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Internal moulds of complete shells, including conch and associated opercula, of the hyolith Triplicatella disdoma from Cambrian Series 2, Stages 3–4 of South Australia are described. The conch of T. disdoma is shown to be narrow and cone-shaped, and with a rounded triangular cross-section. The conch shows a gentle dorsal curvature in lateral view. The fossils lack evidence of helens, and the operculum was smaller than the apertural diameter of the conch and could be withdrawn a short distance into the conch. Triplicatella was probably closely related to orthothecid hyoliths.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) and traditional techniques were used to study the internal morphology of modern fruits of Pleiogynium timoriense (DC.) Leenh., and phosphatized and silicified fruits that were considered to belong to the genus. The results demonstrate that phosphatized fruits from the Oligocene–Miocene Dunsinane site at Riversleigh and silicified fruits from the Oligocene Glencoe Site, which are both in Queensland, are referable to Pleiogynium. The Riversleigh material (Pleiogynium wannanii Rozefelds, Dettmann & Clifford sp. nov.) is very similar to extant P. timoriense (DC.) Leenh. Both possess locules that, in the vertical axial plane, are asymmetrically reniform and enclosed by a two-layered endocarp, the inner layer woody and resistant to decay, the outer of fibres and parenchyma, surrounded by a mesocarp of fibres and sclereids and a parenchymatous exocarp. The outer mesocarp is sculpted by meridionally arranged, elongate depressions (germination apertures) situated at the dorsal surface of each locule; erosion of the mesocarp and outer endocarp provides passage for emergence of the embryo’s radicle on germination. The silicified material from Glencoe (P. parvum Rozefelds, Dettmann & Clifford sp. nov.) is smaller in all its parts and has locules that are ovate in the vertical axial plane. Discrete, cap-like, opercula are not evident in the fruit wall of the fossil and extant fruits studied. The presence of Pleiogynium, and associated taxa, indicates the existence of rainforest communities at Glencoe, and mixed open forest/rainforest at Riversleigh during Oligocene–Miocene times. The multilocular, fossil fruit described as Pleiogynium mitchellii Collinson, Manchester and Wilde from the Eocene deposits at Messel Quarry, Germany, is not considered to belong in the genus, as evidence of elongate depressions on the dorsal surface of the fruit stones has not been demonstrated conclusively, and its internal morphology/anatomy differs significantly from that of Pleiogynium.  相似文献   

Bone is a dynamic tissue, responding locally to differential mechanical loading and systemically to hormonal stimuli. Although the tendency is to consider compact bone a homogenous tissue, regional variations in microarchitecture are known to have quite different properties relating to processes of growth and mechanical loading. Specifically, we investigated an example of microstructural variation of the human, adult femoral endocortex, referred to here as the endosteal lamellar pocket (ELP). The femoral ELP is characterised as a histomorphological meta‐feature, made distinct from general circumferential lamellae by its hemicircumferential lamellar orientation, medial positioning, radially oriented Volkmann's canals and decreased presence of Haversian systems. Our preliminary observations of mid‐diaphyseal transverse thin‐ground sections demonstrate the ELP as a regular meta‐feature of adult human femora unearthed from the Maya archaeological site of Xcambó, Mexico. ELPs were easily identified in 38 of 45 examined individuals. Their size, shape and degree of secondary remodelling were variable. In comparison, ELP lamellae and those originating from the periosteum are divergent, or non‐concentric in orientation. This divergence, along with the ELP's medial position, suggest it forms during growth through endosteal modelling drift. Possible considerations for ELP formation and persistence with age are discussed as well as its implications for the study of bone dynamics during growth and activity. Further research is necessary to quantitatively measure the morphology of ELPs and to identify any co‐variance between ELP characteristics and age, sex or indicators of mechanical loading. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Both bones and antlers have been used throughout history for manufacturing various products. Therefore, archaeologists often have to distinguish between these materials. The more the raw material (bone or antler) has been treated, the more complicated it is to distinguish. For this study, recent macerated and archaeological samples of bone and antler and their products have been compared. Antler is usually very easy to distinguish based on the characteristic surface structure; however, the original surface is not preserved in all artefacts. The inner surface of the diaphysis of long bones is mostly compact with prominent trabeculae and lamellae, whereas, after removal of the spongiosa, the inner surface of antler is characterised by numerous grooves. Sometimes, however, artefacts are found which are composed only of the compact bone substance, without inner and outer surfaces, and it is not possible to distinguish between bones and antlers macroscopically. Haversian systems can be found in histological and ground sections of both bones and antlers. In contrast to bones, antlers have few interstitial lamellae. The osteons of antler seem to be smaller and to consist of fewer layers than those of bone. Inner and outer circumferential lamellae cannot be distinguished in antlers. Although microscopic examination of sectioned samples does not allow distinction between bones and antlers in every case, it represents a valuable additional tool for distinguishing between these two materials in historic artefacts. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

VALENT, M., FATKA, O. & MAREK, L., iFirst article. Gracilitheca and Nephrotheca (Hyolitha, Orthothecida) in the Cambrian of the Barrandian area, Czech Republic. Alcheringa, 1–10. ISSN 0311-5518.

Five orthothecid hyoliths, Gracilitheca mirabilis sp. nov., Gracilitheca triangularis sp. nov., Gracilitheca sp., Nephrotheca betula sp. nov. and Nephrotheca sp. are described from the ‘middle’ Cambrian Buchava Formation of the Skryje–Tý?ovice Basin in the Czech Republic. The new forms are based on about forty well-preserved external and internal moulds of conchs; opercula of all species remain unknown. Stratigraphic ranges and geographic distributions within the Skryje Tý?ovice Basin are established for all taxa.  相似文献   


The present paper examines tooth enamel of three species of cattle, Bos acutifrons, Bos namadicus and Bos indicus, which are supposed to have been phylogenetically related and belong to the Quaternary period. It aims to show whether in a short geological time span of 2myrs, the changing environs that cattle were exposed to during the Early Holocene have caused any microstructural changes in their tooth enamel.

Mammalian teeth exhibit a very complex arrangement of prisms in the enamel. The prisms are bundles of hydroxyapatite crystallites, arrangement of which is genetically determined and subject to evolutionary change. Hypsodonty or high crowned molars are such examples where concomitant masticatory stress factors near the enamel-dentin junction (EDJ) are known to have affected and altered the enamel microstructure in several large mammalian genera. Modified radial enamel in the deep enamel layer in some ungulates, including cattle, is an adaptive response to these stress factors which appeared much earlier (Tertiary) in the evolutionary history of these large mammals.

The cattle enamel analysed here revealed several levels of structural complexity indicating its functional designations. The schmelzmuster in cattle are formed of three enamel types: radial enamel (outer enamel), Hunter-Schreger Bands (mid enamel), and modified radial enamel (inner enamel). There is an increase through time in the percentage of Hunter-Schreger Bands (HSB), which cover up to about 68% of the entire enamel surface among recent cattle. The modified radial enamel and radial enamel do have a receding trend in the Holocene, compared to their Pleistocene ancestors.  相似文献   

After the reconstruction of the original parish church of the Moravian town of Kyjov in the latter part of the seventeenth century, human skeletal remains from the disturbed graves of the surrounding cemetery were gathered in a vault which was partially excavated in 1994. Among disarticulated bones of at least 106 individuals, a fragmented skull of a young male was found, with a massive outgrowth of bone on the right parietal, originally continuing fluently on the non-preserved frontal scale, on edges lifting the outer lamina. The inner lamina was covered less intensively by the bony growth. Radiography and CT scans showed a non-homogeneous structure, the inside being irregular and the outside granulated or radially striated. A metastatic lytic focus was detected in the same bone. Histology and SEM examination showed an uneven mineralization of the bone tissue, consisting of rough, thickened and irregularly spaced trabeculae, with cellular remains or mineralized matrix on the surface. The differential diagnosis took meningioma into consideration but the most probable diagnosis was osteogenic sarcoma, which is still infrequent in the palaeopathological record from the Old World and its localization in the cranial vault is very rare. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the early 1960s the grave of a probable donor was discovered in the St Veit church in Unterregenbach, Stadt Langenburg, Kreis Crailsheim, southwestern Germany. After a re-examination, the skeleton may be regarded as clearly corresponding to the typical clinical picture of a multiple myeloma/plasma cell myeloma. The 45–55-year-old female individual shows all the characteristics of a malignant plasma cell tumour, with specific osteolytic lesions of the skull, vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, scapulae and long bones, and even-sized single defects without reactive zones on the edges. Several pathological fractures of the ribs and a vertebral compression fracture can be observed. The gnawing-mark-like features on the inner surface of the compact bone and the ‘punched-out’ lesions on the outer are distinguishing marks of a multiple myeloma.  相似文献   

Separate sublayers of the ‘layer 10’calcite from the Mausoleum of Petralona Cave, Greece, have been re-analysed by Uranium-series and palaeomagnetic methods. The results confirm earlier findings that the whole of layer 10 represents a long time span, from about 160 ka to more than 350 ka, the latter being the dating limit of the U-series method using alpha-spectrometry. The minimum age refers to the upper brown sublayer that is now believed to correspond directly to the brown calcite that cemented the hominid skull to the adjacent cave wall; there was too little of the skull calcite to date directly by alpha-spectrometry. The age shifts caused by making corrections for the amount of detritus in the sublayer are effectively insensitive to assumed initial values of the amount of common 230Th present. Consequently, the minimum age estimate for the skull is about 160 ka, in approximate agreement with several earlier estimates. Palaeomagnetic analyses of ‘layer 10’and underlying sedimentary layers showed that the magnetization is unstable and cannot be used as a basis for age control in the Mausoleum.  相似文献   

西汉诸侯王墓在继承前代的基础上多用棺椁,并有相关配套用具,体现出与身份地位相符的棺椁制度。棺椁在质地、重数及装饰等方面均存在着一些差异,反映了多样化的特点。棺椁是盛放墓主尸身的重要设施,在置椁下棺时会使用较多的工具以达到要求,保证安全。相关工具的使用一方面是对旧葬制、葬俗的继承,另一方面又与墓葬形制、结构,棺椁自身特点等密切相关,体现出丧葬礼俗的演进、相应科学技术的进步及诸侯王墓的时代特点和地域特征等。  相似文献   

In 1985 a Neanderthal skeleton was found in the cave of Kebara in southern Mt. Carmel. Electron spin resonance (ESR) dates have been obtained on tooth enamel of gazelles found in layer X, just overlying the layer in which the skeleton was found. Assuming early uptake of uranium by the teeth, they yield an age of 60 ± 6 ka; assuming gradual, linear uptake of uranium yields an age of 64 ± 6 ka. Both age estimates are consistent with a previous estimate for the skeleton, based on TL dating of burnt flint, of 60 ± 4 ka.  相似文献   

The City of Chicago and the inner suburbs grew much more slowly than the outer suburbs in recent decades. In the central county of the metropolitan area, commercial and industrial property is "classified," in that it is assessed at a higher ratio of market value than residential property. Classification is not used in the surrounding suburban counties. The empirical analysis finds evidence consistent with the notion that property tax classification contributes to differential rates of economic growth. High property tax rates lead to significantly slower growth rates for employment, commercial property, and industrial property.  相似文献   

The history of two monumental grave buildings (nos. 4 and 5), excavated in area P of the late pre‐Islamic city of Mleiha, has been studied in detail. Like all other tombs excavated up to the present day in Mleiha, their chambers had been emptied in ancient times. They were found devoid of human remains and grave‐goods. In the upper parts of the grave fills, however, skeletal remains were encountered. One of the skeletons was radiocarbon dated to AD 623–656, the time of the Islamisation of south‐east Arabia. A radiocarbon date of 384–233 BC for a wooden beam from the same tomb showed that it was built during the late pre‐Islamic period (PIR‐A). These dates and stratigraphic observations made clear that the interments were intrusive. The surrounding sediments were deposited by flooding. Directly underneath the skull of the dated skeleton, a layer of sandy loam was encountered, showing mud cracks. To understand the relationship between the burial and these deposits, micromorphological analyses of the surrounding sediments were conducted. The microstructural organisation of the sedimentary components implied that the skull was interred as part of a burial, and not deposited by natural processes.  相似文献   

The traditional two-dimensional concept of latitudinal natural geographical zones is challenged on the ground that it ignores the altitude factor and differences in the character of the surface environment. An alternative three-dimensional model of zonal systems is proposed, in which so-called landscape levels corresponding to particular geomorphic levels are distinguished in terms of radiation balance and elevation. The zonal systems are combined into four worldwide groupings: (1) an inner terrestrial group corresponding to a rocky surface environment; (2) an outer terrestrial group corresponding to a cryogenic rocky environment; (3) an outer ice group, corresponding to ice-covered segments of the earth's surface, and (4) an oceanic group. The paper is devoted to the first three continental groups of zonal systems. The traditional zonality is found to be well expressed in the inner terrestrial group, but the outer groups reflect mainly Markov's law of polar asymmetry (see Soviet Geography, February 1964).  相似文献   

程旭  师小群 《文物》2012,(5):74-97,1
唐玄宗贞顺皇后敬陵位于陕西省西安市长安区大兆镇庞留村西。墓中石梓为面阔三间、进深两间的单檐殿顶建筑,内壁和外壁布满雕刻及彩绘。外壁以神话人物和花鸟画面为主,绕以花草纹、动物纹、云纹等;内壁以仕女画面为主,边框饰花卉纹:基座刻瑞兽形象。是月前所见体积最大、等级最高的石掉,为研究唐代丧葬制度和绘画史提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

A new wave of publications attempts to bring together theory and history in order to reconsider the past, present, and future in light of a looming catastrophe. Whether in political theory, sociology, anthropology, or intellectual history, scholars are attempting to reflect about the present beyond the old boundaries that separate left and right, inner and outer, civilian and solider, friend and enemy. Three recent publications, by Catherine Mills, Didier Fassin, and an anthology edited by Devin Pendas, Mark Roseman, and Richard Wetzel, do so by considering the growth of biopolitical critique in their respective disciplines.  相似文献   

Roman metalworking crucibles are frequently characterized by an extra outer layer of clay, applied to a pre-formed vessel. Three-point bending and standardized dead-weight loading tests were conducted to determine the advantages offered by the extra outer layer. Deformation and fracture behaviour, at temperatures up to 1100°C, of two-layer, monolithic and tempered-monolithic briquettes were compared. Measurements indicated that the two-layer briquettes were more resistant to fracture at high temperatures: > 850°C they showed more extensive plastically deformed regions than monolithic briquettes. The influence of temper was consistent with previous results: tempering caused quasi-stable fracture and reduced fracture strength. The results suggest extra outer layers assisted in preventing catastrophic failure.  相似文献   

A human skeleton with a possible case of hypopituitarism is reported. The individual (burial M53) is from the site of Guanjia, a Neolithic settlement in northern China, dated to the Late Yangshao period (6000–5500 bp ). On the basis of the fully erupted third permanent molars and moderate occlusal dental wear resulting in substantial exposure of dentine, the initially estimated age‐at‐death was placed between 26 and 33 years. However, dimensions of the postcranial skeleton fall significantly below and outside the range from contemporaneous adult populations, and along with delayed epiphyseal fusion present throughout the skeleton, the postcranial age is concordant to that of an 11‐ to 13‐year‐old child. Most long bone epiphyses display incomplete fusion or are entirely unfused, but a lack of microporosity in the metaphyseal areas near growth plates indicates a cessation of longitudinal bone growth. Because no signs of porotic hyperostosis, cribra orbitalia, periosteal lesions or linear enamel hypoplasia are observed, the restricted growth of this individual is likely caused by a growth hormone disorder and is unrelated to nutritional deficiencies or systemic infection. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

上海青龙镇相传始建于公元746年,是上海地区最早的对外贸易重镇。2012年青龙镇的考古发掘中发现了 4座熔炉以及熔炉周围堆积的大量陶范、炉渣等,是上海地区首次发现的冶铸作坊遗址,遗址使用的主要年代是唐代晚期。为了解青龙镇唐代铸造作坊遗址出土陶范的制作技术,对遗址出土的陶范进行分析研究,以期揭示唐代青龙镇铸造作坊的制范技术。对陶范型腔面上残留的附着物分析主要元素是铁,表明陶范用于铸造铁器。经分析遗址中出土的陶范由三层组成:面层、背层和稻壳泥层。面层厚约1~2 mm,采用细颗粒泥料制作,致密,在铸造铁器时能确保陶范承受高温液态金属的充型压力,并得到表面光洁的铸件。背层厚约4~7 mm,该层羼入了粗颗粒物,这些羼和料可以减少陶范在干燥收缩和焙烧过程中的收缩变形。稻壳泥层厚约11~16 mm,该层羼入了一定量粗颗粒物,并羼入了大量的稻谷壳,陶范焙烧时谷壳烧失,在陶范上留下了大量的孔隙,便于铸造时型腔中气体的排出。三种不同的材质起到不同的作用,以保证成功铸造出铁器。在冶铸作坊废弃后在其上建造的一口水井内发现的铁釜、铁提梁鼎的形状与遗址中出土陶范所铸器物的形状吻合,应为该遗址所铸造器物。  相似文献   

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