了全部水湿文献的抢救重任,为以后的系统修复工作奠定了良好基础,同时也为图书馆界抢救文献提供了一些可供参考的经验教训。实践证明抢救大批量的水湿文献应从实际情况出发,及时调整方案,从长计议,综合运用各种抢救方法,随时总结经验教训,才能在有限的时间里最大程度地抢救受损文献。  相似文献   

“5·12”汶川大地震已经距离我们有近一年的时间。在这一年里,失去的家园在重建,损毁的文化遗产在抢救保护。作为重灾区,四川省83处全国重点文物保护单位、174处省级文物保护单位和814处市、县级文物保护单位均受到不同程度损毁。  相似文献   

International Journal of Historical Archaeology - This article summarizes the progress and current state of underwater archaeology in Colombia over the past three decades. It also presents the...  相似文献   

青海民间文艺是个宝库,是文化的富矿。 青海在祖国的西北部,位于青藏高原,是多民族聚居的地方。繁衍生息在这片土地上的各民族,保持着本民族的生活习惯、宗教信仰、生活方式等,形成了多姿多彩的生活画卷。近几年,国家通过各种渠道来弘扬民族文化,激励人们探索挖掘深藏在民间的艺术。我  相似文献   

甘肃武威出土的汉代木牛车,两轮巨大,造型简约、独特,是河西走廊乃至西域特有样式。器物因受埋藏环境和保存环境影响,具有糟朽木器的典型特征,车体结构因腐蚀严重而坍塌散架,木质收缩变形,车轮残损、残缺,车辕、车轴断裂,车蛉、车羝残失,车毂及附属部件酥解、粉化,以致无法组合成形。为此,对这批木牛车实施了抢救性复原修复。修复工作采用考古出土的汉代棺板木作为修复材料,使用棺板木木屑及聚醋酸乙烯乳液混合物用于补全、补缺和外观做旧;回收利用老化的竹签条或棉签棒对车辐进行了复原;采用滴管渗透的方法,使用PB72的乙酸丁酯或丙酮试剂对糟朽部件实施加固;最后,采用器物原始的铆眼套合技术,使木牛车历史原貌得到复原,修复效果良好。本工作可为其后糟朽木器的修复提供科学可行的材料和技术。  相似文献   

Based on the stratigraphy of Paleolithic sites on the northern Angara, the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene history of the region is reconstructed. Findings of recent salvage excavations in the Boguchany flooding zone as well as the evidence of Quaternary geology, geomorphology, neotectonics, and archaeology jointly disprove the “young Angara” model proposed by G.I. Medvedev and other “geoarchaeologists.” The principal event postulated by that model – the alleged disastrous outburst of the Angara along the Baikal channel 12–7 ka BP is supported neither by the relief nor by the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentation record nor by the stratigraphy of the Paleolithic sites on the northern Angara.  相似文献   

Thirty years after Muckelroy's seminal 1976 paper on shipwreck site formation, research on the cultural processes which contribute to the creation and modification of shipwrecks remains limited. It is proposed that by adopting a process-oriented framework, we can integrate and synthesize the documentary, oral and archaeological evidence of human response to shipwreck into a structure which parallels the physical progress of the disaster. Possible cultural responses to shipwreck are considered, from pre-voyage planning through to post-impact salvage, including physical correlations potentially visible in the archaeological record.
© 2006 The Author  相似文献   

This paper considers how and to what ends commoning practices can take shape in direct response to the spectres and/or realities of eroding resources (we focus especially on public resources) within iterations of what we term “salvage commoning”. We show how, in such contexts, commoning practices may potentially alleviate but also potentially (re)produce inequities, exclusions, and resource retractions. To illustrate, we draw upon two examples: parent-teacher organisations in Washington, DC, and block associations in New York City. In both instances, people have cooperatively built new relations, coordinated voluntary labour, and stewarded resources in connection with specific commons (public schools and urban spaces) threatened by disinvestment and crisis. We show how troubling alignments and exclusions can emerge under these conditions, suggesting critical questions about the starkly mixed potential of salvage commoning—especially in the face of ongoing and emerging crises in which such orientations are likely to become increasingly prevalent.  相似文献   

本文结合《茶经》等文献记述,对河北宣化辽墓壁画中所见之茶具作了考辨,并对其时北地饮茶之俗的流播、自身的地域特色及古人的"一器多用"现象作了探讨。  相似文献   

内战后至 1 9世纪末 ,美国开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡。在这个被称为“镀金时代”的过渡时期 ,伴随着第二次工业革命的兴起 ,美国加大了对西部开发的力度。内战前尚被称为“美国荒漠”的大平原地区 ,在较短的时间内被开拓为辽阔的“牧畜王国”。美国东部和欧洲资本的流入 ,对促成美国西部牧牛业的繁荣起了重要作用。美国西部牧区在引资中也有一些负面教训。探究美国西部牧区资本流入的得失 ,会使我们得到一些有益的启示  相似文献   

周钢 《世界历史》2004,9(4):46-56
内战后至19世纪末,美国开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡。在这个被称为“镀金时代”的过渡时期,伴随着第二次工业革命的兴起,美国加大了对西部开发的力度。内战前尚被称为“美国荒漠”的大平原地区,在较短的时间内被开拓为辽阔的“牧畜王国”。美国东部和欧洲资本的流入,对促成美国西部牧牛业的繁荣起了重要作用。美国西部牧区在引资中也有一些负面教训。探究美国西部牧区资本流入的得失,会使我们得到一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

This article presents statistics and literature on poverty and inequality in and between the South and North. The main discussion is focused on identifying which years poverty and inequality increased in the UK and US, and to give some tentative reasons for this. The objectives are to show the difference in the use of the term 'poverty', the magnitude of 'poverties' in various parts of the world, and the consequences of government policies in the North. The experiences of particularly the UK and US contain lessons that may be useful for policy formation to alleviate poverty and inequality in the South.  相似文献   

赵银河 《丝绸之路》2011,(2):107-108
当前,大学生就业难问题已引起社会的广泛关注,来自农村的女大学生越来越成为就业边缘化的特殊群体。因此,了解农村女大学生就业现状,深入分析这一社会问题的成因,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

The Dutch planning system rejoices a very positive reputation in the international academic planning literature. Yet both the conceptual orientation and the institutional practices of Dutch planning are eroded. New institutional practices have emerged that effectively form a 'shadow structure' to the official planning system, eroding both its effectiveness and legitimacy. The article suggests that this instititutional development is to be understood against the background of larger processes of social change to which the system has so far not responded: the coming 'network society'. In light of this analysis it is suggested that Dutch planning could enhance both its effectiveness and legitimacy by reconsidering some of the basic features of the planning system.  相似文献   

文章利用历史文献和考古成果,结合野外调研,研究历史时期以来塔里木河下游的行政变化和交通变迁,在此基础上分析了下游生态环境的演变规律。研究认为,从细石器时期到汉晋时期,塔里木河下游气候湿润,生态环境比较稳定,人类活动从原始经济向汉晋城邦文明稳步演进,对外交通便利,形成塔里木盆地东部重要的鄯善(楼兰)独立王国:东晋以后,气候逐渐变干,下游对外联系的主要交通枢纽和交通线路被废弃,鄯善国消亡,塔里木河下游绿洲成为封闭的游牧区:18世纪中期以后,下游绿洲归属吐鲁番政区管辖,对外联系再次畅通,是因为这一时期气候湿润:19世纪末期,气候变化剧烈,再次变干,塔里木河下游与吐鲁番之间的政治、交通联系中断,开始属于塔里木河流域的上一级行政区管辖。  相似文献   

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