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Prosopiscus is particularly important in Ordovician palaeobiogeography because of its wide geographic distribution in Gondwana and peri-Gondwanan regions. It appears to have been confined to low palaeolatitudes, representing a characteristic member of the warm water eastern Gondwanan shelf faunas. Trends in the distribution of the Ordovician genus can be observed due to its long stratigraphic range. Prosopiscus was restricted to, and may have originated in, Australia during the late Early Ordovician (Bendigonian-Chewtonian). By the Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian), Prosopiscus had dispersed to other parts of Gondwana and peri-Gondwana, including the North and South China blocks, Tarim, central Himalayas, and the Argentine Precordillera (South America). Possible explanations for the distribution of Prosopiscus are that: (1) there were no oceanic barriers preventing dispersal of trilobites between different regions of Gondwana, thus permitting uninhibited migration over vast distances; (2) Prosopiscus was not restricted to a specific biofacies; (3) a major eustatic transgression during the early Darriwilian may have facilitated the dispersal of Prosopiscus in allowing further development and expansion of marine environments; and (4) a prolonged planktonic larval stage may have permitted wide dispersal.

Prosopiscus lauriei sp. nov. is described from the late Early Ordovician (Bendigonian-Chewtonian) Tabita Formation at Mount Arrowsmith, northwestern New South Wales, Australia. The new species is closely related to P. praecox, from the Nora Formation, Georgina Basin, central Australia, and to P. magicus from northwest China.  相似文献   

Lee, M., Elias, R.J., Choh, S.-J. & Lee, D.-J., May 2018. Palaeobiological features of the coralomorph Amsassia from the Late Ordovician of South China. Alcheringa XXX, X–X. ISSN 0311-5518.

Amsassia yushanensis sp. nov. occurs in the Late Ordovician Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai, Jiangxi Province of southeastern China. This species is characterized by typical phacelocerioid organization of modules comparable with the other Amsassia species described in recent literature. Bipartite fission, in which a parent module divided into two parts, is by far the most common type of increase in this species; tripartite and quadripartite types of axial fission do occur but are relatively uncommon. Processes of module division are similar to those of A. shaanxiensis and A. koreanensis, and also occurred in tetradiids. In A. yushanensis, restoration of coralla was occasionally accompanied by recovery of a damaged or injured module or group of modules probably following an influx of sediment, as observed in some favositoid corals. Amsassia superficially resembles Lichenaria, a representative genus of the most primitive stock of tabulate corals of Ordovician age, and has likely been mistakenly identified as Lichenaria in the North China Platform. Available information suggests that the validity of a reported occurrence of Lichenaria in the South China Platform is also questionable.

Mirinae Lee [] Division of Polar Earth-System Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, 21990, Incheon, Republic of Korea; Robert J. Elias [] Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, R3T 2N2, Canada; Suk-Joo Choh [] Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Republic of Korea; Dong-Jin Lee [] Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Andong National University, Andong, 36749, Republic of Korea and College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, PR China.  相似文献   

Serratognathus diversus An, Cornuodus longibasis (Lindström), Drepanodus arcuatus Pander, and eleven other less common conodonts, including Cornuodus? sp., Oistodus lanceolatus, Protopanderodus gradatus, Protoprioniodus simplicissimus, Juanognathus variabilis, Nasusgnathus dolonus, Paltodus? sp., Scolopodus houlianzhaiensis, Semiacontiodus apterus, Semiacontiodus sp. cf. S. cornuformis and Serratognathoides? sp., are described and illustrated from the Honghuayuan Formation in Guizhou, South China, concluding revision of the conodont fauna from this unit, which comprises 24 species in total. The most distinctive species in the fauna, S. diversus, consists of a trimembrate apparatus, including symmetrical Sa, asymmetrical Sb and strongly asymmetrical Sc elements. This species concept is supported by the absence of any other element types in a large collection represented by nearly 500 specimens of this species. The fauna indicates a late Tremadocian to mid-Floian age (Early Ordovician) for the Honghuayuan Formation, which was widely distributed on the Yangtze Platform in shallow water environments. Previously published biostratigraphic zonations for the Honghuayuan Formation are reviewed, and revised on the basis of our knowledge of the entire conodont fauna, supporting the establishment of three biozones, Triangulodus bifidus, Serratognathus diversus, and Prioniodus honghuayanensis biozones in ascending order. Species of Serratognathus enable correlation between Ordovician successions of South China, North China (North China Platform and Ordos Basin), Tarim Basin, and further afield into Malaysia and northwestern Australia.  相似文献   

Lee, D.-C., Park, J., Woo, J., Kwon, Y.K., Lee, J.-G., Guan, L., Sun, N., Lee, S.-B., Liang, K., Liu, L., Rhee, C.-W., Choh, S.-J., Kim, B.-S. & Lee, D.-J., September 2012. Revised stratigraphy of the Xiazhen Formation (Upper Ordovician) at Zhuzhai, South China, based on palaeontological and lithological data. Alcheringa 36, 393–412. ISSN 0311-5518.

Three exposures of the Upper Ordovician Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai, Yushan, Jiangxi Province, China are re-measured and described in detail. Comparison of palaeontological and lithological data from the exposures (designated sub-sections ZU1, ZU2 and ZU3) reveals that the sub-sections overlap stratigraphically. Nearly identical assemblages of trilobites and brachiopods occur in mudstones of ZU1 and ZU3, whereas a different assemblage occurs in those of ZU2. Identical coral species occur in the overlapped intervals of ZU1 and ZU2, and ZU1 and ZU3, respectively. In addition, a distinctive identical lithological succession consisting of brachiopod-bearing nodular limestone at the base to coral floatstone at the top is evident in the overlapped interval of ZU1 and ZU2; prism-cracked algal laminites are found in the same interval; and bioclastic limestone beds, which represent bioherms consisting mainly of corals and stromatoporoids, occur in both ZU1 and ZU3. A thrust fault system appears to be responsible for the repetition in the subsections, and the faulting was probably due to the major post-Ordovician structural movements exerted on the Zhe-Gan Platform of the Jiangnan Region of the South China Block.

Dong-Chan Lee [dclee@hit.ac.kr], Department of Heritage Studies, Daejeon Health Sciences College, 300-711, Daejeon, Republic of Korea; Jino Park [jinopark@korea.ac.kr], Suk-Joo Choh [sjchoh@korea.ac.kr], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University, 136-701, Seoul, Republic of Korea; Jusun Woo [jusunwoo@kopri.re.kr], Division of Polar Earth-System Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, 406-840, Incheon, Republic of Korea; Yi Kyun Kwon [kyk70@kigam.re.kr], Marine and Petroleum Division, Korea Institutue of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 305-350, Daejeon, Republic of Korea; Jeong-Gu Lee [leejg@mest.go.kr], Seung-Bae Lee [sblee@mest.go.kr], Exhibition Planning and Coordination Division, Gwacheon National Science Museum, 427-060, Gwacheon, Republic of Korea; Liming Guan [glm.1103218@yahoo.com], Ning Sun [sun@andong.ac.kr], Kun Liang [ibcaskun@126.com], Lu Liu [liulu323@hotmail.com], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Andong National University, 760-749, Andong, Republic of Korea; Dong-Jin Lee [djlee@andong.ac.kr], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Andong National University, 760-749, Andong, Republic of Korea and College of Earth Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, PR China; Chul-Woo Rhee [gloryees@chungbuk.ac.kr], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chungbuk National University, 361-763, Cheongju, Republic of Korea; Byong-Song Kim [kbs1972@163.com], Department of Resources Exploration Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and College of Earth Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, PR China. Received 16.10.2011, revised 4.1.2012, accepted 16.1.2012.  相似文献   

On the basis of representative collections made from seven measured sections in western Hubei and Hunan, four early Llanvirn and five late Llanvirn-early Caradoc trilobite biofacies are distinguished along a bathymetric gradient from shallow to deep outer shelf. The diversity and relative abundance of mesopelagic cyclopygids gradually increased southwards or seawards. According to the facies association exhibited in the region, the upper limit of living depth for different forms is inferred as follows: 1) more than 70 m (M. (Microparia)); 2) less than 100 m (M. (Quadratapyge), Pricyclopyge, Aspidaeglina); 3) at approximately 100 m (Cyclopyge); and 4) more than 100 m (Symphysops, Psilacella). Benthic forms were absent in the deep outer-shelf basin because of stagnant conditions. In shallower sites of the outer shelf, genera of nileids in the carbonate facies and raphiophorids in the clastic facies were relatively abundant, but some endemic forms, such as the asaphid Birmanites and remopleuridid Hexacopyge, became dominant during the late Llanvirn-early Caradoc. Rorringtoniids are mainly associated with deeper outer-shelf facies. Panderia is common in an early Llanvirn nileid fauna at Yichongqiao, Cili area, and may well indicate development of shelf carbonate buildups. A transgressive event is suggested by the sudden appearance of rich Cyclopyge in the early Caradoc at Jiuxi, Changde.  相似文献   

The Taebaeksan Basin occupies the central-eastern part of the Korean peninsula and was a low-relief shallow marine carbonate shelf on which the Cambro-Ordovician Choson Supergroup was deposited. In the Taebaeksan Basin trilobites are among the most dominant fossil groups in the Lower Ordovician, but they become less important in Middle Ordovician faunal assemblages. The Early Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Taebaeksan Basin are characterised by the common occurrence of pandemic genera such as Jujuyaspis, Leiostegium, Asaphellus, Protopliomerops, Hystricurus, Apatokephalus, Shumardia, Asaphopsoides, and Kayseraspis. Biogeographically significant trilobite taxa include Yosimuraspis, Dikelokephalina, Koraipsis, and Chosenia. These Ordovician trilobite faunas, which thrived in shallow marine environments, show a remarkable similarity with faunas from North China, implying that the Taebaeksan Basin was connected through contiguous shallow waters to North China. These Sino-Korean faunas exhibit a close biogeographic connection with Australian faunas, with which they share some endemic genera, whereas they are more distantly related to the faunas of South China, South America, and North America. Based on these palaeobiogeographical features, it is suggested that in the early Palaeozoic much of the present Korean peninsula including the Taebaeksan Basin belonged to the Sino-Korean block, while part of the peninsula was derived from the Yangtze block.  相似文献   

Ordovician graptolite-bearing strata in eastern Yunnan were deposited in nearshore, shallow-water environments. Graptolites are systematically described from three sections through the Hungshihyen Formation in eastern Yunnan Province, China: (1) Hongshiya section near Ercun village, Kunming; (2) Liujiang section, Luquan; and (3) Guihuaqing Reservoir section, Luquan. The graptolite fauna, characterized by the predominance of deflexed forms, includes ten species in two genera: Baltograptus turgidus (Lee), B. varicosus (Wang), B. yunnanensis (Li), B. calidus (Ni), B. enshiensis (Ni), Baltograptus sp. cf. B. deflexus (Elles & Wood), Baltograptus sp. cf. B. bolivianus (Finney & Branisa), Baltograptus sp. A, Baltograptus sp. B and Corymbograptus v-fractus minor (Li). A detailed morphological study of these southern Chinese graptolite faunas suggests that Baltograptus wudingensis (Li) is a junior synonym of B. turgidus (Lee); Baltograptus kunmingensis (Ni) is a junior synonym of B. varicosus (Wang); and Baltograptus triangulatus (Ni) is a junior synonym of B. yunnanensis (Li). The B. varicosus Biozone is newly recognized within the middle part of the Hungshihyen Formation, replacing the former Didymograptus deflexus Biozone. This interval is well correlated to the Baltograptus jacksoni Biozone in Britain, the Tetragraptus akzharensis, ‘Baltograptus cf. deflexus’ and Didymograptus bifidus (lower part) biozones in NW Argentina (eastern Cordillera), and the Acrograptus filiformis and Didymograptellus eobifidus biozones in northern Guizhou, South China. Accordingly, the interval is of mid-Floian age, rather than late Floian as previously proposed.  相似文献   

FANG, X., ZHANG, Y., CHEN, T., &; ZHANG, Y., February 2017. A quantitative study of the Ordovician cephalopod species Sinoceras chinense (Foord) and its palaeobiogeographic Implications. Alcheringa 0, 000–000. ISSN 0311-5518.

Sinoceras chinense (Foord) is one of the most important and dominant cephalopods in lower Upper Ordovician deposits of China and has been used traditionally as an index species for the lower Katian of South China. Eight published subspecies, including some morphologically diverse forms, have been assigned to the species, and a taxonomic revision of Sinoceras chinense is required. Based on an examination of the 33 published specimens and 12 new specimens, the relationships of Sinoceras chinense and its allies are analysed using cluster analysis and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling. The results segregate these specimens into three discrete groups: (1) the Sinoceras chinense (Foord) Group; (2) the Sinoceras eccentrica (Yü) Group; and (3) non-Sinoceras chinense Group. Accordingly, we emend the diagnosis of Sinoceras chinense and exclude the specimens of the non-Sinoceras chinense Group. Based largely on this taxonomic redefinition and previously published occurrences of Sinoceras chinense, the palaeobiogeographical distribution of Sinoceras is reconstructed in the South China, North China, Tarim and Tibet. Based on the occurrences, ranges and phylogeny of this genus and its included species, we conclude that Sinoceras originated in South China in late Darriwilian, subsequently dispersed into neighbouring blocks in the Sandbian to the early Katian, and became entirely extinct abruptly in the early late Katian.

Xiang Fang* [], Yunbai Zhang [], Tingen Chen [], Yuandong Zhang? [], Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, 210008, PR China. *Also affiliated with: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, PR China. ?Also affiliated with: Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, 210008, PR China. Received 2.6.2016; revised 15.9.2016.  相似文献   

Forty-two conodont species are documented from the Liuxia, Shijiatou and Jingshan formations in Zhejiang Province of southeast China, located palaeogeographically on the Jiangnan Slope offshore to the Yangtze Platform. From these faunas, eight successive conodont biozones of Tremadocian to middle Floian (Early Ordovician) age are recognized, including the Cordylodus lindstromi Biozone, Cordylodus angulatus Biozone, Chosonodina herfurthi Biozone, Paltodus deltifer Biozone, Paroistodus proteus Biozone, Triangulodus bifidus Biozone, Serratognathus diversus Biozone and Prioniodus elegans Biozone. Several zonal index species of the Baltoscandian succession—Paltodus deltifer, Paroistodus proteus and Prioniodus elegans—are described and illustrated in detail for the first time from South China. Co-occurrence of P. proteus and Serratognathus bilobatus in several samples below the appearance of P. elegans also confirms correlation of the S. diversus Biozone (basal Floian) with the upper P. proteus Zone of the Baltoscandian succession. These Zhejiang faunas are dominated by pandemic forms, and are similar to those of the Open-Sea Realm elsewhere, inhabiting deep, offshore environments.  相似文献   

The Dansirit Formation of the Shemshak Group is well exposed in the Parvar area, near the Rudbarak village, Central Alborz, Iran. It contains abundant well-preserved plant macrofossils belonging to 20 taxa of Equisetales, Marattiales, Filicales, Bennettitales, Cycadales, Corystospermales, Caytoniales, Czekanowskiales, Ginkgoales and Pinales. The new species Caytonia iranica sp. nov. is described. Based on the occurrence of Equisetites beanii, Coniopteris hymenophylloides, Nilssonia sarakhs, Czekanowskia blacki and Pseudoctenis fragilis, an early Middle Jurassic age is suggested for this assemblage.  相似文献   

Zhen, Y.Y., Wang, G.X. &; Percival, I.G., August 2016. Conodonts and tabulate corals from the Upper Ordovician Angullong Formation of central New South Wales, Australia. Alcheringa 41, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

The Angullong Formation is the youngest Ordovician unit exposed in the Cliefden Caves area of central New South Wales. Its maximum age is constrained by a Styracograptus uncinatus graptolite Biozone fauna at the very top of the underlying Malongulli Formation, but the few fossils previously reported from higher in the Angullong Formation are either long-ranging or poorly known. From allochthonous limestone clasts in the middle part of the formation, we document a conodont fauna comprising Aphelognathus grandis, A. solidum, Aphelognathus sp., Aphelognathus? sp., Belodina confluens, Drepanoistodus suberectus, Panderodus gracilis, Panderodus sp., Phragmodus undatus, Pseudobelodina inclinata and Pseudobelodina? sp. aff. P. obtusa, which supports correlation with the Aphelognathus grandis Biozone (late Katian) of the North American Midcontinent succession. The species concepts of Aphelognathus and Pseudobelodina are reviewed in detail. Associated corals are exclusively tabulates, dominated by agetolitids, including Agetolites angullongensis sp. nov., Heliolites orientalis, Hemiagetolites breviseptatus, Hemiagetolites sp. cf. H. spinimarginatus, Navoites sp. cf. N. circumflexa, Plasmoporella bacilliforma, P. marginata, Quepora sp. cf. Q. calamus and Sarcinula sp. Affinities of the coral fauna from the Angullong Formation are closer to faunas from northern NSW and northern Queensland than to the locally recognized Fauna III of late Eastonian age in central NSW. We propose a subdivision of Fauna III to account for this difference, with the late Katian Fauna IIIB characterized by the incoming of agetolitid corals. The currently known distribution of representatives of this group with adequate age constraints suggests that agetolitids possibly originated in North China, subsequently migrating to Tarim, South China and adjacent peri-Gondwanan terranes while also spreading eastward to northern Gondwana, where they progressively moved through eastern Australia to reach the central NSW region by the early Bolindian.

Yong Yi Zhen* () and Ian G. Percival (), Geological Survey of New South Wales, W.B. Clarke Geoscience Centre, 947953 Londonderry Road, Londonderry, NSW 2753, Australia; Guangxu Wang (), State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, 39 East Beijing Road Nanjing 210008 PR China.  相似文献   

Fossil eggshell fragments from a sand dune near Port Augusta are attributed to the extinct dromornithid, Genyornis newtoni Stirling & Zietz. Shell curvature measurements show that the eggs were larger than those of the Emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae. Radiocarbon dates indicate an age in excess of 40,680 BP. Holes pierced through some fragments are attributed to the action of predators.  相似文献   

Diverse shallow water assemblages dominated by brachiopods, molluscs, sponges and stromatoporoids, and a tabulate coral, in the Wahringa Limestone Member (Darriwilian-Gisbornian), and Yuranigh Limestone Member (Gisbornian, or early Late Ordovician) of the Fairbridge Volcanics, are documented from the northern Molong Volcanic Belt in central N.S.W. New species described include Billingsaria spissa, Shlyginia printhiensis and Sowerbyites? wahringaensis. Elements of the Wahringa Limestone Member assemblage such as Labechia banksi, Labechiella regularis, and Maclurites cf. M. florentinensis are biogeographically significant in displaying strong similarities with contemporaneous Tasmanian faunas. The brachiopods Ishimia and Shlyginia from the Yuranigh Limestone Member are recognised for the first time outside Kazakhstan and Sibumasu. The presence of the brachiopod Anoptambonites in allochthonous limestone breccia within the lower Fairbridge Volcanics provides evidence of a regionally significant hiatus of 10–15 Ma duration separating this unit from the underlying Hensleigh Siltstone, of Early Ordovician (Bendigonian) age. The sponge Archaeoscyphia?, from allochthonous limestones in the latter formation, is the oldest macrofossil yet described from the Lachlan Fold Belt in central N.S.W.  相似文献   

The first Chinese Ordovician series was erected by Lee & Chao (1924). Since then, many regional Ordovician series and stage names have been established and mostly published in Chinese. The present study is a review of these regional units with a discussion of their definitions and correlation to the international standard. Among them, the Ichang series, Neichiashan series, Chientangkiang series, Yushanian stage and Dawanian Stage are most important; all regarded as regional stage divisions in China. The Lower, Middle and Upper Ordovician Series with their new definitions (Webby 1998) are now accepted in China. The global stage names, which have been approved (Tremadocian and Darriwilian), and “Caradocian” and “Ashgillian”, which are potentially to be part of the global standard, should be formally used in China. The Darriwilian Stage is defined in a global stratotype section near Huangnitang, Changshan, SE China. Only two regional stage names, the Yushanian and Dawanian, still remain since the international correlation of these two units has not yet been resolved. The main type Ordovician successions of China are identified, revised and regional correlations briefly outlined.  相似文献   

The new conodont Webbygnathus munusculum gen. et sp. nov. is described from Eastonian (early Late Ordovician) strata from the central part of the Parkes Zone of the Lachlan Fold Belt and the New England Fold Belt in New South Wales. In the type area south of Gunningbland, central New South Wales, the genus occurs associated with macrofossils of the coral/stromatoporoid assemblage Fauna II (early Eastonian or Ea2); in the New England region it has been obtained from strata on both sides of a major structural feature, the Peel Fault, the associated conodont assemblages indicating an age equivalent to that of coral/stromatoporoid assemblage Fauna III or late Eastonian (Ea3). The apparatus of this species, as presently known, comprises two pectiniform elements, one stellate with a four-rayed basal cavity, the other fundamentally pastinate, with a three-rayed basal cavity.  相似文献   

Wang, Z.H., Bergström, S.M., Zhen, Y.Y., Chen, X. & Zhang, Y.D., 2013. On the integration of Ordovician conodont and graptolite biostratigraphy: New examples from Gansu and Inner Mongolia in China. Alcheringa 37, 510–528. ISSN 0311-5518.

Few Ordovician successions in the world contain both biostratigraphically highly diagnostic conodonts and graptolites permitting an integration between standard biozones based on these fossil groups. The Sandbian Guanzhuang section in the vicinity of Pingliang in the Gansu Province has an outstanding graptolite record through most of the Nemagraptus gracilis and Climacograptus bicornis graptolite biozones. Calcareous interbeds in the succession yield biostratigraphically important conodonts, including some species used for biozonations in Baltoscandia and the North American Midcontinent. Likewise, the middle–upper Darriwilian Dashimen section in the Wuhai region of Inner Mongolia hosts both diverse graptolites of the Pterograptus elegans, Didymograptus murchisoni and lowermost Nemagraptus gracilis biozones, and conodonts of Midcontinent and Baltoscandic types. The distribution patterns of these index fossil groups provide an unusual opportunity to closely correlate conodont and graptolite biozones in the middle to upper Darriwilian to Sandbian interval. For instance, the base of the C. bicornis Biozone is approximately coeval with the base of the Baltoscandic B. gerdae Subbiozone and a level near the middle of the North American P. aculeata Biozone.

Zhi-hao Wang [zhwang@nigpas.ac.cn] Xu Chen [xu1936@gmail.com], and Yuan-dong Zhang [ydzhang@nigpas.ac.cn], Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China; Stig M. Bergström [stig@geology.ohio-state.edu], School of Earth Sciences, Division of Earth History, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; Yong Yi Zhen [yongyi.zhen@austmus.gov.au], Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia.  相似文献   

中国在南中国海的主权受到一些国家的挑战,菲律宾是其中之一。菲律宾最早对南中国海的岛礁提出领土要求可追溯到20世纪30年代。菲律宾在南中国海的活动分为三个阶段。20世纪70年代以前,菲律宾政府不断地对南沙岛礁提出领土要求,也支持其国民到南沙海域勘探,但未占领中国南沙岛礁;20世纪70年代,菲律宾占领了部分南沙岛礁;冷战结束后,由渔业纠纷而引发了美济礁和黄岩岛问题,影响较大。总的来看,南中国海争端一定程度上影响了两国关系,但不影响双边关系的大局。在可预见的将来,南中国海的局势将维持现状,双方会通过协商途径解决可能出现的纠纷和争执。  相似文献   

Comparisons of conodont and trilobite communities from the Arenig-Llanvirn of northern Spitsbergen show that both groups were influenced by the same environmental factors, related to a shallow to deep water profile at the western edge of the proto-Atlantic Ocean (Iapetus). The majority of both conodonts and trilobites had benthic or nektobenthic habits; a few genera of both groups were pelagic. Temperature was a major influence on the distribution of conodonts; similar genera could occur on both sides of ancient oceans (e.g. Iapetus) given the same temperature regime.  相似文献   

论三角缘神兽镜所见古代日本对江南文化的吸收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐坚 《东南文化》2000,(1):69-72
三角缘神兽镜的研究是中日两国学界共同关注的课题。本文认为日本出土的三角缘神兽镜是长江中下游地区的吴镜传统在日本的延续,它是经南路进入日本的吴地铜镜本土化的结果。  相似文献   

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