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鲁汉 《民俗研究》2001,(2):202-203
2000年8月,我去枣庄参加山东省民俗学会年会期间,到枣庄市山亭区付庄乡红山峪村考察,这个村写出了中国第一本村民俗志.从下榻的山亭宾馆乘车向南约20公里,代表们来到了建于山坡之上的红山峪村(付庄乡),一进村口,耳旁"咚"、"咚"连珠价的响,定睛一瞧,原来是村民专门请人放礼炮欢迎呢,我对这种熟铁制作的小炮非常感兴趣,就落在大队人马之后单独与放炮人聊了一会.  相似文献   

Analysis of the pre‐disturbance values of the in situ corrosion parameters on historic iron shipwrecks and artefacts has established that the arithmetic product of the pH and corrosion potential is dependent on the burial environment and provides a unique insight into the objects' state of decay. The value of the product changes during in situ conservation treatment with sacrificial anodes, and reaches a minimum at which point the treatment is completed. Treatment times vary with water‐depth, being faster on shallower sites and shorter for more extensively corroded artefacts. The model was developed using data from the Duart Point wreck (1653), the Monitor‐styled warship HMVS Cerberus (1926) and a series of wrecks in Australia and the USA.  相似文献   

本文是2006年伦敦第21届世界拜占庭大会开幕式上的主题发言。从公开、自觉的夸示,世俗生活模式的展示和教俗势力所禁止的习俗表现等3个方面阐释了拜占庭帝国在历史上和现实中“展示”(display)自己的方式,并指出,21世纪拜占庭研究者的任务就是探寻拜占庭文明对其周边世界的影响,将其“展示”于天下。  相似文献   

陈浩 《东南文化》2001,(5):79-81
现代博物馆的陈列展示除了满足观众的认知需求之外,还在于它的拓展性、启示性。形象大于思维,语言编织的优势就在于一切都用形象说话。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to track the history of the chemical analysis of archaeological copper alloys back beyond the accepted origins of archaeometallurgy, and even before the pioneering work of Martin Heinrich Klaproth, as identified by Earle Cayley. It would appear that the chemical analysis of copper metal was developed in Revolutionary France around 1790 to enable the estimation of the amount of tin in the alloy as a response to the need to convert church bells into cannon. What is perhaps remarkable to our eyes, however, is that this group of scientists (including Mongez, Darcet and Dizé), who were the leading chemists of their day, were also interested in the analysis of archaeological metals. This is further evidence for the blossoming of the age of scientific enlightenment, when, shortly after the development of gravimetric methods of analysis, the entire contents of the ‘cabinets of curiosities’ were the subject of scientific study by the leading savants of the day.  相似文献   

博物馆数字展示基本特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
展示是博物馆与观众沟通的重要方式。由于对博物馆数字展示本质特征认识不足,博物馆工作者在将数字技术手段应用于展示过程时,极易陷入两大误区:一是忽略数字技术手段的作用,仅将数字化元素作为传统展示的局部点缀;二是过分夸大数字技术手段的作用,大量堆砌数字化元素,形成本末倒置的数字技术秀(show)。本文给出了博物馆数字展示的基本概念,并对博物馆数字展示区别于传统展示的非顺序性、多感性、互动性、虚拟性以及时空延展性等本质特征进行了剖析,以供博物馆数字展示设计与实现工作参考。  相似文献   

在南京博物院的陈列中展示地域文化特色,是由南京博物院藏地域文物优势决定的,只有在精品化意识的指导下,通过营造地域文化体系,方能反映出学术研究与陈列艺术水平,达到预期社会效果。  相似文献   

在博物馆陈列图辅助设计制作中,展板、展标、说明牌等要有科学性、可读性和观赏性。  相似文献   

信息时代博物馆展示功能拓展刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗旸 《东南文化》2002,(5):90-91
虚拟数字化博物馆无疑向人们开辟了一个了解世界的新窗口,它不仅加速了博物馆事业的发展,同时,也更大地发挥了物教育功能,实现资料共享。  相似文献   

依托名山优势 打造精品展览--峨眉山博物馆陈列特色评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提供更优质的服务,满足广大游客的要求,增加荣登世界文化与自然遗产名录的峨眉山文化自然旅游的丰富内涵,让游客不因季节、天气、环境、时间等因素的制约,就能如愿以偿地目睹其优美的自然风光、悠久的佛道文化、独特的地质地貌、特异的气象景观、良好的生态环境,特创办了峨眉山博物馆,举办了峨眉山世界文化自然遗产展览。该展览气势恢弘、内容丰富、陈列新颖、布展精到、功能齐全,在有限的空间里运用高科技技术,开放式标本陈列、生态景观、活体标本、仿真标本等,将峨眉山地质、生物、历史、宗教、书画等多角度全方位地展现在游客面前,让游客在轻松愉快之中,认识了解这祖国的名山、世界的遗产。  相似文献   

博物馆的陈列与展览在保存传统文化方面发挥重要作用,要使展览收到好的效果,就要求文博人集思广益、精心设计,提供人性化的服务,以吸引更多的观众。  相似文献   

Maciuika  John V. 《German history》2007,25(4):490-516
In the opening years of the twentieth century, the German homeassumed new cultural meanings and symbolic significance as asite of economic, political, artistic, and social intervention.This article investigates a range of Wilhelmine institutions—fromthe Wertheim department store and the Prussian Commerce Ministry,to the Applied Arts Movement and the Movement for Art Education—toillustrate the variety of German approaches to promoting newconceptions of the home. Examining the ways in which Wilhelmineprivate and state reformers turned the topic of how one livedand dwelled into a topic of pressing significance, the articleargues that private, commercial efforts and state-driven policyinitiatives interpenetrated to a degree previously underappreciatedin Wilhelmine historical studies. These private and state initiativeswere, in turn, closely tied to the cultivation of German consumeridentities, and to larger efforts on the part of Wilhelmineinstitutions to adapt to the dizzying conditions of twentieth-centurycapitalist modernity. As a result of these developments, specialexhibitions of artistic home interiors originated in premierGerman department stores as well as in the halls of the statebureaucracy; historical ornaments termed ‘modern’in one decade were denigrated as barbaric in another; and generationsof craftsmen battled one another for a legitimacy conferred,to a significant degree, by private commissions, generous statesubsidies, and admission into prestigious exhibitions.  相似文献   

原丰 《东南文化》2021,(4):16-21
搬迁保存的考古遗迹是一类特殊的不可移动文物,因学科研究和社会发展需求,在当前考古发掘和博物馆陈列工作中都受到相当的关注和重视.这一类文物具有特殊性、典型性和原真性等特点,在各地博物馆陈列中广为运用,其在博物馆陈列中通常采用复原陈列的方法,策展过程中需要解决好展陈体系的融合、展陈空间的利用、展览内容的解读等问题.  相似文献   

张谨 《世界遗产》2015,(3):98-103,10
城市中备显突兀的考古遗址,虽然貌不惊人,甚至晦涩难懂,但是只有它们,才是城市真实的时空坐标,才能使神秘的传说变成史实。然而在当前快速城市化的背景下,这样穿越千年的相见有时却显得尴尬而痛苦,原本浪漫的邂逅常常以悲剧收场。本文讲述的三个故事,无疑是喜剧性的结局,也是这十年来人们逐渐以更包容、更欢迎的心态来面对这些"不期而遇"的例证。  相似文献   

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