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A latest Permian (late Changhsingian) radiolarian fauna is recorded from the upper Talung Formation, Hushan, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, South China. This fauna includes 24 species belonging to 16 genera; new species are Albaillella hushanensis, Copicyntroides stellatus and Trilonche crassus. The presence of the radiolarian fauna and its taxonomic composition reveal that the Eastern Qinling-Dabie deep sea, which was located along the northern margin of the northeastern Yangtze Basin, persisted at least until the end of the Palaeozoic and that the collision between the North China and South China plates had not occurred by the end of the Permian.  相似文献   

Nel, A. & Weis, R. March 2017. A new Early Jurassic damselfly from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Odonata: Campterophlebiidae). Alcheringa 00, 000–000. ISSN 0311-5518.

André Nel [], Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB-UMR 7205CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, Entomologie, F-75,005, Paris, France; Robert Weis [], Musée national d’histoire naturelle, Luxembourg, Section Paléontologie, 25, rue Münster L-2160 Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Gallodorsettia kronzi gen. et sp. nov., the first representative of the damselfly family Campterophlebiidae from the Toarcian of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is described herein. Its closest relative is the genus Dorsettia, known from the early Lower Jurassic of UK and China. The Campterophlebiidae seem to be rare in the Early Jurassic of Western Europe, despite being one of the most diverse odonatan families at that time, especially in Asia.  相似文献   

Nel, A., Roques, P., Prokop, J., & Garrouste, R., 11 September 2018. A new, extraordinary ‘damselfly-like’ Odonatoptera from the Pennsylvanian of the Avion locality in Pas-de-Calais, France (Insecta: ‘Exopterygota’). Alcheringa 43, 241–245. ISSN 0311-5518.

Enigmaptera magnifica gen. et sp. nov., type genus and species of the new odonatopteran family Enigmapteridae, is described from the Moscovian of Avion (northern France). It is the sister group of the major clade Neodonatoptera, placed together in the new clade Paneodonatoptera. Its wing venation has characters never found in other Odonatoptera. It is a further case of convergent wing petiolation in this superorder. Enigmaptera magnifica, like the protozygopteran Jacquesoudardia magnifica from the same outcrop, probably lived like the extant damselflies along the shores of lakes and rivers, hunting the small insects found in the same deposits. These discoveries show that very small insects were significant elements of the entomofaunal diversity and trophic chains of the Late Carboniferous ecosystems.

Romain Garrouste ] Institut Systématique Evolution Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, EPHE, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, 75005 Paris, France; Patrick Roques ] Allée des Myosotis, Neuilly sur Marne, F-93330, France.; Jakub Prokop ] Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology, Vini?ná 7, CZ-128 44, Praha 2, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

The initial Late Paleolithic, said to appear between 40 and 30 kya in eastern Asia, is defined by the appearance of many innovations. These archaeological indicators include the appearance of more refined stone tool making techniques (e.g., include the appearance of blade and microblade technology), complex hearth construction, use of pigments and personal ornamentation, as well as worked faunal implements such as bone and antler tools. We report here new findings from a multidisciplinary research project conducted at the Shuidonggou (Choei-tong-keou) site complex in northern China, a series of localities that date from the initial Late Paleolithic to the Neolithic.  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of past human activity on landscape change in the Mediterranean has always presented challenges, requiring sound chronological frameworks for observed environmental change. The current research, focused on the environs surrounding the ancient city of Butrint (southern Albania) during Late Antiquity, c. 4th–6th Century AD, establishes a tephra-based chronology for landscape change through the discovery of ash horizons from a little known eruption on the island of Lipari (Aeolian Islands). Recovered glass shards were geochemically fingerprinted to a 6th Century AD event on the island, dated through local archaeological sequences and corroborated by hagiographic evidence. The presence of this marker horizon at Butrint shows a continuation of open water, estuarine conditions throughout Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval period (during which time Butrint ceases to function as an urban centre), disproving the widely held notion of increased soil erosion/deposition as a result of post-Roman landscape degradation. The study also shows that it is following the medieval revival of the town in the 13th Century that marked environmental change takes place, as estuarine areas silt, giving rise to marsh and wetland. The study highlights the importance of using a range of dating techniques to constrain landscape change, while the presence of the 6th Century Lipari tephra in Epirus, derived from an eruptive event larger than previously suspected, provides a useful regional dating marker for future landscape studies.  相似文献   

In Western Europe the transition from the Iron Age to the Roman period is the scene of a rapid economic and agro-pastoral evolution characterized in particular by a modification in the shape of the cattle. Understanding this phenomenon, its implementation mechanisms and development dynamics represents a major challenge in archaeozoology. In our study a local and regional approach of the evolution in cattle morphology is carried out first on the scale of the middle Seine valley, then of the northern Gaul. Its purpose is to observe and compare the evolution rates in domestic cattle between Middle La Tène and the fifth century AD, and with the help of a tight chronological and geographical grid, to estimate to what extent the shape of the cattle has been influenced by the indigenous cultures, the Roman economic pattern or even the environment. This osteometrical study is based on the Log Size Index method and on a measurement corpus of 12,969 bones collected on sites located on 117 communes in France (for most of them), Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The results we obtained show local specificities in terms of breeding methods and animal morphologies, observed on a very fine scale and taking place long before the Conquest. Moreover the growth patterns of the various herds happen to be different and to evolve under the impetus of the developing Roman economic pattern. This work thus points out an essential aspect of the agro-pastoral turmoil that took place in Gaul at the turning point of our era. The Roman pattern is not the cause of the morphological changes of the cattle, nor of the diversity in cattle shapes in Gaul, but it provokes a reshaping of the agricultural systems and a redefining of the breeding strategies which boost and completely change the cattle growth patterns.  相似文献   

J. Cao  W. Hu  X. Wang  D. Zhu  Y. Tang  B. Xiang  M. Wu 《Geofluids》2015,15(3):410-420
In this paper, we attempt to differentiate hydrocarbon‐bearing reservoir horizons of the Junggar Basin of NW China based on the characteristics of diagenesis and associated elemental geochemistry. Reservoirs at this site have varying levels of oil saturation that correlate with the degree of dissolution in minerals (e.g., calcite and feldspar). Four different horizons with varying diagenetic mineral assemblages were observed, including (i) kaolinite‐rich, oil‐dominated horizons, (ii) kaolinite–pyrite–hematite‐rich, oil–water‐dominated horizons, (iii) siderite–chlorite‐rich, water‐dominated horizons, and (iv) chlorite‐rich horizons with negligible hydrocarbon production. The mean MnO content of the representative diagenetic mineral (e.g., calcite) in each of the above horizons is >2.5, 2.0–2.5, 1.5–2.0, and <1.0 wt%, respectively. We propose that the above methodology can be used for the identification of reservoir hydrocarbon‐bearing horizons. We argue that the indicators presented here can be applied in oil exploration across the Junggar Basin.  相似文献   

Two spinicaudatan species, Triglypta eedemtensis Li sp. nov. and Dundgobiestheria mandalgobiensis Li gen. et sp. nov., are described on the basis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging of newly collected specimens from paper-thin laminated black shale of the Eedemt Formation exposed at the Eedemt locality in the Khootiin Khotgor coal mine region of Dundgobi Province in southeast Mongolia. Triglypta eedemtensis is ornamented mainly with puncta and a punctate fine reticulum; radial lirae occur only on two or three growth bands near the venter. The small spinicaudatan Triglypta is a common component of the Middle Jurassic Euestheria ziliujingensis fauna and Sinokontikia fauna, and is a typical taxon in the Middle Jurassic lacustrine sequences of northern Hebei and the Junggar and Turpan basins of the Xinjiang Autonomous District of China; however, it does not occur in stratigraphically higher units elsewhere. Therefore, the age of the Eedemt Formation should be considered Middle Jurassic rather than Early Cretaceous. The Eedemt Formation is much older than the Early Cretaceous Shinekhudag Formation in the Shine Khudag area of southeast Mongolia.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the investitures of Emperor Charles VI in 1717 in Brabant and Flanders. The purpose of this analysis is to demonstrate that, contrary to what some historians have claimed, the element of direct communication between prince and subjects remained significant at least until the beginning of the eighteenth century. Despite Charles' assertive attitude, the ceremonies were preceded by a period of intense negotiation, in which the Estates made clear demands. Eventually, however, he acquiesced to some of their requests. These concessions can be placed within a long tradition of modus vivendi between princely centralism and local autonomy in the Southern Netherlands. The sovereign was financially dependent on the Estates, which therefore had a great deal of leverage at their disposal. This vulnerability was compounded by the fact that Charles stood at the head of a dynasty, the Austrian Habsburgs, which had no tradition of authority in these regions upon which to draw. Furthermore, the Barrier Treaty's provisions restricted his sovereignty. His bargaining position influenced the organisation of the investitures, thus illustrating that in the early eighteenth century, the sovereign and provincial Estates of the Southern Netherlands were still engaged in a contractual relationship.  相似文献   

With the aim of providing better control of shooting experiments performed with replicas of prehistoric projectiles, we have conducted an instrumental archaeology study on the efficiency of prehistoric projectile points by placing emphasis on their adhesion and ballistic characteristics. In order to avoid any reproducibility problems, hafting adhesives were made with controlled mixtures of commercial rosin (also called ‘colophany’) and beeswax added as a plasticizer. An original experimental device has been developed to instrument a bow, allowing the control of both the trajectories and the velocities of the different shoots. In the course of an experimental programme on Sauveterrian microliths from the Mesolithic period of the South of France, the experimental system was applied to composite replica projectile tips of Mesolithic hunters. Arrows being shot at transparent targets were filmed in order to evaluate the penetration length and residual damage. Interestingly, this study reveals that the properties of the mixture are highly dependent on the velocity of the arrows. It was shown that—contrary to previous experiments that usually used a mixture in which rosin predominates— the most efficient adhesive is made of 70 wt% beeswax with only 30 wt% rosin. This result is of great importance for improving further shooting experiments and overcoming the problems frequently mentioned due to the loss of the flint armatures before they reach the animal target, or at least before penetration. When using this appropriate mixture, the lateral armatures are resistant to most of the shots. Experiments performed on real boars’ flesh have also shown that the presence of lateral microliths allows the laceration inflicted on the target to be enlarged. Finally, a critical parameter has been identified, which is the location on the arrow of the microlithic element.  相似文献   

Diatom and dinoflagellate cyst analysis of a 77 cm long sediment core from Cowan Creek, Hawkesbury River estuary, N.S.W., revealed changes in the catchment hydrology over the last 266 years. High abundances of the freshwater/brackish diatom genus Cyclotella at the base of the core imply sustained periods of reduced salinity that now no longer occur. Reduction of freshwater flow after approximately circa 1800 (60 cm) has allowed the development of marine planktonic diatoms Thalassiosira spp.,Ditylum brightwellii, Rhizosolenia setigera, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Chaetoceros spp. Benthic diatom diversity has remained relatively unchanged. The toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, although identified in a cyst survey in April 1995, was not found in the sediment cores. Changes in dinoflagellate assemblage are consistent with the effects of increasing urbanisation and eutrophication.  相似文献   

Mumba Rockshelter, Tanzania, is the only East African site spanning a continuous record of more than 100,000 years, including the Middle Stone Age (MSA) to Late Stone Age (LSA) Transition. Rather than examine the presence or absence of traditional markers of “behavioral modernity”, we have endeavored here to respond to the calls of Shea (2011) and Basell (2008) by examining the proportional similarity of a trait present throughout the MSA–LSA sequence at Mumba Rockshelter: the bipolar technique of lithic reduction. We use a quantified, experimentally derived proxy to track the relative amount of bipolar percussion among Mumba's Beds VI, V, and III, namely, waste shatter. Our examination of Mehlman's previously unanalyzed collections from Mumba demonstrates that in terms of bipolar production Bed V is statistically indistinguishable from the Late Stone Age (LSA) Bed III, but significantly different from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) Bed VI. Given that Bed V dates to 56.9 ± 4.8 − 49.1 ± 4.3 ka cal BP, this result is consistent with other evidence that the origins of the LSA in East Africa began well before 40 kya, and that Mumba Bed V represents one of the earliest manifestations of the LSA in East Africa. We conclude with a discussion of factors that may have influenced the increased dependence of bipolar production at the site.  相似文献   

Two seasons of archaeological site reconnaissance and geo-archaeological fieldwork in the Kipsing and Tol river valleys of central Kenya have resulted in (1) the location of 58 surface sites and 13 spot finds and (2) the excavation and dating of 11 alluvial stratigraphic profiles. These data are incorporated with our previous work in the study area to yield a preliminary interpretation of Middle and Later Stone Age tool technologies and land-use strategies during the Late Pleistocene period there. Specifically, the nature of the lithic inventories and observed distribution of archaeological sites suggests that people in the Middle Stone Age employed a patch choice resource and land-use strategy while those in the subsequent Later Stone Age period utilized a logistical strategy.Pendant deux saisons de la reconnaissance archéologique d'emplacement et des travaux sur le terrain geo-archéologiques les vallées dans de Kipsing et de Tol fleuve du Kenya central ont eu comme conséquence (1) l'endroit de 58 emplacements extérieurs et 13 trouvailles de tache et (2) l'excavation et dater 11 profils stratigraphiques alluviaux. Ces données sont incorporées avec nos travaux précédents dans le secteur d'étude pour rapporter une interprétation préliminaire de milieu et de stratégies postérieures d'utilisation de la terre de technologies d'outil de âge de pierre pendant la période pléistocène en retard là. Spécifiquement, la nature des inventaire lithic et la distribution observée des emplacements archéologiques suggère que les gens dans le âge de pierre moyen aient utilisé un choix de morceau (patch choice) stratégie de ressource et d'utilisation du territoire, alors que ceux dans la période postérieure suivante de âge de pierre utilisaient un logistique stratégie.  相似文献   

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