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When Ogygoptynx wetmorei was reported by Rich & Bohaska (1976), it appeared to represent a unique and new avian group. Detailed comparisons of this Early Paleocene form from Colorado (USA) have clearly demonstrated that it is distinct from North American protostrigids and all European Palaeogene owls and that it is intermediate between the modern typical owls (Strigidae) and barn owls (Tytonidae). A new monotypic family of owls, the Ogygoptyngidae, is proposed to include this form.  相似文献   

A spectacular association between a chaetetid, a stromatoporoid (Salairella sp.), and straight, vertical tubes interpreted to have housed symbiotic worms is reported from the Givetian Burdekin Formation, Burdekin Basin, north Queensland. The final growth surface of Salairella sp. shows skeletal distortion characterised by long, rather continuous coenosteles and coenostroms with upturned edges. This distorted interface was probably the result of spatial competitive interaction between the encrusting chaetetid and the underlying stromatoporoid. Neither sediment infilling, erosion or surface breakage occurs on the final growth surface of the stromatoporoid skeleton. As such, the growth of the Salairella sp. specimen appears to have been supressed by the encrusting chaetetid. Worm tubes are continuous through the distorted interface without interruption. The skeletal association also suggests that the round, straight, vertical tubes had a symbiotic intergrowth relationship initially with the stromatoporoid and, subsequently, the chaetetid.  相似文献   

Study of an ostracode assemblage from the Miocene Fyansford Formation near Mornington allows determination of the principal characteristics of the hydrologic environment at that time.

Palaeodepth was upper epibathyal (about 150–250 m). The oxygen minimum zone mostly was weakly demarcated at about O2 5 ml/l. Productivity was good and the benthic ostracode microfauna was rich and varied. Occasionally, a sudden and strong increase in productivity occurred which correlated to a rapid and well marked increase in the oxygen minimum zone. Physico-chemical factors, which developed following bacterial breakdown of organic matter that had accumulated on the bottom, are reflected in Bradleya shells by distinct signs of aggradation/degradation. A few allochthonous forms from the nearby continental shelf were transported downwards onto this part of the upper slope. Bottom currents contributed (by furrowing) to the formation of calcareous ‘hard grounds’.

Bradleya morningtonensis n.sp. is described as new.  相似文献   

文章尝试从历史地理学视角考察地理环境对淮河以北地区历史发展的影响。作者选取了地理环境构成中的地理位置、地形地貌等因素作为分析的主要方面,指出南北过渡的地理位置和倾斜平原为主的地貌条件,使该区域处在国家经济的过渡带、南北征战的最前沿,并成为国家政策的非重点关注区域和黄泛区。南北过渡的地理位置和平原地貌还对该区域交通网络和城镇的发展产生重要影响,便利的交通有助于交通型城镇的发育,交通网络的多变性又影响了城镇发展的持续性。  相似文献   

中国古代南北存在着地区上的差异,而这种差异大致是以淮河为分界的。本文从气候、农作类型、九州四渎和分裂时期南北对峙等4个方面,论证淮河在中国古代为南北方分界的地位。认为:淮河南北气候的不同,奠定了南北差异的自然地理基础。建立在这一基础上的农作类型的不同,为南北人文差异提供了物质条件。淮河在九州中的分界特征,对秦以后的行政区划影响深远。淮河在四渎中自然标识特征的突出,使其更有资格成为南北的分界线。同时,在分裂时期的南北对峙局面出现时,淮河多为分界线或准分界线。以上多种因素在长期历史中形成了淮河的分界地位,这对关于中国古代大一统疆域的考察有深刻的意义。  相似文献   

李强 《安徽史学》2016,(4):133-139
临淮关凭借传统交通与商业中心的地位,成为津浦铁路淮河大桥桥址的首选之地,但由于该处地势低洼,不易建桥,桥址最终选定在蚌埠。蚌埠得津浦铁路和淮河水运之利,迅速崛起,成为皖北地区新的交通与商业中心,而临淮关则渐趋衰落,最终成为淮河岸边一个普通小城镇。究其原因,主要是由于桥址变更,引起交通区位优势的转换,蚌埠的交通优势转化为产业优势;铁路与淮河水运在蚌埠的有机结合以及政治因素的助推。  相似文献   

明代山西北部聚落变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代,山西长城沿线卫所、关隘、堡寨、墩台星罗棋布,形成了独特的人文地理景观———军事聚落,随着清代的一统,大部分则逐渐演化为城镇和村落。本文对该区域军事聚落的形成、发展以及变迁进行了历史考察,认为明清时期是山西北部历史上聚落形成和发展的繁荣时期,这与明代军事聚落的形成与发展有着非常密切的关系。  相似文献   

Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was used to characterize the chemical composition of chert from a primary source in western North Dakota. Known as Sentinel Butte, this source is part of the Eocene-age White River Group (WRG), a widespread geological formation on the central and northern Plains. INAA results demonstrate that it is chemically distinct from other known chert-bearing WRG. Further, analysis of three bifaces from the nearby Beach Clovis cache site demonstrates that they are made of chert from Sentinel Butte, and most likely the other 55 White River Group Silicate (WRGS) bifaces in the cache are as well. Although Clovis caches typically are dominated by materials transported hundreds of kilometers, it is argued that the advance manufacture and caching of bifaces even a short distance from a source may be a highly effective tactic to reduce gearing up time and hence search costs associated with the pursuit of mobile game at the close of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The original ceramics typology developed for Younge/Western Basin Tradition Springwells phase (ca. AD 1160–1420) assemblages included three variants known as Macomb Linear, Macomb Interrupted Linear, and Springwells Net Impressed ceramics. This discussion considers how subregional variation in Springwells decorative styles reflects participation in a larger regional social network.  相似文献   

In combination, the analysis of carbonized food residue for stable C and N isotopes, elemental composition, and plant microfossils (phytoliths and starch granules) offers a powerful tool for understanding patterns of prehistoric maize (Zea mays) consumption in small-scale societies. Using this approach, we conclude that maize was more widely consumed in North America than previously suspected. Between ∼AD 700 and 1600, despite little or no archaeological evidence of gardening, corn was a widespread component of diet on the eastern Canadian prairies. This pattern, furthermore, extended into the adjacent boreal forest at about the same time. However, carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) values on food residue samples vary widely, suggesting significant overall dietary differences from one region to the next. Analysis of a subset of residue samples for elemental composition (using ICP-OES [inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry]) may help identify broad trends in the provenience of foods consumed at these sites.  相似文献   

Cultural developments in Midwestern North America between 5000 and 400 B.P. are reviewed and related to two overlapping, but contrasting, cultural traditions: Woodland and Mississippian. Significant changes in prehistoric subsistence systems, settlement patterns, and sociopolitical organization are reviewed within a three-division framework, beginning with a Transitional period (5000–2000 B.P.) when Late Archaic and Early Woodland societies settled into different regions, constructed regional markers (cemeteries, mounds, earthworks), and established economic and social relations with both neighboring and more distant groups. This was followed by the Middle Woodland period (2000–1500 B.P.) that is associated with the Hopewell climax of long-distance exchange of exotic materials, mound building, and ceremonial activities, although all Middle Woodland groups did not participate in this Hopewell interaction sphere. In the Late Prehistoric period (1500–400 B.P.), the Woodland tradition persisted in some areas, while the Mississippian tradition developed from local Late Woodland societies elsewhere. Finally, the patterns of interaction between the two traditions are discussed.  相似文献   

David Rindos' coevolution theory remains the most comprehensive application of Darwinian theory to issues of prehistoric agriculture evolution. While his theory has drawn attention, there has been a lack of subsequent development of the application of Darwinian theory to prehistoric agricultural evolution. Combining Sewall Wright's shifting balance theory of evolution with aspects of Rindos' coevolution theory provides important new insights into the processes of crop transmission between regions. Using these theories, a model is developed for the adoption and subsequent evolution of maize agriculture in the Eastern Woodlands of North America.  相似文献   

统一新罗并合了朝鲜半岛上旧属三韩的地域,没有也无意于北上占据本非三韩的高句丽故地。有唐一代,辽东即鸭绿江南北的高句丽故地主体仍然属于中原王朝,渤海国仅据有一部分高句丽旧地。所谓“统一新罗与渤海国的相互敌对很像一个被分割国家的南北两部分”这样的说法,显然是对历史的误解。  相似文献   

In the Pacific Northwest of North America, researchers routinely suggest changes in human use of animals explain hunter-gatherer organizational changes and development of cultural complexity. For example, most models developed to explain developing cultural complexity invoke salmon in some fashion. Yet until recently, fish remains were not carefully studied and more generally, zooarchaeological evidence has not been systematically used to test models of culture change. This study reviews the 10,000-year-old faunal record in the Pacific Northwest to test predictions drawn from models of resource intensification, resource depression and hunter-gatherer organizational strategies. The records from two subareas, the South-Central Northwest Coast (Puget Sound/Gulf of Georgia) and the Northern Columbia Plateau, are examined in detail, representing 63 archaeological sites. While minor changes in animal use are evident, the overall record is characterized by stability rather than change.  相似文献   

A multidimensional approach to functional analysis was employed to examine pottery use, cooking, and subsistence in pre-European North American contexts. A variety of analytic techniques were applied to ceramic assemblages from two sites on the south shore of Lake Superior: the Middle Woodland Naomikong Point site and the Late Woodland Sand Point site. The analyses of both technical attributes and use-alteration traces suggest that a majority of pottery vessels from these sites were used for cooking throughout the Woodland period. Lipid residue analysis corroborates traditional subsistence information but specifies which foods were cooked in pottery vessels. Vessel size varies according to context rather than by time or by function, with larger vessels associated with ritual areas and smaller vessels originating from domestic spheres, a trend potentially related to feasting behavior. Interior carbonization patterns change in frequency between the Middle and Late Woodland periods, suggesting a shift in cooking and possibly subsistence practices.  相似文献   

The Pacific coast of North America is ideally suited to the study of long-term developments in complex hunter-gatherer societies. This paper synthesizes current research in California and the Northwest Coast on three related research problems. The first concerns the timing, spatial distribution, and economies of the earliest coastal peoples in the region. The second problem involves the growth and florescence of complex Pacific hunter-gatherer societies. What constitutes archaeological evidence of hunter-gatherer complexity, when and where it occurs, and the interpretations proposed to account for it are reviewed. The final problem addresses how complex hunter-gatherer peoples responded to European exploration and colonization, and how these early encounters affected the Pacific coast societies recorded in early ethnohistoric accounts and later studied by ethnographers.  相似文献   

玉皇庙遗址位于湖北省丹江口市境内,现为丹江口水库中一小岛。1995年,文物工作者对南水北调工程文物调查时发现该遗址。在遗址采集新石器时代和周代遗物。新石器时代遗物与青龙泉和大寺遗址、朱家台遗址和乱石滩遗址等出土的同期遗物相近。周代遗物与官山河两岸早年发现的同期遗物相似。  相似文献   

Investigations into the location of two battles related to the Chickasaw and French Wars of the 1700s in Mississippi, USA, show the value of a multi-pronged strategy for identifying and delineating military sites. We used metal detecting, shovel test pits, surface collections, local informant interviews, historical maps, LiDAR-based topography, and air photographs to locate Ogoula Tchetoka and Ackia, two Chickasaw towns where French forces were defeated in 1736. Despite the ambiguity introduced by overlapping domestic occupations and other complicating factors, the weight of our complementary approaches demonstrates that Ogoula Tchetoka and surrounding battle features have been modestly impacted by modern developments, whereas Ackia has been largely obliterated by the construction of a residential neighborhood. Our ability to identify major landscape features related to the military history of these sites contributes to our understanding of the tactics and consequences of warfare between European powers and Native Americans in the Colonial era.  相似文献   

Although a patchwork of projects shows a process of agriculture intensification in North China during the Neolithic, the impact of cereal farming on animal husbandry and their mutual interaction remain cloudy. This study reports bone collagen δ13C and δ15N of humans and animals from Wayaogou (ca 6.5–6.0 kyrs bp ) and Dongying (ca 5.9–5.6 kyrs bp , 4.6–4.0 kyrs bp ) to explore temporal trend of livestock raising and particularly the importance of millet fodder to stock raising practices in the Wei River valley, North China. The isotopic evidence overall shows that millet products increased in human and domestic animal diets during the mentioned chronological span. δ13C values of pigs and dogs at Dongying are higher than those at Wayaogou, implying that the importance of millet nutrients increased to animal husbandry diachronically. Interestingly, δ13C results of domestic cattle of Dongying late phase (−14.1 ± 1.1‰, N = 5) are more enriched than Wayaogou wild Bos (−17.8 ± 0.3‰, N = 3), indicating that millet fodder had taken a significant place in early cattle husbandry. Besides, differences between Bos species of the two periods also imply that δ13C values of bone collagen constitute a potential indicator for tracing the origin of cattle husbandry in North China. In addition, domestic sheep at Dongying produced similar isotope data to wild ovicaprid at Wayaogou, suggesting that they possibly had grazed for the most in grassland and therefore experienced a different lifestyle from cattle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Kudu Koppie is a stratified late Earlier Stone Age and Middle Stone Age archaeological site located in the northern Limpopo Province of South Africa. The prepared core reduction strategies are described and temporal trends across the ESA–MSA boundary are presented. The prepared cores and endproducts of Kudu Koppie suggest that both the late ESA and MSA toolmakers employed the Levallois Volumetric Concept, but they often exploited a nodule's natural convexities and form. The MSA toolmakers used a greater variety of prepared core methods and more intensively exploited cryptocrystalline and microcrystalline nodules, the scarcity of which may have resulted in a more “formalized” application of the Levallois Volumetric Concept. These observations are considered within the context of human behavioural evolution.  相似文献   

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