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中央民族大学国家“十五”“211工程”建设项目,法学博士乌小花教授的学术著作《当代世界和平进程中的民族问题》,于2006年5月份由中央民族大学出版社出版。该书以马克思主义民族理论为指导,以探讨当今世界“和平与发展”的时代主题所面临的新情况和新问题为切入点,阐述民族宗教及其相关理论,对当代世界民族问题热点进行分类研究,历史地考察世界民族问题,揭示世界民族问题的本质和不同表现形式,分析当代世界民族问题对世界和平进程的影响,提出解决世界民族问题的见解和主张。该书还针对国际学术界诸如“文明冲突”、“民族主义”等一些热点…  相似文献   

现行的《田野考古工作规程》(试行)是上个世纪80年代初期国家文物局组织专家,在全面分析研究当时考古学的现状、学术发展方向以及学科环境的基础上制定的,1984年5月由中华人民共和国文化部颁布试行。《规程》自颁布以来,得到普遍和认真的执行,对整齐各地田野考古工作的质量,总体提升中国考古学的田野考古水平,发挥了积极和重要的作用。  相似文献   

屋子的墙上歪七扭八地挂着几张一个老男人的画像.马文翰斜睨了几眼画像上的男人,就把墙上的画挨张撕下来,扯碎了.他心里无比地厌恶画上的老男人,那是一个来美国已经二十多年的福建人,如今,福建人已经拥有一家餐馆.马文翰在他那里打工.但是就在昨天,福建人当着那么多客人的面,冲着马文翰吼道:"你真的以为美国的盘子比国内好刷?"然后甩过几十块钱来.鱿鱼就是在这短短的几分钟内炒就的,可马文翰现在也不明白到底是什么原因.画都撕完了,但他重新陷入焦虑之中:明天怎么办呢?  相似文献   

New maps     

New Atlases     

New maps     

New Books     
正Sixty-Year Education in Tibet Authors Zhou Runnian and Ta Na,use detailed and accurate historical data to introduce to readers how education in Tibet emerged,developed,and gradually became strong upon the roof of the world.They also discuss the speed and size of educational development while illustrating the significance,the developmental  相似文献   

New maps     

The Periglacial Environment. By H. M. French. 22 × 15 cm., 309 pp., 67 figures, 50 photographs, tables, references. Longman, Harlow, 1976. Paper £5.50.

Glaciers and Landscape. By David E. Sugden and Brian S. John. 23 × 17 cm., 376 pp. Numerous illustrations. References. Index. Edward Arnold, London, 1976. Paper £5.95.


The Development of the West of Scotland 1750‐1960. By Anthony Slaven. 22 × 14 cm., 272 pp., 4 maps, 29 tables, bibliography, index. Routledge and Kegan Paul 1975. £6.50.

A Geography of 19th‐century Britain. By P. J. Perry. 22 × 14, 187 pp., plates, maps and diagrams. Batsford, London, 1975. £6.50 (£2.95 paperback).


Recreation in the Countryside—A Spatial Analysis. By J. T. Coppock and B. S. Duffield. 24 × 16, 262 pp., 34 figures, references, index. Macmillan, London, 1975. £8.95 (£3.95 paperback).

A Geography of Tourism. By H. Robinson. 21 × 13 cm., 47 pp., 47 illustrations, tables, index. Macdonald and Evans, London, 1976. Paper £4.25.

The Look of the Land. By John Fraser Hart. 23 × 16 cm., 210 pp., illustrations, index. Prentice‐Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975.


Southern Europe: the Mediterranean and Alpine lands. By Monica and Robert Beckinsale. 29 × 20, 334 pp., 107 maps and diagrams, 38 plates, tables, bibliography, index. U. of London Press, London, 1975. £10.50.

London. By David Gowing. Longman Revised Colour Geographies, Editor Rex Walford. 23 × 21, 48 pp. Longman, Harlow, 1976. 75p.


Mathematics for Geographers and Planners. By A. G. Wilson and M. J. Kirkby. 20 × 18, 325 pp. Illustrations, tables, references, index. Clarendon/Oxford Press, London, 1975. £6.75 (£3.00 paperback).

Patterns in Human Geography: An Introduction to Numerical Methods. By David M. Smith. 22 × 14, 373 pp, Illustrations, diagrams and tables, Index. David &; Charles, Newton Abbot, 1975. £6.50.


The Times Atlas of the World: Comprehensive Edition. 46 × 32, xi pp. and 123 plates. Index 223 pp. Times Books/Bartholomew, London and Edinburgh, 1975. £26.


Objective Tests in Geography for O‐Level and C.S.E.: The British Isles. By K. Briggs. 24 × 18., 101 pp. Hodder &; Stoughton, London, 1976. £1.35.

The Developing World: Geography Four. Living Together. By S. Crawford. 24 × 18, 128 pp. Longman, London, 1975. £1.50.

Industries in Britain. By M. P. Devereux. 27 × 22, 80 pp, 95 figures. Macmillan, London, 1974. 70p.

Three Giant Powers. By Martin Simons. 20 × 21 cm., 144 pp., many illustrations, index. Oxford University Press 1974. £1.25.

The U.S.S.R. By Harry Robinson. 14 × 22 cm., 250 pp., 32 illus., diagrams, index. University Tutorial Press, London, 1975. £1.80.

No. 26 Teaching Geography—Motorway. By E. Rawling (Geographical Association). Sheffield. 23 pp., 25×20, 1976. 55p.

No. 27 Teaching Geography—Analysis of Land Use Data. By R. Daugherty (Geographical Association). Sheffield. 25×20, 16 pp. 1976. 50p.

Place and People: 1. Village, Town and City. Ed. by S. Dunlop. 76 pp., 25×19. Heine‐mann, London, 1976. £1.25.

Atlas of Denmark—Series II, Vol. 2. Topographic Atlas Denmark. Edited by Ruth Helkier Jensen and Kr. M. Jensen. Pp.192. 34×25. The Royal Danish Geographical Society, Copenhagen, 1976. DKr. 195.00.

North America: Maps. Topographical Map Studies of Canada and the U.S.A. By R. Knowles and P. W. E. Stave. Pp. 96, 21 × 33. Longmans, 1976. £3.95.

Geography Project Workbooks, book 3—Britain's Trade and Communications. By S. C. Harrison, et al. Pp.32. 24×18. Longmans, 1976. 45p.

The New Certificate Geography Series: A Level. Monsoon Asia. 3rd edition. By H. Robinson. Pp.528. 22×14. Macdonald and Evans, London, 1976. £3.75 paperback.

A Geography of Britain. 3rd edition, up‐dated. By A. R. Toison and M. E. Johnstone Pp.259. 23×17. Oxford University Press, London, 1976. £2.50.

Elementary Geographical Fieldwork. By J. Hume Brown. Pp. 152, 20×13. Blackie Glasgow, 1976. £1.75.

Geographies: A certificate series: North America. 2nd edition. By F. J. Monkhouse and H. R. Cain. Pp.332. 21 × 14. Longman, Harlow, 1976. £1.50.

Sketch‐map Geographies: Book Seven: Economic Geography. By P. Speak and H. C. Carter. 2nd, up‐dated edition. Pp. 76. 25 × 19. Longman, Harlow, 1976. £1.25.  相似文献   

New books     
The Highest Andes. A Record of the first Ascent of Aconcagua and Tupungato in Argentina and the Exploration of the surrounding Valleys. By E. A. FitzGerald. London : Methuen and Co., 1899. Pp. 390. Price 30s. net.

In Dwarf Land and Cannibal Country. By A. B. Lloyd. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Price 21s. net.

The Redemption of Egypt. By W. Basil Worsfold, M.A. London : George Allen, 1899. Pp. 333. Price 25s. net.

Alaska and the Klondike. By Angelo Heilprin, F.R.G.S., F.G.S.A. London : C. Arthur Pearson, Limited, 1899. Pp. 315. Price 7s. 6d.

Tunisia and the Modern Barbary Pirates. By Herbert Vivian, M.A., author of Servia, The Poor Man's Paradise, etc. etc. Illustrated with Photographs and a Map. London : C. Arthur Pearson, Limited, 1899. Pp. xvi + 341. Price 15s.

In a Corner of Asia. By Hugh Clifford. ("The Over‐Seas Library.”) London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Pp. 279. Price 1s. 6d.

Admiral Phillip. By Louis Becke and Walter Jeffert. ("The Builders of Greater Britain” Series.) London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Pp. xx + 336. Price 5s.

Von Kap zum Nil. Eeise‐Erinnerungen aus Sü'd‐, Ost‐ und Nordafrika. With Illustrations. By Dr. Karl Dove. 2nd edition. Berlin : Allgemeiner Verein für Deutsche Litteratur, 1898. Pp. 319.

Die Republik San Marino. Eine Studie. Von Carl Amico. Augsburg : A. Himmer, 1899. Pp. 159.

Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. By David Livingstone, M.D. With Notes by Frederick Stanley Arnot. London : John Murray, 1899. Pp. xiv + 447. Price 5s.

Cities and Sights of Spain. A Handbook for Tourists. By E. Main. London: George Bell and Sons, 1899. Pp. 214.

Hazell's Annual for 1900: a Cyclopædic Record of Men and Topics of the Day. Edited by W. Palmer, B.A. (Lond.). London : Hazell, Watson, and Viney, 1900. Pp. 702.

Statistical Year‐Booh of Canada for 1898. Issued by the Department of Agriculture. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1899. Pp. 606.

Aarbog for Dansh Kulturhistorie. Udgiven af Poul Bjerge. København : Lehmann og Stage, 1899. Pp. 192. Price 2 Kr.

Illustrated Guide for Tourists to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway and Darjeeling. 1896. Pp. 46.

Nedbøriagttagelser i Norge. Udgivet af det Norske Meteorologiske Institut. Aargang 1, ii. og iii., 1895 Juli, 1897 December. Kristiania : W. C. Fabricius og Sønner, 1899.  相似文献   

New books     
Facts and Fancies about Java. By Augusta de Wit. London : Luzac and Co., 1900. Pp. 259. Price 7s. 6d. net.

A Guide to Chamonix and the Range of Mont Blanc. By Edward Whymper.

A Guide to Zermatt and the Matterhorn. By Edward Whymper. London : John Murray. Fourth Annual Edition, 1900. Price 3s. net each.

Murray's Handbook for Ireland. Fifth Edition. Revised and Edited by John Cooke, M.A. With Maps and Plans. Pp. 516. Price 9s.

Murray's Handbook for Central Italy. Twelfth Edition. Rewritten by the Rev: Herbert H. Jeaffreson, M.A. With Maps and Plans. Pp. 313. Price 9s. London : John Murray, 1900.

The Rise of the Russian Empire. By Hector H. Munro. London : Grant Richards. Pp. viii + 334. Price 10s. 6d.

The Teaching of Geography in Switzerland and Northern Italy. Being the Report presented to the Court of the University of Wales on a visit to Switzerland and North Italy in 1898, as Gilchrist Travelling Student, by Joan Berenice Reynolds, B.A. London : C. J. Clay and Sons, 1899. Pp. xii + 112.

The “Contour” Road‐Book of EnglandWestern Division, including Wales. By Harry R. G. Inglis. With 500 Maps and Plans. London and Edinburgh : Gall and Inglis. India paper edition, 3s. 6d. net.

Year‐Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. Compiled from Official Sources. London : Charles Griffin and Co., Limited, 1900. Pp. viii + 292.

Illustrated Guide to the Vale of Yarrow. By James M. Menzies. Paisley and London : Alexander Gardner, 1900. Pp. 108.

Viajes de Fray Francisco Menendez a Nahuelhuapi. Publicados i comentados por Francisco Fonck. Valparaiso : Carlos F. Niemeyer, 1900. Pp. xix + 528.

Congrès National des Sociétes Françaises de Géographie, xixe Session. Marseille, 1899. Pp. 538.

Atti del Terzo Congresso Geografico Italiano. Volume primo, pp. 319 ; volume secondo, pp. 671. Firenze, 1889.

Highways and Byways in Normandy. By Pearcy Dearmer, M.A. With Illustrations by Joseph Pennell. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1900. Price 6s.  相似文献   

New books     
Le Tour D'Asie, ij. L'Empire Du Milieu. By Marcel Monnier. Paris : Librairie Plon. Pp. 373. 1899.

A ‘Short History of the Expansion of the British Empire, 1500–1870. By W. H. Woodward. Cambridge : The University Press, 1899.

In Dwarf‐Land and Cannibal Country. A Record of Travel and Discovery in Central Africa. By A. B. Lloyd, with Introduction by the Right Hon. Sir John H. Kennaway, Bart., M.P. 14G Illustrations and Maps. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. xxiv + 385. Price 6s.

Notes sur l'Inde, with 30 Illustrations. Prince Bojidar Karageorgevitch. Paris, n.d.

The Civilisation of India. By Romsh C. Dutt. (The Temple Primers.) 146 pp., 16mo.

B. Bradshaw's Dictionary of Bathing‐Places, Climatic Health‐Resorts, Mineral Waters, Sea Baths, and Hydropathic Establishments. With Maps and Plans. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Ltd., 1900. Pp. xl + 374. Price 2s. 6d.

The Natal Almanac, Directory, and Yearly Register, 1900. Pietermaritzburg : P. Davis and Sons. Pp. xxx + 928 + 371.

Maryland Weather Service. Volume I. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1899.  相似文献   

New books     
In Western India: Recollections of my Early Missionary Life. By the Rev. J. Murray Mitchell, M.A., LL.D. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1899. Pp. 405. Price 5s.

British Africa. With four Maps. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Ltd., 1899. Pp. 400 +Appendix, pp. xiii. Price 6s.

Bihar. By Stanley Lane‐Poole, M. A., Professor of Arabic at Trinity College, Dublin. ("Rulers of India.”) Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1899. Pp. 206. Price 2s. 6d.

Tirol. Von Max Haushofer. Schweiz. Von J. C. Heer. Land und Leute, herausgegeben von A. Scob'el, Nos. IV. and V. Bielefeld und Leipzig: Verlag von Velhagen und Klasing, 1899. Pp. 198 and 192. Price M. 4 each.

Nederlandsch Indie onder het Begentschap von Koningin Emma, 1890–1898. Batavia: G. Kolff and Co., 1898. Pp. xvi + 351.

From the Alps to the Andes. Being the Autobiography of a Mountain Guide. By Mattias Zurbriggen. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Pp. 269. Price 10s. Gd. net.

Two Women in Klondike. By Mart E. Hitciicock. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. Pp. 485. Price 12s. 6d.

In India. By G. W. Steevens, author of With Kitchener to Khartum, Egypt in‐1898, The Land of the Dollar, The Conquering Turk, etc. Crown 8vo. Pp. vi + 365. With a Map. London and Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1899. Price 6s.

Our Island Empire. A Handbook of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands. By Charles Morris. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. Pp. 488.

A Class‐Booh of Modern Geography. With Examination Questions, Notes, and Index. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S., late Professor of Geography in King's College, London. London: George Philip and Son, 1898. Pp. xvi + 472. Price 3s. 6d.  相似文献   

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